State Official Inquiring About My Comments on This Forum


Long Time Member
As most of you know, I have been critical of the State of Utah and the DWR for their lack of transparency and accountability for the last several years. In an effort to address that problem, I have taken time to research the issues, attend meetings, and speak with leaders of the DWR, conservation groups, legislators and even the governor?s office. I have also actively posted on forums in an effort to highlight the problems and educate fellow sportsmen. As explained in prior posts, the comments I post online are my personal views.

My most recent post was a thread encouraging sportsmen to use the ongoing governor?s race as an opportunity to bring about change: In my post, I mentioned that I recently met with Jonathan Johnson and that he was committed to eliminating cronyism in state government and increasing accountability and transparency. I explained that I was not telling anyone how to vote in the upcoming election. That is a personal decision and there are typically many issues that come into play with such a decision. However, if you are a concerned sportsman that is frustrated with the status quo, then the current governor?s election is an opportunity for change. Make your voices heard while the candidates are listening.

My comments apparently struck a chord with at least one person in our state government. Last Thursday, Mike Styler, Executive Director of the Department of Natural Resources, sent an email to two of my partners at my law firm expressing his displeasure with me and my comments. Why is this important? Because as the Executive Director of the Department of Natural Resources, Mr. Styler not only oversees the Division of Wildlife Resources but also several other Divisions of the Utah State Government, including the Division of Water Rights. See My two law partners who received the email from Mr. Styler work in the Water Rights practice at our law firm and regularly appear in front of the Division of Water Rights in order to protect the interests of our clients. My Styler?s email stated as follows:

From: Mike Styler <[email protected]>
Date: June 16, 2016 at 10:52:10 AM MDT
To: <[email protected]>, [email protected]>
Subject: Your opinions?
Hi XXX and XXX,
I respect and value your judgments and opinions. I am bothered by the actions of Jason Hawkins, of your law firm. He has posted on numerous Internet Wildlife forums criticizing our Department and particularly our Division of Wildlife Resources. We are big boys and can handle that. He seems to be obsessed however by posting about 1700 times on just one of the many forums that he frequents. The question I have, however, is he representing his opinion only, or the opinion of your Law firm in this recent post where he endorses Governor Herbert's opponent? I will paste his post below so you can see it.

Thanks in advance for your opinions on this.

Mike Styler

While Mr. Styler is certainly entitled to his own opinion about me and my political views, I believe it is inappropriate for Mr. Styler to send an email about me and my political views from his official email account to attorneys at my firm who regularly appear before the Division of Water Rights, which he oversees. If Mr. Styler has a problem with me or the political views that I expressed in an online hunting forum outside of work then he should call me, email me or ask to meet with me. Don?t take it out on my partners or put them in an uncomfortable position. I would be more than happy to sit down and discuss my concerns with him in person, as I have done with others in his department. However, he should not be using his official position in an effort to silence me. I work at a law firm with over 50 lawyers and over 100 employees. Outside of work, our lawyers and employees are actively involved in a wide variety of political, social and religious groups and causes. As explained in multiple posts, my comments on this forum are my own personal views and I take full responsibility for them. Mike Styler had no legitimate reason to believe that my personal comments posted online had anything to do with the official ?opinion of our law firm.? Likewise, Mr. Styler has no legitimate reason to seek out my partners? opinions about my personal views as expressed online. Do any of you believe those were his motives for sending the email? I believe that he was simply using his official position in an effort to silence me and that is not right.

I struggled with how best to respond to this situation. However, after giving it some careful thought and consideration, I decided to post it online in an effort to shine a light on this problem and avoid similar issues in the future. And Mr. Styler, when you read this post, feel free to shoot me an email if you would like to discuss or better understand the concerns that I expressed in my original post. I can be reached at [email protected]. As explained above, I would welcome the opportunity to discuss these issues with you in person.

Styler is also an appointee and close associate of the governor. The governor appoints the wildlife board and read a prepared statement at the last expo. It's not hard to see where this is coming from, especially in an election year.

This was clearly a veiled threat to you and your law firm and is what is wrong with Utah politics. Who anyone votes for is a personal choice and none of their business. Also, why would Styler care even if it were the "opinion of your firm." It's none of his business. He's not your client. Honestly, I hope the news or Johnson's campaign sees this and puts it all over the place. Kudos for shining a light on this. Again, there needs to be accountability. This email from Styler just took this issue to whole new level. Styler, Gov. Herbert, and the DWR ought to be ashamed. But, I guess nothing is that surprising coming out of that group anymore.
Sounds like one of the "big boys" is trying to be a tattle tail?? What a idot, tell him to "Grow a pair".
LAST EDITED ON Jun-21-16 AT 04:41PM (MST)[p]You know what that email means? it means you're doing something right. Keep it up! As we dig deeper it's clear that the heart of these problems lies with Styler and the rest of the old guard that are protecting their incompetent necks. His attempt to strong arm and suppress is ridiculous and borders on criminal.

We need a refresh of the whole DNR chain of command, starting from the top.

Vi Et Armis Invictus Maneo
Seems like everyone is kicking a little dirt around. Jason, that's pretty hard to do and not get a little on yourself.

You have every right to express your opinion and you do so to everyone and anyone who will listen....and I respect that.

I suspect this is the same thing but you don't like it. You've made it clear that you're an attorney and have used that to bear weight but you're an attorney for a Firm and not for me or anyone else on here. In one breath, you use an open forum to talk about everyone and anyone, with whom you disagree, but with the other breath you say you want to be approach in private if someone disagrees.

So, while it may not be to your liking, it's within his right to inquire about your position with whomever he wants.

But to try and strong arm some who is against hit boss? Sounds criminal to me. I think Jason has been pretty easy clear that what he posts is his opinion. Just like everyone else on this forum. So why so negative towards him? Has he ruffled a few feathers of the sfw supporters? I think so.

He has to be clear that he is not representing anyone son that they take his "opinion" to court.
You spend everyday for years obsessed with quite frankly the dumbest crusade in wildlife I have ever seen and you honestly are surprised by this. I think the mistake made by this director is not realizing you and your words pertaining to this have no credibility. Y'all deserve each other.

Since I started digging into this mess several years ago, I have had dirt kicked on me many times. A little dirt never bothered me. I don't mind when folks disagree, argue or tell me I am wrong. I have thick skin.

