
Long Time Member
Talked to a Carpenter today!

He Said A Week ago 7/16" OSB was 23.00 a sheet!

A Little Bit up from 11.49 a sheet just a few weeks ago!

This Week it's 27.00 a Sheet!

I Hate to say it!

But I Think this is Just the Beginning of the Serious GOUGIN We're gonna See!

The Last 2 Weeks, Town has Looked like a Ghost Town in the Mornings!
Lumber is at an all time high and climbing every week. Buddy of mine is one of the biggest lumber brokers in Boise and he’s blown away. Can hardly keep up with it. Every Thursday all his suppliers are telling him “get ready for a big jump tomorrow”.

Don’t know that’s it’s gouging as much as it is the boom in construction. Supply as demand
Lumber is at an all time high and climbing every week. Buddy of mine is one of the biggest lumber brokers in Boise and he’s blown away. Can hardly keep up with it. Every Thursday all his suppliers are telling him “get ready for a big jump tomorrow”.

Don’t know that’s it’s gouging as much as it is the boom in construction. Supply as demand

I Agree with that But............!

When the World Quits Spinning & Most Things get Shut Down Because of the Corona BS,Well Here We are!

In the Last 2 Weeks here where I Live it's gotten way Uglier!

Town looks like a Ghost Town in the Mornings!

Alot of people have Bought up alot of the Wood Products for Home Projects while Drawing More Money on UN-Employment than they were when they were Working!

Something Ain't Right with this Picture!
A friend told me at the local Lowe's store there wasn't enough treated lumber in stock to build a deck.

Our State Attorney General has sued two wholesale egg producers for raising prices 200% to 300%.
Now that the boss is back in school, I take over my old job of grocery shopping. It's a small price to pay for wearing flip flops all day. ;)

Anyway, I went shopping Tuesday for the first time in 6 months. I was surprised by the strange things the store (safeway) was out of. Sugar, hot salsa, certain brands, etc. I was also shocked by the prices of some things like milk. The meat case looked good though.

Jr recently decided to get his deer a little early, so I was in the auto parts store alot recently. Again, shortages of odd things. The body shop guy says he can't finish hardly anything because he can't get all the parts and pieces he needs. I couldn't get everything I needed either.

Stock up on zip ties, duct tape, and jb weld. Unless things change, we be fixin a bunch of our own stuff. Thank God I still have a couple of carbureted cars around here.
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$3.70 for a beat up “premium” twisted 2x4x8!!!

I sure picked the wrong time to finish the olé basement!

going through a pallet of 2x4’s at the hardware store just to find 10 good ones is like a month at the mall shopping with my wife and daughter!

Glad it’s almost hunting season!

Home projects can wait till next year!
And no, I don’t just need 10 2x4’s!

I need 300!

But 10 is all I could stand to grab!

Took me an hour to move 800 2x4’s just to find 10!

And nope! I don’t feel sorry for the SOB that has to restack that pile for the next unsuspecting customer!

I do feel sorry for the next unsuspecting customer though!
The local Toyota dealer would normally have about 25 Tundras and 40 Tacoma's.

It now has 1 Tundra and 2 Tacomas on the lot.
Local Dealers here Ain't Got Much like they had Either!

Don't know if it's because they can't get them?

Or They Know they Can't sell them here with the SUCKY Economy?

The local Toyota dealer would normally have about 25 Tundras and 40 Tacoma's.

It now has 1 Tundra and 2 Tacomas on the lot.
In the middle of a house build now. Back in Feb. i bought my 7/16 osb for 8.80. Had to pick up 15 sheets the other day. 21.30. Glad I bought early
Now that the boss is back in school, I take over my old job of grocery shopping. It's a small price to pay for wearing flip flops all day. ;)

Anyway, I went shopping Tuesday for the first time in 6 months. I was surprised by the strange things the store (safeway) was out of. Sugar, hot salsa, certain brands, etc. I was also shocked by the prices of some things like milk. The meat case looked good though.

Jr recently decided to get his deer a little early, so I was in the auto parts store alot recently. Again, shortages of odd things. The body shop guy says he can't finish hardly anything because he can't get all the parts and pieces he needs. I couldn't get everything I needed either.

Stock up on zip ties, duct tape, and jb weld. Unless things change, we be fixin a bunch of our own stuff. Thank God I still have a couple of carbureted cars around here.


