Silencer Bill Passes!

After a drawn out battle in the Wyoming legislature the House voted today to overwhelmingly pass SF0132 to allow hunting with suppressors in Wyoming. Our lobbyist Todd Rathner worked very closely with the NRA, Wyoming Sportsmen For Fish and Wildlife, and Wyoming Gun Owners to strip out a bad amendment to the bill, which would have made it legal to only hunt varmints with suppressors. This damaging anti-gun amendment was supported by the Wyoming Game Wardens Association and the AFL-CIO Sportsmen?s Alliance which is an anti-gun front group for the left wing union.

BUT the work is NOT finished!!! It is critical that if you live, work or hunt in Wyoming you MUST contact Governor Matt Mead and politely ask him to sign SF0132 as soon as possible. He has only until THIS Saturday to sign, veto, or allow it to become law without his signature. We would prefer that he sign it making a bold statement about the benefits of hunting with suppressors.

PLEASE stop what you are doing and take a moment to email and call the governor's office and ask him to please sign SF0132. Our opponents will be asking him to veto it so we must get as many calls and emails in as possible.

Emaill Governor Matt Mead at: [email protected]
Call Governor Matt Mead at: (307) 777-7434
I really wish the lobbyists for these bills would keep hunting out of the equation when pushing their gun agenda.

I personally dont give two chits if someone wants to own a silencer...

I also dont have a problem when a majority of hunters get together and pass legislation to make silencers illegal for hunting.

Thats an issue about HUNTING, not about anyones right to own a silencer. The two are mutually exclusive.

No different than a caliber restriction for hunting, the use of lights at night for hunting, or any other self-imposed limits hunters choose to put on themselves.

Gun lobbyists are off the deep end, and only concerned with their bottom line and profits...they dont care about hunting, wildlife, or hunters...unless its to use hunters to further their agenda (profits, selling chit, and making money).

Dont drink the kool-aid...
>What are silencers for? poaching
>I guess.
>Just what we need here in
>Wyoming, more poaching.

Silencers are already legal to own in Wyoming. Guess how many poaching cases with silencers have been prosecuted in WY. If poachers used them don't you think there would have been at least one prosecution? This bill also INCREASES the penalties for misusing a silencer while hunting.
Hey Einstein...maybe theres a reason that silencer cases are never prosecuted...they probably never get caught because they're using a silencer.

Also, one of the biggest wildlife cases in Montana involved the use of silencers for poaching. It happened about 10 miles away from our Family Cabin on the Blackfoot river.

The Ruths poached for YEARS, killing hundreds of animals with silencers, many of them in the country I grew up hunting, and have been hunting since 1979.

But, hey, we all have to stick together to make silencers legal...right?
Maybe one of the biggest MT wildlife cases ever used silencers, but how many "big" cases happened without them?

If people are using silencers to poach they are going to continue to do so. Making it legal for law abiding citizens to use them hunting changes nothing. It's not going to make a model citizen/hunter go out and start poaching.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-14-13 AT 06:00PM (MST)[p]the problem is that there are many in between model citizens, most citizens wouldn't set off a canister of nerve gas at the mall either, but that doesn't mean I think anyone should be able to buy the stuff at the 5 and dime store.
Again I ask, what are they for? we have hearing protection available, do we really need more hitec advantages over the wildlife we hunt? I think not. Is it something people need for drive-bys? I don't get it.
Well it ain't Hi Tech it's 100 year old technology. Why use a range finder, a GPS, trail cam etc? The animals STILL evade us more often than not!!
Our technological advances over the wildlife we hunt results in diminished opportunity.
Its really dumb to come up with another tool to more easily kill a trophy, especially one that can easily be misused.

Imagine how tempted some people will be to leave an animal that has significant ground shrinkage? No one heard the shot, so why not?

I swear, I need to find a different hobby, this stuff gets more disgusting everyday
"I swear, I need to find a different hobby, this stuff gets more disgusting everyday"

***You know piper, the more of this kind of ##### that comes up the more I have that same sentiment in the back of my mind too!
LAST EDITED ON Feb-14-13 AT 06:37PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Feb-14-13 AT 06:37?PM (MST)

Then if they dont work...why the need for them?