And I never said that Mr. Styler should have approached me in private. What I said is that he should not have contacted my law partners about my personal/political comments. Disagree with me on this forum, email me, call me on the phone or yell at me in person. Those are all reasonable responses. But don't email my partners who practice in front of his department. What do you think his purpose was for sending that email in his official capacity?

I'm glad Mike Styler made the inquiry.

Remember that boy on the bus that was the catalyst for all the trouble on the back of the bus, when every body was throwing punches and squabbling with each other, and the bus driver got in hot water for "picking on the boy in the back of the bus, that claims he never hit any body, never threw a punch, and never kicked anybody", remember how that little instigator howled with he got pointed out as the one, that manipulation, other guys in a fight. Remember when he cried out, "hey, hey, I never did anything".

Remember that?

Remember how he chuckled when he got the girls in the hall as school into a brawl and they got expelled, and he said, "I never did anything, those stupid boards brought it on themselves." Remember that kid in your school?

Lots, and lots and lots of individuals, without names, except for Don Peay, have been painted with as criminals, cronies, and worse. People, have wished a lot of harm on a lot of people, and the boy on the back of the bus has always, like he is today, yelling, "It wasn't I, these guys don't speak for me, I can't control what others say and do, like the girls in hall or the boys fighting on the bus. Yet he continues to call for "action" from the people he claims he doesn't speak for.

A lot of accusations and inferences have been made about a lot of people over the last 6 or 8 years, SFW and members of SFW have said time and time again, "if you got something, play the Ace". Still no call, but no less inference and the continual creation of suspicion, regarding SFW leadership, membership, and a lot of State employees and elected officials.

I'm guessing, if it keeps up, inquires from Styler and others with increase as well. And it's way past time.

All of this, is just my personal opinion, of course, "everybody" but the boy may we wrong!

Thank you Mr. Styler.

Not surprising to read the stupid response Tristate posted or the fact that Zeke being a big SFW supporter would state what he did. That email to Hawkeye's firm was about as unethical as everything else I'm seeing with the whole political mess that you guys are facing out there and it's a damn shame. You can bet that he's already read Hawkeye's post on here since this is obviously the site he referenced regarding the number of posts Hawkeye has on here. IMHO I would not even respond to his email and let him stew in the mess that he and the rest of his cronies have created until he's on the outside looking in! The only way that will happen is to keep the pressure on and do it in a legitimate, honest way the way Hawkeye has always done. It's obvious that with that email that he and probably others around him are feeling the heat and I hope it keeps getting turned up to the point where a few of them get burned!
Well I now see a rather stupid post from DC with another goofy story and I'd bet the "son" will be on with another good one pretty soon to back up papa! That post tells me a lot more than I ever wanted to know regarding the politics out in Utah and how people that are ingrained in the rotten system they have created need to be flushed out and preferably down the toilet!!!
>You spend everyday for years obsessed
>with quite frankly the dumbest
>crusade in wildlife I have
>ever seen and you honestly
>are surprised by this.
>I think the mistake made
>by this director is not
>realizing you and your words
>pertaining to this have no
>credibility. Y'all deserve each

and the city boys obsession with Hawkeye lives on.
Sounds like a typical "Official" employee. Using his position to try and intimidate someone. It's personal not professional issue. No mystery why this state is so screwed up.
Just sayin....?
Hey Hawkeye!

Let me tell you Something!

I Don't know if you Hunt & Earn Points in TARDville?

I Suppose you do?

But Let me SPLAIN Something!

You're gonna be up the Same Sshhitt Creek as I am!

I Haven't Drawed SQUAT in 20 GAWD-DAMNED Years!

Got Lots of Friends That tell me I shouldn't of Expressed My Opinion/Expressed the Truth Many,Many Years ago!

I'll Wait My Turn!

I've always said that!

But the Time I Might get a Turn & they Turn the Place where I wanna Hunt in to a GAWD-DAMNED Federal Park!

So Hawkeye!

If you don't know the Feeling I Think you're about to Learn it!:D:D:D

>Cat, you are probably right.
>I am sure I was
>"blacklisted" several years ago.

How does it Feel to be on that same List as Me?:D

Stay classy Mike Styler.

"If the DWR was just doing its job, and
wildlife and hunting were the actual focus,
none of this process would even matter.
But that is not the focus or the goal in any
of this. The current DWR regime, and
SFW were born out of wildlife declines,
and are currently operated and funded
under that paradigm. Those 200 Expo
tags would not even be worth anything if
the focus was where it was supposed to
be, and wildlife and tags were plentiful.
But under the current business model,
that is how the money and power is
generated. It is generated through the
rising "value"(monitization) of a declining
resource. A resource that is supposed to
be being beneficially managed for the
masses that own that resource, ie. US.
The problem is obvious, hedging is not a
long term sustainable strategy, and
others have to lose, for some to win. In
this case it is us, the many, and our
resources, that are being forced to lose,
because there is a minority who's power
and money is derived from our loses."

LONETREE 3/15/16
>>Cat, you are probably right.
>>I am sure I was
>>"blacklisted" several years ago.
>How does it Feel to be
>on that same List as
Poor picked on kitty
That sounds like a threat or some kind of intimidation to me. What does it matter which candidate Hawkeye or his firm endorses. What a douche bag Styler is.

Hey Styler, I hope you read this, you and Herbert are both worthless POS.

No estas en mexico ahora, entonces escoja tu basura
chancho sucio.
>That sounds like a threat or
>some kind of intimidation to
>me. What does it matter
>which candidate Hawkeye or his
>firm endorses. What a douche
>bag Styler is.
>Hey Styler, I hope you read
>this, you and Herbert are
>both worthless POS.
>No estas en mexico ahora, entonces
>escoja tu basura
>chancho sucio.

Hey shotgunjim?

Can you tell us how you really Feel?:D

>>>Cat, you are probably right.
>>>I am sure I was
>>>"blacklisted" several years ago.
>>How does it Feel to be
>>on that same List as
>Poor picked on kitty

Hey ox!

Keep a very Close Eye on the Performance of your Wheeler this year!:D

>>>>Cat, you are probably right.
>>>>I am sure I was
>>>>"blacklisted" several years ago.
>>>How does it Feel to be
>>>on that same List as
>>Poor picked on kitty
>Hey ox!
>Keep a very Close Eye on
>the Performance of your Wheeler
>this year!:D
Well if I owned one I might take your threat seriously. But really how
Bad can u f#^?< up a 4 wheeler I don't have haha
So ox?

