Student loan


Long Time Member
forgiveness of up to $50K. Yup, it is being worked.

Eight, nearly nine years of school. I worked full time for my first 5 years, then part time just to avoid debt. I lived very frugally and I paid my student loan off in 10 years.

I don't know why these puzzzzzzies think they don't need to be responsible and pay off their own obligations.
Feddoc! Nicely done! And I agree!

I spent the past five years going to school and working the system the right way...just 20 years later than most!

Finished school while raising teens, working full time and often times late hours!

Used my work tuition reimbursement program for the majority of the degree!

Only owed 10K all said and done!

Saved that money while going to school and paid that in cash at the end when tuition reimbursement ran out!

Too many whiners now days!

Learn to sacrifice something so that you don’t take for granted everything!

Entitled generation is gonna kill off the world with their frail behavior and ignorant thinking!
Where are the well you know the people that supported this guy. (Keeping it non political).

When i got enganged and then a baby came well we always made student loan payments to my wifes loans. Lucky for us most of her degree was covered through scholarships. She did a 6 year degree and got a masters. But even when we couldnt afford we threw all my overtime money at it and paid it off several years early.

This is just a freakin joke and as stated a slap to us
I've got a daughter that graduated from UCLA (Bio major), another daughter at UCLA now (psych major) and my son at Cal Poly (engineering major). All have student loans.....
where do I find the paperwork to get my free sh!t! Does it come with a cell phone plan or an EBT card that looks like a credit card so no one has to be embarrassed to be in the system?
The problem is free stuff from government is provided by tax payers. All the free stuff from the government is making America weak. When the tax payers see their hard earned money being given to those people that are lazy or make bad choices, more and more tax payers will quite working so hard. As more and more people become dependent on the government, the weaker our country becomes.

This would be a slap in the face to everyone who pays taxes and made responsible choices when it comes to higher education. I worked very hard and made many sacrifices for my education. After graduating, I continued making sacrifices to pay off my student loans. Every responsible citizen would be furious if student loans are forgiven for those that were irresponsible.

The real solution for the student loan crisis is to make colleges cosign every student loan. If the student fails to get a job that they can pay back the loans, then the school is responsible for the bill. Colleges would stop allowing loans for students who are not college material or students who are earning worthless degrees. Colleges have been praying on students who they know are wasting their time in college and have increased tuition costs substantially over the last 25 years. Hold both the colleges and students responsible for they student loan debt crisis.
The problem is free stuff from government is provided by tax payers. All the free stuff from the government is making America weak. When the tax payers see their hard earned money being given to those people that are lazy or make bad choices, more and more tax payers will quite working so hard. As more and more people become dependent on the government, the weaker our country becomes.

This would be a slap in the face to everyone who pays taxes and made responsible choices when it comes to higher education. I worked very hard and made many sacrifices for my education. After graduating, I continued making sacrifices to pay off my student loans. Every responsible citizen would be furious if student loans are forgiven for those that were irresponsible.

The real solution for the student loan crisis is to make colleges cosign every student loan. If the student fails to get a job that they can pay back the loans, then the school is responsible for the bill. Colleges would stop allowing loans for students who are not college material or students who are earning worthless degrees. Colleges have been praying on students who they know are wasting their time in college and have increased tuition costs substantially over the last 25 years. Hold both the colleges and students responsible for they student loan debt crisis.

I like your solution! Accountability!!!

There’s so many for profit colleges out there now! It’s obvious what they’re after!

You can compare half the colleges in this country to a “Dollar loan center!”

Praying on folks that have no business being in college by pushing them through a fake degree program pretty much sums up the majority of the “for profit” schools!

When I was doing group assignments with folks in college, I was amazed at how many could not write a sentence, paragraph, or make an honest attempt at an essay without plagiarizing their portion of the assignment! I volunteered to be team lead in most essay assignments because I could not afford to be misrepresented by some illiterate student who was just there to pay for the piece of graduate paper!
forgiveness of up to $50K. Yup, it is being worked.

Eight, nearly nine years of school. I worked full time for my first 5 years, then part time just to avoid debt. I lived very frugally and I paid my student loan off in 10 years.

I don't know why these puzzzzzzies think they don't need to be responsible and pay off their own obligations.

This sort of thing keeps happening because people continue to allow them to get away with it.

1st degree: ran $40k and owed $8k when done because I worked construction the whole time, but did need a little boost to get through.

