Sportsmen?s Constituent Group Meeting


Long Time Member
Next meeting of is May 8

May 5, 2012

The next meeting of the Sportsmen?s Constituent Group (working title at this point) will be held on Tuesday, May 8, 6-9 p.m., at the Arizona Game and Fish Department headquarters at 5000 W. Carefree Highway in Phoenix.

Invitations have been sent to those individuals who indicated an interest in participating in the group after the initial (March 22) meeting and webcast. The May 8 meeting is open to the public and will also be webcast at

A link to the meeting agenda can be found at

Agenda items include a brief recap of the initial meeting; a discussion of what the group should be named and how it should proceed (vision, objectives); a discussion of how it would be structured (steering committee, subcommittees?); identification of work priorities and hot topics; and a determination of future meeting dates and locations.

The initial meeting of the group was called for by action of the Arizona Game and Fish Commission earlier this year. Commissioner Kurt Davis was asked to chair an ad hoc group that would explore ways to unite constituents in working together in a positive manner on issues and challenges affecting the future of hunting, fishing and wildlife management in Arizona.

For more information, or to see a videotape of the March 22 meeting or the comments that were submitted, visit

If you haven't yet indicated an interest in participating in the group but wish to do so, please indicate your interest by e-mailing [email protected]. Include your name, affiliation (if any), and e-mail address.


How To Hunt Coues Deer
There will be a fraction of the guys at this one compaired to the last one. I was sure I was going to go up till a couple days ago. Not so sure I can make it now. Working on it.

"The deadliest weapon in the world is a Marine and his rifle." General John J. "Black Jack" Pershing, US Army
"Most men go through life wondering if they made a difference, Marines don't have that problem." President Ronald Regan
I'm going over on that side of town early to eat dinner prior, anyone wants to eat also let me know. I have to leave at 3:00am going to Douglas working for 3 days, so will probably leave the meeting early.

I've not seen any active link to view this meeting online.

Member RMEF, Pope & Young Club, UBNM, UWC & the SFW Hate Club

A group of non affilated sportsman wanting to voice their concerns and have an avenue to get answers.

I thought that was the " IDEA " of the whole comming together.

The evening was spent trying to set up a formal organization.

5 to 10 minutes were spent on " HOT TOPICS "
Just voicing them , not discussing them.

Many times the crowd were poised questions only to sit in total shocked silence.

This was a totally an " Orchestrated Event "

I hoped the meeting would be like an unoffical commission meeting , where people could make their feelings known and see how the other sportsmen in the group felt on that topic.

I am very frustrated , but not surprised.

It , The Sportsmens Constituent Group , could have been a great avenue for change , but it is now only serving to reenforce the helplessness the sportsmen of Arizona fell.

Steve Cheuvront
I watched most of the webcast and am still trying to process the intentions of the Commission when they asked Mr. Davis to facilitate this group. It does seem like a tough proposition to form a group to be the voice for persons whom thus far have chosen not to join any of the many other sportsmans "groups" in existence. Hopefully this gets more people involved in the processes of wildlife management from regulations to habitat projects. I do agree with Commissioner Davis when he stated that the word sportsman is in the title because that's who the commission directed him to work with. I also agreed with him about growing wildlife and its habitat being a hot topic. Others brought up access which is definately a hot topic for sportsman across Arizona. I intend to continue supporting this effort and helping out in any way I can.
I think the Concept is good, and the meeting went about as well as it could have considering the broad spectrum of people. I was disappointed in that some of the traditional groups did not get up to speak, offering their support of the SCG concept. One of the things I would like to see from the SCG is legislative communications with all the wildlife orgs. I would bet if all the orgs designate 1 point person as a contact, and then those individuals get together informally with the SCG political person, we could all keep up to date on what is happening and how we can help. I had a different take on the nights events than Steve did.......... Thanks, Allen Taylor......
I agree, Allen. I think the Commission/Department want the SCG to be successful. In fact, I think they need the SCG to take on tasks they can't. The offer to use their e-news and it's 135,000 subscriber base gives the SCG an instant method of reaching far more sportsmen and women that the traditional critter groups which is also instant credibility that demands recognition. I also think they don't want to be the organizers and managers of the SCG. If I were Commissioner Davis, I probably would have taken the same approach as he did. "Here's what we think came from the last meeting with 100 or so in attendance and the information we gathered via the internet. It falls into four major topic categories, okay, now what do you guys want your group to do with it?" Silence, was the response. I have to believe they were a little frustrated nobody wanted to step up. The next best plan was to ask for volunteers to start organizing something meaningful and permanent since clearly nothing was going to happen with the group present. To be fair, I'm sure most in attendance are willing to give of their time and talents, but some just don't know how to go about getting started. If we can get a group of 6 to 12 together to provide direction, I think some great progress can be made very quickly. Also, it appeared to me that some in attendance had a more parochial view of the purpose of the SCG than others. They want to use it as a vehicle to push their individual agenda, a way to give direction to the G&F Commission to accomplish their desires. I think that is way too limiting. The SCG should be a voice and the consciousness for the vast majority of the unaffiliated sportsmen and also the organized groups. Yes, it should provide input to the Commission where appropriate. More importantly, it needs to be the driving force in getting more people involved to accomplish work projects, raise funds, direct legislative outcomes, protect our heritage and get people excited about the outdoors. We have a huge community of sportsmen and women that we can call on to make things happen. If we learned nothing else from HB2072, we learned that an informed and engaged community can make a difference. The SCG should put the mechanisms in place to reach as many as possible in the outdoors community and assure they are informed and engaged, and to get their input on a regular basis. This is not just about more or less tags, longer or shorter seasons, or quality versus quantity. Its about being in control of what happens within the borders of our state as it relates to the benefit of wildlife, which is the basis of the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation.
Very well put Sage! Very well put!

"The deadliest weapon in the world is a Marine and his rifle." General John J. "Black Jack" Pershing, US Army
"Most men go through life wondering if they made a difference, Marines don't have that problem." President Ronald Regan
>I think the Concept is good,
>and the meeting went about
>as well as it could
>have considering the broad spectrum
>of people. I was
>disappointed in that some of
>the traditional groups did not
>get up to speak, offering
>their support of the SCG
>concept. One of the
>things I would like to
>see from the SCG is
>legislative communications with all the
>wildlife orgs. I would
>bet if all the orgs
>designate 1 point person as
>a contact, and then those
>individuals get together informally with
>the SCG political person, we
>could all keep up to
>date on what is happening
>and how we can help.
>I had a different take
>on the nights events than
>Steve did.......... Thanks, Allen Taylor......

I totally agree with this idea. Some may not realize the importance of it, but getting organized on the legislative end of things should be a top priority. That should be evidenced to all by recent events. Time is of the essence.

Member RMEF, Pope & Young Club, UBNM, UWC & the SFW Hate Club
My opinion, the communication issue has to be the top priority. The success of everything else has a critical dependency on this one issue. If we can reach in excess of 100,000 people, we have the opportunity to do some real good. When we need money, labor or votes, getting the message to that many will do wonders.

Agree with you about the importance of reaching the masses --- really need to make use of technology and social media ...


"Every man dies --- not every man really lives."

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