The next 200 inch plus Bighorn


Long Time Member
Doing some pre application studying. Where is the next 200 incher gonna come from? Got my area picked. mtmuley
I would think that with three 204 rams coming out of the missouri break I would put in there. 2 came from 680 and one from 482.
I've seen pictures of the two shot by women, is there a picture anywhere of the third one?
I've been watching one ram this winter that has got to be real close to 200, I'm putting in for a couple years until he gets killed.
>The third is the one that
>the undercover state employee shot
>with John Lewton in an
>attempted sting operation on Lewton.

WOW, really? lets air this one out.

I know who John Lewton is and have never heard a wiff of bad about him.

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

The rumors I have heard is he is busted for a 195 ram, a 204 ram, no outfitters license, using radios while hunting, and flying and hunting in the same day. Felony investigation ongoing. Keep in mind that these are rumors.
WOW...just went to moosie's rathole and read the post's there, sounds like there might be alot more to lewton than I ever dreamed...hmmm...not good.

great post/pic, thanks for sharing


You gonna try to get on one of'em ??

M'breaks, no doubt. Wondering how the upfront
money this year will affect the NM draw.

Probably not enough to register.
Will see.

HEY Younghunter???





THERE'S ONLY ONE bobcat!!!
Leaning towards one of the Breaks areas. Odds are long, but, someone has to draw. Bess, Your fur is up, ain't it? Out. mtmuley
>Birds of the same feather flock
>together JBiot...

You must know me huh younghunter? or are you just brave??

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

Montana 680 is the best unit. I have seen a 204 ram that was killed this past year. Unreal. Unbelievable! Best genetics. 7 1/2 year old 200 class rams. Congrats to the lucky tag holders.
Ditto on the 7.5 yr old 200 class ram! When I seen that I said to myself holy S***! In wyoming a 7.5 yr old is lucky to be better than 160. Makes you wonder how much bigger that ram could have got! Next 200 ram will likely come from the breaks, or perhaps Alberta. Although someday Wyoming might produce one (or at least something better than 180) considering some MS Breaks sheep have been transplanted in one WY area that recently opened...time will only tell.
Nevada might produce a 200" ram sometime soon. There has been two 190 rams killed in the last three years that I know of. The biggest was a 194 ram killed in 07 that was only 6 years old and in 06 a 190 5/8's ram was killed that was only 5 years old and had bases that were 17 7/8". The sheep in this area came from Alberta.

Been put'n in for 680 since 2001.
I'm one year older than you are.
Keep after it.

Look's like "Young" neither knew,
nor was brave.

Sad combination. I'm brave, but, sad'ly
don't know.

LAST EDITED ON Jan-14-09 AT 06:07AM (MST)[p]I found a pic of the ram under investigation. Somebody post a pic of the other monsters killed please.

My dilemma is:

should I put in for a unit with average rams (175"ers) and one other hunter or do I apply for a unit with huge rams and 19 other hunters? Should I kick d13ers arse? My father in law drew a tag in an area with one other hunter. It was kind of nice to basically have the unit all to ourselves but never saw a whopper of a ram. Probably because they don't exist. Believe me, we looked. I did learn however that you can easily kill them with a bow. Not sure if that is the case in all areas but I do know they are not smart animals. Killing one with a bow looks impressive but realistically, it probably is not that difficult.

I'll probably apply for 680 again and thanks to this post my odds just got a whole lot worse. I have max points but who doesn't right now? Killing a 200" ram would be like winning a small lottery. What to do?
It is amazing to me that this site draws so much attention to "number ego". Now don't get me wrong because I often ask,"what does it score", but when it comes to having a sheep hunting opportunity, seeking a 200 inch ram is HARDER than drawing the lottery. Look at the odds!
My post name came from an amazing opportunity to harvest a "dinky" (at least in some hunters eyes) 10 year old Wyoming bighorn that is forty points below 200 inches. He trumps every trophy in my home, including my 32" mule deer. I would not trade that hunt for anything. But to listen to some of you say you are going for broke, only makes me sad that you will be missing out on an experience like mine.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and I feel sorry for anyone that would forgo a chance at a 175" bighorn, which is HUGE, for a lottery chance at being able to pound his chest and say," I shot a 200 incher. IMHO
Zigga you should be a natural sheep hunter.....since you and the sheep think the same.........and when you head this way....bring a lunch.