2nd degree: paid cash out of pocket (because of good paying job).

Paying for the wife's teaching degree with out of pocket cash.

Using work's tuition reimbursement program for grad school (because I can).

Daughter fixin' to head off to college, already has one scholarship squared away, waiting to hear on others as well as the official 'NO' from fed student aid because her dad and mom make too much money.

The only thing debt forgiveness will teach them is accountability does not matter and the big reset will be devastating for them when it hits...
Another who paid his own way.

There is no way I see this happen without “needs testing”. First, we can’t afford it.

But most importantly, I don’t see the left backtracking on their long running narrative that college is for the privileged. They won’t make it a handout for rich white kids.

But there will be a handout. And if you want to inquire about an applicants work ethic, it will be made illegal to question job applicants about whether their loans were forgiven.

Some people go to college and get a degree. Some people go to college and get character. Be thankful you received the latter.

That is why equality is a BS word for for whiners and parasites.
Ask yourself why EVERY college freshman is required to live on campus. Colleges make over 60% of their incomes a students first year. They hook them....ever realize that most classes needed by a sophomore are impacted so most students are on a waiting list? They reeled them in as a freshman so now they stick with that college even though they can't get the classes they need. I have a sophomore at Cal Poly and he is taking an engineering class that is 1 (ONE) unit.....a 1 unit engineering class. Why? Because an engineering degree requires less classes to compete the degree than most other degrees. Only 1 unit so they have to take more classes to complete the degree....more $$ for the college. Its a scam.
I paid my student loans off ASAP, in less than 10 years. Did it working as a state employee (not the highest paying job) and while starting a family! I don’t get why “we” have to let all the folks off the hook. The USA as I know it is fast disappearing. Glad I am an old guy. I hate it for my grandkids!!
My daughter is applying to PA schools and is in the interview stages. She has her second interview with Stanford on Saturday. We're very proud of her, however, Stanford is $80K a year compared to other Ca schools which are half as much. Stanford can charge that because it is Stanford. Again, a scam because the curriculum will essentially be the same. She will make more $$ out of the gate being a Stanford product but the $$ will eventually even out and she'll be getting paid what her fellow PA's are getting paid. So, why pay twice as much?
Can we get that debt written off too?? I've had my eye on the new Ford F350;s. :)
It is nonsense. I don‘t expect anyone to pay for my education, nor do I expect anyone to pay for my kids‘ education. I started saving for their education before they grew their first tooth for a reason. I’m fine with some of the programs already available to provide opportunities for college, though I wish as many were available for trade schools.
It is nonsense. I don‘t expect anyone to pay for my education, nor do I expect anyone to pay for my kids‘ education. I started saving for their education before they grew their first tooth for a reason. I’m fine with some of the programs already available to provide opportunities for college, though I wish as many were available for trade schools.
Why do you think they're not available for trade schools? Same reason Costco or Walmart were able to stay open during this "pandemic".
Grizz is getting a chub just reading this. How embarrassing, borrowing money and not pay it back.
Anybody explain why an electrical engineer needs to complete credits in art, or PE, or whatever?

You could EASILY cut at least a year out of school by dropping useless generals.

Second, as was stated easier schools need to be made accountable. Make the school, the lender. That would overnight ends 3/4 of the liberal arts degrees that dontl lead to jobs that can pay back the loan.

Third. End tenure. Reality is your paying $$$$$ to have a grad assistant teach your kid, while tenured professors "do research". If professors dont teach, they dont have a job.

Fourth. End college sports. Sports that pay money, can create their own minor leagues. Taxpayers shouldn't be on the hook for the NFL minor league system. Sports is a money maker for very few schools. The rest are subsidized by us.
Anybody explain why an electrical engineer needs to complete credits in art, or PE, or whatever?

You could EASILY cut at least a year out of school by dropping useless generals.

This. Intro to Landscape Architecture and Survey of Art History did ZERO for my first degree. Complete waste of time and money. But hey, I at least learned what a "curved linear walkway" was from a LAEP professor from St. Paul, MN...
I agree that trade schools and community colleges should be more popular than they are right now. The only post high school education my dad had was A&P school and he worked his way to a great position in a coal power plant. I dropped out of a University after a year and changed majors and finished up at a community college with an associates degree. I accumulated more than 120 hours, but at least it’s over and I think I’m doing ok and didn’t have tens of thousands of debt because the community college was less expensive.

