Something is wrong with the gun

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Long Time Member
Alright guys let's talk long range rodeos. I'm at home in a post Christmas sugar coma. I click on the boob tube. There's some show called Extreme Outer Limits. Never seen it but it looked interesting because they are "hunting" elk in Oregon.

Within about 2 minutes of watching it is obvious that this is a long range target shooting show. I keep watching. They locate a bull. They decide to take an 880 yard shot.

Moment of truth. First shot misses by 5 feet. Immediate response is "Something must be wrong with the gun!" The second shot hits the bull in the lungs and kills it. Now I can go on about how they didn't even go contact a bull they knew was dead that evening or night and instead came back the next day to a giant bloated up bull that has probably spoiled . Instead I wanted to analyze the statement "Something must be wrong with the rifle!"

I reflect on decades of hunting and guiding experience. Anybody want to take a stab at how many first shot one shot kills I have seen over 500 yards in that time. ZERO. straight up zero.

Suddenly it dawns on me that every time I saw an attempt it was immediately followed by a mechanical excuse. My range finder must have hit that cholla between us and gave me a wrong reading. The gun must have gotten bumped off in the buggy. I need to upgrade my wind meter. I think they sent me the wrong ammo. Etc. Etc. Etc. It never enters their minds that they are just flat out shooting their limitations. Nooooo, something is wrong with the equipment. I was perfect and this "Dial it. Dump'em" doohicky let me down.

Oh yeah these long range target shooting shows target a particular bass better than they target big game.
Now you know how most of the forum feels when someone or something screws up, they or it gets called on it and you instantly come to the rescue in their defense. Never placing the blame where it truly lies. Pointing fingers in all directions but where the fault clearly is.

kinda absurd, isn’t it?
I reflect on decades of hunting and guiding experience. Anybody want to take a stab at how many first shot one shot kills I have seen over 500 yards in that time. ZERO. straight up zero.
I’ve personally witnessed many (30+) 1 shot, 1 kill at 500+. So have many others on here. Hell my wife’s first time shooting at a deer on her very first deer hunt 10 minutes into opening morning, was at 585. First shot, smoke show. He didn’t need a 2nd shot, but he was still on his feet so she sent another one. Holes were almost touching. Very possible, in all types of conditions. Maybe you need to work on getting your clients closer to what their actual shooting abilities are before you allow them to take the shot.

or upgrade that Walmart .30-06 and tasco 4x scope. Nice chit usually makes those longer shots a little easier
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Now you know how most of the forum feels when someone or something screws up, they or it gets called on it and you instantly come to the rescue in their defense. Never placing the blame where it truly lies. Pointing fingers in all directions but where the fault clearly is.

kinda absurd, isn’t it?
Not true or relevant. Swing and a miss.
I’ve personally witnessed many (30+) 1 shot, 1 kill at 500+. So have many others on here. Hell my wife’s first time shooting at a deer on her very first deer hunt 10 minutes into opening morning, was at 585. First shot, smoke show. He didn’t need a 2nd shot, but he was still on his feet so she sent another one. Holes were almost touching. Very possible, in all types of conditions. Maybe you need to work on getting your clients closer to what their actual shooting abilities are before you allow them to take the shot.

or upgrade that Walmart .30-06 and tasco 4x scope. Nice chit usually makes those longer shots a little

Some old crap. Attack the poster instead of talk about the content. I've got news for you boy some of those shooters have been the same guys you are watching on TV fist pump after shooting critters at 900 yards. I've seen it with Best of the west systems, Proof systems, Cooper, etc. Etc. Same result just different trigger jerkers.

Glad your wife hit her very first live target. Sounds like it was a tough hunt. Congratulations.
It’s very true and very relevant. Only one swinging and missing here is you. 500 yards isn’t that far or very hard to accurately shoot out to.
Says the internet dude and the companies with software editing program for their TV show.

I think you missed the point of the thread but that doesn't surprise me. Your ego must have taken a poke.

And no its not true or relevant just because you say so.
I’m not sure who was the trigger puller on the show you referred to but the show I believe is sponsored by MOA Rifles. They specialize in custom rifles and have a long range shooting school. I have no idea how frequently they edit their hunt footage or how many times they miss their target. In my opinion, 880 yards is too far.