You got Smart & Sold it?


I'll bet You're BULLSHIPPING Us!

I will say're a stand up guy who seems like a straight shooter.
I've read your responses on MM and we've talked on the phone voicing these concerns. You have my respect and I have believed as you voiced YOUR opinions (not your law firms) and educated the masses with your knowledge concerning contracts,bids and such, that eventually the political fools who are neck deep in this scandal of sh!t, would come forth out of the dark corners where they spew their nonsense.

This my friend is one of those days and you obviously are doing something right even though it's not in the best interest of some political figures.
Besides Tristate (whom we all know all too well where he Texas) and Zeke (SFW supporter).....all the other posts on this thread are pretty spot on.

Mr Styler....
I know you'll read this. Unlike Mr Hawkins, you're obviously not as classy.
Using your political position to flex to suppress someone or a group from sharing their views or opinions because it doesn't support your cause is pretty pathetic.
I would even assume that you use your position to get your way concerning everyday life. Maybe get out of a speeding ticket. You get my point.
Be a man. Take responsibility for your behavior. You've now put a spot light on yourself to show others your intentions which doesn't look good on your part.

Coming across in a threatening manner like you did borders negligence of ones 1st amendment rights and should be deemed punishable by law if it already isn't.
Hawkeye doesn't speak on behalf of his employer and you knew it.
Believe it or not. Many hunters across the west share the same views as Jason. Including myself.
Don't concern yourself with others views when they disagree with your own.

"Wildlife and its habitat cannot speak. So
we must and we will."
Theadore Roosevelt
>You boys have had a sheltered

Id call it harassment for sure! You obviously live in a koolaid induced coma if you can't see it!
>>You boys have had a sheltered
>Id call it harassment for sure!
>You obviously live in a
>koolaid induced coma if you
>can't see it!

Nope theox! It's that glue that Tri sniffs at the shop every day!
> So ox?
>You got Smart & Sold it?
>I'll bet You're BULLSHIPPING Us!
Mr. KittyCat
I have never owned one. I have access to some but I don't own one. I don't hunt with one either.
BUT so help me if you don't turn your dang caps lock off I'm gonna tune up your keyboard. You are no longer allowed to use capital letters. Lowercase only! Even at the start of your sentences. Your posts are more damaging to the universe than a dang wheeler riding over a sage brush. I'm still waiting for pics of all this 4 wheeler damage u cry about.
>> So ox?
>>You got Smart & Sold it?
>>I'll bet You're BULLSHIPPING Us!
>Mr. KittyCat
>I have never owned one. I
>have access to some but
>I don't own one. I
>don't hunt with one either.
>BUT so help me if you
>don't turn your dang caps
>lock off I'm gonna tune
>up your keyboard. You are
>no longer allowed to use
>capital letters. Lowercase only! Even
>at the start of your
>sentences. Your posts are more
>damaging to the universe than
>a dang wheeler riding over
>a sage brush. I'm still
>waiting for pics of all
>this 4 wheeler damage u
>cry about.

I've Told you for Years I'll Show you the Damage first hand!

So Cruz your Ass on up here & I'll show you!

Now I Remember!

You Borrow Wheelers!:D

>>> So ox?
>>>You got Smart & Sold it?
>>>I'll bet You're BULLSHIPPING Us!
>>Mr. KittyCat
>>I have never owned one. I
>>have access to some but
>>I don't own one. I
>>don't hunt with one either.
>>BUT so help me if you
>>don't turn your dang caps
>>lock off I'm gonna tune
>>up your keyboard. You are
>>no longer allowed to use
>>capital letters. Lowercase only! Even
>>at the start of your
>>sentences. Your posts are more
>>damaging to the universe than
>>a dang wheeler riding over
>>a sage brush. I'm still
>>waiting for pics of all
>>this 4 wheeler damage u
>>cry about.
>I've Told you for Years I'll
>Show you the Damage first
>So Cruz your Ass on up
>here & I'll show you!
>Now I Remember!
>You Borrow Wheelers!:D
Ok kitty
Pm sent
Hey ox!

That Ain't a PM!

That's a GAWD-DAMNED Novel!:D

Probably take me a Week to Read it & Respond!

I have no doubt Mike Stylers email was a direct attempt to strong arm, silence and/or cause problems for Hawkeye. Personally I think it's a kindly worded threat. What's almost as pathetic as Mike's email is that some people are defending it but then I saw who they are, the troll of MM and 2 die hard SFW koolaid drinkers. I've never had an issue with Zeke or Lumpy but those responses speak volumes about their character and the mentality of some of the good ol' boys that support the crap that goes on here in Utah.

I find it absolutely mind boggling that anyone could think Mike sending that unethical inappropriate email to Hawkeye's partners is anywhere close to the same as Hawkeye expressing and sharing his personal findings and opinions on an online forum.
Kind of interesting jason. Especially from a person who takes time to visit the dwr and complain about wlb members personal life's and trying to get them dismissed. Course you never talked to those people, just did your best to try to upset the apple cart. For a person who talks trash about the DWR on these forums then turns around and expects them to listen to you, it ain't going to happen. Attorney or not, you use it as a tool. As elk said, sooner or later it will bite you on the butt. For an attorney, you are not thinking very well. Good luck with your endeavors.

I respectfully disagree that this is the same thing. When you are an elected or work for an elected you are representing the citizens and personal opinions are not allowed. I am not from Utah but I am sure there are ethics law in Utah that pertain to this topic. Contacting his employer directly and asking if they know what he is doing obviously implies something. Especially if they practice law in an arena that he may have influence In. You may not agree with his opinions but the email to the law firm was inappropriate in my opinion.


Seems like everyone is kicking a
>little dirt around. Jason, that's
>pretty hard to do and
>not get a little on
>You have every right to express
>your opinion and you do
>so to everyone and anyone
>who will listen....and I respect
>I suspect this is the same
>thing but you don't like
>it. You've made it clear
>that you're an attorney and
>have used that to bear
>weight but you're an attorney
>for a Firm and not
>for me or anyone else
>on here. In one breath,
>you use an open forum
>to talk about everyone and
>anyone, with whom you disagree,
>but with the other breath
>you say you want to
>be approach in private if
>someone disagrees.
>So, while it may not be
>to your liking, it's within
>his right to inquire about
>your position with whomever he
>Kind of interesting jason. Especially
>from a person who takes
>time to visit the dwr
>and complain about wlb members
>personal life's and trying to
>get them dismissed. Course
>you never talked to those
>people, just did your best
>to try to upset the
>apple cart. For a
>person who talks trash about
>the DWR on these forums
>then turns around and expects
>them to listen to you,
>it ain't going to happen.
> Attorney or not, you
>use it as a tool.
> As elk said, sooner
>or later it will bite
>you on the butt.
>For an attorney, you are
>not thinking very well.
>Good luck with your endeavors.

