swarovski binoculars/ trail cameras.



If you left your swarovski binoculars strapped on a tree would you expect them to be there when you came back for them a month later? I don't take cameras when I see them but I make sure they get a picture of me peeing on the nearest tree. I'm not saying it's right. I just don't see why people are surprised when their cameras get taken.
Really? Your supposed to leave your camera there. It has a purpose being left there. So we shouldnt be suprised if someone stole our car left at the trailhead. If I found some swaros I would try and return them to whoever left them. People arent trying to return my trail camera when its left on the tree. Sorry poor analogy.
I wouldn't be surprised if someone stole my truck, it is pretty sweet! Nor am I surprised or cry when I lose a cam. It's the way it goes, sucks but no big shock.

I just call em as I see em!
big difference the camera is intended to be returned to the binoculars are likely lost.

if it looked like they were intentionally left i would leave the binos are at least leave a note saying to contact and describe just so no one took them dis honestly

pretty crappy comparison
Cams on public land is creepy. Especially the ones pointed at trails people use. Those creeps probably have a few pointed at playgrounds.
You can easily tell who the camera thieves are by the posts on here. As far as creepy? You can be watched wherever you are by bino's or spotters. Most people that set cameras out are just scouting.......if a pervert wants a picture I would think there are better places than trails to get what they're after. The people setting them close to trails are probably trying to catch a camera thief. :)
LAST EDITED ON Jul-23-12 AT 05:36AM (MST)[p]You can easily tell who has pictures of my moon on here by the posts. I would NEVER steal anyones hunting gear so I hope that's not what some people are implying.
It's something I tell my kids. You know right from wrong. It doesn't always have to be spelled out in writing. You can justify it all you want but taking someones trail camera is "WRONG" plain and simple. You know when your stealing and when your not.
I don't have any problem with someone checking my trail camera. Just check it and put it back the way you found it. Leave a message on my card if you like. Leave your number to call you and we can talk stratagies. Stealing is the problem to me
The spy point tiny w 2 sends pictures to a receiver up to 250 ft away from the camera. This might be a good option to catch thieving scallywags.

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