TAKE NOTE StickFlippers!!!!!!!!


Long Time Member
I'm offering a 1,000.00 Reward out of my own Broken Pocket for Info Leading to an Arrest for the JACK-TARD Feather Flipper that shot & killed a Moo-Cow on Strawberry/Wasatch!

One of Our Local Cowboys here Ain't real Happy & if He finds out who the TARD is,The TARD's gonna wish He had a Neuse around his neck rather than what the Rancher is gonna offer!

Happens every year!

Ya,I know,they get shot with Rifles too!

If anybody seen anything or has any Info please Cowboy-Up!

Thanks in advance!

Founder just Banned My Signature!
Hang in there!
I'm working on another one!:D
Maybe someone thought it was a moose. happens all the time here in Wyoming. Couple years ago a non-resident shot 2 moose thinking they were elk
So nfh?

A TARD that shoots a Moo-Cow for a Moose is OK?:D

Founder just Banned My Signature!
Hang in there!
I'm working on another one!:D
That's not what im saying. Saying there is some dumb people out there. Good luck catching this puke I know the feeling. We had a mule get shot 3 weeks ago. No proof on who did it. The mule cost $7500 and all that hay and shoes also add up
Sorry to hear that nfh!

Was it a Deed of a StickFlipper?

Founder just Banned My Signature!
Hang in there!
I'm working on another one!:D
Deed of a gun shot. Someone was trespassing on our riverbottom land. This is the second time this has happened. Last time it was neighbors shooting a .204 ruger at midnight and one of our horses got hit and died.
WTH they shootin at Midnight?

Founder just Banned My Signature!
Hang in there!
I'm working on another one!:D
Sometimes, all I can do is shake my head at the STUPITY of some people. I'd like to think my dad did a hell of a good job raising me right.

Don't know if its true, but I've heard the Navajo have a saying about people who do stupid things. Its

"They act like they don't have no family."

Meaning they bring same on their famiy name.


Theres logic, and theres women. They don't go together.
They were in their early 20's and drinking and having a small party. We heard the guns shots. Other neighbors called the sheriff and they shut the party down . 2 days later we discovered the horse dead. Not very many houses near the riverbottom so everyone thinks its ok to let lead fly not thinking about livestock.

But a cow getting shot with an arrow his just crazy. I cant find that being a mistake but someone trying to do a "what if I can hit the moo-cow at a 100 yards" or someone just being a jerk
Sad part is nfh!

Happens every year!

Founder just Banned My Signature!
Hang in there!
I'm working on another one!:D
Pisses me off. I remember a few years ago when this was a big problem in a certain area. We were luckily able to gather some info on the suspects and DWR made an arrest. Dumb people, have some respect.
elkass, what do you mean when you say stickflippers? archery hunters in general? or the stickflippers archery club? just wondering?
>elkass, what do you mean when
>you say stickflippers? archery hunters
>in general? or the stickflippers
>archery club? just wondering?


"STUPID" Archery Hunters in General!


I know all Archery Hunters Ain't Stupid!

I didn't know We had a 'STICK FLIPPERS ARCHERY CLUB' in TARDville?

Always a few gotta make it rough on the rest!

Founder just Banned My Signature!
Hang in there!
I'm working on another one!:D
Some stupid arse kids shot 4 cows with their arrows around here a few years ago. One had previous poaching charges and had the book thrown at him. He spent 2 years in a juevanile detention center. The other just got a misdemeanor. Both had to pay hefty fines.
Yup! There's a stick flippers archery club in utah county!

>>elkass, what do you mean when
>>you say stickflippers? archery hunters
>>in general? or the stickflippers
>>archery club? just wondering?
>"STUPID" Archery Hunters in General!
>I know all Archery Hunters Ain't
>I didn't know We had a
>Always a few gotta make it
>rough on the rest!
>Founder just Banned My Signature!
>Hang in there!
>I'm working on another one!:D
My guess..?? Someone crackin off a 100 yard+ shot just to see if they could do it... and they did it. So the glass half full lesson here..?? Don't underestimate yourself.

Second guess- they thought they were huntin White Peaks and really don't know the difference between a 500" elk and a cow...