Birdman do you ever stop lurking? This was an inappropriate email sent to silence the truth. Just like the countless times the governor has refused to investigate fraud, conflicts, and misconduct by his state employee minions.

?If men were angels, no government would be
necessary.? John Adams
You lost me Birdman. Yes, I have visited the DWR and expressed my concerns about the expo tags, lack of accountability, failure to follow rules, etc. Don't I have a right to petition a government agency? Do you think that is inappropriate? I don't recall ever complaining about WLB members personal lives. I frankly don't know anything about their personal lives. I did, however, point out that 4 out the 7 Board Members have significant ties to SFW. Is that inappropriate to point out? Isn't that a known fact? You claim that I have talked trash about the DWR on the forums. I prefer to say that I have pointed out major problems at the DWR, including cronyism, lack of transparency with public assets, and the failure to follow their own rules. I don't care if the DWR listens to me or not. I just expect them to do the right thing. And finally, Mr. Styler's email did not bite me in the butt. It simply confirmed the problems we already knew existed within the DWR and DNR. I will continue to address these problems until they are resolved. Thanks for your well wishes.

LAST EDITED ON Jun-21-16 AT 11:31PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jun-21-16 AT 11:27?PM (MST)

Deerslayer, just bringing up Jason doing the same thing and that being ok. Now someone he has blasted throws it back and passes him off. Think about it, if someone constantly talked trash about you telling you how dishonest you are and so on then comes to you for help, how much attention you going to give him. People in the DWR read mm and see what is said, that just proven, most people try common sense to change things, not bullying. True Jason and others have made a name for themselves on all sides. Some think he is great, some think he is a trouble maker. Depends on what you believe. He is looked at on both sides, some good some bad. He has tried to force his desires on others and used the attorney name to do it. Sometimes he makes sense, sometimes he is a joke.
Yes you have pointed out board members, not sure of 4 with big ties to SFW, unless it is one being a lifetime member. It was the way you went about it.
I think the problem the DWR has is the little boy on the back of the bus still stirring things up on his personal agenda against SFW.
Birdman, I doubt you will understand this but I will try in any event. There is a major difference between private citizen petitioning the government and voicing his opinions in effort to effect change and a public official using his official position in an effort to chill the speech of a private citizen.

>AT 11:31?PM (MST)

>AT 11:27?PM (MST)

>Deerslayer, just bringing up Jason
>doing the same thing and
>that being ok. Now
>someone he has blasted throws
>it back and passes him
>off. Think about it,
>if someone constantly talked trash
>about you telling you how
>dishonest you are and so
>on then comes to you
>for help, how much attention
>you going to give him.
> People in the DWR
>read mm and see what
>is said, that just proven,
>most people try common sense
>to change things, not bullying.
>True Jason and others have
>made a name for themselves
>on all sides. Some
>think he is great, some
>think he is a trouble
>maker. Depends on what you
>believe. He is looked
>at on both sides, some
>good some bad. He
>has tried to force his
>desires on others and used
>the attorney name to do
>it. Sometimes he makes sense,
> sometimes he is a
> Yes you
>have pointed out board members,
>not sure of 4 with
>big ties to SFW, unless
>it is one being a
>lifetime member. It was
>the way you went about
> I think
>the problem the DWR has
>is the little boy on
>the back of the bus
>still stirring things up on
>his personal agenda against SFW.

Jesus christ Birdman, you edited that twice and it's still one of the most incoherent ramblings I think I've ever read.
Wow Hawkeye. That's BS.

I guess we'll see how "available" Herbert really is when it comes to inappropriate actions of his high-ranking appointees.

Hawkeye, I really think sometimes you carry things a little far, but the boy on the bus doesn't cut it here. We are talking grownups and your law firm is not your daddy and should have never been contacted. I'm for Herbert, but he needs to straighten that guy out.

Totally inappropriate.
>Seems like everyone is kicking a
>little dirt around. Jason, that's
>pretty hard to do and
>not get a little on
>You have every right to express
>your opinion and you do
>so to everyone and anyone
>who will listen....and I respect
>I suspect this is the same
>thing but you don't like
>it. You've made it clear
>that you're an attorney and
>have used that to bear
>weight but you're an attorney
>for a Firm and not
>for me or anyone else
>on here. In one breath,
>you use an open forum
>to talk about everyone and
>anyone, with whom you disagree,
>but with the other breath
>you say you want to
>be approach in private if
>someone disagrees.
>So, while it may not be
>to your liking, it's within
>his right to inquire about
>your position with whomever he

Zeke. YOUR WRONG. If Styler wants to troll around in here, GREAT. But let him man up and post in here and take the hit. In case everyone forgot, HE IS A PUBLIC SERVANT. Let his come in here and defend his record. Let him contact Hawkeye and ask him if he is using his personal opinion or his clients. If Styler was actually just wanting to know the opinion of Hawkeyes clients, why didn't he just ask them? This was the typical chickenshizz, backroom BS that happens in this state. Funny how we all assume the DWR, WB operates one way in public, another behind closed doors, and here is the leader, acting this way behind closed doors.
It's obvious what is going on, as most on this thread have pointed out.

As NV said "When you are taking flak, you know you are over the target."
Seemed only fair that I contacted his boss to see if Styler was trolling around an internet forum in his official capacity. Perhaps I'm not a state employee, but do we pay taxes for internet time? I know that is frowned upon in the private sector.

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
Cannonball said- "I'm for Herbert, but he needs to straighten that guy out.

Totally inappropriate."

It is being assumed that Styler did this on his own and not at the direction of his boss or his boss's 'handlers.'

No matter your opinion about the DWR, the expo, SFW, Gov Herbert or hawkeye, this type of email is extremely troubling to me. We live in a country where free exercise of our ideas and beliefs are cherished and held sacred. There is a reason freedom of speech was included in the FIRST amendment by the founding fathers. They lived through a time when that was not allowed, and fought awar to ensure they could. To have a government official turn around in his official capacity with an email like this rings of communist control of the citizenry.