I did have help from mom and dad. I’m not going to let anyone think I did it on my own. I tried my best to not ask for much and worked full time as I went.
I did four years of community college on my own. Completed industrial automation, ammonia refrigeration, HVAC, robotics, MIG, TIG, and ARC welding, both structural and sanitary welding certs, etc. Total of 25 certificates.

I went this route because I tried a semester of college after high school and could not acclimate to the learning environment. That is when I realized that I am a “hands on, blue collar worker.” It was natural for me to create things, visually see things and improve the efficiency through design changes, etc. So I took up industrial maintenance and then after so many years of being beat down by poor management practices, I became determined to get a formal education, become a maintenance manager, and put a stop to that culture by being the guy in charge.

There’s been nothing more fulfilling in my career than being able to build a well oiled crew that supports a culture of sharing knowledge and forging new paths into the future through innovation and continuous improvement mind sets. My current crew is the best crew I have ever had the privilege of working with. I hired everyone of them for a specific reason. Whether it was a skill set or cultural fit, or both. Each one of the twelve hired was a puzzle piece that formed unity and knowledge. And those two combined keeps our department and company running strong!

You appreciate your education much more whether it be formal schooling, vocational, or some other means when you sacrifice something important to you in exchange for knowledge.

It’s a shame what is becoming of our educational system. If you read between the lines of many of these colleges, you will see the dollar signs and a poor learning platform.
Ask yourself why EVERY college freshman is required to live on campus. Colleges make over 60% of their incomes a students first year. They hook them....ever realize that most classes needed by a sophomore are impacted so most students are on a waiting list? They reeled them in as a freshman so now they stick with that college even though they can't get the classes they need. I have a sophomore at Cal Poly and he is taking an engineering class that is 1 (ONE) unit.....a 1 unit engineering class. Why? Because an engineering degree requires less classes to compete the degree than most other degrees. Only 1 unit so they have to take more classes to complete the degree....more $$ for the college. Its a scam.
Congrats on your son getting into Cal Poly! That can be a challenge nowadays. My wife and I both went there, and yes, we paid off any debts we had.
Our first daughter went to Arizona to college and now our senior daughter is looking at colleges. I think she'll be going out of state as well. Cal Poly is on her shortlist, but California colleges aren't what they used to be. Colleges are a scam, but I think they are less of a scam, once you leave the golden state.
I won't be taking the "free" handout from Biden and his government, but I wouldn't turn down the ability to write off her tuition on my taxes;)
By the government forgiving loans it will just increase the cost to attend college. I worked full-time and graduated from college in 4 years. I choose a college that I could afford and graduated with zero debt....whats so hard about that.
I don’t even like paying the high taxes I do now for bazillion dollar high school they built in my town. I think when it first opened all the kids also got free laptops!

When it comes to education, we do need to pick up the pace or China will stomp our butts in a few years!
By the government forgiving loans it will just increase the cost to attend college. I worked full-time and graduated from college in 4 years. I choose a college that I could afford and graduated with zero debt....whats so hard about that.
It's not hard for people of our generation. Many of us were raised as or by baby boomers.

Too many kids today need a trophy for everything.
Man! I'm just glad I did the right thing by dropping out after 10th grade and going to work. I couldn't even make it through this thread in one shot. Sooooo many words
I don’t even like paying the high taxes I do now for bazillion dollar high school they built in my town. I think when it first opened all the kids also got free laptops!

When it comes to education, we do need to pick up the pace or China will stomp our butts in a few years!

If your High School is west of Lagoon, that thing is the ugliest damn thing on the planet
When you can print money to buy votes it becomes a race to see who prints the most money. The race is on.
This is why gold is going to hit 3k an ounce this fall. Sell your guns get gold equipment, you will need it to buy ammo because the paper money won't be worth the paper it is written on
I would have been happy just not having to waste hours on the FAFSA paperwork. It was completely unnecessary and another way for government to surveil the citizens and subject them to legal jeopardy.
You gotta learn how to play the system.
I think there's a court injunction and the Brandon-money-dump is on hold.
It doesn’t matter now if it goes through or not, the scheme accomplished what it was supposed to.

2022 college age voters with record turnout for midterms was a huge help for dems in key races, admitted to by dems.