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
Maybe if the cows and sheep weren't on the national forest this stuff wouldn't happen. Maybe if the cowboys didnt move their cows durning the muzzleloader hunt with 10 guys going through the trees yelling and dogs barking everywhere people wouldnt hate the livestock being there. Maybe if they kept their livestock in the deeded areas instead of roaming around everywhere, people wouldn't get mad. It definitely doesn't make what happened right. I'm sure it was a jack wagon younger male seeing what his new arrows will do and making things look bad for all the other archers.
>Maybe if the cows and sheep
>weren't on the national forest
>this stuff wouldn't happen. Maybe
>if the cowboys didnt move
>their cows durning the muzzleloader
>hunt with 10 guys going
>through the trees yelling and
>dogs barking everywhere people wouldnt
>hate the livestock being there.
>Maybe if they kept their
>livestock in the deeded areas
>instead of roaming around everywhere,
>people wouldn't get mad. It
>definitely doesn't make what happened
>right. I'm sure it was
>a jack wagon younger
>male seeing what his new
>arrows will do and making
>things look bad for all
>the other archers.

Couldn't agree more... Ya could probably add AND they post their property to the public and sell landowner tags for a huge profit. And if you hit one with your vehicle on an open range state highway you have to pay for it. And it will be at least a 10K piece of beef.
>Maybe if the cows and sheep
>weren't on the national forest
>this stuff wouldn't happen. Maybe
>if the cowboys didnt move
>their cows durning tiut e muzzleloader
>hunt with 10 guys going
>through the trees yelling and
>dogs barking everywhere people wouldnt
>hate the livestock being there.
>Maybe if they kept their
>livestock in the deeded areas
>instead of roaming around everywhere,
>people wouldn't get mad. It
>definitely doesn't make what happened
>right. I'm sure it was
>a jack wagon younger
>male seeing what his new
>arrows will do and making
>things look bad for all
>the other archers.

I 2nd that. Most those cattleman are a-holes. I have had cows and cowboys screw me over more then once. What about all the sheep that push the deer out and eat all the forage. Its not right to shoot them but I hate them and the guys who are supposed to herd them around. The area we went to growing up is overrun by sheep and cows. You cant even walk around with out stepping in all the sh*t everywhere!!!
I hope you all remember back a few years when some anti-hunting group was telling their members to go out and shoot farmers animals with arrows just to get the archery season shut down, so it might not be a "stickflipper as you know them" it could very well be a person working for the other side or a dumb a$$ teenager. So it might not be a normal run of the mill archery hunter.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Gene Smith of orem was up in that area, she brags about shooting livestock who overrun the strawberry ridge area. If it was in that area or close to it then it could have been him.
>Gene Smith of orem was up
>in that area, she brags
>about shooting livestock who overrun
>the strawberry ridge area. If
>it was in that area
>or close to it then
>it could have been him.


Is Gene a He or She?

I'm hearing a lot of Bullsshhiit Excuses listed above!

This Guy/Rancher has done Nothin to Nobody!

Founder just Banned My Signature!
Hang in there!
I'm working on another one!:D
The worst offenders I ever heard of were the crow indians up on the montana/idaho boarder. I used to work for Earl Holding who owned a huge cattle ranch up that way. He leased land from the Crow indians so we had to drive through their lands to get to where we worked. If you were not careful and drove too fast through their lands, they would purposely try to herd their sick cattle out in front of your rig so that you would hit it. If you hit an indians cattle, you just bought it at full price whether it was healthy or not! Cruel trick just to earn a little beer money!! We drove slow through their lands......

I don't know about in Montana, but it's getting harder and harder to find general areas to hunt Elk and Deer without Sheep and Cattle affecting it. Heck, that's even true on some of the LE stuff as well.

You can usually work your way around 'em but they have screwed up more than one hunt I have been on.

Those damn Pyranees sheep dogs are what pi$$ me off the most! Suckers have chased me more than once.

"The problem with quotes on Internet Forums is that it is often difficult to verify their authenticity." - Abraham Lincoln
There were sheep all over the Manti's this year. Had located a lot of elk in several different canyons this year and some sheep herder pushed several hundred elephant tampons through the canyons. Completely screwed over those canyons for a good week. They shouldn't be able to herd sheep/cattle wherever they want. Sucks that some stupid punk went and shot some cattle, hope they get caught and punished to the full extent of the law.
What I love about this topic is- ALL "stick flippers" should take "note".. The actions of one individual constitutes all stick flippers to take note?.... The cow could have been killed by anyone, it may have not even been an archery hunter. Its this same?type of?mentality that certain government officials have when some deranged person shoots up a school/business. They instantly want to ban guns, ammo and take away our second ammendment rights!! All because of the actions of one individual. So when someone does something stupid don't call all the others to take note and stereo type everyone into one group. Telling an individual that he/she will wish he had a noose around his neck is pretty drastic since it was a cow that was killed...Wishing the death or other extreme harm upon a human being is a pretty big deal even if you feel they are a "jack-tard"!!!
Some of the comments in this post are just hilarious. Livestock on public lands helps too! Who do you guys think put in water troughs and develop springs? Yeah its for the ranchers livestock but all wildlife benefit from it. Ranchers spend millions of dollars every year to develop water that is really important to all animals! Just something to think about next time you're hanging a trail cam or setting a blind by a trough or developed spring!