You and the NRA do nothing for hunting other than drive the wedge between hunters even deeper.

Nice work!
Ok buzz! Topgun! And piper! Gzzzzz I have better fights with my girlfriend and my ex-wife! Then all three of you together do! The best part is I get laid in the end! Lmao!
Ok buzzy I can tell your on top of the ##### and topgun! Well I see you really care what happens with Wyoming! Piper you just like to fight!! I will put you in s ring with my girlfriend and if you walk away your the winner!! Lol

"Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son".

Just sayin'...
I have a feeling this passed to get more people to use silencers cause a $200 tax would rake in a lot of money..

Just throwing out a guess here.
I have had a serious problem with regulations against silencers since I first saw one in use in the field a few years ago.

Silencers have had a bad name due to misinformation for 80 years. The National Firearms Act of 1934 classed them the same as automatic weapons "gangster weapons". To purchase one you have to be pre-authorized by the ATF, which takes months and pay the $200 tax.

If you do a search you will find 30 calibre silencers selling for $500 to $1,500, they are so expensive because there isn't a lot of demand for them because of all the regulations against them.

These will reduce noise about 30 db, meaning they will reduce a 300 mag from about 160db to 130db. I don't know why anyone thinks this makes this a poachers weapon. They will also reduce recoil about 20-30%.

I think this would be a tremendous benefit to hunters to reduce noise and recoil by 20%.

I have only saw these used in South Africa, there wasn't any regulations against them there, because there wasn't any need for any. My PH wanted my wife (who isn't a hunter) to shoot something but she was afraid of the re-coil so he had her use his 308 with a silencer. It worked great.

Are silencers silent? No, not even close.

Are they poachers weapons? I guess if you are a criminal you can do anything you want but they don't really give a poacher much of an advantage.

Are they gangster weapons? Only in old movies.

Do they give hunters an unfair advantage for taking game? No.

If all restrictions were removed would they be a benefit to hunters and shooters? Yes.

If you believe in restrictions on silencers does that mean you are promoting gun control? Yes.
Does that mean you advocate waterfowl hunting with a rifle? Where's the NRA when I need them? I'd love to pick off some teal at 300 yards with my .270.
Silencers? Game Cameras? 1,000 Yard Rifles? The next thing they will legislate is your right to select a designated shooter in the field. I am so glad that I am old school.
A lot of comments here demonstrate how little some know about suppressors. WVHunter obviously knows something about them from his/her post.

A suppressor gives no advantage to the hunter. It simply reduces the initial noise from the rifle and recoil. It makes shooting much more enjoyable for everyone and will encourage people to go to the range more frequently. This will also help that hunter become a better shooter.

During the interim discussion this was discussed on 3 separate occasions. Wyoming's Chief Game Warden could find no evidence of increased poaching in states where use of suppressors was allowed for hunting. He actually helped write the language in the bill. The Wyoming G&F Department was neutral on this bill and said that it wouldn't matter.

The bullet fired from a suppressed rifle will perform no differently than a bullet fired from any other gun. The bullet will get to the animal being shot at much sooner than the noise from the shot would in either case. A missed shot will result in the animal acting just as they do any other time a shot has been missed.

Anyone that has hunted with a muzzle break or who has a friend who hunts with a muzzle break can appreciate the noise they create. A suppressor will provide the same benefit but they will cost more than a muzzle break does now.

The purpose of this bill was to address a vague law that used outdated language and was had been interpreted to prohibit the use of a suppressor anywhere wildlife occurred or may occur. In this state, that would be just about everywhere. People that had paid their $200 tax, been finger printed and photographed, submitted themselves to a complete DOJ background check, and been authorized by the CLEO (local police chief or sheriff) to possess a uniquely serial numbered suppressor were being told they had no place they could use them. Yes even on private property, they were told it was prohibited.

Bad guys will be bad guys & yes, it will continue to be sportsmen who act as the front line of defense against those which violate our game laws; however, as has been said already, a law abiding sportsman will not magically become a heinous poacher because you can now legally use the suppressor which you have waited for 6 months or more to obtain.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-15-13 AT 10:21AM (MST)[p]A few points and I'm done with this one.