You don’t think the dems knew this would be struck down? Pffft

The narrative coming up will be that the GOP has tanked the bill as it seems like they will have control of the house. It will be the GOP’s fault leading in to the 2024 election.
It was all just a ploy to buy votes, and it worked. Plain and simple
It's all about the system. I think if each student would appear its rights there would be a better situation. Sometimes, they just don't have rights to ask about that amount of money
I wonder how many students thought the money was coming so they stopped making payments and are facing late charges? :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
☝? Shouldn't have to pay for that education.
Ol tested shoulda paid a little more for his. Or at least paid attention.

Old guys like Homer may have wrote with a lump of coal on a shovel, but at least they learned wright how to wrote stuff so it made cents.
By the way, I heard there wouldn't be student mortgages any longer next year. There are so many problems in our society and economics today that I don't know how a person can earn money and live an exciting life with traveling and living decently. My parents worked as hard as they could to give me all the best, and still, they didn't manage to accumulate the whole sum. They had to provide all their money for my education, even though they wanted to buy a new home. So after finishing my studies and finding a highly paid job, I applied to Mortgage Advisor Essex to buy a whole new house for my parents.
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By the way, I heard there wouldn't be student mortgages any longer next year. There are so many problems in our society and economics today that I don't know how a person can earn money and live an exciting life with traveling and living decently. My parents worked as hard as they could to give me all the best, and still, they didn't manage to accumulate the whole sum. They had to provide all their money for my education, even though they wanted to buy a new home. So after finishing my studies and finding a highly paid job, I applied to Mortgage Advisor Essex to buy a whole new house for my parents.
That is nice of you to buy your folks a house. However, the difference between those of us born in the 60's-70'2 comared to those born after 1995-2005'ish is the immediate gratification you expect. You can't expect to have tons of money without putting the time in to earn tons of money. It has to do with experience and finding your way to a higher income.

There will be some that get out of college or high school even making good money. That is not the norm though. American has been built on starting at the bottom, learning the ropes and getting promoted AFTER you've put the time in. Just my 2 cents.....
We have some friends who refinanced their home to put their son through college and after he graduated and landed a good job, out of the clear blue, he paid their mortgage off.
We have some friends who refinanced their home to put their son through college and after he graduated and landed a good job, out of the clear blue, he paid their mortgage off.
Can't compete with having a house paid off but when my daughter completes PA school, I'll have all the oxy I want.
That is nice of you to buy your folks a house. However, the difference between those of us born in the 60's-70'2 comared to those born after 1995-2005'ish is the immediate gratification you expect. You can't expect to have tons of money without putting the time in to earn tons of money. It has to do with experience and finding your way to a higher income.

There will be some that get out of college or high school even making good money. That is not the norm though. American has been built on starting at the bottom, learning the ropes and getting promoted AFTER you've put the time in. Just my 2 cents.....

Sort of. Been through two lay offs over my career and it's not as easy as some might think to get (back) to where you think you should be.

I am definitely not in the earning bracket or job role I should be in with 30 years experience...
In the end- this student loan payoff is insane. Lifetime earnings by degree (from Forbes):

  • less than high school - $1.2 million
  • high school diploma - $1.6 million
  • some college, but no degree - $1.9 million
  • associate’s degree - $2 million
  • bachelor’s degree - $2.8 million
  • master’s degree - $3.2 million
  • doctoral degree - $4 million
  • professional degree - $4.7 million
And that is in today's dollars. Double it for current grads based on inflation over 40 years. So getting a college education is worth $1-3M. WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD WE FORGIVE THE RELATIVELY SMALL DEBT?

Oh, I know! Because it benefits folks who might vote for a certain political party. Talk about buying votes...
In the end- this student loan payoff is insane. Lifetime earnings by degree (from Forbes):

  • less than high school - $1.2 million
  • high school diploma - $1.6 million
  • some college, but no degree - $1.9 million
  • associate’s degree - $2 million
  • bachelor’s degree - $2.8 million
  • master’s degree - $3.2 million
  • doctoral degree - $4 million
  • professional degree - $4.7 million
And that is in today's dollars. Double it for current grads based on inflation over 40 years. So getting a college education is worth $1-3M. WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD WE FORGIVE THE RELATIVELY SMALL DEBT?

Oh, I know! Because it benefits folks who might vote for a certain political party. Talk about buying votes...
Most private colleges are affiliated with the Democratic party. That is why college costs so much. Some will disagree with me but ask any student you may know that went to a private university and talk to them about what the professors pushed. You'd be surprised. I was shocked at what my kids told me.

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