I'm not saying it doesn't help but seriously?

What ever did all of those wild animals do without the troughs and guzzlers?

They didn't have water before that? They couldn't find where the water was?

From a hunting standpoint, a guy could argue that having all of these guzzlers and troughs may actually hurt. Now there are water sources everywhere.

I'm not sure how I feel about the grazing rights issue, but I do know I have had hunts screwed up because of it and the areas I hunt seem to get more and more crowded with livestock each year.

"The problem with quotes on Internet Forums is that it is often difficult to verify their authenticity." - Abraham Lincoln
>What I love about this topic
>is- ALL "stick flippers" should
>take "note".. The actions of
>one individual constitutes all stick
>flippers to take note?.... The
>cow could have been killed
>by anyone, it may have
>not even been an archery
>hunter. Its this same?type of?mentality
>that certain government officials have
>when some deranged person shoots
>up a school/business. They instantly
>want to ban guns, ammo
>and take away our second
>ammendment rights!! All because of
>the actions of one individual.
>So when someone does something
>stupid don't call all the
>others to take note and
>stereo type everyone into one
>group. Telling an individual that
>he/she will wish he had
>a noose around his neck
>is pretty drastic since it
>was a cow that was
>killed...Wishing the death or other
>extreme harm upon a human
>being is a pretty big
>deal even if you feel
>they are a "jack-tard"!!!

Well Phil!

"The Cow may have been killed by anyone"!

Ya,I'm sure there's lots of JOKERS stompin around in the Backwoods Packin Bows just Shootin Shhiit up cuzz they Ain't got a GAWD-DAMNED thing better to do right in the middle of Season!

Maybe a noose & a few examples would Slow some of this BS Down?

If You'll read my original Post You'll see where I said "I know it happens with Rifles Too" just for You Stick Flippers that think I'm throwing you under the Bus,I'm not,I Flip a Stick once in a while myself!

Amazes me how some of you are QUICK to stick up for the Law Breakin Bittcches!

Founder just Banned My Signature!
Hang in there!
I'm working on another one!:D
>Those damn Pyranees sheep dogs are
>what pi$$ me off the
>most! Suckers have chased me
>more than once.

Those dogs are more aggressive than a grizzly bear. A area I horn hunt has those big ol dogs and I carry a pistol just incase if I have to defend myself from one.....

You and me both! I had an experience last year on the Dutton where I was riding my machine up a ridge and came up over the top and ran right into the entire herd of sheep right on the road.

My stomach churned as I looked for the crew of dogs. Couldn't see them so I kept pressing forward. Besides, I was on a vehicle so what could they do, right?

I came up the next ridge and just like a scene from a movie here comes the entire crew, 5 Pyranees with the sun at their back.

They saw me and kicked into high gear coming right for me.

I turned the bike around as fast as I could and they hit me. All of them barking and biting at me. One got a hold of my pant leg and I kicked it in the head and finally got it to let go.

They chased me down the entire mountain!

I have been chased by them dogs more times than not whether on foot or vehicle, and sometimes right in front of the sheep herder as well. I think they think its funny cause they sure don't do anything about it.

I wonder if I shot one if they would think it was funny!

"The problem with quotes on Internet Forums is that it is often difficult to verify their authenticity." - Abraham Lincoln
Its too bad that a cow got shot by some DB. But I would like to ask you guys who think cattle and sheep should not be allowed on public land to stop and think a minute. Farmers, ranchers, loggers, miners and hunters all have a dog in the fight to keep public lands open. The sierra club, peta, the humane society and many other groups would like to put an end to hunting just as they would like to put an end to ranching.

I am in the sheep business and Im an avid hunter. From where I sit I see a lot of hunter vs rancher debate and I can tell you sure enough that both sides are quite selfish. The rancher feels threatened by the number of hunters who can swarm an area for a few weeks a year. The hunter feels like he only gets a few weeks a year and he cant afford that short time ruined by some guys livestock. Both sides are right. Its an unfortunate situation and there is hardly ever any communication between the two sides.

