Spring Turtle hunt


Long Time Member
I was lucky enough to draw the only raffle tag this year at the WTF Expo. (Western Turtle Foundation). There was also one(1) auction tag that a guy from Austin, Texas bought. He used to live in Utah and now frequents this site. I won't embarrass him any further than that.

The tag was good for Redwood National Park in northern CA. It's kinda like the Antelope Island hunt in Utah. All the proceeds from the auction go to manage the turtle population in the park, and fund the park activities. Minus WTF's cut of 95%, of course.

The park is home to the rare Giant Redwood Terripin, the largest turtle in North America. (Sequoia gigantea).

I did this hunt DIY, but did have help from a friend with a crane to help load the turtle on the flat bed after the hunt.

It was a tough hunt, as the turtles are very elusive and shy. They spend most of the day hiding in hollowed out old growth redwood logs. They mate in the Spring with the peak of the rut mid April. This is the only time that the big males are huntable.

I used a blow up female turtle as a decoy and called this brute to within 40 yards. I could hear him for about two hours before he came into range. Talk about a thrill!

The guy with the auction tag from Texas shadowed me the entire hunt but went home empty handed. That's too bad, because when I talked to him at the Expo he sounded like the worlds best turtle hunter. If he buys the tag next year, I'll offer to help him.

Here I am pulling into the check station after the hunt. Word got out and a lot of locals showed up to see this monster. I had a police escort because the turtle is over width for hauling on public roads.

Thanks for looking!


Congrats Eel you did great.I bid $90,000 on the auction tag but was out bid from the kid from Texas.I heard he was going to have Turtle back team guide him.
I was told that turtle was hauled in from Southern California in a trailer for the action hunter but they lost track of it, and when they heard you had the tag they new you would find it so they shadowed you hoping to shoot it from under you. Glad you beat the odds and 55 spotters to take the giant.
High fence with dogs I'm sure too. No way could a guy get an turtle of that caliber in the wild.

"Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway."
You big money turtle hunters make me sick!!!! Why should you be allowed to hunt those turtles, when us average DIY turtle hunters can't?!?! You should be ashamed of yourself! I'd rather hunt box turtles than buy a trophy turtle any day!!
Congrats on a great turtle Eel :)

I just call em as I see em!
Congrats on the monster turtle!! I drew that tag 8 years ago and we are still eating turtle soup every friggen night. I think the law about not being able to donate any of the meat is insane, I had to rent space at the local super market for years. Anyway, put a coat of varnish on the shell, turn it upside down and bury it in the ground. Makes a helluva hot tub. Congrats again.
Zim ain't gonna like this one bit. The turtle expo has been stealing tags for years from the public and certain people profit while a select few game hogs get all the trophies...eh hemm...not gonna mention any names but it sounds like dealblass. Trophy? I think not. I'm sure he had Roy and possee do the scouting. Hunter? Hardly. You are just a trigger man.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-29-13 AT 10:05AM (MST)[p]1911 listen to your own jealousy! I can assure you that everything on this hunt, from the purchase of the tag, to the finding of the turtle's sheds, to the scouting, to the filming, to the harvesting, to the editing, to the manufacture, merchandising and marketing of the REAL D 3D DVD's and Blue Ray disks, t-shirts, coffee mugs, toilet paper holders, toenail clippers, calendars, license plate covers, antenna balls, commemorative silver plated spoons, mouse pads, rifle cases, and lunchbox / thermos combo sets (all to be available soon at TERRAPINBACK.COM - PRE-ORDER NOW FOR OUTSTANDING DISCOUNTS) is 100% above the books, legit!! Like Eel said - it was DIY. We were just there for moral support!

You weren't there! You can only speculate on what happened and you are WRONG!!

Eelgrass waited and worked hard for this opportunity and our team of guides, field technicians, biologists, bush beaters, dog handlers, catering staff, road closure staff, drivers, and body guards worked hard for him! It is no different if you go "party hunting" for a moose with your wife and kids! Hell, with as many as you got you would be hard pressed to call your "crew" anything less than formidable!

Don't worry Eel - haters gonna hate, playas gonna rate! (Just make sure you have all your tail lights and you are well under the posted speed limit if you ever pass through Northern Utah again).


Since I am frequently asked about my religion on this site and others, I have created a profile that explains my beliefs. If you are interested in finding out more about my faith, please visit the link below:

LAST EDITED ON Apr-29-13 AT 12:13PM (MST)[p]Congrats Ealgrass!!

What kind if finishing off technique did you use? From the pic it looks like you might have tried the old slit the throat method.
Speaking of "WTF"....

