The latest from CA... WTH?


Long Time Member
Saw this on another site.... It just proves that you should never underestimate the power of morons in large numbers...

Another attack by the antis, this time in Long Beach, Ca...........CBH [Ca Bowmen hunters] newsletter;

NO YOU CAN?T SHOOT AT 3-D ANIMAL TARGETS Now the Animal Rights Groups don't want Archers to shoot at 3-D Animal Targets. Yep you read that correctly.

There was a recent ruling at the El Dorado Archery Range, by the Long Beach Parks and Recreation Department, that disallows the placement of...and shooting at... 3D animal targets in front of the butts on this range. This is a practice that has been enjoyed by target archers and bowhunters for years without problems.

This ruling was based upon two women who had observed an archery class being taught by Marcus Bossett. They were aghast at seeing youth shooting at 3D Animal Targets and demanded that the park stop this terrible practice.

The ?terribly offensive? class is called ?Instinctive Archery? and Marcus has been using his own personal 3D targets for his students to shoot at so they know how to shoot and score all of the tournaments held in California which includes the 3D tournaments.

These two women managed to cause a sweeping policy change that includes the entire archery range and anyone who comes to enjoy it.
Ugh, how is it that the masses have to bend over for the few obnoxious idiots. When did we stop saying no to these people and just move on.
I HATE this about where our society is at now. Whether it's hunting or not. Makes my blood boil.

For the love of the game
It's a slippery slope, shooting at 3D animal targets. It could lead to that nasty practice called hunting.

It's unfortunate that the Wackos get away with this. But it's S. Calif.

Hopefully those in the north part of the state don't let this happen to them.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"
WTF. Nothing here in CA surprises me anymore. I live 2 blocks from there and shoot almost once a week. If they ask me to take my 3D deer down I'll tell them it's made of TOFU. Idiots
LAST EDITED ON Jul-09-14 AT 08:28PM (MST)[p]I can see some people making 3d Obama/nancy Pelosi targets next.

When can Cali. just become its own country
Don't Laugh!

It'll be here in 2 years!

Difference here is nobody will pay any attention to the BS!

[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!
Nothing surprises me when it come to $hit like this anymore. Bess,its not gonna happen here in 2 years... its here now, after all didn't we just let the rainbow dopers have there way in our forest?, Didn't the Gov. just put the "Spin" on wolverine and wolf stories in the news?,remember when you used to see gun racks in pickup windows, And archery practised in public parks this time of year?
3D targets have long been known as the gateway targets to hunting and killing animals for sport which is the gateway murdering humans and eventually the most terrible thing of all... murdering pets.

[font color="blue"]I don't make the soup,I just stir it.[/font]
"gateway" targets! LMAO
Good one NV.

It's funny that we let a handful of nuts chart our course. We've slid down the slope too far. I fear the "new normal" is catering to every wacko out there!
It makes me ill.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-10-14 AT 11:02AM (MST)[p]Don't prove squat. You copied and pasted somebody's post from another forum, who copied and pasted from another forum, who copied and pasted from another forum... Nobody included a link to the source, of course. Don't see it nowhere in the CBH newsletter.

Sounds like another "There's a monster under my bed!" story to me. Meantime, you want something to worry about, worry about the anti-hunters who wear camo.

I love shooting 3D and patronize as many local 3D shoots as I can. But you got to admit, it's a pretty damn silly way for a grown man to spend his time. Last course I shot had a velociraptor, just like my son used to play with only bigger. Where's the kill spot on a dinosaur?
LAST EDITED ON Jul-10-14 AT 12:30PM (MST)[p]kill spot is the same heart lung area, just use 125 grn broadheads,geeez i thought everyone knew that. I heard they had a caveman target along with the raptor.... they had to remove it because it looked to much like a certain president...just sayin. Again it doesn't surprise me, I also heard Skoal has came up with a new chew for certain area's of Cal. its the same flavors but now it comes in shlong cut.....
I am embarrassed when I have to tell someone out of state I am from California. I am stuck in this horrible state for a few more years due to work - then I am so gone!
barner, if you are stuck at anything, it's on you, not the State. Guys like you, i wish would pull up and get the he11 out!