The implication here in the email is crazy. So what if hawkeye was representing the feelings of his firm. Does that mean the Division will now hold that against the firm or the clients their firm represents in decisions that are made? That is certainly the implication here, and as a citizen of what is supposed to be a free land, that scares the crap out of me.

This is really too bad. Sad day for freedom, that's for sure.
When you climb on top of the stump and scream for attention you usually get it. But that doesn't always mean it's the attention you were wanting. It reminds me of the saying. Careful what you wish for, you might just get it. Jason you ask for real change, sounds like the got the attention of those that make that change. It's not always fun when interweb bubble world spills over into reality world. Pretty entertaining stuff.
Muley73, where do you work?

Just curious because I want to tell your boss what you've been saying on an "interweb" forum even though it's none of his business and doesn't effect your work what so ever.

I also want to know who your boss endorses for Governor. Even though it's none of my business.

I want to do and know all that because I'm a whiney, good ol boy, mormon, republican, b!tch.
Regardless of how you feel about hawkeye or what he has done, to say this is "entertaining" is so unbelievably troubling.

Was Tiananmen Square "entertaining" as well? Of course, nobody has been killed in this government attempt to silence its citizenry, so where does the strong arming cross the line? Is there a point in this that you would become uncomfortable? Or has Jason's fight against an organization you support gone so deep that no level of government action or retaliation is out of order?

I am absolutely shocked that someone would call this blatant move by a government official "entertaining." Again, a sad day for freedom. Maybe we were meant to be ruled after all...
Mike Styler was out of line contacting Jason's employer (partners). It was particularly inappropriate because those same partners have regular business dealings with the DNR (water rights.)
It would be perfectly fine for Mike Styler to criticize Jason on this forum, contact him personally, or otherwise critique Jason's statements. But trying to do this by intimidating his business associates is underhanded and wrong. Or in other words, exactly what is wrong with our politicians today. Throw out the whole bunch.

Continue to publish this trash e-mail from Styler wherever you can. The general population will understand immediately that this is wrong, and Styler should apologize immediately. If Herbert is half the man he claims to be, he should insist on such an apology right away.

>If Herbert is half the
>man he claims to be,
>he should insist on such
>an apology right away.

If Herbert is the man he claims to be, he'll meet with you personally to discuss your concerns. You can give him a check before or after, he's very clear on that too.

I never said I agreed with what had happened. But all along I have said its Interweb banter and nothing more. Jason has been the one pushing it further and saying it's much more than that. Now when it becomes more reality he doesn't like the outcome. Again I never said I agreed I just find it interesting and yes entertaining that he chooses to fight his battle on the Internet claiming that it's reality and yet is surprised when real reality comes knocking. He's asked for his voice to be heard. Well it was. I can't control how those hearing it react, and neither can he. That's been Jason's personal claim from the start, that he can't control what other people do or say. I have never once based any of my thoughts or opinions on my career or job. Jason has used his as a major foundation of his views and claims. Doesn't make the inquiry right but it was Jason personally that linked his career to this situation. Hopefully is works out for all parties and our wildlife wins in the end. That's been my goal from the start.
>When you climb on top of
>the stump and scream for
>attention you usually get it.
> But that doesn't always
>mean it's the attention you
>were wanting. It reminds
>me of the saying. Careful
>what you wish for, you
>might just get it.
>Jason you ask for real
>change, sounds like the got
>the attention of those that
>make that change. It's
>not always fun when interweb
>bubble world spills over into
>reality world. Pretty entertaining stuff.

Well here comes "sonny boy" to put in his 2 cents worth of BS after his "papa" did the same thing! You know it's people like the two of you, Birdman, and a couple other SFW drinkers that are as at fault for what Utah is obviously facing as the people doing it for not seeing and trying to correct what is wrong. With every post you guys make it shows your complete lack of integrity or maybe it's just sheer stupidity if you continue to allow the unethical, if not completely illegal, things that are done in your state! This Styler email is very indicative of the stench that is Utah Government and politics and the guy that wrote it has to be right up near the head of the bunch that should be tossed out on their asses.
Llamapacker hit the nail on the head. I have said it before and I will say it again, I have no problem with Mr. Styler, the DNR, the DWR or anyone else disagreeing with me and my views. Post a response on this forum, call me, email me, issue a press release but don't use your official position in an effort to silence me. That is not right.

A couple people have asked what impact this has had on me at work. The answer is none. I am fortunate to work for a company that encourages its employees to have a life outside of work and to get involved in political and social issues of their choosing. I will continue to voice my personal opinions and push for positive change as it relates to the DWR and wildlife management in Utah.

The reason that I posted Mr. Styler's email was not to elicit sympathy or to tattle on him. Rather, my purpose was to highlight what I view as a government official improperly attempting to interfere with my first amendment rights. Fortunately, the email did not have its desired effect. However, what if Mr. Styler targeted a forum member who was employed by another branch of the state government? Or what if he targeted a forum member who worked for a contractor who does significant business with the State of Utah? Under those circumstances, an email like this could easily lead to someone losing their job, or at a minimum, chilling their first amendment rights. That is why I have chosen to shine a light on this conduct.

To the two or three posters who have defended this conduct, your comments are not surprising. It is the same folks who have defended the DWR and the conservation groups in the past despite rules, statutes, meeting minutes, etc. documenting the problems. I expected nothing less from tristate, lumpy, birdman and M73. If you cannot see the fundamental problem that exists here then you know that you have lost any sense of impartiality.

I would again encourage all of you who do not like this from the guys in charge of the state's wildlife to let your voices be heard. Contact the governor's office and your local representatives and voice your displeasure. Let them know that you'll be voting for the candidate that has our best interests in mind, not the best interests of their old friends and those who have made campaign donations.

Vi Et Armis Invictus Maneo
I think the opposing views and friendly banter are healthy for the site and for our sport but some go way too far with name-calling, intimidation, character attacks and the likes.

Some of you foot-stompers would be better served to learn how to communicate rather than being parrots and regurgitating the little catchphrases that mean nothing. Of course open discussion is what drives the world but attacking character because of a different view is just silly, immature and unproductive (from either side of these issues).

There's plenty of respect on here but there's also many who cannot communicate so they resort to name-calling, attacking and pigeon-holing those with whom they disagree.

