The Colorado Sky Is Falling?

Cow Tag

Active Member
Hunters, on about September 12 or 13, I was elk hunting in unit 61. It was right at daylight (6:30 a.m. ?) when something fell from outer space into earth's atmosphere. Cannot really explain it but it was big, bright, left a huge vapor trail which stayed around a long time after daylight, and certainly made me wonder what it was. Did any of you witness this sight? I think it was on Wednesday morning, the 12th of Sept. I figured that someone would mention it on MM and maybe they have and I did not manage to view it. Please comment if you know anything about this BURNING star, comet, aircraft, UFO, or something else. I know someone else had to see it besides me. I wasn't drinking that morning either. Cow Tag
Droptine, I believe you have it. I saw the bright star deal too before the contrail or flame looking figure in the sky. It was something to behold and to view. I am certain that other hunters saw this on that morning. Cow Tag
Saw it a;so. It was a missle test. I actually saw it through my good spotting scope. It was cool. I could see the contrail, then a second missle come in extremely fast. Right before it hit the first missile made a very extreme move, second missle hit and I could count 6 pieces fall down. The pieces disappeared as they left the sun shine in the upper atmosphere and got into the shadow of the earth. one of the coolest things I have seen.

When it happened I text my wife to make sure we were not under attack.
We saw it up here in unit 2 also cowtag. Myself and a client saw it just as it started, he got his binocs on it about the time it exploded! We were sure worried that it looked like a plane going down but listened to the news all morning and didn't hear anything like that had happened so we felt a little better about it. Thanks to you I now know what was gopng on and have already sent him the link. That was sure disturbing to see, not knowing what it was!
I missed it, but my brother saw it through binocs. He thought a big plane had exploded and gone down. He was pretty upset until we phoned my wife and she looked up the missle test on the intetnet.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
that's really cool and all... but how'd your hunt go? I'll be there for first rifle and haven't heard of much happening there so far...

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