Just a another Dig on Cali thread. I hope you guys don't mind when your State is front and center and the target for this kind of mindless drivel.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"

I know where you're coming from bro.
I know the area you live very well.
Beautiful mountain country, gorgeous sprawling ranches, superb fishing, great hunting and mostly staunch conservative values.
Most don't know the California that we know.
I've killed a sh*tload of bucks here, caught more and bigger fish than most anyone on this board, and I own a beautiful home in the hills with bucks, turkey, quail, & doves on my property very regularly.


I've seen the ever spiraling attack on people like us and it is increasing at a rate like I've never seen in my lifetime.

The ban of trapping, the ban of hound hunting, the ban of lead bullets for hunting, the holy grail status of wolves and mountain lions, and the massive assault on anyone that believes in hunting them, the incredibly high taxes (2nd only to NY)the extreme over regulation of firearms, the sky high real estate prices, and mostly the overwhelming liberal/progressive beliefs of it's citizens that continue to elect the horrendous list of political leaders that California is infamously noted for, creating more and more laws every year making prisoners of us all.

As I've said in other posts, I used to defend this place as I've had quite a remarkable life here and I've found a way to raise a family that I'm tremendously proud of, it's a tragedy that we as conservative sportsmen are so overwhelmingly outnumbered.

You are a good person Joey, I'm certain we'd agree on most aspects of life, but I'm a little closer to the fire than you are and unfortunately get to see more of the bad in this state than you do.

Though I want to leave in the worst way, I'd have to divorce my wife and give up most of what I have and I'm really not ready for that right yet.
It's tough when your home state is hammered all the time. Montana isn't the place it used to be either. I can only hope our core values here regarding hunting amd wildlife will be maintained. Things are changing. mtmuley
Well Harry, if it comes a time when you move to your "better place", we will miss you and know that we've lost a good Man. In the mean time, choose your battles and enjoy all those things that you have now and have had. I really doubt that you are going to have it as good or better than you have it right now, right here.

My Family is from the East Bay area. Mostly Livermore but there's folks scattered all over down there. Most all are happy folks, doing what they want to do, liking their work and where they live, and moving to another state would be more about saving on income tax laws than leaving because they don't like it here.

That Valley country was just not for me but i moved north because i knew that i'd fit right in with the people that live here...and i did. Those who stay where they hate it and do jobs that they hate, are here only for their jobs, i don't have a clue why they'd do it. Sure, it cost me way more than my savings to make a big move from where i was existing to where i'm living but i don't blame the State of Calif for that. Some places of Calif are great places to be.

I'm not saying to move in next to me. There are nice places, great neighbors, and fantastic people all over this State. I am saying, those that want to only earn money, bitsh and complain of our State, and want out soon as possible, Move, so i don't have to hear you bitsh and moan. I happen to like it here!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
I don't believe that everyone who biches about the Cali culture believes everyone is Cali is a fruit or a nut. Its a misnomer to label ideologies based on geography or state lines. Kinda like thinking everyone from Idaho is a redneck hayseed. Still, there are not too many stories like this one coming out of Wyoming.

The issue is not that two women think that shooting 3D targets is offensive. The issue is that a community takes them seriously. Does is matter where this community is?? Geographically, I'd say no. Personally - no. Politically, yes! Be it L.A., Seattle, San Francisco, Denver, etc.., it matters the influence a community which gives credence to two women who fight for the decent treatment of 3D archery targets. Political boundaries matter, no matter which side you find yourself on. Stories like this one remind me why I give to the RMEF.
California and Californians (natives) are good people

Its the hordes from the Northeast and Great Lakes region that moved there in the 80's & 90's that screwed the place up. Now this same swarm of locust is moving on to other States and bringing their ways with them.

Example: Look where Sen Boxer or Rep Pelosi are originally from. Its not the California natives that are the problem.
Cali would be better if they split into two states....NorCal and SoCal. NorCal could keep their hunting and water, while Socal can keep their Libs and find their own water. All the tree huggers from the bay area can be arranged to migrate to the new Liberal state of SoCal.

This is one Major reason I moved away from the state. Too many damn yuppies that hate hunters, fisherman, and everyone else who doesn't agree with their yuppie mindset.
God made animals out of meat. Soon after cavemen connected the dots. For many hunting is also fun and rewarding. Others don't like it so they want to ruin it for the rest of us. California people are mostly like the rest of us. Some like to display bizarre traits and trains of thought. These few seem to garner the limelight in California. Make sure your gear is in good shape and your weapon shoots where you aim it and be nice. Everything will be o.k.
The first sentence came from Uncle Ted

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