I have read many of your posts and most times that someone disagrees with or challenges you; you take the low road and call them “boy”. Probably not a good strategy towards constructive conversation. Just my 2 cents.
My beef with these social video types is as soon as they pull the trigger or release the arrow then run toward the camera and say something stupid instead of staying on the animal they just shot at. Ie "that's how it's done boy!"
Most guys have no idea really where there cold bore shot is out at ranges like 800. There “dialed in” rifle is from extending shooting sessions. Only get one chance a day to get that true cold bore shot to practice a hunting situation. That usually requires more of a commitment then most guys put into it. Go out, shot 30 rounds, somewhere in the middle of those you get some good hits at 800 and your “ dialed”
Guys, Guys, Guys...Gonna say one thing here. Out of boredom ("post sugar coma") Trollstate spun a web for any that dare to walk on it. Learn to leave the recluse alone and it'll find a new home!

But, of course, you are all free to battle it out to the bloody end for the purposes of entertaining the masses.

Just some food for thought before I jump outta this toilet bowl!
Doesn't anyone look at ballistics? I looked at the ballistics for my particular set up so often, it's mostly memorized. If 1500 ft.lbs. of energy is needed to kill an elk, at what range does my set up hit that lower limit, and, at that speed, will my bullet expand reliably? that's my "long range" with that equipment. For my set-up, 400 yards for elk, 500 yards for deer/antelope is my "long range limit". As long as I practice to that distance, I feel confident. Otherwise, I limit myself to 300 yards, as I do get the opportunity to practice out to 300.
I’m not sure who was the trigger puller on the show you referred to but the show I believe is sponsored by MOA Rifles. They specialize in custom rifles and have a long range shooting school. I have no idea how frequently they edit their hunt footage or how many times they miss their target. In my opinion, 880 yards is too far.

I have read many of your posts and most times that someone disagrees with or challenges you; you take the low road and call them “boy”. Probably not a good strategy towards constructive conversation. Just my 2 cents.

deerkiller's first post used the word "you" twice and made assumptions about how I and others "feel" on these forums. Those are childish ideas and posts. I have little mercy on the wimps that post garbage like that. Go check out blood tracker's first post on this thread. Just some worm talking trash about me and other posters on the sight. Easier than actually adding thoughtful content I guess.

You posted well worded quality content with respect PLK. Even if I disagree with you, you receive respect back. These boys don't.
Some old crap. Attack the poster instead of talk about the content. I've got news for you boy some of those shooters have been the same guys you are watching on TV fist pump after shooting critters at 900 yards. I've seen it with Best of the west systems, Proof systems, Cooper, etc. Etc. Same result just different trigger jerkers.

Glad your wife hit her very first live target. Sounds like it was a tough hunt. Congratulations.
You attack the poster on every topic under the sun! Only one to point fingers at here is you.

tough hunt? Says the dude from Texas. Land of high fences, corn feeders and captive breeding. Yeah you know all about hard hunts, I’m sure. ?
You you you you blah blah you. Still no logic or reason. Just a bunch of butt hurt crying.
Doesn't anyone look at ballistics? I looked at the ballistics for my particular set up so often, it's mostly memorized. If 1500 ft.lbs. of energy is needed to kill an elk, at what range does my set up hit that lower limit, and, at that speed, will my bullet expand reliably? that's my "long range" with that equipment. For my set-up, 400 yards for elk, 500 yards for deer/antelope is my "long range limit". As long as I practice to that distance, I feel confident. Otherwise, I limit myself to 300 yards, as I do get the opportunity to practice out to 300.
Made me go look at mine real quick because it’s been a while since I reviewed it. I shoot a 30 nosler with a 210 gr bullet going 3000 FPS. At 950 yards I’ve got 1576 ft pnds. That’s way further then I’m going to shoot an animal. I do practice out there and with no wind I’m pretty good. I built that rifle specifically to be able to take 700 yard shots should I need to. One spot I deer hunt that covers three different drainages from one point. That spots actually why I built my rifle. What I had before couldn’t effectively hunt it. Think my buck last year was 630 and this year was 450. Well over 2k of energy in that range. But no, not a lot of guys look at that
Killing an animal past 500yds isn't hunting, It's shooting.
It takes a real piss poor hunter to not be able to get closer than 500yds.