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

Not sure which one was killed in which unit.



There might be bigger rams in the breaks, but me personally living where I do will keep applying for local units. I'd get a lot more hunting and scouting in, could have more friends tag along throughout the season, and still have a great chance for a 190 inch ram.

I think some, just dream big. And that's OK.

I'm putting in for a Colorado unit this year
that has a "reputation" for having small'ish
sheep. But I'm not holding out for a 200.

Not everyone on here is score-crazy.
Many are, but not everbody.

littlebigorn, Since I live here in Montana, any area is "close" if I draw a tag. Odds are about the same in any quality area. If I draw, even one of the unlimiteds, I can't apply for 7 years after that. I'm figuring on a once in a lifetime deal here. If I draw my area and kill a 160 ram, I bet I'll be happy. I just want to put myself in a position to tag the best ram possible. Score crazy? No. I'm not. It's a bit different than a 190 buck or a 360 bull. If I get the chance, it will be the only one. mtmuley
Like mtmuley said, it's not like we'll ever get another one so the one we do get should at least have a chance at being yuge. The two areas I am thinking about applying for are both under 1% draw odds but I would either be sharing the unit with 19 hunters or 1 other hunter. Either hunt will be once in one or possibly two lifetimes. I've taken gobs of average deer, elk, bear, antelope so why can't I dream for the biggest ram God has EVER created?:)

Your wife says we're out of milk.
Why am I getting so exited? This happens every year though. It's January. Can't hunt till spring bear. I'm gonna look at the sheep pics again. LOL mtmuley
There are rumor's floating around that a Bighorn Ram was found on the famouse Cadomin mine's here in Northern Alberta by some quaders last month.It is said to score around 210". No pictures have surfaced yet as the Owner is in a fight with F&W to keep the horns from what I am told.
That ram don't count. I'm talking a ram taken by a hunter. I'll lay odds on Montana for a 210+ ram soon. 2 rams this last year at 204. mtmuley
At the sportsmans show I talked with the guy that has the number 1 and number 11 B+C bighorns, and he was saying a young girl found that ram on mine property and it goes about 213, supposedly the wildlife dept. confiscated it, and plans to enter it.
He might not be 200 inches but he's not the biggest ram in this Alberta area ether.

I doubt Montana will ever break the world record. The sheep down there rarely reach old age because they are scrutinized from the time they reach 180 or so.

Sure sheep get to be 204 by the time they turn 7 but they have been watched for a few years already and its rare for a sheep to live past 8 years of age. Every time I see another monster Montana ram its a young sheep <8 years of age. And with basically once ina lifetime tags who passes up a 190 class sheep, No one does.

I bet if i drew a Montana tag and a few phone calls and posts on here and other websites I am sure there would be guys telling me or showing me where they saw a 190 class ram just so they could be part of the hunt.

My bet is on Alberta for the next hunter killed world record. Look at the sheep killed a few years ago by a resident in alberta in a general open area and season. The ram went 206.
This ram lived in secret spot where no one knew about him and he lived to close to 10-11 years, before he slipped up and came into the open.

