The Dallas Cowboys will win the Superbowl


Long Time Member
So, haven't done this in awhile. Mostly gets spun sideways and will this time if I know this outfit. Yeah, this year the Boys have a legitimate chance. The Defense is nasty, good QB and receivers, best RB in football. Bring it on. mtmuley
Thanks, I thought the earth was a bit off axis for a moment.

I think they have a decent shot. Better chance than the Broncos.

?Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. "
Cowgirls do look solid!

But they have to much ego!

team injuries will be the end to them.

Screw the Broncos john elway is a douche!

The Patriots are criminals,women beaters,sex corrupt,drama queen,drug infested cheaters I hope they break bradys leg!

Ok that's all for now I'm going goat hunting.

I have missed this thread,I think the Boy's have a shot this year.
Solid everywhere with good depth incase of injury.
Dak is the key he has to find the open guy better than he has in past years. We can't judge him on one game against the worst secondary in the NFL. The Giants will be lucky to win 4 games this year. Philly is gona be VERY good also. Fingers crossed.
A new OC, plenty of good targets for Prescott (even more so after Zeke gets rolling) and a solid O-line. They sure looked sharp on Sunday but that's tempered a bit by an awful Giant defense. I thought the defense was a little out of sorts, 400+ yards to the Giants??
This thread has been on my mind!

Glad we get to do it again, Jerry sure is in a spending mood!

The boys look good but there's lots of football left to play

Panthers season is over,
He's a piece of crap that guy. Did you see him acting when he got his release on TV. How phony can you get? Does he really think people buy that s--t.
The Patriots have their hands full with that guy he reminds me of Terrell Owens. He thought he was so great and once the Cowboys cut him he went straight down hill and so will AT
>He's a piece of crap that
>guy. Did you see him
>acting when he got his
>release on TV. How phony
>can you get? Does he
>really think people buy that
>The Patriots have their hands full
>with that guy he reminds
>me of Terrell Owens. He
>thought he was so great
>and once the Cowboys cut
>him he went straight down
>hill and so will AT

I doubt their hands will be full for long.

I'm afraid it's time to send Ginger packing. They need a coach to put a boot in their a$$. A team this talented has no business being 6-6.
Are they even in the running for a wild card spot.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
They need to do something for sure. The Offensive line is huge and in shape, Dak is a pretty good QB, they have Elliot and receivers who should do the job. They should be at least 9- 2 by now. They have a tougher schedule than the Eagles but still. Their fans are so disappointed
>And an inept owner who over
>rides coaching and GM decisions.

Precisely why Jimmie Johnson left. Until another coach like him is found, and Jerry leaves him alone it's 8-8 forever. mtmuley
Their still going to make the playoffs unless some major injuries happen. I wouldn't hold my breath past round one though. The eagles could still make things interesting as well.
I'm not a cowboys fan but I think it would be cool to see Troy Aikman retire from announcing and get into coaching.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-16-19 AT 08:15PM (MST)[p]So you guys get all excited cause the cowboys finally beat a team that has a winning record? All of their wins have been loosing teams.
And they're excited because Drew Brees has the most TD passes in NFL history!!!
Drew is the man...
LAST EDITED ON Dec-16-19 AT 09:47PM (MST)[p] she still married to Kieth Whitley??

>AT 09:47?PM (MST)

> she still married to Kieth

You illiterate sloth, his name is spelled Keith.

?Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. "
? she still married to Kieth Whitley?

I don't believe he ever signed the divorce papers...
Well mtmuley that was hard to watch.......BYE carrot top... the only coach in the NFL to squander this much talent. Sad but next year...............................
Pathetic. Yep, squandered and wasted that roster. As for next year, probly too little too late. Guys are gonna move. mtmuley
Jones should have got rid of Jason Garrett long ago.,

If we had a coach like Troy Aikman we would be in business...either way Garrett has to go........
Best nfl game I watched all year..... not just because my team won, but also because it made cowboy fans across the nation cry... Ahhhhhh LOVED IT.

*We are all in the same boat, just
wishing to be hunting right now!*
>Best nfl game I watched all
>year..... not just because my
>team won, but also
>because it made cowboy fans
>across the nation cry... Ahhhhhh
>*We are all in the same
>boat, just
>wishing to be hunting right now!*
Haven't cried yet. It ain't over. Two pathetic teams are still in it. Don't matter which team goes to the playoffs. One and dine either way. mtmuley
LAST EDITED ON Dec-28-19 AT 06:15AM (MST)[p]>Probably true. But, you
>never know.
>*We are all in the same
>boat, just
>wishing to be hunting right now!*

Well, think about this. So if the Eagles or Cowboys win the division you have basically an 8-8 team hosting a playoff game. So, there will be a 12 or 13 win team, pissed of because they have to travel to play a team that should not be in the playoffs in the first place. mtmuley
Well I guess there's always next year. Ginger should be gone here shortly, hoping Jones will hire and allow a strong headed coach to push this group to where they should be.
>Maybe Garrett thinks 47 points will
>save him. mtmuley

I think the 47 points was just a big F-U from the players to prove they can do it when they want? They can play with the best if they have a mind to. Maybe they're sending a message to Jerry that red needs to go?
9-7 record, not 8-8. dont you remember about 12 years ago, the 7-9 Seahawks HOSTED a playoff game against the Saints? And BEAT them.

*We are all in the same boat, just
wishing to be hunting right now!*

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