Sure, I disagree with Jason but I still have respect for him. As incredible as it may seem to some of you, I count him and his bro-in-law among my friends and I think the sentiments are mutual. We've discussed hunting many many times....and this will continue because of who we are, not because we are who some of you say we are.

Carry on,
>I think the opposing views and
>friendly banter are healthy for
>the site and for our
>sport but some go way
>too far with name-calling, intimidation,
>character attacks and the likes.
>Some of you foot-stompers would be
>better served to learn how
>to communicate rather than being
>parrots and regurgitating the little
>catchphrases that mean nothing. Of
>course open discussion is what
>drives the world but attacking
>character because of a different
>view is just silly, immature
>and unproductive (from either side
>of these issues).
>There's plenty of respect on here
>but there's also many who
>cannot communicate so they resort
>to name-calling, attacking and pigeon-holing
>those with whom they disagree.
>Sure, I disagree with Jason but
>I still have respect for
>him. As incredible as it
>may seem to some of
>you, I count him and
>his bro-in-law among my friends
>and I think the sentiments
>are mutual. We've discussed hunting
>many many times....and this will
>continue because of who we
>are, not because we are
>who some of you say
>we are.
>Carry on,

"Friendly banter" and "opposing views" is one thing. However, the few people that have been mentioned that are giving Hawkeye a hard time absolutely have their head in the sand when things are now being done like this completely unethical correspondence from the desk of a top official! What else is there to think because it certainly does speak to the integrity or lack of for those who IMHO are in the wrong corner and can't see anything wrong! Not seeing that is not surprising the way those of you think everything the SFW does is on the up and up when it's easy to see that it's shady and unethical at best. Nothing that Hawkeye mentioned in his post had anything to do with SFW, but you and the other SFW supporters that posted see nothing wrong with the guy sending that completely unethical email under his official government status. That Zeke is more than a shame and certainly comes down to ethics and the integrity of a person whether you and the rest like it or not. To condone that email and say that Hawkeye deserves it is flat out wrong and certainly doesn't do anything but show a lack of integrity on the part of that minority that came on this thread with negative comments towards the OP! Sorry, but a spade is a spade is a spade no matter how delicate or blunt it's stated!
LAST EDITED ON Jun-22-16 AT 11:33AM (MST)[p]Back at you Zeke. We have had many disagreements over the years but the discussion has always been civil. You are a great example of someone that I disagree with on certain issues but I respect -- even if you are wrong on this issue too! Cannonball is another person that fits this description. After all, that is the purpose of these forums -- to share ideas/views and help/educate each other. That is why the email from the head of the DNR was so disapointing. It was an attempt to quash that dialogue.

LAST EDITED ON Jun-22-16 AT 11:52AM (MST)[p]Okay Mike, Here's your spade.

I didn't say I condoned the email or that Hawkeye deserved it. I only eluded to the fact that something like this was inevitable when you play politics and you're out for someone's job. This crusade has gone way beyond wildlife management and into the political area where the rules might be a bit different.

My integrity? Go look in the mirror and quit trying to put words in my mouth to titillate yourself.

>Okay Mike, Here's your spade.
>I didn't say I condoned the
>email or that Hawkeye deserved
>it. I only eluded to
>the fact that something like
>this was inevitable when you
>play politics and you're out
>for someone's job. This crusade
>has gone way beyond wildlife
>management and into the political
>area where the rules might
>be a bit different.
>My integrity? Go look in the
>mirror and quit trying to
>put words in my mouth
>to titillate yourself.

BS man! You didn't allude anything is correct, LOL! Yea, your integrity is questioned unless you didn't make the post that's under your username! This is the exact last sentence taken from your post and it damn sure is saying exactly what I stated about you condoning what the guy did in that email and it's certainly dirty politics:

Zeke: "So, while it may not be to your liking, it's within his right to inquire about your position with whomever he wants."

Now go and titillate yourself or tell me you didn't mean what you said in that sentence because in it you're certainly saying what Styler did was okay right there in black and white!
Cronies are gonna crony!!

So we have an appointed official attempting to strong arm a member of the public via his livelihood. He sent that email in an attempt to gain retribution against Hawkeye from his employer.

The implication of not supporting Herby was not veiled.

Now we have a group of fine fellows around here that like to speculate what certain candidates will or won't do if ever elected. This same group are breaking their own necks getting their heads up their own asses in avoidance of the blatant corruption currently slapping them in the face.

I've said for almost the last decade that this whole den of snakes needs gas and a match. From corrupt Herby through spineless Division Leadership.

Resign Styler and take DWR leadership with you.

"If the DWR was just doing its job, and
wildlife and hunting were the actual focus,
none of this process would even matter.
But that is not the of not focus or the goal in any
of this. The current DWR regime, and
SFW were born out of wildlife declines,
and are currently operated and funded
under that paradigm. Those 200 Expo
tags would not even be worth anything if
the focus was where it was supposed to
be, and wildlife and tags were plentiful.
But under the current business model,
that is how the money and power is
generated. It is generated through the
rising "value"(monitization) of a declining
resource. A resource that is supposed to
be being beneficially managed for the
masses that own that resource, ie. US.
The problem is obvious, hedging is not a
long term sustainable strategy, and
others have to lose, for some to win. In
this case it is us, the many, and our
resources, that are being forced to lose,
because there is a minority who's power
and money is derived from our loses."

LONETREE 3/15/16
WOW!!! Although the exact wording of the email does not come straight out and say it; Most reasonable and prudent people can see that Styler's intentions were an implied intimidation/threat.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-22-16 AT 02:50PM (MST)[p]This Styler's unethical actions don't surprise me one bit. If the UTDWR can be so brazen as to openly break their own rules and laws as displayed by the RFP fiasco, get media coverage, and still get away with it............what's this dope got to fear for being publicly unethical? Styler is just another passenger in the Utah Clown Car. Pathetic. He should be ashamed of himself but arrogant aholes rarely are.

Disgusting political ethics spread all throughout Utah. It's truly embedded in the fiber of the state these days. An embarrassment for the entire United States.

Greenhorns educate yourselves. Wherever SFW goes, scandals and corruption follow. Write your legislators:“socialism”
>WOW!!! Although the exact wording of
>the email does not come
>straight out and say it;
> Most reasonable and prudent
>people can see that Styler's
>intentions were an implied intimidation/threat.