At this point, it's all about the kill and not about the hunt.
Little to far of a statement to make really. Sometime the only shot on a deer can be from the other side of a drainage. I can show you some pretty extreme terrain here in Idaho . Been cliffed out many a time.
Killing an animal past 500yds isn't hunting, It's shooting.
It takes a real piss poor hunter to not be able to get closer than 500yds.

At this point, it's all about the kill and not about the hunt.
Using a scoped rifle, range finders, camo, compound bows, Carbon arrows, spotting scopes, trail cameras and binoculars isn’t hunting. It’s killing. Only a pisspoor hunter would use anything other than a long bow or flintlock rifle to kill their animals.

oh and going with another person is cheating as well. Another set of eyes and ears is cheating and not true hunting. Only a piss poor hunter can’t do it on their own.
Bob beck is the owner of MOA rifles and his show is extreme outer limits. He has helped develop quite a few products for the LR community. The EOL line of Berger bullets are popular.
Ft Lbs of “energy” has long been what people talk about and use when explaining a kill. Bullets kill by trauma and destroying tissue/causing blood loss. I prefer velocity/bullet design and how they perform at a given velocity as to my personal shooting limits.
There are many videos that show people shooting much further than they should and it’s quite sickening. Watched a video the other day a guy shot 3-4 times at a deer and was “holding over its back” and couldn’t even tell where he was hitting.
Using a scoped rifle, range finders, camo, compound bows, Carbon arrows, spotting scopes, trail cameras and binoculars isn’t hunting. It’s killing. Only a pisspoor hunter would use anything other than a long bow or flintlock rifle to kill their animals.

oh and going with another person is cheating as well. Another set of eyes and ears is cheating and not true hunting. Only a piss poor hunter can’t do it on their own.
I agree. :cool:
So here's my question. If you miss an animal do you immediately yell, "There is something wrong with my gun" or do you immediately realize the most flawed variable in any shooting situation, THE SHOOTER, may have made a mistake.
Almost all of the people I see talk about long range hunting or shooting are full of it. It’s like the people that talk about 190” deer not fully understanding how big that really is. I’m in another forum that’s like the MM of Arizona and this gets talked about a lot. Someone is a real badass at shooting long range and they post pics of their groups on steel and they shot that group at a ridiculous distance with a sporting rifle no less. Post after post of stellar shooting. When you mention that they would win every trophy out there in F Class and be super famous doing it with a 7.5 pound rifle, they say that they’re not interested in that. Yet they posted the pictures and load up their social media with their accomplishments. Then someone says let’s get together with a few people and see you do that. Then they stfu. It’s obvious they’re a phony. Maybe they can hit steel out that far, but it takes them 15+ rounds to do it.
So here's my question. If you miss an animal do you immediately yell, "There is something wrong with my gun" or do you immediately realize the most flawed variable in any shooting situation, THE SHOOTER, may have made a mistake.
Interesting the word “you” was also mentioned in that post twice.

I personally would quickly double check my range and dial. If those are correct, I have no issue admitting I pooched the shot and will try for a follow up if the animal allows me to. I’ve spent A LOT of time behind my rifles and bows, and generally don’t miss if I have the time to get an accurate range and make a good shot. But I have missed before and it was 100% me. However, I’ve killed far more my first shot than I have missed. But mistakes do happen and human error is very possible when there’s so much to do and remember in a very short amount of time
I think that if you shoot and miss and then immediately say that there is something wrong with your gun; perhaps you shouldn’t take a second shot.

In response to, “so much to do and remember in a short period of time”. I thought the long range game was a piece of cake; spin the turret to the distance, make a windage adjustment and game over.
Alright guys let's talk long range rodeos. I'm at home in a post Christmas sugar coma. I click on the boob tube. There's some show called Extreme Outer Limits. Never seen it but it looked interesting because they are "hunting" elk in Oregon.

