The Liver King


Active Member
I want to see some opinions and have some discussions about this guy. If you don't know who the liver king is (boomers) look him up. He is an insanely fit guy who claims it mostly comes from his diet of raw meats, ie testicles, liver, bone marrow etc.

What do yall think? Is he natural? or on steroids to get in that kind of shape?

Even Joe Rogan who went on a "carnivore diet" where he ate nothing but meat, not raw or anything, stated that to be in that kind of physical condition you have to be on some kind of steroid, or be among the .0000001% of people who have the genetics to get a body like that naturally.
The only way to tell for sure if he is using steroids or HGH or myostatin inhibitors is to see the results of a chemical analysis.

I am certain he is not getting that physique just by eating livers, raw meats, testicles, etc.
Look at pictures of him from a couple years ago before he became "liver king".... yea he aint natural... but if you really want to feel bad, look up how much he is making a month. He's rich, I'm not, so he found his social media niche and is running with it for millions

Some people’s genetics are just better then others. He was born what great genetics so building up muscle is easier for him then others. To say he got that way eating raw liver is BS. Thats a fact!
Interesting stuff (and some great comments) but I don't know of him or give 2 hoots about the guy.

I'm a boomer but guys like that are so far from my reality that I just cannot care about them.

You guys are my kind of people, even as weird as we all are, not some internet hero regardless of his income.

Yep, like others have said. He's on gear...

There is only so much food and protein that the natural human body can synthesize into muscle. It needs help in the form of PEDs in order to turn those additional calories into mass otherwise it simply turns into fat. Steroids coupled with a good lifting program will allow you to eat more and convert that excess into muscle.

Others take it to improve healing or increase endurance/strength in other sports. The majority, however, take it to gain mass.

Some tell-tale signs of a 'roid user:

1) Bubble gut (distended abdomen - looks like a beer belly with a six-pack)
2) Acne (face and back but usually on the upper back)
3) Man boobs (yeah this is self-explanatory). However, there are counter-drugs that can be taken to reverse the excess estrogen
4) They have abnormally large delts/shoulders and chest (this one is actually quite a reliable indicator. HUGE defined shoulders with veins showing typically means steroids)
5) They are ripped and typically at low bodyfat percentages (between 7-10% and much lower if they get into competition shape).
6) Roid Rage - doesn't affect every 'roid user. But when you see it, you'll know. lol. It's like PMS but on the body of The Ultimate Warrior
7) They have to eat A LOT in order to maintain mass. They are usually eating every 2 hours. In the end, they typically consume anywhere from 3,000-5,000 calories per day in the bulking phase and then slightly less when they enter the cut phase.

I've been lifting for decades. I've been around those who have used it. I got to a point where I seriously considered it to get bigger but the potential health issues were not worth it for me plus no one is paying me to have huge shoulders.

In the words of Sweet Sugar Brown..."Ain't nobody got time 'fo dat"
Yep, like others have said. He's on gear...

There is only so much food and protein that the natural human body can synthesize into muscle. It needs help in the form of PEDs in order to turn those additional calories into mass otherwise it simply turns into fat. Steroids coupled with a good lifting program will allow you to eat more and convert that excess into muscle.

Others take it to improve healing or increase endurance/strength in other sports. The majority, however, take it to gain mass.

Some tell-tale signs of a 'roid user:

1) Bubble gut (distended abdomen - looks like a beer belly with a six-pack)
2) Acne (face and back but usually on the upper back)
3) Man boobs (yeah this is self-explanatory). However, there are counter-drugs that can be taken to reverse the excess estrogen
4) They have abnormally large delts/shoulders and chest (this one is actually quite a reliable indicator. HUGE defined shoulders with veins showing typically means steroids)
5) They are ripped and typically at low bodyfat percentages (between 7-10% and much lower if they get into competition shape).
6) Roid Rage - doesn't affect every 'roid user. But when you see it, you'll know. lol. It's like PMS but on the body of The Ultimate Warrior
7) They have to eat A LOT in order to maintain mass. They are usually eating every 2 hours. In the end, they typically consume anywhere from 3,000-5,000 calories per day in the bulking phase and then slightly less when they enter the cut phase.

I've been lifting for decades. I've been around those who have used it. I got to a point where I seriously considered it to get bigger but the potential health issues were not worth it for me plus no one is paying me to have huge shoulders.

In the words of Sweet Sugar Brown..."Ain't nobody got time 'fo dat"
8). They start lots of threads on management of Utah ungulates and even more threads once everyone disagrees with them

9). Cut off sleeves. They always wear cut off sleeves

10) they like to bass fish but live in a high desert state ?

11) they photoshop broken tines in kill photos…poorly

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