But some of this is as a result of brick/mortar store not wanting huge inventory, and the adjustments being made to just in time supply.

Every basement I've dome this year the owner says the same thing. "I was home anyway...."

So i think there's a ton of remodel work going that normally isnt.

But ya. Or store ran out of chocolate milk the other day.
Makes me glad that the folks we build for in Montana could give a crap less about lumber prices. We just bought 100K in kiln dried fir timbers to build 17 trusses. That don't even include the log structure. Or framing lumber. Or sheet goods. It's hard on some aspects of construction, but, the money folks keep going. My daughter and her fiance want to build. Gonna be tough even with my free build of the house. mtmuley
No worries things are normal. don't worry about the pricing it was only steel a few weeks ago. feel the pain. LOL LOL LOL LOL
I guess they are to busy offloading the steel products to worry about wood products. Maybe they should be buying local products. Well Dang wasn't it like two weeks ago that every one was in great shape.
And only the steel guys was hurting. I guess they are spreading the love around for the wood guys now.
There's been a big Chinese ship in port here for a few days. I wonder where the crew is???? They were loading wood chips. They don't deliver anything here. Well, probably heroin and fentanyl.
I guess they are to busy offloading the steel products to worry about wood products. Maybe they should be buying local products. Well Dang wasn't it like two weeks ago that every one was in great shape.
And only the steel guys was hurting. I guess they are spreading the love around for the wood guys now.

We are in good shape. Good enough that we are outrunning the supply chain as it sits waiting for the People Republic of Kali to get off the teet and go back to work.

We have to put up with the BS coming out of Kali, sure be nice if something else did as well.

We need cornerbead. Made in Kali. Not China.

We need bazooka parts(automatic taper), also made in Kali.

Any chance the Peoples Republic could take a vacation from roits, looting, and cancer warnings and maybe do something?
My roofing suppliers are telling me that the shingle manufactures are only running their 3 most popular colors and it could still be weeks or months out to get shingles.
I seen this coming a month or so ago so I made everybody I had signed contracts with pick colors and styles then ordered up about 375 squares to have them here when I need em.
No doubt its going to get alot worse before things get any better.
Its by far been the craziest and busiest year I've ever experienced, think I'm going to get through this year and shut the doors.
My roofing suppliers are telling me that the shingle manufactures are only running their 3 most popular colors and it could still be weeks or months out to get shingles.
I seen this coming a month or so ago so I made everybody I had signed contracts with pick colors and styles then ordered up about 375 squares to have them here when I need em.
No doubt its going to get alot worse before things get any better.
Its by far been the craziest and busiest year I've ever experienced, think I'm going to get through this year and shut the doors.
You construction guys never retire it is your blood. I know a guy that has a dang good retirement from a company that he worked at. He has had a massive heart attack with double biopsy his wife has had cancer and he is still swinging the hammer.
I hope you are wrong. But they're ? is a hole generation of peoples who think inflation is something in a textbook.

You want to know what's happening in the ports, you need to talk to the union.
Home prices nationwide were up 8.2% year-over-year in July. At the same time, the number of homes sold rose 7.6% and the number of homes for sale fell 33.7%.

Figure this out during a pandemic shut down, civil unrest, election year and plenty of other negatives.

Somebody logical let everyone else know why this is happening.
I think it's because of supply and demand. Inventories are falling because everyone is locked in their bunker and nobody is building, and those who aren't are burning chit down. :)
I Looked last Night & Lowes in Vernal was showing 21.00+ a Sheet!

Now it's showing 16.00 a sheet!

WTH is going on?
$60 a sheet for 1 1/8 inch plywood here last week. II needed 20 sheets for a job. Need a loan to buy plywood for a job now. LOL

Should see what I am charging for the same wood.... Pure Gold
$60 a sheet for 1 1/8 inch plywood here last week. II needed 20 sheets for a job. Need a loan to buy plywood for a job now. LOL

Should see what I am charging for the same wood.... Pure Gold
And that folks, is what we call inflation. Venezuela hear ? We come.
Home prices nationwide were up 8.2% year-over-year in July. At the same time, the number of homes sold rose 7.6% and the number of homes for sale fell 33.7%.

Figure this out during a pandemic shut down, civil unrest, election year and plenty of other negatives.

Somebody logical let everyone else know why this is happening.

When lockdown hit, it became apparent what a home vs apt was worth.