Within about 2 minutes of watching it is obvious that this is a long range target shooting show. I keep watching. They locate a bull. They decide to take an 880 yard shot.

Moment of truth. First shot misses by 5 feet. Immediate response is "Something must be wrong with the gun!" The second shot hits the bull in the lungs and kills it. Now I can go on about how they didn't even go contact a bull they knew was dead that evening or night and instead came back the next day to a giant bloated up bull that has probably spoiled . Instead I wanted to analyze the statement "Something must be wrong with the rifle!"

I reflect on decades of hunting and guiding experience. Anybody want to take a stab at how many first shot one shot kills I have seen over 500 yards in that time. ZERO. straight up zero.

Suddenly it dawns on me that every time I saw an attempt it was immediately followed by a mechanical excuse. My range finder must have hit that cholla between us and gave me a wrong reading. The gun must have gotten bumped off in the buggy. I need to upgrade my wind meter. I think they sent me the wrong ammo. Etc. Etc. Etc. It never enters their minds that they are just flat out shooting their limitations. Nooooo, something is wrong with the equipment. I was perfect and this "Dial it. Dump'em" doohicky let me down.

Oh yeah these long range target shooting shows target a particular bass better than they target big game.
It's human nature to blame the gun. What's the first thing I do when I pull hook a golf ball out of bounds? Look at my golf club like wtf is wrong with this club.:oops:
mistakes do happen and human error is very possible when there’s so much to do and remember in a very short amount of time

Why would you ever rush a long range shot. Certainly said critter has no idea you are anywhere around.
It's human nature to blame the gun. What's the first thing I do when I pull hook a golf ball out of bounds? Look at my golf club like wtf is wrong with this club.:oops:
I try to keep my shot distances around a 5 iron. I'm almost competent from wedge range.

I used to pull hook one every once in a while when I was shotgun shooting. Switched to a release trigger and all good. Been threatening to try one on a bench gun. (y)
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Why would you ever rush a long range shot. Certainly said critter has no idea you are anywhere around.
Being an experienced hunter, you should know they don’t always just stand in the wide open, stationary for 15 minutes inbetween steps. And sometimes it not you that the animals are alerted to, it’s other hunters, hikers, animals, etc they could be nervous about
Being an experienced hunter, you should know they don’t always just stand in the wide open, stationary for 15 minutes inbetween steps. And sometimes it not you that the animals are alerted to, it’s other hunters, hikers, animals, etc they could be nervous about

That's when you act like a sportsman and take a step back. reassess the situation and don't take the shot.
Rushing is not the answer, Especially in long range shooting.

Or, You could #sendit and hope for the best. Who cares if the animal gets wounded never to be found. There's always more over the next ridge.
Being an experienced hunter, you should know they don’t always just stand in the wide open, stationary for 15 minutes inbetween steps. And sometimes it not you that the animals are alerted to, it’s other hunters, hikers, animals, etc they could be nervous about
I gotta be honest deerkiller. That last statement sounds like a dangerous spitshow. It sounds like you are saying that you are going hunting and some other hunters are much closer to your target than you are. So in a rush you are willing to twist some doohickeys on the scope, tell your partner to hold your beer, and let it fly. Now I may have taken a little liberty with the description but it does sound like a public safety disaster waiting to happen that you don't care about other people getting in the way of what you want.
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I gotta be honest deerkiller. That last statement sounds like a dangerous spitshow. It sounds like you are saying that you are going hunting and some other hunters are much closer to your target than you are. So in a rush you are willing to twist some doohickeys on the scope, tell your partner to hold your beer, and let it fly. Now I may have taken a little liberty with the description but it does sound like a public safety disaster waiting to happen that you don't care about.
It gets dicey when 16 people are watching every animal.......
I’ve personally witnessed many (30+) 1 shot, 1 kill at 500+. So have many others on here. Hell my wife’s first time shooting at a deer on her very first deer hunt 10 minutes into opening morning, was at 585. First shot, smoke show. He didn’t need a 2nd shot, but he was still on his feet so she sent another one. Holes were almost touching. Very possible, in all types of conditions. Maybe you need to work on getting your clients closer to what their actual shooting abilities are before you allow them to take the shot.