I'd probably take a 190 ram because of the once-in-a-lifetime stigma. I ain't rich and a sheep hunt is only in my plans because I live in Montana, and the tag is cheap. Hell, I'm acting like I have the tag already! World record here? Maybe, maybe not. We'll see. mtmuley
>I doubt Montana will ever break
>the world record. The sheep
>down there rarely reach old
>age because they are scrutinized
>from the time they reach
>180 or so.
>Sure sheep get to be 204
>by the time they turn
>7 but they have been
>watched for a few years
>already and its rare for
>a sheep to live past
>8 years of age. Every
>time I see another monster
>Montana ram its a young
>sheep <8 years of age.
>And with basically once ina
> lifetime tags who passes
>up a 190 class sheep,
>No one does.
>I bet if i drew a
>Montana tag and a few
>phone calls and posts on
>here and other websites I
>am sure there would be
>guys telling me or showing
>me where they saw a
>190 class ram just so
>they could be part of
>the hunt.
>My bet is on Alberta for
>the next hunter killed world
>record. Look at the sheep
>killed a few years ago
>by a resident in alberta
>in a general open area
>and season. The ram went
>This ram lived in secret spot
>where no one knew about
>him and he lived to
>close to 10-11 years, before
>he slipped up and came
>into the open.

I believe this is the ram you are talking about.

The Cadomin Mine is where it came from and there are loads of world class rams in there.Every year when the resident and non resident draws or bid tags come out there is a potential for a new world record.The rams are protected on the mine but with these late season special tags a hunter has a chance to get one when they leave the mine to chase ewe's......

Don't be fooled by a "secret spot" that may hold an Alberta ram that may be the next world record. Most every big ram that is killed has lived his entire life on a mine. Some rams never leave the mine, while a few make a mistake. There are droves of hunters waiting for the ram to step over a boundary line. I have a friend that said he could see 19 other hunters from his lookout by the mine.

Not sure if the next world record will come from MT but I would like to see it. I think there are a lot of rams in Montana that are never viewed by a human. They either stay in the timber or they live in some remote drainage in the breaks. The rams in the breaks grow big and they get their quickly. You don't hear of many rams getting old in the breaks but it is not because of hunters. The breaks rams grow big but tend to live and abbreviated life. There are a lot of theories as to why this happens.

Western MT came close to a WR on several occassions before the sheep numbers got too high. Being able to hunt the rut has also not helped the age class in western MT.

roger, I agree. Montana may surprise some people in the next year or two. I am praying to he draw Gods every night. mtmuley
There is an interesting article about sheep in the latest Peterson's Hunting. It was written by Keith Balfourd, who happens to work for the Boone and Crockett Club. In the past 10 years, 261 book rams have been taken in Montana. 53 in Alberta. The article mentions nothing about score. If I ever draw, a book ram is good enough for me. mtmuley
There are many great rams shot through out the province and not EVERY giant is killed coming of the Luscar Mine.

That being said..... why Choose Alberta? It's home of the B&C #1, #2, #3, #4, Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep world records and the P&Y #1 world record.
Canada has those pesky rules about Outfitters and what not. Resident MT sheep tags are the best bang for your buck on the planet. With less than a 1% chance, who doesn't feel lucky?
Zigga, I'm feeling lucky man. AND, I got "bonus points". The MAX amount too. Might as well give me a tag TODAY! LOL mtmuley
I would love to hunt Montana for sheep some day. But i live in Alberta and i dont draw a tag, I only buy one...cost's me 50 bucks :):):)

I don't think you are serious about wanting a sheep tag. I have max points as well and unlike you, I REALLY REALLY want a sheep tag. If I draw you are invited to watch me dump the new world record. Bring snacks. :)

Good luck to you and the other 1800 people putting in for our unit.
>I would love to hunt Montana
>for sheep some day. But
>i live in Alberta and
>i dont draw a tag,
>I only buy one...cost's me
>50 bucks :):):)

Man you guys got it good in Alberta. Here in BC a sheep tag is $60. Mind you we can hunt Stones and Cali's with the same tag and Dalls are on a draw 8:1. I guess thats why Alberta is $10 cheaper:)

Zigga and Piper are good hunters! But they don't need any help, they got it covered!

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