Based on the tiny horn nubs on that one, he was obviously immature. You probably had to wipe the milk off his mouth before checking him in. With that tag I'd think you'd have the good sense to wait for a mature terrapin.
I've seen bigger. I've shot bigger. Hell, I've thrown out with the trash bigger shells than that. You youngsters have no idea what a trophy turtle is any more!
Guys like you think it's all about the shell anyway. I'll bet you're a long range shooter too. Anything over 12' away is unethical.
How dare you even post it?
LAST EDITED ON Apr-29-13 AT 04:26PM (MST)[p]A big thank you to the ones with the well wishes.

Feleno, we're in the process of adding a mother-in-law unit behind the house and was thinking of using the shell as the roof, but the hot tub idea is better yet.

Roy, I thought your computer was down? I was counting on it. Dang! Do you know the guy from Austin? I never said it was you! Did I ever say it was you? NO!

heartshot, you're right. We, I mean I tried the slit his throat technique. Don't ever try this method on a turtle this big. We finally had to shoot him in the neck.

To the rest of you, me and Denny Austed don't care what you think of us.

Congratulations eel! My wife and I travel to the park every year to see the Giant Redwood turtles. That's the biggest one we have ever seen!

We've seen the most turtles around McCarthy Creek. Where did you get this one if you don't mind me asking?

Some day I hope to be as lucky as you!

Fairly nice turtle Eel. I have game camera pics of him from last year that I will sell you. I was on this turtle severl times during my hunt in 2012 but I passed on him since he was "sub-standard". I set my standards pretty high looking for a fully mature bull turtle and ended up eatting tag soup rather than turtle soup. So I guess I can't fault you for settling for something rather than going home empty handed.
Mike, I know there are bigger ones out there, but I like turtle soup too well to not get one.

F&G counted the rings on the shell. A 568 year old turtle. He was probably on the decline.

One of our sub guides spotted a record turtle the day before the opener. They put Roy on it, and Roy started chasing butterflies over the ridge and when he refocused, the big boy had given him the slip.

Doubleshell, I killed him over on Lost Man Creek which drains from the east into Redwood Creek. Not too far from McCarthy Creek, maybe 3 miles.

I have just acquired the hunting/guiding rights to the now famous, Jurassic Park, off the Costa Rican shoreline.

The size and aggressiveness of the turtle species on this island, are beyond belief. The speed these turtles are capable of....3/10 mph...places them in the "dangerous game" category, hence elevated "recipe book" status.

I am now taking deposits for the 2014 season.

If interested, please forward the $5,000.00, non-refundable, license, tag, export, and hotel booking fees.
There are 4 tags available on this management hunt and the tags will be issued by the standard lottery draw system, however you may apply as many times as you wish.......with the appropriate fees included with every entry, of course.

If you don't draw, I will give you a point, which will provide you with a sort of, "buy one get one free", opportunity for the 2015 season.

"Being an idiot is NOT an art form. Give it up!"
LAST EDITED ON May-01-13 AT 01:32AM (MST)[p]>I have just acquired the hunting/guiding
>rights to the now famous,
>Jurassic Park, off the Costa
>Rican shoreline.
>The size and aggressiveness of the
>turtle species on this island,
>are beyond belief. The speed
>these turtles are capable of....3/10
>mph...places them in the "dangerous
>game" category, hence elevated "recipe
>book" status.
> I am now taking deposits
>for the 2014 season.
> If interested, please forward the
>$5,000.00, non-refundable, license, tag, export,
>and hotel booking fees.
>There are 4 tags available on
>this management hunt and the
>tags will be issued by
>the standard lottery draw system,
>however you may apply as
>many times as you wish.......with
>the appropriate fees included with
>every entry, of course.
>If you don't draw, I will
>give you a point, which
>will provide you with a
>sort of, "buy one get
>one free", opportunity for the
>2015 season.
>"Being an idiot is NOT an
>art form. Give it up!"

4 tags? When the turtle populations in the west are in such decline? And the winter range is in such bad shape? You should be transplanting, I mean translocating some of them to Catalina or Santa Rosa Island where there aren't so many predators, freeways, poachers or harsh winters. Ya, I know the success rate is really low and it's expensive, but until we get back to an estimated population of 1,247,361 like we had in 1983, it's better than just killing them.
I see a fence in the background. I knew this was really a high fenced hunt. I've never seen a free range turtle this big.