I have heard quite a few hunters say that animals should be moved out of the area for the hunts. Logistically speaking it would be a night mare to move every animal in mid august to accommodate hunters. Another problem is that offspring being sold to market are usually shipped in October. Most people imagine a rancher bringing every animal back to the farm to sell in the fall but actually the majority of them are loaded onto semi's and taken right off the summer range. From there they are finished in a feedlot and then sold to a packing plant and eventually end up on your plate. After the lambs or calves are shipped the mother cows or sheep stay on the range until the permit is up or the snow flies.

I haven't ever met a rancher who was against hunting in general. I know a few sheepmen who run large herds on forest service land. They always try to move their sheep out closer to the roads during the general season or rifle hunts. The reason for that is because the majority of elk and deer stay away from the roads and the logic sais hunters will follow the animals. What happens too often though is hunters get a few hundred yards from the pavement and find grazing animals, figure the whole mountain is crawling with them and leave the area upset. I am not trying to say that is what has happened to you guys, I am just saying I have seen that happen before. I wouldn't accuse the ranchers I know of doing that on purpose to move hunters elsewhere but hey, I have seen hunters do that kind of shady stuff to fellow hunters so why not.

Overall I would like to see ranchers and hunters support each other more. Lord knows we both need the help to keep the anti's at bay. So if you guys have a run in with a rancher please try to put yourself in his shoes. He also knows the land well so it may be a good idea to tap his knowledge of the local wildlife. If he is bristly try to butter him up by talking about your shared love of predator hunting. Do that and see if you don't get yourself some good tips about the area. As far as the sheep herders they can seem quite standoffish but that may be because they don't speak very good English. The majority of them are from Peru and every Peruvian I have ever met has remained quiet until they learn conversational English. If you find one who wants to talk he might talk your ear off. It is a lonely lifestyle for those guys but they are usually very knowledgeable about the land and animals on it.

I would like to see more positive interaction between ranchers and hunters. Ranchers often forget that it's a treat for the average hunter to be outdoors for a few weekends every fall. They have a great love for the land and sometimes they think that gives them ownership of some sort.( sounds a lot like the water hole/tree stand/blind post I see here all the time) We as hunters need to remind them that public land belongs to everyone and that's a good thing because it gives us each more voice when dealing with the anti's.
First off calling sheep elephant tampons is by far the funniest nickname for sheep I have ever heard.
Working with livestock will always be inevitable in most areas. This year I tried a different approach. I kept in communication with the Peruvian sheep herders as to where they would have there sheep, when they were moving them and let them know where I was planning on hunting. Truth be told the sheep herders up in the mountains are usually really nice guys and very helpful when it comes to hunting. They are very humble and can actually become good friends over the years. After communicating with them they told me they would keep the sheep away from where I was hunting as long as they could keep the herd healthy. It helped greatly. I was able to kill my elk the first day and had entry of other opportunities at others throughout the first two weeks. The livestock add an extra challenge to the hunt and it almost becomes like playing a game of chess. If there are dogs with the sheep, deer and elk will keep their distance but if it is simply sheep in the area I have learned that in some cases wildlife will roam freely within the borders of sheep herds. The sheep to not bother them. They may not like to be in the middle of a huge herd but it is the dogs that keep wildlife away. Be smart about it, learn the area and play your cards right and you can be more successful right near livestock than you think. I have archery hunted elk in areas with livestock on 10 different years and have been able to shoot elk during the last 8 of those years. It is possible.
As for the cattle ranchers I have not had a very pleasant experience with the ones I have crossed paths with. A handful of them are your typical rugged ruff necked cowboy who is stubborn in his ways and could care less about you and your hunting. Their families have grazed the lands we hunt for longer than most of us have been alive and feel a sense of entitlement to the land. They dig out the waterholes we set up on and rely on that water to keep their cattle fat and healthy. Making a stink to these cowboys can result in some harsh consequences. I can see how some hellbent p!ssed off hunter would want to shoot a cow just to piss of the rancher. Just take note that for these hard A mountain ranchers they wouldn't think twice about tracking you down and beating you unconscious. They have dealt with losing cattle to stupid people for years and have very little trust or tolerance for it. Shooting a cow sets the rancher back a good 1500 dollars and does nothing but stirr the sh!t for future years of hunting. Cattle don't affect the patterns of wild animals much at all. If patterns are affected it is typically by the cowboys moving the cattle.I have many pictures of deer and elk watering and going about their business at the same time cattle are present. If you want to avoid being messed up by livestock follow the same pattern. Track down the rancher and let him know you will be hunting in the area and if you see anything going on with his cattle you will let him know. It is a good way to gain their trust and opens a door to them being open with their plans on when they plan on moving the cattle and where. Work around their plans as they will most definitely not alter them just for your hunting sakes. There was a time I called a rancher as an archer to let him know he had a calf with an arrow hanging out of it. I helped him relocate it so he could care for the animal. Doing such removes the label that all archery hunters are not to be dealt with as many of these stubborn cowboys are led to believe.