ID imagine it will settle out as commercial building takes a nose dive the next few years.
Home prices nationwide were up 8.2% year-over-year in July. At the same time, the number of homes sold rose 7.6% and the number of homes for sale fell 33.7%.

Figure this out during a pandemic shut down, civil unrest, election year and plenty of other negatives.

Somebody logical let everyone else know why this is happening.

According to our state R whip, and one of tge biggest builders in tge state, construction OS hurting. So bad he needed PPP to save him
Especially office space. A lot of the bigger outfits have already pulled the trigger on permanent work from home policy’s.
Eel how many was used. How many do you think are sold in the US every day day after day.
Import is the problem. Just like the steel shortage is a import problem.
Dang nice having family who raise Pure bred cattle I buy a steer every fall all cut up and frozen.
Well I guess it caught up to the wood products now. No worries the steel prices are slowing down.
Skyrocketing lumber prices adding thousands to construction projects
By Ladd Egan, KSL TV | Posted - Sep. 12, 2020 at 1:53 p.m.

Remember it was just me that was hurting on the pricing.
I hope all you home builders have a clause in that contract on pricing increase.
I drove by the old sawmill today. It's on the way to the boat ramp. Their yard is packed with lumber ready to ship so maybe the demand isn't there? He never shut down because of covid. In fact in the 30 years I worked there we never shut down for anything. A week at Christmas for maintenance. If there was a recession we never heard about it.

I'm curious now. I'll go by there Monday and see how busy they are at the shipping yard.
The packer industry has some major explaining to do on why beef is so high!!! Restaurant business was non existent during the panic/shutdown. Boxed beef for the service industry is almost half of the beef market What happened to all that product? And why are live cattle prices the same or slightly lower? It’s a joke!
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beef packers have been pounding producers forever.......because they can.....

What can you do??
beef packers have been pounding producers forever.......because they can.....

What can you do??

Swear a lot. I started selling direct to customers 28 years ago. People are amazed at how cheap great beef is when they skip the middleman. But I’m amazed at how many people who don’t own freezers and can’t store more than 2 lbs of burger.
If Biden wins we will ses the biggest tax hikes in history and within 2 years. My neighbor was given a DC high position and moved away. I emailed him and said what is in store. He said if you knew you would be moving away. But there really isn't many places to move too. I hate Mexico.
Now they are talking about concrete shortages coming soon to your neck of the woods. My concrete guy told me they have pour's that are put off to to the shortage.
Maybe it only local. Just a heads up in case you need to pour slabs down the road.
Just like they are telling us in the HVAC industry. Shortage, shortage, shortage. Gouge for this, gouge for that. They think people are dumb. Everything is date stamped. Most of the chit we are getting is produced from 2017-2018. So, how in the world is there a shortage when we are getting material from 2-3 years ago?! Remember, “NEVER LET A GOOD PANDEMIC GO TO WASTE”
It's a bad idea to rely on foreign sources for essential materials and supplies. Everybody knew it, and maybe now we will do something about it. There might still be some good come out of this mess.
Didn't know that concrete had a use by date.
Maybe I can have a few guys jackhammer out them old slabs because they might be out of date. LOL
You guys are killing me. Cement is an ingredient in concrete. They are not the same.

If there is a concrete shortage (again), it will be because there is a shortage of cement. There are domestic supplies of cement (some are mexican companies), but some places rely on mexican imports.

I don't forsee a demand spike for concrete or cement for quite some time.
I drove by the sawmill twice today, once on the way fishing and once headed home. No trucks being loaded either time. There's usually two getting loaded and 3-6 waiting to get loaded. Their yard is getting plugged with lumber. I have no idea what it means. They cut about 250,000 bd ft a day so something will have to give. The log yard is full.
Inflation, shortages, don't you realize what is going on? This isn't just a pandemic problem. It is the start of much more as we head into an economic and societal collapse. Its slow but will pick up speed. You better have some stockpiles.
There is starting to be shortages of soft drinks here. Dr. Pepper and Mountain Dew seem to be the ones hardest to find. But I'm sure elkassassin has a stockpile of Dew.
I remember the Carter years and stagflation.......this looks a little familiar.

The piper WILL be paid.

Big difference between now and the Carter days is now interest rates are in the 2s..

Back then they were in the 20s.

If you have a property you have been thinking about liquidating,, pull the trigger right now.

Put some of your profit into guns and ammo.

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