Stuck at home! It stinks!!!


Founder Since 1999
I've got mule deer tags to fill, but I'm stuck at home and it stinks!!! Herniated a disc in my back and the pain is too bad for me to man up and go hunt anyway. Surgery is in the near future.

Who else has ever had hunting trips canceled because of injuries?

Brian Latturner
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That does stink Founder!! I've been there with two back surgeries. Just found out that I now need neck surgery. Fortunately, my Ortho was able to get the pain under control.
I have a mule deer hunt coming up in a week and a half in Northern California, followed by a mule deer and cow elk hunt in Montana a few weeks later. Hopefully, things will hold until I get back from Montana. Then,it's under the knife again in November. Did you try an epidural yet? Sometimes it works wonders in alleviating the pain. It worked well a couple of times for me. Good luck.
You gotta stop lifting those 220", 350lb. bucks onto your back...

:) I hope you start feeling better and they can fix the problem...

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
hahaha, yep. Sorry bud



Too bad Brian. Hope you have a fast recovery. Those bucks will be a little bigger next year. Hope your not working on those flips on the tramp? Hope to send a couple pictures your way.
Opening day of Utah muzzy deer hunt in 2014 I was on the operating table having back surgery. My disc had herniated so bad my nerves were pinched and I couldn't feel anything below the waist and had to use a walker. I'm back hunting now but I have to be really careful how much I pack out or I really pay for it.
Had surgery on the knee at the end of June. Thought I would be able to walk out after. When I woke up I had a giant brace on the knee and the doctor standing over me saying it was worse than we both thought. I have had to miss out on archery and muzzy. Said I could start Hiking in October. Here I come rifle hunt! Here i come!!

You must be in a lot of pain seeing that you hunted through a borken neck last year. That really sucks. Are you also going to miss your Colorado hunt? Do you need someone to fill in for you?

Best of luck with you surgery and recovery.

I have 2 buldged and one ruptured disk with free fragments.
The ruptured disk is essentially blow up into pieces.

Get good care, the best care!
It can resolve without surgery, maybe, so look at that option.

Good luck!
Once again sorry about your injury and shortened season - especially when you had two good bucks located close together.

I messed up and ankle playing softball one year right before I was supposed to leave for my annual elk hunt. Last year I had to come home early from a elk hunt that took 12 preference points to draw due to a messed up back.

My wife said I get very crabby and hard to live with if I don't get to go on my annual September hunt! I feel sorry for your wife!
Finally drew an archery elk tag in Nevada with 18 pts this year! 2 days later, I fell and fractured/sprained my ankle( June 4). I wasn't able to walk without a cast until August 4. Sept 4 I was chasing elk in Nevada! Still not completely healed, but I followed the Dr's orders( and my wife's! LOL), and was able to go on this once in a lifetime elk hunt!

My bad luck changed to good luck, as I was able to take a good bull at 22 yards with a double-lung pass through.

Being stuck at home most of the summer sucked! I can't even imagine that during hunting season...
When I was recovering from staph infection of spine and sternoclavicular joint, I drew a wyoming deer tag, that became my goal to walk again as near as normal as I could. I found a accesible ridge with some cover and sat all day long in camp chair with spotting scope and rifle... ended up shooting a decent buck and it fueled my recovery. RIP Lil Bro' "Huntnfever"
Partially torn Achilles tendon right now. Kissing my Alaska hunting season goodbye. Hope to be ready for ski season. The only silver lining is I won't be eating any tags in the lower-48.