"I've hunted almost every day of my life, The rest
have been wasted"
One more thing!

When I Posted 'Take Note'!

I was kinda suggesting for fellow Hunters to Keep their Ears & Eyes open!

Sometimes word of Mouth or somebody BRAGGING leads to somebody getting their Ass Hammered for their STUPIDNESS!

So I'll Re-Phrase so I don't sound like I'm Labeling just Stick Flippers!


Stick Flippers!

Rifle Hunters!

Smoke Polers!


Picture Takers!


TARDS in General!

Lets not forget about the Boys out there in the Woods packin their Bows that Ain't Huntin!:D

Founder just Banned My Signature!
Hang in there!
I'm working on another one!:D
Desertdeer and Trophymulie,

Great Posts!

I have had good experiences with some Sheep Herders as well. They do know where the animals are and for a bottle of whiskey will tell you where they are :)

"The problem with quotes on Internet Forums is that it is often difficult to verify their authenticity." - Abraham Lincoln
The ranchers on the Dutton dont seem to care to much about their animals from what I experience on my hunt in 08. Found 2 dead calves caught in cattle guards, rotting and full of maggots. Right off of a main road, how in the hell the rancher did not see those calves for MONTHS is beyond me. And the dead bloated cow floating in a great water hole, I called the Forest Service numerous times to have the Rancher come move the cow, ya think he ever came.... NO

Also a rancher told me to shot every *@#$en elk on the mtn cause they cut his grazing permits... Stupid elk he said.
For every cow that is shot I bet there are two examples of hunters helping ranchers out.
I don't know how many times I have told a cowboy where to find his lost cows. A few years ago we spent a couple of hours winching a steer out of a mud hole.
>One more thing!
>When I Posted 'Take Note'!
>I was kinda suggesting for fellow
>Hunters to Keep their Ears
>& Eyes open!
>Sometimes word of Mouth or somebody
>BRAGGING leads to somebody getting
>their Ass Hammered for their
>So I'll Re-Phrase so I don't
>sound like I'm Labeling just
>Stick Flippers!

>Stick Flippers!
>Rifle Hunters!
>Smoke Polers!
>Picture Takers!
>TARDS in General!
>Lets not forget about the Boys
>out there in the Woods
>packin their Bows that Ain't
>Founder just Banned My Signature!
>Hang in there!
>I'm working on another one!:D

You have got to be the most uneducated insensitive pri_k out there. First off maybe your not aware but TARD is a slang term to reference someone with a physical/mental disability! Say what you will to justify your ignorance, there are many MM er's on here that have kids/relatives or know somebody who has a disability and take offense to it. You freely come on here spouting off about "tards" and think nothing of it. Maybe your to busy "hammering ass" and "smoking poles" to know any different! You should read your own posts and actually try not to sound like an insensitive redneck fu_k before posting. In general elkassho/e we are all now dumber for even humoring any of your posts..
>>One more thing!
>>When I Posted 'Take Note'!
>>I was kinda suggesting for fellow
>>Hunters to Keep their Ears
>>& Eyes open!
>>Sometimes word of Mouth or somebody
>>BRAGGING leads to somebody getting
>>their Ass Hammered for their
>>So I'll Re-Phrase so I don't
>>sound like I'm Labeling just
>>Stick Flippers!
>>Stick Flippers!
>>Rifle Hunters!
>>Smoke Polers!
>>Picture Takers!
>>TARDS in General!
>>Lets not forget about the Boys
>>out there in the Woods
>>packin their Bows that Ain't
>>Founder just Banned My Signature!
>>Hang in there!
>>I'm working on another one!:D
>You have got to be the
>most uneducated insensitive pri_k out
>there. First off maybe your
>not aware but TARD is
>a slang term to reference
>someone with a physical/mental disability!
>Say what you will to
>justify your ignorance, there are
>many MM er's on here
>that have kids/relatives or know
>somebody who has a disability
>and take offense to it.
>You freely come on here
>spouting off about "tards" and
>think nothing of it. Maybe
>your to busy "hammering ass"
>and "smoking poles" to know
>any different! You should read
>your own posts and actually
>try not to sound like
>an insensitive redneck fu_k before
>posting. In general elkassho/e we
>are all now dumber for
>even humoring any of your


A Fellow TARD that can't handle me using the Word TARD huh?

