Snowbike vs coyote


Long Time Member
This would be fun!

LOL... That guy covered some ground..

We used to chase them out in the desert but there's lots of places for them to hide and get away.. My brother ran one down one time and it found an old mine to bay up in..My bro found some rebar nearby and killed it with it lol... I don't dare post those pics on MM though...


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
Yea, great fun! I hate yotes, but I found myself rooting for him and hoping the guy cracked up running through those trees like that---not too friggin smart!!!
That guy should be fined. Nothing like straight wildlife harrassment right there! Yes, it's a coyote and agree with calling them a varmit.... but running them down like that is total bs! Don't care what type of animal.
No wonder groups get bad names. Every motorcycle rider out there now is considered a person who runs down wildlife for the fun of it.


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"
Also too bad that dumb@$$ didn't wrap that bike around a tree and have to walk out with a broken bone or two.


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"
it was six s for me . one less worthless coyaote' one less bike...your a winner either way.
Thats the type of s*#t that gets the animal rights activists allover us as hunters, what a bunch bulls*#t i would like to run the rider down!
Not too cool. I don't mind seeing you chase them and get in shooting range then take a shot. But running them down just doesn't jive with me.

I guess it is pretty standard practice in the great North though to do this on snowmachines. Not sporting.


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Before calving season you kill those little prairie wolves any way you can. Sorry But killing them with snowmobiles is a good way to control them in deep snow, They can run like the devil on it, But the deer they sink in deep are easy picking.They will run deer until they drop in the deep snow, Alot like shed hunters. LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Think about a day old fawn deer or a day old calf elk being taken by a yote! I say chase them basturds and the wolfs till they all fall over!

Bring up this is whats giving us a hunters a bad wrap i dont see the bike rider with camo on or a gun do you?

My mom's dad (my grandpa) lived in Kansas as a kid. He was the very first person in the County he lived in to buy a Harley Davidson motorcycle.(he was born in 1896) He used to tell me about all the good times he had chasing coyotes out across the prarie. That always made him laugh.

Bad Grandpa.

You gotta admit, that was one heck of a ride. I've been chewing on both sides of this debate all evening. You guys that say it's not sporting and gives us a bad name may be right, when it's laid out there for the world to see. However, the other side is right, too. If we want to continue hunting as we know it, critters like coyotes, "wolves" etc. must be controlled. Ranchers, etc. have been controlling them for years from the air, (helicopters, planes). That's not sporting either, but it is necessary! We used to poison them. That's not sporting either, but it worked great. Hunting has never been the same since it was stopped. So, in my view, maybe not advertise it, but they will continue on no matter how we thin them out as long as they have a food source.
>Think about a day old fawn
>deer or a day old
>calf elk being taken by
>a yote! I say
>chase them basturds and the
>wolfs till they all fall
>Bring up this is whats giving
>us a hunters a bad
>wrap i dont see the
>bike rider with camo on
>or a gun do you?

+100 even if the Guy is a hunter y'all need to pull yer panties out a wad!

Traditional >>>------->
It's cruel and totally sadistic. He should be fined and have his bike taken and auctioned with the money going to Fish & Game to prevent this type of action.

I'm all for hunting coyotes but this is torture plain and simple.

I hope the anti-hunters don't judge all of us based on this type of reckless and irresponsible activity.
Highly unethical, very immoral, extremely cruel and just plain rude...

Oh wait, I had my skirt caught in the chain. What I meant to say was, run 'em tell they pop!
My cousin is a sheep rancher. He has chased them down with quads for years. I see nothing wrong with it.

"Life's tough. It's even tougher if you're stupid."

-John Wayne
I've got 8mm film of my Dad and I hunting coyotes with smowmobiles back in the 70's early 80' we did was 7 in one day...I used a sawed-off shotgun and had the gas lever switched to my left hand..we had a blast...still legal here in Wyoming..paid for a snowmobile back then with hide money..
Looks like the coyote got away in the end. Damn. Next time, I'd suggest the rider pack some kind of firearm to finish the chase properly. Love my SKS on my snowmobile. ;-)
That guy could ride I'll give him that.

My uncle used to run 'em on horseback. Coyotes would be too busy looking back over their shoulder to run fast. When they caught up to 'em they would beat 'em to death with their lasso. Sounded like good clean fun to me.

Again I ask... "have some of you guys actually ever killed anything?"
LAST EDITED ON Dec-24-11 AT 10:27AM (MST)[p]Whats the big deal
Yot's use the snow to there advantage to chase down there prey
I don't see nothing wrong with us using snow to chase down Yot's
Looks like a fun ride to me
Thought, felt like i was in some video game. Cool Clip!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Well, I guess I will be the Devil's Advocate here.