Hope the rest of you gimps heal up.
Herniated disc in 2007. I toughed it out and shot my biggest deer ever (I wasn't packing in anywhere how you were planning). I remember the pain was temporarily gone after I shot him because of the adrenaline rush. Eventually I had to get surgery, and I am very glad that I did. Just keep your core strong, even more importantly, stay extremely flexible. Sometimes I get lazy and I don't stretch. My back starts to hurt and it scares the heck out of me. That usually motivates me to start stretching religiously again. I know it can be depressing, Good luck. Just be smart and work hard. You will get over it!
I been living with 2 herniated discs n my lower back for 30 years ,some good years some bad,once you get the pain down,learn some stretches and exercises ,use ice when you overdue it. You have to learn not to do somethings or you might pay for weeks afterward.
Damn Brian, tough pill to swallow. But maybe you can still get out there in late October if you take it easy now? Goodluck man. Cant imagine losing a whole season because of something like this. But was only limited to 4 days of hunting one year because of work.
I am not stuck at home, but I did get sick last month, which burned my Vacation. I was saving up for my Late limited entry Muzzle loader deer this year. which took me 11 years to draw this hunt(welcome to Utah). Now I am trying to figure out how to take the hunt off without pay and still hope I can make the bills! As well as return to a wife and not a divorce notice.
We feel for you wife is going through the same issue...fluid from the disc formed a cyst against the spinal cord..pain going down right leg....two surgeries removing the cyst relieved the pain until the leaking disc formed another cyst...this procedure instead of fusing discs has given her 5 extra years so far before doing a fusion procedure....good luck, hope you heal up.....quickly.....

Well founder I got real lucky this year and drew nothing just like my name. It is lucky because on September 10th I got knocked down in our horse trailer by my wife's rodeo horses and they trampled my half to death. I am sitting in bed with my leg up. Had surgery to put it back together and now I'm just praying it heals. It's the 1st time in my life I have gotten real lucky with the draw !!!!! Lol. If I don't laugh I will cry. Best of luck to you !!!
Tore my acl a few weeks ago on opening morning hike in over in colorado. Shot a nice buck shortly after and the packout was a rough deal. Just returned from a utah muzzy road hunt early. I really couldnt enjoy it knowing I was locked down to a quad. Bugling elk were enjoyable, but my elk hunting plans for the remainder of the year are toast. Have an appt with the surgeon on oct 10th.
That does suck! Brian....

Last fall I had a hell of a time with my hammy strain Pain and more Pain!

Driving was the most ever painful as it affected pressure against my syatic nerve from the inflammation.

I ended up eating only 1 tag though----

Thank goodness for lap swimming to help it 'kinda' heal up.

Missed last year and this year because of a lumbar full of messed up discs. Hiked, scouted and shot all spring and summer long. Herniated 3 new spots 2 weeks before archery opener. Can still hike but cant sit long enough to drive anywhere... Back issues getting old as heck, really trashing my hunting.
Been there, but never lost a season. Get a cortisone shot and pain pills. Buck up Founder. You'll have 10 months to rest up. :)
I broke both bones in my left lower leg 4 days before my first Nevada draw in a logging accident. Since then I've had both hips and both knees replaced and both ankles fused.I'm just about to turn 61 years old and I'm leaving for South Dakota in early November. I've missed some hunts but have had most of my surgeries done after hunting season in late November. " I'm not as good as I once was, but I'm good once as I ever was" Take your time to recover and follow your doctors advise.
Brian, you seem to have more than your fair share of bad luck. One of these days the luck has to swing the other way and you get your 250 inch buck. That high country is fun to hunt. I wish you the best of luck getting your back healed up.
I appreciate all the well wishes, and I wish any of you who are also "busted up" the best too. Maybe it's time to reevaluate how hard I play. I did give up playing on trampolines after breaking my neck last year, but when I think back as to what might have aggravated my lower back this time, I can't figure it out. The week prior to pain setting in, I had taken rough rock climbing falls, had done 3 days of back packing, wake jumping on the wakeboard and simply got out of bed (which caused a disc herniation 7 years ago). Who knows? Frustrating though! Hate to be done for the year. Still hoping the epidural does the trick.

Brian Latturner
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Brian, my brother studied at Johns Hopkins and is a fantastic doctor dealing with pain especially treating lower back pain. I just spent the week hunting with him in Idaho. If you need a second opinion email me at [email protected] and I will get you his info. He has people fly in from out East to see him. I am sure he could figure this out for ya.....

I hate to hear about a guy in that much pain. Lets get you fixed up.

"The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." - Plato

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