Standing for Flag/Pledge


Very Active Member
It is hard to believe all the push back that Drew Brees has had for saying we should stand for the Flag/Pledge. The NFL really messed up with their initial response to Colin Kaepernick. I think it is a sad day in America when a man is shunned for saying we should stand for the pledge and people think that violent rioting and looting is justified.
Everyone says we have the freedom to speak our minds, but very few of us get the opportunity to work somewhere that we really can. Most of us bite our tongues until we walk out the door. And most of should probably never share whats on our mind.

Mr Brees has every right to his opinion, but his employer can compel his silence. The hypocrisy of a society that shouts him down is what is shameful. Not to mention the shame he brings to to the virtuous NFL. LOL :rolleyes:
I enjoy football but over the last two seasons I have watched very little. After all the NFL players that went after Mr Brees and saying what a hero Mr Kaepernick is I am done with the NFL. I will only watch college football in the future.
The sad thing is by all accounts Brees is a standup guy who has, or had the respect of all his peers and a great many fans for all he did for New Orleans after the hurricane & helping to rebuild that community etc. So, now he gets on his knees and begs forgiveness and apologizes (for a decent solid message) not once but twice to the woke mob for his unwokeness. What has he done? Well with his original message he pissed off 1/2 of everyone & his woke BLM social justice brothers. By virtue of his apology he has managed to piss off 100% of everyone. His woke social justice brothers & teammates will never forgive him for his apology - and his supporters & fans now think he's a weak minded dumbchit. Never give in to the mob is the lesson.
I've watched less and less of the NFL in over the years. I stood by Brees and his original statement. I think he is a good guy. And he should have stood up to his teammates. Because the right thing to do is now viewed as racist and unpopular in today's world of pansies. Roger Goodell looked like a real weak leader as well. Sure I may catch a few games here and there. But for the most part I could care less for these athletes and celebrities stupid opinions. It takes a weak b!tch to follow a backup unemployed quarterback.
Everyone says we have the freedom to speak our minds, but very few of us get the opportunity to work somewhere that we really can. Most of us bite our tongues until we walk out the door. And most of should probably never share whats on our mind.

Mr Brees has every right to his opinion, but his employer can compel his silence. The hypocrisy of a society that shouts him down is what is shameful. Not to mention the shame he brings to to the virtuous NFL. LOL :rolleyes:

That's because most employers are crybaby's when it comes to differing opinions. The only way an employer can compel your silence is when you say something that is a direct violation of law as it pertains to the workplace, or, it is something that is or can be detrimental to the company's mission statement.

Public shaming is a new trend to coax people into doing, or saying, what you want.
Or if you sign a nda or code of conduct. Quite common, and the reason I wasn't online for 10 years. Make sure when you sell your freedom, you get top dollar. ;)
That's because most employers are crybaby's when it comes to differing opinions. The only way an employer can compel your silence is when you say something that is a direct violation of law as it pertains to the workplace, or, it is something that is or can be detrimental to the company's mission statement.

Public shaming is a new trend to coax people into doing, or saying, what you want.
I think Drew Brees caved big time and I lost a little respect for him because of it. I might not draft him this year to send him a message! I play fantasy football with a group of friends but I don't have to watch the games and I won't if these dumbass drama queen players start this crap again. My suspicion is that the networks will go to commercial break during the national anthem so that people won't see the kneeling and tune out.

I think the NFL is going to pay a huge price because I think the kneeling this year will be worse than previous years and people aren't going to tolerate it. Disrespecting the flag has absolutely zero to do with police brutality and police brutality isn't based on color of skin as evidenced by the two cops pushing the 75 year old WHITE man to the ground.

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