1. Theres much better use of time, resources, and the legislature than to pass these kind of chicken-chit bills.

2. The hunters in Wyoming should be allowed to create HUNTING regulations without being impacted by this type of legislative action. If Wyoming hunters want to make them illegal for HUNTING, that is not an anti-gun action. Its a HUNTING regulation...period, end of story. No different than a caliber restriction, a maximum scope power on a muzzleloader, or a minimum draw weight for a bow.

3. The NRA and their tool of a lobbyist are flat liars. To say the NRA has done more for wildlife, wildlife habitat, and hunters is a LIE. A complete fabrication of reality and the truth. I cant stand a liar...and gunlobbyist clearly is, without question.

4. I'll defend the right to own firearms, and even silencers. But, that doesnt mean that I have to allow fully-automatic weapons, silencers, and hand gernades to be legal for hunting.

5. The NRA is doing a fantastic job of alienating themselves from the hunting public...and thats a fact. They'll never see a dime of my money...ever. They're no more helpful than PETA when it comes to hunting, wildlife, and land management. Before they entered the arena of hunting, I supported them, once they decided to "help" hunters...they've done nothing positive. They are the exact type of "help" we can do without.
>A suppressor gives no advantage to the hunter. It simply
>reduces the initial noise from the rifle and recoil.

Huh? How many shots are yer members needing to kill an animal. I killed a deer, antelope and elk last season with three shots. I wore hearing protection and had no issues with recoil from a hot 300 RUM.

My 11 year old daughter has been to the shooting range with me numerous times and enjoys shooting my 30-06. She wears hearing protection and rarely complains about recoil unless she's shot a bunch. Yer members sound like a bunch of pussies if they're too lazy to put on hearing protection and can't handle recoil from a couple shots. If yer gonna tell me they shoot more than a couple shots, then we're not talking about shooting at big game are we. I hope Mead veto's this crap bill...
Hey Triple_BB---We agree on something!!! It sure sounded like a lot of BS while reading what Smokestick posted. As far as I know the silencer has always been perfectly legal to go shoot at a range as long as the person complies with the Federal registration/tax requirement. He says passing this Bill will get more people shooting at the range because of less noise and recoil when the Bill doesn't even have anything to do with range participation. It sure is funny how ear protectors will take care of the noise problem and I doubt seriously that the recoil is going to be reduced on a big boomer to make it feel like you can shoot 100 rounds like it's a 22LR or .223. This was another sham of a Bill pushed through by a bunch of lobbyists not even from Wyoming and I hope Governor Mead listens to all the emails we're sending him and vetoes this crappola of a Bill!!!
LMAO at the comments of 'it will make it easier to poach..'

Supressors are used to reduce recoil and noise. But how much noise? Well, using a supressor on a 300 win mag reduces noise to a 223ish type. Still loud, but not nearly as bad. It also reduces the recoil to a 243ish type kick.
It will not make it easier for a poacher to poach. After all... they are POACHING regardless.
I for one am happy to see it pass. Now I can use the 338 Lapua this fall. It was called 'the concussion maker' for a reason. That puppy kicks like a Mule. With the supressor, its more like a 308. :)
Really think a guy breaking the law will care if it's legal or now to use at poaching. If you want to outlaw a Item that will curb poaching OUTLAW THE SPOTLIGHT.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
LAST EDITED ON Feb-17-13 AT 11:27AM (MST)[p]We already did...if you're caught with a means of take and a spotlight its against the law.

It is prima facie evidence of a violation if a person uses an artificial light in an area that may be inhabited by wildlife while having in his possession and control any device for taking wildlife.

Next dumb question or are you done?
"I'm all for the NRA and for reducing hearing loss."