You can find around 20,000 of my Posts here on MM & you'll never find one of them where I've made fun of someone with a Disability!

So put that in your Phuckin Pipe & Smoke it!

TARD is Slang for a person that lives in TARDville!

It might also have other meanings!

Maybe you could check Urban Dictionary!

You can take a F'N Hike!

Founder just Banned My Signature!
Hang in there!
I'm working on another one!:D
LAST EDITED ON Sep-12-13 AT 09:26PM (MST)[p]Gentlemen,

My heck, a guy asks for help finding who shot an arrow into a cow. A simple request.

After all these years we know the gentleman expresses himself with colorful language, regardless of the subject matter. He's indiscriminate, so why be so offended, it's just his "standard" choice of expression. Initially, I believe no offense was intended. The guy has lots of friends that hunt with archery equipment, lots of good friends and many have expressed their friendship publicly.

I have no objection to your opinions and experiences with sheep, dogs, ranchers, archers, anti's, cows, horses, mules, TARDs, or any other subject but why distract from a perfectly legitimate effort to help solve a crime committed that makes everyone of us look like low life dirt bags.

If you have information that might be helpful, let the guy know. How productive it would be if a hunter's forum could help solve this crime.

Thanks Lumpy!

You gotta SPLAIN it to some of these U-TARDS!

My Bad!

When I say TARD,Type the Word TARD,I think about 99% of you know I'm Referring to U-TARDS!

Not a Disabled Person as Phil Thinks!

So for the record Phil!

Just so you know!

When I say TARD,I really mean U-TARD!

Founder just Banned My Signature!
Hang in there!
I'm working on another one!:D
Wow even I'm smart enough to realize its using the word in general. I did take the liberty to look it up, it's slang for someone with a dissability.. So 20,000 posts using a derogatory remark in any capacity for a person with physical,mental disability wow..I think the cow that was killed must have been elkassassins girlfriend. Hahahaha
>Thanks Lumpy!
>You gotta SPLAIN it to some
>of these U-TARDS!
>My Bad!
>When I say TARD,Type the Word
>TARD,I think about 99% of
>you know I'm Referring to
>Not a Disabled Person as Phil
>So for the record Phil!
>Just so you know!
>When I say TARD,I really mean
>Founder just Banned My Signature!
>Hang in there!
>I'm working on another one!:D

Thanks Dad, thanks for sticking up for me you know how much I loved that cow, she was the best favorite girlfriend ever!!! I "Ain't" going to ever find another one :(
Walleye is just tryin to be like Phil!

Must SUCK to think people are Pickin on ya!

Cowboy-Up Cupcakes!

Life goes on!

Founder just Banned My Signature!
Hang in there!
I'm working on another one!:D
Maybe you Boy's can start yourselves an MM Church Forum & have several Words like TARD excluded from your Forum Vocabulary!

Founder just Banned My Signature!
Hang in there!
I'm working on another one!:D
>Maybe you Boy's can start yourselves
>an MM Church Forum &
>have several Words like TARD
>excluded from your Forum Vocabulary!
>Founder just Banned My Signature!
>Hang in there!
>I'm working on another one!:D

You are too stupid to understand you can't go around calling people tards! Call a African American a Nig_er see how far it gets you. Say the word tard around someone who has a kid with a disability and see what happens. It's not your colorful vocabulary it's your stupidity. Go back to school and try to graduate this time instead of failing home school! In the words of elkassassassassin "I ain't gawd darn feather flipper stick in my a$$ smoke my pole cowboy up cupcakes". You just sound stupid and obviously are stupid.
I'm not too big of a fan of the few on here that simply go around stabbing and making a stink, but just like anything, inevitably it will happen. Just be the better person and leave their remarks be. Chances are they are thriving off of someone to argue with and thus you are just waisting your time and churning the drama
"I've hunted almost every day of my life, The rest
have been wasted"
I agree 100% with Walleye and trophymuley. There was a point a few years ago I stopped arguing with this one here. Not worth the time. The can call names and say what ever, but you cant say a word. Its almost like arguing with tristate on here. Gets nowhere!

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