The American PEOPLE have spoken!!


Active Member
I cannot wait to hear what the douche bags Rush and Hannity have to say today. They have filled the airways with lies and hate about Obama for 2 years. The coolaid isn't working any more fellas!!
It's 4 years guaranteed work for them.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Boy that's the truth. They are licking their chops for sure. I think Hannity will be more likely to give him a chance than Limbaugh, but neither will take it easy.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Guys , you need to understand that Talk Radio is about negative events/thoughts, it's what drives talk radio. Limbaugh has built his whole carreer doing nothing more than digging up crap and slinging it towards anybody he can, too bad for his stupid arss that this time he took a long long pisss into a hard facing wind!
As bummed as I am we just handed our country to a pack of limp wristers.......I'll get some enjoyment out of hearing Hannity bawl about it......Can't stand that little peckerhead.
"I cannot wait to hear what the douche bags Rush and Hannity have to say today. They have filled the airways with lies and hate about Obama for 2 years. The coolaid isn't working any more fellas!!"

Please for the record name one lie and one item of hate spewed by either of these men.
If the Kool aid isn't working then why is Schumer already talking about the fairness doctrine being implemented again? I would say that given the overwhelming democrat victory they have nothing to fear from Rush or Hannity.

202, Two off the top of my head are:

1. The way Rush/Hannity take things out of context such as how they say that Obama said "Our troops bomb villages and kill women and children". If you look at what Obama really said.. "Gather information in order to make the right strategic decisions so our air raids do not bomb villages and kill women and children"

2. The whole thing about how Obama swore in as Senator using a Koran instead of a bible. The fact is there was a 2007 swearing-in of Rep. Keith Ellison, D-Minn., an American convert to Islam and the first Muslim elected to Congress.

I did not get a chance to hear Rush today, but Hannity (to his credit) sent out congrats to Obama and wished him well. He also said that we should I stand behind Obama. Shortly after he also said that McCain did not push the Rev Right/Aires issue enough....................................
Hannity and limbaugh havent spewed anymore lies about Obama than the liberal media has about Mcain and Palin.

I wish Obama the best but I fear Our country will remain hostages to a corrupt goverment.


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