***I am too and that's why there are all kinds of ear protection available without paying the Feds $200 and filling out a bunch of paperwork for a silencer and then spending that much or more for the device itself! Please realize that is required for each individual one a person desires to possess legally. How many people do you think can do that for their various firearms when all they really need is one set of hearing protectors per person at the most? People who say they have experience with them are also saying silencers don't reduce noise down to nothing like maybe a lot of people think.
Personally, I have no desire for a silencer, and probably never will. BUT why bang on the NRA????

IMO, the NRA isn't about fighting for our hunting rights, nor should they be. Their only agenda should be, and primarily is, the right to keep and bear arms (GUNS)

Some of those in Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, etc probably don't get it. I live in Kali; with a Democratic controlled Assembly, Senate and Governor. My ONLY line of defense is the NRA. That's why I re-upped my 5 year membership a couple of years early last month. I'm scared. Basically the Calif govenment is trying to make me a felon. I haven't read the entire proposed law but do know there is a 500 round limit on ammunition. I'll bet the majority of folks on MM have more ammo then that, even if they don't have an "assault" weapon to feed.

After getting Kali and NY on board, they'll be coming after you next, wait and see.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-18-13 AT 12:17PM (MST)[p]So outlawing the means to take with a spotlight hasn't stopped poaching yet.
Well I will be damned. So outlawing suppressor will stop it in your mind, I'm against any law that take away anyone personal rights, just because some-one else doesn't hunt or shoot the way you think they should doesn't make it wrong.So I guess I'm not done, I will always speak out against some-one trying to take my right or some-one else rights from them. If you don't like to hunt with one don't buy one, But don't tell the rest of the good people of Wyoming that your way is the only way and if anyone who don't agree with you are in some way wrong.
Since they are legal to own in your state,Now they are legal to use in your state for hunting now, so I guess the other type of people in your state agreed to them.
Now can we use a 50 BMG for taking deer and elk?

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
You'll have to excuse BUZZY...he's not the most tactful guy around.All good points,Gator.The way to stop poaching is increasing penalties.

Personally,I could give a rat's a$$ whether someone wants to use a silencer or not.Who freakin' cares???

That is what was amazing to me, SF0132 has increased penalties for anyone that use their suppressor to illegally take wildlife.

Pretty simple & straight forward bill.
>Glad to see it passed and

It's kinda funny how "SILENT" all the naysayers are now that it is law!
>>Glad to see it passed and
>It's kinda funny how "SILENT" all
>the naysayers are now that
>it is law!

What good would saying anything more do if it's now legal, LOL?!!!
I sat this one out... I looked at it several ways... And came to the conclusion that:

1. Already owning a silencer was not illegal
2. Paochers are probably not going to follow hunting gun control laws any more than a murder is going to follow other gun control laws.

3. It increased the penalty of the misuse.

4. It really is not about crime, if it were then we would not allow hunting with bows or crossbows (you can bet there are deer taken every year in WY with a drive by crossbow).

5. It is will awesome if I can quiet my 223 down enough to take multiple yotes in a stand. I can't wait. Now I just need to have my buddy hold my gun in WY for me until I go hunting since CO is in the crapper now...
Does a silencer have any negative effects on bullet speeds? From what the pro silencer people on this post have stated I have no real arguments against the use of silencers. I do think "technology" is changing the face of hunting with mostly negative effects. At first glance I was totally opposed to silencers based on thoughts that may increase the ?technology advantage?. People need to learn how to hunt a quit leaning on the technology.
I just did a quick google search and judging from the price, $1500-2500 I imagine most won't be running out and buying one anytime soon. This is probably a complete non-issue
>Does a silencer have any negative
>effects on bullet speeds?
>From what the pro silencer
>people on this post have
>stated I have no real
>arguments against the use of
>silencers. I do think
>"technology" is changing the face
>of hunting with mostly negative
>effects. At first glance
>I was totally opposed to
>silencers based on thoughts that
>may increase the ?technology advantage?.
> People need to learn
>how to hunt a quit
>leaning on the technology.
>I just did a quick google
>search and judging from the
>price, $1500-2500 I imagine most
>won't be running out and
>buying one anytime soon.
>This is probably a complete

it slows it down a touch cause if you want your gun to be more silent you have to shoot sub-sonic loads which is less powder. prices vary, depends where and who you use.

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