or upgrade that Walmart .30-06 and tasco 4x scope. Nice chit usually makes those longer shots a little easier
Lmao really? It didn’t need a second shot but it was still standing. Coming from someone who has killed myself past 500 yards I can tell you with certainty that wasn’t a 1 shot kill. FYI the actions a Walmart action on my rig. Granted it’s a savage with only the bolt and action being stock, it’s still a Walmart gun none the less. Could I have gotten a better action? Yes but it’s still accurate none the less and the money I saved allowed me to put it towards a better barrel and optics. Granted it shot just fine out of the box...
Its all in the ability of the shooter. I will never use long distance equipment, cause I just don't think it would be any fun. However, I will stay within my realm of confidence and abilities. Longest shot I have taken was 480 yards on a bull elk. I killed it with my 270 with a $250 Nikon BDR scope. Farther than that, I will work to get closer.

However, I would imagine, those that push the boundaries with state-of-the-art equipment will encounter equipment failures. The farther the boundaries being pushed, the more you have to rely on equipment. Another reason I won't use equipment to push boundaries - too much reliance on equipment and margin for error.
Lmao really? It didn’t need a second shot but it was still standing. Coming from someone who has killed myself past 500 yards I can tell you with certainty that wasn’t a 1 shot kill. FYI the actions a Walmart action on my rig. Granted it’s a savage with only the bolt and action being stock, it’s still a Walmart gun none the less. Could I have gotten a better action? Yes but it’s still accurate none the less and the money I saved allowed me to put it towards a better barrel and optics. Granted it shot just fine out of the box...

LMAO really? Just because the deer was still standing after a shot doesn’t mean it wasn’t dying or dead on it feet. There are many situations that a second shot makes sense just as added insurance.
My biggest problem with the LR shooters now is the lack of knowledge/practice I’ve seen personally and on many videos. I don’t have a problem with people shooting LR at game especially when they know their equipment and practice but what really gets me are the guys that dial the rifle for a client/friend/shooter that isn’t even familiar with the rifle.
LMAO really? Just because the deer was still standing after a shot doesn’t mean it wasn’t dying or dead on it feet. There are many situations that a second shot makes sense just as added insurance.
My biggest problem with the LR shooters now is the lack of knowledge/practice I’ve seen personally and on many videos. I don’t have a problem with people shooting LR at game especially when they know their equipment and practice but what really gets me are the guys that dial the rifle for a client/friend/shooter that isn’t even familiar with the rifle.
Well if he’d stop letting the wife use a 223 it would have probably fallen faster.
Lmao really? It didn’t need a second shot but it was still standing. Coming from someone who has killed myself past 500 yards I can tell you with certainty that wasn’t a 1 shot kill. FYI the actions a Walmart action on my rig. Granted it’s a savage with only the bolt and action being stock, it’s still a Walmart gun none the less. Could I have gotten a better action? Yes but it’s still accurate none the less and the money I saved allowed me to put it towards a better barrel and optics. Granted it shot just fine out of the box...
When he’s shot through the center of the lungs the first shot, he doesn’t need a second one. But it was still on his feet in the 10 seconds she got reloaded and found it in the scope again. Might as well send another one since it’ll be another year before you can do it again.
I gotta be honest deerkiller. That last statement sounds like a dangerous spitshow. It sounds like you are saying that you are going hunting and some other hunters are much closer to your target than you are. So in a rush you are willing to twist some doohickeys on the scope, tell your partner to hold your beer, and let it fly. Now I may have taken a little liberty with the description but it does sound like a public safety disaster waiting to happen that you don't care about other people getting in the way of what you want.
Utah general hunts are a public safety disaster as a whole. Don’t try to read between the lines here and make something out of nothing. You know damn well what I mean and the numerous scenarios that can and will play out where everyone involved is safe.
Tristate only owns a BB gun and can’t shoot past 30 feet.
Or maybe he likes to get so close to a cow elk in heat that he can taste it???
I see they're still bitin in this pond. What was the final verdict on Abe the sheep hunter?
Made me go look at mine real quick because it’s been a while since I reviewed it. I shoot a 30 nosler with a 210 gr bullet going 3000 FPS. At 950 yards I’ve got 1576 ft pnds. That’s way further then I’m going to shoot an animal. I do practice out there and with no wind I’m pretty good. I built that rifle specifically to be able to take 700 yard shots should I need to. One spot I deer hunt that covers three different drainages from one point. That spots actually why I built my rifle. What I had before couldn’t effectively hunt it. Think my buck last year was 630 and this year was 450. Well over 2k of energy in that range. But no, not a lot of guys look at that
What's your drop on a 30 Nosler 210 gr bullet at 950 yards. That heavy of a bullet must drop an awful lot?
The most commonly lost deer is a dead deer.


