spotting scope help!


Very Active Member
I am looking to buy a spotting scope soon and I would like some suggestions. I think I have narrowed it down to the Burris Landmark 20-60x80, Smith & Wesson 15-45x60, or the Wind River Seqouia 15-45x60. They all seem to be close in price from what I have seen on the internet. Has anyone tried any of these models?
The Burris Landmark is not waterproof, and it doesn't have a very good rubber armor, which IMHO are important when buying a spotter. The Wind River is waterproof, and has a better armor than the Burris. I would go with the Wind River. If you can afford a little more, get the Leoupold Gold Ring series. Also, do a search here on MM for spotting scopes and you'll see tons of opinions, experiences, etc.
I had a problem with the Burris at the higher magnification. I could never get it really clear. I have used the Leoupold spotters and think they are a great scope.
I have a Nikon Realtree 15-45X60 that is pretty decent and lightweight. Found it on one of the Ebay stores for $240 as it lists for $400. The Windriver sounds the best out those you listed.

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