That was AMAZING! Coolest video I have seen in a LONG time!

First off, that guy has some serious BALLS......what a ride. I would not have made 20 yards thru those trees.

Secondly, I don't care how you kill coyotes, as long as they end up unable to kill ANYTHING else.

Thirdly, what a great camera!

Anyway, those of you with your standard rhetoric about the anti's, are becomming VERY boring.

Those people INVENT chit to b***ch about, and they don't need you whiners to point out the various ways people "abuse" animals.

Don't be so hipocritical. It's OK to use your term "fair chase" and kill stuff from 200 yards away, that has no idea you are there, but you think this "chase" is out of the box?

"Hunting game"....dumb statement. How can it be a "game" if only one side knows it is even being played?

At least this coyote KNEW it was "game on"!

"Fathom the hypocracy of a Government that requires every citizen to prove that they are insured.....but not everyone must prove that they are a citizen"
+2 for Nickman's post... For a grump ol' fugger he nailed it with that


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
Man I must be a weirdo, I cring at the long range shooting and slow kills, but see nothing wrong with runnin down a yote.
I thought that video was absolutely awesome. I can't believe he had the brassies to fly through those trees at those speeds. I found my whole body contorting and head bobbing and weaving around each limb. The rider was very focused not to run into the trees while keeping an eye on where the songdog was running.

Hated to see how it ended. What happened next? Was his bike too busted up to continue?

Cool video!

Should have a pistol mounted on the handlebars so he could get up next to it and blast him.
Chased one down on my snowmobile once, ran over him twice and then he got into the trees and I couldn't follow him anymore, it was a blast. Used to chase rabbits out on the desert with a dirt bike that was fun too. Some of you girls need to hike up your skirt and kill something once in a while.
I didn't really care for the video. You guys can have your opinions saying that it's ok so I can have my opinion as well. I hunt coyotes quite a bit. Mainly for the challenge but also for the sport and an excuse to get out. I do not however find it entertaining to video tape oneself chasing a coyote for a mile or more and running it over to possibly injuring it enough so that it dies slowly. There is nothing ethical about chasing down any animal and running it over regardless of what type of animal, big or small. I guarantee that if someone posted a video of someone chasing down a deer or elk on video it would be chewed apart. But do people chase down deer and elk like that? Yes!
I think we need to respect the wildlife we hunt and teach the coming generation how to respect the outdoors. The mentality of chasing down a coyote and running it over is no different than someone who enjoys poaching. There shouldn't be any tolerance for it.
Just my $.02...

Workman Predator Calls Field Staff
Well put cjg. Because mimicking or playing the sound of a dying rabbit leading a hungry coyote to believe he is going to fill his belly with a free meal, only to be greeted by a blast from a twelve guage shotgun or to be sniped at long range by a super accurate varmint rifle is far more respectful, ethical and sporting. If I were a coyote I would feel better being killed that way than being run down by a motorcycle.

The opinions stated here are my own and not those of Workman Predator Calls Field Staff. ;-)
LAST EDITED ON Dec-25-11 AT 07:57PM (MST)[p]Those yotes can keep that pace up for over a half hour and you will ruin your bike before you ever run them over. I say its fare game! Especially when they aren't ruing the terrain with their bikes.

Also your not going to run them over with a quad! The quads cant turn fast enough and they cant get through the brush. Maybe a snowmobile in the right terrain but not a quad.

I know I show respect to animals buy blowing a hole in their chest. Ethics, respect, just like poaching....blah,blah,blah.

I can't wait to get mine. What a way to make great use of a bike!
Cjg,so its okay to blast the sh!t out of a coyote at 20 yards with a shotgun but its not okay to run over one with a bike or snowmobile? If you've been hunting coyotes for any length of time you've also wounded some that wandered off to die a slow death too you hipocrit.
Note to self; don't buy any Workman predator calls.
If I enjoy running coyotes down on a snowmobile, I'm a poacher it doesn't matter if it's legal or illegal, That how your mind works.

Note: workman calls sucks ass is just my opinion.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Again, the coyote in this video got away apparently unharmed. Most of the time when you run over a coyote on a snowmachine you just push him down into the snow where he pops up and takes off again......and that appears to be exactly what happened in this video. So what's this talk about poaching??

Sorry, but I'm not about to apologize for any of the coyotes I've run down over the years on my sled.

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