
Active Member
36" Mule Deer
400 Pt Bull
170+ Ram
90+ Goat

I don't know maybe it is just me but the animals listed above are very incredible but some people claim to see them on every hunting trip they take. I would love to believe guys that tell me this because man it would be awesome for animals like these to be everywhere. IT JUST SEEMS LIKE THE SAME GUYS OVER & OVER AGAIN ARE TELLING ME ABOUT THESE LARGE ANIMALS & AFTER A WHILE WITH OUT ANY PROOF I JUST GET BURNT OUT ON THE WHOLE THING...

I am not saying that these creatures aren't out there because they are but man you just don't see them everyday. I AM NOT AN OLD TIMER BUT I HAVE BEEN HUNTING SINCE I WAS 10 YRS OF AGE & I HAVE ONLY SEEN A FEW ANIMALS OF THIS CALIBER.

36" Muley----I have never seen one except for pictures of dead ones. I have seen a few 30 inchers & that is a hell of a BUCK at least in AZ now days.

400 Pt Bull----I have seen a COUPLE that I thought may go but they may not have, that was until this year when I watched my cousin mis a bull that would go 420++++++++++++++. I HAVE PROOF, IT IS ALL ON TAPE!!!!!!!!!

170 Ram-----In YEARS past I have seen a COUPLE that were close. I have also seen a few dead ones that my dad had helped with.

90+-----I HAVE NEVER SEEN A GOAT THAT WOULD GO 90+ ALIVE. I did mis a buck with my bow that would probably go in the mid 80's & may have been high 80's if he did not have a busted prong (Got it on tape).

I HAVE FOUND THAT IT IS NOT EVERYONE TELLING STORIES BUT JUST A FEW TELLING THEM OVER & OVER AGAIN. I HAVE A FRIEND WHO EVERY YEAR TELLS ME HE SEES 35" 9x30'S, no matter where he goes....I just get tired of hearing this stuff & seeing no proof but I guess that it is just people trying to sound big. I still have not figured it out yet, why can't some people just say what it is, its okay to be excited but don't just outrite make up a bogus story.



Craig Steele
[email protected]
It's been my experience that folks who claim to see that many good animals wouldn't know how to score them with a tape, never mind in the field.
I don't know too much about the carp or antelopes as I don't hunt them much or even look at them unless they are standing near the road but there are a few bulls stomping around this state that are just short of 400 if they dont actually make 400, and all of them that I have ever looked at were in Navajo and Apache county mostly close to the reservation. I imagine there are a bunch more over by Flag and Prescott.
If you started looking at Mexicali sheep other than Nelsoni's you would see alot more 170 sheep. It was possible at one time to go to Aravaipa Canyon, The Catalinas, Canyon Lake or the Silverbells and see multiple 170 rams a day especially in September when they were rutted. I know alot of the sheep we killed or helped people kill were in the 170-183 inch range after the tape was put on them and the drying period and deductions done with.

Bret M.

This is true about the Nelsoni's but from what I hear things are getting tuffer down south too... How are the sheep doing in general numbers & size?
Overall the herds are fine and alot of units have multiple 170 plus inch rams. It appears the sheep are all but gone from the Silverbells now due to disease but we will see. Game and Fish is flying surveys all the time out there trying to find out what thew exact problem is and how many are left.

Bret M.
I saw one 90 inch pronghorn last year and one that was upper 80's. I guided to the 90 incher which turned out to be 94 inches B&C after 60 days. The other one is still alive.

In 2002 I saw four bucks that would go well over 90 inches. I helped guide to one - it scored 95 inches B&C. I heard of several other bucks over 90, but, like you say, I have no idea if any of them are real.

With pronghorn I find that all it takes to find the 90 inch bucks is lots and lots of time scouting and then, of course, knowing what you're looking at - which can be one of the toughest parts.

About the other animals...I have no idea. I live in my little sheltered world of pronghorn.

What I do when people tell me of 90 inch bucks...I go and see for myself (I love my work hours.) Usually I find nothing.

Eli Grimmett

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