Sometimes its better to be safe than sorry. Its ok if a buck gets away without you slinging lead sometimes. After all its only 10 minutes into the shoot.
The most commonly lost deer is a dead deer.


Sometimes its better to be safe than sorry. Its ok if a buck gets away without you slinging lead sometimes. After all its only 10 minutes into the shoot.
Blasphemy, It's always better to #sendit even if their is a better chance of wounding the animal than recovery.. How else are the Longrangers going to get their ugly mugs on instapot before anyone else.
The most commonly lost deer is a dead deer.


Sometimes its better to be safe than sorry. Its ok if a buck gets away without you slinging lead sometimes. After all its only 10 minutes into the shoot.
You drink your own bath water, don’t ya bud? I have no idea how you came to the conclusion that anything but safe, precise, controlled hunting and shooting took place on my wife’s hunt, in a canyon that we were all alone in that morning.
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21 MOA. it is a lot, 209 inches.
Yes but at that long of a range you best know the velocity your particular load is going and factor in wind, angle, and barrel length into the entire thing. **** you could probably jog halfway to the animal for a better shot but that’s just me.
why i stated i don't shoot animals at that range but do practice.

ive been reloading and shooting a long time. i do meticulous load development and shoot through the best chrono i can afford (i use a magno speed) have the specs for the custom reamer of my chamber, head space , shoulder bump, thousands form lands , spin drift calc, curvature of the earth calcs, all that fine tune stuff you can do and i knwo how to do . and i still wont take a 900 yard poke at an animal. like i said i built my last rifle because of a particular spot i couldn't hunt effectively and its about 700. thats where im comfortable.
I have no idea how you came to the conclusion that anything but safe, precise, controlled hunting and shooting took place on my wife’s hunt, in a canyon that we were all alone in that morning.
Maybe because your words sure sound different.

When I see a buck at 585 yards 10 minutes into the opening of deer season I am confident I can get the hunter a lot closer.
I gotta be honest deerkiller. That last statement sounds like a dangerous spitshow. It sounds like you are saying that you are going hunting and some other hunters are much closer to your target than you are. So in a rush you are willing to twist some doohickeys on the scope, tell your partner to hold your beer, and let it fly. Now I may have taken a little liberty with the description but it does sound like a public safety disaster waiting to happen that you don't care about other people getting in the way of what you want.
I agree, never let your partner hold your beer!
Used to be rifle hunting was the same way.

Maybe because your words sure sound different.

When I see a buck at 585 yards 10 minutes into the opening of deer season I am confident I can get the hunter a lot closer.
I agree with JPickett, on his earlier comment. Sometimes the terrain and the location of the animal doesn't allow you to get closer.
You can, however, chose to not take the shot, and try to find that animal later.
Maybe because your words sure sound different.

When I see a buck at 585 yards 10 minutes into the opening of deer season I am confident I can get the hunter a lot closer.
Maybe in the flat lands of Texas that might be true. But when you’re in the chit holes of the west and you’re shooting up hill with a 30*+ angle with zero cover between you and the 20 other deer he’s with, headed to cover before the sun is up, since they’ve been hammered for 2 months prior every time they are out in the open during the day, getting closer isn’t an option. In Utah on general opening morning hunts, you’ve got about 15 minutes of the first glassing light to find a buck and kill it, before the orange army starts warming up the barrels and you’re shooting at running deer. I wasn’t aware we had the canyon to ourselves that moment, but from many years experience in the area prior to that, I wasn’t gonna wait to find out. He was worth killing, so we set up immediately after I saw him and killed him. When a 180”+ buck hears those rifles go off in these high pressure areas, he’s going to hit the trees and not come out until the people go away in a couple weeks.

and here I thought you were an experienced hunter throughout the states and world and have experienced all these kinds of scenarios. It’s appearing its all talk at this point.
Now we get the excuses for why you have to shoot a buck at 585 yards in the first 10 minutes of the season.

