The Dallas Cowboys WILL win Superbowl

In case your still hunting you lost last weekend and this weekend your team is now 2-6.If you are not back by next weekend I will post another update.

crazy, My son killed his first elk. Football has taken a back seat kinda. My daughter is up next. I watch the scores. Don't need updates. Good luck to the Broncos. mtmuley
Update. Glad I was hunting and missed this one. Still one more elk to go. Well, actually 3 if we use cow tags. On a bright note, the Eagles lost. Giants are up, but we'll see. mtmuley
Wow. Season didn't go at all like I pictured. Well, except for the amount of yards Murray's gonna wind up with.
Runnoft settle down.. Don't you know its city pigeon hunt in Billings.He was busy on a pack out.

I gave them way to much credit at 8-8.Looks like the annual we suck speech. SPEECCH SPEECH SPEECH SPEECH..

Wheres the O line and all his August followers now??
Keeping their high draft choice hopes alive, the Cowboys, once again, snatched defete from the jaws of victory.

How do they do it ?



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At this point I am just waiting for it to be over. That Kellen Moore kid might be ok with a little polishing though. Roy, I'll remember that post when the Broncos don't make the playoffs. mtmuley
Kinda funny to go back and reread this thread and see which predictions came to fruition. Looks like ap should win the rushing title, the vikes and broncs have a shot to win their respective divisions if they can win their last game, either way they're both in the playoffs. And the cowboys should get a fairly high draft pick!
>At this point I am just
>waiting for it to be
>over. That Kellen Moore kid
>might be ok with a
>little polishing though. Roy, I'll
>remember that post when the
>Broncos don't make the playoffs.

Wrong again........
Here's a bold prediction crazy.....No way in HELL the Broncos win the Superbowl. Especially with that washed up geezer feebly throwing the ball when they give him the starting job back. Not with Osweiler either. Count on it. mtmuley
>At this point I am just
>waiting for it to be
>over. That Kellen Moore kid
>might be ok with a
>little polishing though. Roy, I'll
>remember that post when the
>Broncos don't make the playoffs.

I hope you have a lot of polish on hand.Its gonna take a bunch to put some shine on that turd.
How about those Viking.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
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I thought the 'Boys would be punching their ticket to the Super Bowl, not buying them. Oh well, this thread made for some good entertainment anyway. Till next August......
Not soon enough. It's really pretty good entertainment especially when people get butt hurt because their team flopped.
>Here's a bold prediction crazy.....No way
>in HELL the Broncos win
>the Superbowl. Especially with that
>washed up geezer feebly throwing
>the ball when they give
>him the starting job back.
>Not with Osweiler either. Count
>on it. mtmuley

Nice try. We may have a few butt fumbles in our near future, but, SB 50 is ours.

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