You may not agree with the OP's views and methods, however to address their dissatisfaction through his workplace/partners is simply wrong. And if you do not think it IS wrong, then you are WAAAAY more than just naive!
I agree there are politics in about everything. I agree Hawkeye has tried to help with accounting and transparency. He also states that he volunteered time to help the RMEF get the expo bid. He has used his Lawyer name tag on some issues then use his private opinion name tag on the other sleeve. Over all I think Hawkeye is just trying to make a difference for the better. Some may not agree with his approach.

Over the years Hawkeye has been a thorn in the side for some. DWR/SFW/MDF/Expo. He has made it clear he supports RMEF and donated legal time. I guess Skyler didn't like his approach. I'm not saying I liked Rep Skyler approach either. Things could have be done better IMO on his part.

20 years ago the Utah DWR wasn't pro hunting, pro transplants, pro predator control, in many areas. One DWR official said hunting is a family tradition, we don't need to make it good. People would always buy licenses. Not all, but some in DWR leadership didn't really care about big game hunting. Things have changed now.

There are still politics involved no doubt. They are better than they were 20 years ago IMO. Could things get better or improve? Yes, I hope so.
So what is wrong with Hawkeye donating his own time and using his legal expertise to do that work for the RMEF? Answer---Absolutely nothing. So what is wrong with him using his legal background to point out to everyone where laws and statutes are being broken and abused by the DWR and how they should be corrected? Answer---Absolutely nothing! I have never seen Hawkeye speak for anyone other than himself on any issue that he has posted on and he's been very up front in telling everyone that anything he posts is his personal opinion. To have Styler send that email under his Government account is more than unethical. It's downright wrong and he should be called on the carpet for it. IMHO he can't be very smart to do something like that unless he's under the assumption that he's untouchable. I hope this big mistake comes back to haunt him!
So because I volunteered my time on a pro bono basis to help RMEF submit a competing bid for the expo tags, Mr. Styler "didn't like my approach" and decided to use his position to interfere with my employment? I don't get it. Would it have been okay if I had volunteered my time to assist the DWR's favored conservation groups - SFW and MDF?

Hawkeye, congratulations on having a job where you can spend company time using mm. Not all jobs allow that.
I did have a question for you. If as has been said here on mm, the DWR and some of these conservation groups have done things illegally and not followed the rules that have been set to follow, Why haven't you and others taken legal action against them. Isn't it your civil duty to correct the wrong? There are departments that can go after high ranking elected people. If they are breaking the law as people on mm claim, you should fix it instead of complaning. Or is it they are not really breaking a law. Just doing what some. A few don't like.
^^^^^This was off topic-some of you are missing the point. It angers me as a citizen of Utah that this back door crap is going on-Mr. S's e-mail was probably on "company time" which the tax payers are holding the bag for while personal agendas are persued- this whole thread has solidified my decision to vote Herbert and other incumbents out! At least if you get new guys in regularly they have less time to spoil and something stinks currently.
>So because I volunteered my time
>on a pro bono basis
>to help RMEF submit a
>competing bid for the expo
>tags, Mr. Styler "didn't like
>my approach" and decided to
>use his position to interfere
>with my employment? I
>don't get it. Would
>it have been okay if
>I had volunteered my time
>to assist the DWR's favored
>conservation groups - SFW and

Hawkeye, Were you able to glean any information that helped you in your battle with the DWR and SFW while doing your pro bono work for the RMEF?

If so how have you been able to use that info, and what is your relationship with the RMEF like right now?

Respectfully asked.
>Hawkeye, congratulations on having a
>job where you can spend
>company time using mm.
>Not all jobs allow that.
> I did
>have a question for you.
> If as has been
>said here on mm, the
>DWR and some of these
>conservation groups have done things
>illegally and not followed the
>rules that have been set
>to follow, Why haven't
>you and others taken legal
>action against them. Isn't
>it your civil duty to
>correct the wrong? There
>are departments that can go
>after high ranking elected people.
> If they are breaking
>the law as people on
>mm claim, you should
>fix it instead of complaning.
> Or is it they
>are not really breaking a
>law. Just doing what
>some. A few don't like.

Take a hike Birdy because as always you still haven't added one sane post to this thread! It's also none of your friggin business when Hawkeye makes posts on this site. He may not be paid an hourly salary like you seem to think by your comment and that's also not your business to question.
>Hawkeye, congratulations on having a
>job where you can spend
>company time using mm.
>Not all jobs allow that.
> I did
>have a question for you.
> If as has been
>said here on mm, the
>DWR and some of these
>conservation groups have done things
>illegally and not followed the
>rules that have been set
>to follow, Why haven't
>you and others taken legal
>action against them. Isn't
>it your civil duty to
>correct the wrong? There
>are departments that can go
>after high ranking elected people.
> If they are breaking
>the law as people on
>mm claim, you should
>fix it instead of complaning.
> Or is it they
>are not really breaking a
>law. Just doing what
>some. A few don't like.

Yeah?? Seeems like a tax payer supported high and mighty government official gets paid to troll MM

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
So, today I sent a complaint to the Lt. Governor. I also called Herberts office to register a complaint, and was set to legal, where of course I was asked to leave a message. I plan on doing the same tom, the next day, the next, etc. until at least I get a response.

I also droped a line to Gephardt, maybe he can get an answer.

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
Top, just following up with a comment in this thread about a statement where being on the net during Co time is not permitted by most companies. Just wanted to tell Jason how lucky he is to be able to do things on the net during business hours. Now since you seem to answer his questions I mentioned you this time. Top, you really have no idea what is going on as most on mm. Even Jason will do things then mention he really didn't do it.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-22-16 AT 11:18PM (MST)[p]Birdman-

As usual, your posts are rambling, off topic and incoherent. No, I don't get paid to sit on the Internet. I only get paid when I am doing specific work for a specific client. Thank you again for your interest in my occupation.

With regard to your question as to whether the DWR has broken the law or violated its rules, I have answered that question many times. Rather than explain it to you yet again, why don't you take a few minutes and read R657-55-4 and tell me if the DWR followed its own administrative rule in awarding the latest contract. See That is one simple and obvious example.

Now answer a question for me, what do you believe Mr. Styler's purpose was in sending that email? Be honest. I look forward to reading your response.