PS. Last month I took some pics from my chute plane of a free range turtle just slightly smaller than yours.
Eel, I bet you went straight for your toolbox after you shot that one. Probably your first time to the toolbax since your turtle hunt on the Monroe unit in Utah.
LAST EDITED ON May-01-13 AT 01:42PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON May-01-13 AT 12:20?PM (MST)

I don't mean to pick your picture apart...but.. Is that your friend hiding on the side of the trailer? :) :)

I call BS. Everyone knows they are in velvet this time of the year.

I am forwarding this post to Turtle Rescue of Malibu.
Haters are gonna hate..... :-(

I for one, have absolutely NO problem with pimping-out a few trophy turtle tags each year! If it helps the resource overall, then it must be a good thing!

Eel, keep the fight-up and keep posting pics of these magnificent trophys!


Nickman...count me in! Checks in the mail. Also, the government is your friend.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"
Mike, the biologist said he was only blind in one eye, and probably got that way from fighting with a grizzly bear sometime in the late 1800's.

You guys crack me up! LOL

Eel "Big Tortuga" grass,

Huge congrats on a well deserved trophy, Eel.

If memory serves me correct, that terrapin completed your quest for the North American Turtle Slam. That would make you the first to ever accomplish the turtle slam. And to think that you did it on a lumberjacks salary, beating out 'ol Leatherback Outfitters and that collage professor.

I would hope that you would be inspired to carve a turtle totem to commemorate your accomplishment. It would be really cool to see a representation of each species stacked on each other in the order you took them all balancing on the back of a longhorn, but I leave that to you as it is your totem.
I my self once had the chance to hunt this amazing reptile. However due to conflict of scheduling with my once in a lifetime hunt for the loc ness monster interfered. I wish I had taken the chance and hunted the turtle 700,000 dollars later I wished I had taken the turtle hunt. Hope to bid next year this year I will be seeking the bear lake monster
>I my self once had the
>chance to hunt this amazing
>reptile. However due to conflict
>of scheduling with my once
>in a lifetime hunt for
>the loc ness monster interfered.
>I wish I had taken
>the chance and hunted the
>turtle 700,000 dollars later I
>wished I had taken the
>turtle hunt. Hope to bid
>next year this year I
>will be seeking the bear
>lake monster

Oh no you wont, i already drew that once in a lifetime tag! Hoping to kill a nice mature boar!
Sorry ExtremeHunter, they pulled your tag and are going to Auction it off to the highest bidder. Drawings on these high demand tags are over. Everybody to the cash cow to see how much you can bid.

So a little more light has been shed on this story of eel's. Was checking with some of my super secret contacts at TCI (Turtle Club International) and apparently there certification of Eel's turtle has been put on hold for certain "irregularities".

I can't go into all the details but there appears to be questions about whether this was indeed a fair chase hunt, whether the turtle in question was indeed a wild turtle from this unit or was it trucked in from a private ranch, and there appears to be some modifications that were made to the shell after the turtle was down. There was also a question about 15 inches bases, not sure what that's about.

Sorry Eel, someone had to bring this to light.
Looks very similar to a turtle I saw in velvet back in August on a high fence farm in Canada but one really never knows.... do we Eel?
I see you had 1911(lower left) working on keeping your PRIZE turtle safe. Hey is that Sage up on the right side of the picture.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]

Could you pm me. I would like to see if I can arrange to take your turtle on the next TTT (Terrific Turtle Tour). I will be at most of the sportmans shows this next winter.

I could possibly arrange for you to be a guest lecturer, you certainly must have a few secrets in killing turtles you'd be willing to share.

I vividly recall my first turtle hunt. I got into some thick brush with an hour left in the day. I had been tracking fresh turtle spoor since mid-morning. Out of no where a turtle spun around. I had to make a quick shot that unfortunately resulted in the turtle being wounded. The turtle retreated and I waited a few minutes to see how the turtle would choose to die. I owed the turtle that respect. I tasted metal in my mouth and was too dry to spit. This was the moment of truth.

The turtle charged as that marvelous animal is prone to do when wounded and angry. Its eyes were locked on mine. When the turtle closed with a mere 10 paces I touch off barrel 1 and then 2 of the Rigby 416 with 270 grain softs. The turtle crumpled a mere stone's throw from my feet. This is why I hunt.
Congrats Eel!
Just be cautious since word on the street is a taxidermist from Texas wants to do the mount job.
I hear he is so busy mounting fence bucks and hanging out on these forums that you may see it back in 2095 if you took it to him.
I am jealous of you Eel...Never shot me a monster turtle.
You the man.
Outdoors.....congrats for surviving a turtle charge...especially when using a such light load for a 416.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"
eel, that one looks worthy of mentioning with the Turtles of "Old". There was some monsters back then. mtmuley

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