I think the real answer is "before anyone else does".
It can't believe how brave / rude some people can be while sitting at their computer, I would love to see some of these conversations take place face to face. 500+ yards shots is not hunting it is shooting in my humble opinion.
Now we get the excuses for why you have to shoot a buck at 585 yards in the first 10 minutes of the season.

I think the real answer is "before anyone else does".
Yeah. There’s not many dudes that will let a 180 walk on a general unit, in Utah, at a distance that the gun and shooter is more than capable of being lethal at. If that deer had evaded hunters for the 6+ years he had played that game, odds are you wouldn’t be able to dig him again during the rest of the season.

again, I’m shocked you don’t already know all of this will all your experience you claim to have.
I didn't say let walk. I said get closer. You know go hunt the animal. Be sneaky. I guess you are scared the guy who can see him at 700 yards is going to get him first. Or maybe you are scared there may still be one of those stupid old timers who is already 300 yards away and you sure ain't gonna respect him or his safety. YOU'VE WAITED TEN WHOLE MINUTES FOR THIS SHOT! Let it fly.???
you guys saying a 500 yard shot isn't hunting must be used to some pretty flat land. i can show you stuff in idaho that would greatly change your opinion. but then you'd probably see that mountain i walk up form the bottom and never leave your truck...
If you say the terrain wouldn't allow you to get any closer so you took the 700 yard shot, how are you going to retrieve the animal if you cripple it or kill it? :ROFLMAO:
If you say the terrain wouldn't allow you to get any closer so you took the 700 yard shot, how are you going to retrieve the animal if you cripple it or kill it? :ROFLMAO:
When your a pro like JP, 500 yards ain’t crap!!!
If you say the terrain wouldn't allow you to get any closer so you took the 700 yard shot, how are you going to retrieve the animal if you cripple it or kill it? :ROFLMAO:
slugging straight up a hill to get an animal is a lot more realistic then looking up a 40 degree incline from the bottom with 8' tall buck brush that keeps you from seeing past 50 yards. have any of you guys ever actually been in the mountains or do you just live on your key boards?
Cooper ain't a hunter. I have yet to see him post a single sentence of substance. He shows up and talks crap and goes back to dodging the "To Catch a Predator " TV crew.
When he’s shot through the center of the lungs the first shot, he doesn’t need a second one. But it was still on his feet in the 10 seconds she got reloaded and found it in the scope again. Might as well send another one since it’ll be another year before you can do it again.
Will do that every time. Reload if it is still stand I will shoot again.
might shoot 2 or 3 times more. That way those NR tags are cheaper per shot.
I got a fish on. Kind of a scrawly. He's used to biting worms but today he just bit the hook.?
I was cruising the long range shooting forums a couple months ago, in one thread they admitted that 75% of them were overly obese.
Connect the dots.
For a second I thought I lost him, but then he jumped way outta the water. Almost jumped right in the boat I tell ya.
totally not a stalker. just went ahead and searched for an internet image, download it, edited it, saved in on his pc and posted it about someone he doesn't even know. yup just normal not creepy at all utard activities...
you guys saying a 500 yard shot isn't hunting must be used to some pretty flat land. i can show you stuff in idaho that would greatly change your opinion. but then you'd probably see that mountain i walk up form the bottom and never leave your truck...
Hunt similar stuff straight up straight down or straight across if you try to get closer you have to go down in the brush is so tall you can’t see.
giving "cute " nic names to grown men on the internet. no, no your not creepy at all.
Ok, I'm confused. Aren't you two (you and Tri) arguing different sides of the topic?

And just because I've emptied the gun a couple of times doesn't make me obese.
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