Jason, don't know what his intentions were and don't care. He is probably trying to protect his people who have not broken the law. If the dwr is breaking the law, why are you not doing anything about it but complain. You being an attorney certainly know to stop that instead of complaining. Is it they are breaking the law, or not. You have tried to bring trouble with the TV station deal that ended quick. They changed their tune. You are like fishon a few years back who kept saying he could sink SFW but never could. You only have your opinion and your opinion only. No law breaking. Just your opinion. Your desires to upset the apple cart because you were scorned years back by SFW and then lost your bid while representing rmef. The only leg you have to stand on is to complain.
Hawkeye, you don't like that he approached your partners instead of you. But then you go ask a bunch of strangers on the internet to tell you Styler's motives??? Why don't you give yourself a nut check be the bigger man and call Styler and get the answer for yourself FROM THE ONLY MAN WHO CAN ANSWER YOUR QUESTION.
All state business should be done to benfit the state. THE TAXPAYER. Herbert, and therefore Styler DO NOT OWN ANYTHING. By waiving that "are your clients loyal" card, he and his boss have the belief that they are king and royalty, not ELECTED and APPOINTED.

Tri, I contacted Styler. Left him my bosses email and phone number(I am the boss), so I am sure I will hear nothing because he can't strong arm me.

Styler is not the legal department. He is not the PR department. He is not Herberts chief of staff. He is not the campaign manager. If he spent 1 minute of TAXPAYER time on Jason, me or MM, he isn't doing his job. I(as a taxpayer) don't pay him for his opinions of anything. He is paid to make good deals for the state. He is free to come in here and mouth off all day, but when he decides to break out the .gov email, HE DAMN SURE BETTER BE DOING WHAT I PAY HIM TO DO, and that isn't troll around to find out Hawkeyes actual name, or how many posts hes made. This ain't about Hawkeye, its about the head of a department that we believe acts like this behind closed doors, ACTING LIKE THIS BEHIND CLOSED DOORS.
>Jason, don't know what his intentions
>were and don't care. He
>is probably trying to protect
>his people who have not
>broken the law. If
>the dwr is breaking the
>law, why are you not
>doing anything about it but
>complain. You being an
>attorney certainly know to stop
>that instead of complaining. Is
>it they are breaking the
>law, or not. You have
>tried to bring trouble with
>the TV station deal that
>ended quick. They changed their
>tune. You are like fishon
>a few years back who
>kept saying he could sink
>SFW but never could.
>You only have your opinion
>and your opinion only.
>No law breaking. Just your
>opinion. Your desires to upset
>the apple cart because you
>were scorned years back by
>SFW and then lost your
>bid while representing rmef. The
>only leg you have to
>stand on is to complain.

Do you ever make a coherent, intelligent post on here about anything or is it one of your grand kids using your username because for all you say you know about things you never back yourself up at any time with anything to show you know squat?! That deal you keep tossing out about Hawkeye being "scorned by the SFW" is about as big a crock of baloney as there is and it's about like everything else you post. Birdman knows more about everything going on in Utah than everybody else put together is always your motto! If that's the case, you're either an idiot that can't see the forest for the trees or a crook that doesn't care how your Government and/or political machinery works within Utah. I'm sure you'll now come up with another incoherent bunch of BS to back me up, LOL!
Herbert is going to easily win according to polls.

I think when Hawkeye said I'm not going to tell you how to vote, but I had a good meeting with Jonathan Johnson. Wink, wink. He was filling in his followers Expo/SFW/MDF/DWR haters and giving them an update. Johnson and Herbert have both said they were for State control over Federal land??? I don't know much about Johnson. For the most part Herbert has done a pretty good job. He is a pretty popular Governor.
I don't need to contact Mike Styler to ask him about his motives. I know exactly what he was trying to accomplish by sending that email. I just wanted to see if birdman would acknowledge the obvious. No surprise - he didn't.

Curious, is there a new SFW President yet?

"If the DWR was just doing its job, and
wildlife and hunting were the actual focus,
none of this process would even matter.
But that is not the focus or the goal in any
of this. The current DWR regime, and
SFW were born out of wildlife declines,
and are currently operated and funded
under that paradigm. Those 200 Expo
tags would not even be worth anything if
the focus was where it was supposed to
be, and wildlife and tags were plentiful.
But under the current business model,
that is how the money and power is
generated. It is generated through the
rising "value"(monitization) of a declining
resource. A resource that is supposed to
be being beneficially managed for the
masses that own that resource, ie. US.
The problem is obvious, hedging is not a
long term sustainable strategy, and
others have to lose, for some to win. In
this case it is us, the many, and our
resources, that are being forced to lose,
because there is a minority who's power
and money is derived from our loses."

LONETREE 3/15/16
Using Herbert's polling numbers as evidence that he has done a good job would lead us to the conclusion that Obama's landslide victory in the last election proves he has done an excellent job as well.

A wise phrase comes to mind, "Just think how dumb the average American is, and then realize that half are dumber."

Sometimes poll numbers don't show the success of the politician, but the stupidity of the American voter.

>Curious, is there a new SFW
>President yet?

I heard through the grapevine the other day that Birdman took over that position since he knows everything about the organization, as well as everything pertaining to the intertwined position with the DWR and Board!!!
>>Curious, is there a new SFW
>>President yet?
>I heard through the grapevine the
>other day that Birdman took
>over that position since he
>knows everything about the organization,
>as well as everything pertaining
>to the intertwined position with
>the DWR and Board!!!

I heard that to NOT be the case since he has NO clue on real issues on what SFW is fighting only what happens in Cache Valley and the deer that are found in the city.

Don, to this point has not appointed one of his cronies yet, as to many met with the SFW exec board and he realized they all had a clue and he went home to call Trump Jr.
I said Herbert is pretty popular overall and is polling pretty well. I doubt it will be a close race. That is pretty obvious.

I didn't say I was a fan of either Herbert or Johnson.

You are correct on voters. Look how many are for a socialist and a crook that got rich off the tax payers and foreign Countries.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-23-16 AT 03:02PM (MST)[p]Hawkeye. Maybe you need to explain to some people what a rhetorical question is.

When we were children and our neighbors told our parents of something we did that they didn't approve of, there was no question what they were after: they wanted your parents to spank our butt. Nuff said.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)

Johnson is even more radical than Herbert on the land grab and was recently endorsed by Ken Ivory.

Also, I must've misunderstood your statement of, "For the most part Herbert has done a pretty good job." I apologize for taking that as an endorsement. My bad. Have a good one.

Yep! Styler is staking his claim to be president of SFW!

"Wildlife and its habitat cannot speak. So
we must and we will."
Theadore Roosevelt

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