
Active Member
Dinosaurs were her and it was warm

It got colder...they died

We were in an ice age

It got warmer, ice melted, humans started cooking their own food




wait for it


billions of years of time passed....

---warming and cooling happened



wait for it




no F150 had been invented yet

but it is now the F150's fault
>Dinosaurs were her and it was
>It got colder...they died
>We were in an ice age
>It got warmer, ice melted, humans
>started cooking their own food
>wait for it
>billions of years of time passed....
>---warming and cooling happened
>wait for it
>no F150 had been invented yet
>but it is now the F150's

Ahhhh, come on itchie coochie....facts got ya scared?
Climate Change = Natural changes in the Earths climate that have been happening since the beginning of Earth.

The Earth doesnt stay the same....we see evidence of that everywhere...


Climate has been CHANGING" for the last...what.... 1,000,000 years? Or maybe 1,000,000,000 years? But now in the last few months we invented the f150 and now Henry Ford is responsible for killing the earth.

Got it....thanks for the science lesson oooochie cooooochiekid
>>Maybe Ocho is out cutting firewood.
>>Winter's coming.
>Ya gotta love oooooochie's science.

Oooochie Cooochikid...

Dont wanna talk about real science?
Hey, ooochie coochie kid....

care to discuss actual history and science?

"Climate Change" has been happening for 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 and 000,000,000,000,000 and 000,000,000,000,000 years

"The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." - Plato
Yes it has, good for you for admitting the earth is over 6,000 years old. that has to be hard for a jesus freak to do. I won't tell your preacher.

But it's the speed at which it's changing that's alarming. and maybe fatal.

But we don't need give a FF do we ? it'll last as long as we do. and that's what really matters.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
>Yes it has, good for you
>for admitting the earth is
>over 6,000 years old.
>that has to be hard
>for a jesus freak to
>do. I won't tell
>your preacher.
>But it's the speed at which
>it's changing that's alarming. and
>maybe fatal.
>But we don't need give a
>FF do we ? it'll
>last as long as we
>do. and that's what
>really matters.

It has been changing before. You cant prove how fast it has done it in the past. LOL Can you prove it is happening faster? What about when volcanos went off all over the world and dumped billions and billions of tons of soot and gasses into the atmosphere in one day....more than man has ever pumped one want me to believe my ford focus is causing it. LOL....thats science for ya
LAST EDITED ON Oct-01-18 AT 08:28PM (MST)[p]"Yes it has, good for you for admitting the earth is over 6,000 years old. that has to be hard for a jesus freak to do. I won't tell your preacher."

This planet is around 4 billion years old. The recorded history of man as we know it is around 6,500 - 7,000 years old.

Try and keep up...
Dude has no desire to keep up, he has a forked tongue . One tip of the tongue promotes liberal lies and the other rails against people of faith..
>Dude has no desire to keep
>up, he has a forked
>tongue . One tip of
>the tongue promotes liberal lies
>and the other rails against
>people of faith..

Well said

"The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." - Plato
LAST EDITED ON Oct-03-18 AT 03:32PM (MST)[p]So the planet is 4 billion years old, man has only been here for 6,000 years, you guys claim to know for a fact man's can't influence the weather through releasing carbon. How can you know any of that?

The industrial revolution is 200 years old and humans have been really using oil and gas to heat their homes, drive, and produce huge quantities of goods for the last about 80 years.

For the record I don't think there is anything we are going to do about climate change but your claims that you can know for certain that man has no impact on climate, based on a time record of less than .000000005% of the time you admit the earth has existed, is pretty arrogant even for Christians.


Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other.
Wait a minute Nemont. That's not an accurate assessment of what is going on here. You're asking these guys to prove that humans don't affect the climate but why don't the GW freaks have to prove that we do? We've been told for the past few years that "global warming / climate change" is man made by the left and they have absolutely zero proof yet we are supposed to accept it. Now you're suggesting that we that don't buy into it have to prove that we don't?

That sounds like a very leftist argument to me. Remember all these outlandish claims by Al Gore that failed to come to pass?

So it seems to me, much like the Kavanaugh scenario that someone who makes ridiculous claims should be forced to provide evidence to back up their claims or essentially become a liar. I would argue that global warming gurus should be the ones to provide evidence that man is causing the earth to warm. Otherwise it is nothing more that mere hypothesis with no credible way to prove the theory.
What would you accept as proof? Since you won't accept science, math or reasoned studies that show when the atmosphere has more carbon it warns.

So if we have to prove man has an impact but are allowed to prove using the same methods you accept to set wild life populations then I guess it is up to God to provide the proof.

There is nothing you are willing to change anyway so why worry. The way your grand children will live doesn't much matter, right?


Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-03-18 AT 08:03PM (MST)[p] great grandchildren will have it easier than my great grandparents will yours

There is zero guarantee of that. We are spending their money now and borrowing more of it every day.

Like I said I don't get worked up about climate change. I think it is stupid to argue that man has no hand in it though. Yes volcanoes spew more carbon when they erupt. However the planet didn't have 7 billion humans expelling carbon every day when that happened before.

Like I said what could ever be used as proof of human caused climate change? Christians refuse use science or reason, doubters don't think they should have to bring anything to the table to refute it and their politicians don't want to accept anything against the narrative that humans have to impact. It is exactly like liberals arguing: all emotions and feelings.


Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other.

I guess you are assuming back during Earths formation we had the same amount of carbon spewing from volcanos as we do today.

Then you are asssssuming you know how many mammals were on Earth. I guess you know Methane gas production rates of Trex.

Then, you want to assume.....using your words and numbers "0.000000005%" that man has been on Earth that now HE IS COMPLETELY responsible for the same weather changes and climate changes that have happened for how long? like 6,000,000,000,000,000 years?

Now who's the dumb bass?

It's man, it's you, it's Bush! We are all powerful and we changed the weather!

Deflate your head (aka dum bass)

"The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." - Plato
LAST EDITED ON Oct-04-18 AT 01:38PM (MST)[p]Nope, you cannot quote me saying "man alone" on anything. Period

I said man has an impact, that man is using carbon rapidly, carbon that used to be stored in carbon sinks, and there is a historic and provable record that says, "when carbon concentrations in the atmosphere increase, temps increase".

You will never accept anything as proof that man impacts the climate through the release of carbon and other green house gases and there is simply no way to debate somebody who believes god alone controls the whole thing.

Keep on believing as you wish.


Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-04-18 AT 01:54PM (MST)[p]>LAST EDITED ON Oct-04-18
>AT 01:38?PM (MST)

>Nope, you cannot quote me
>saying "man alone" on anything.
> Period
>I said man has an impact,
>that man is using carbon
>rapidly, carbon that used
>to be stored in carbon
>sinks, and there is a
>historic and provable record that
>says, "when carbon concentrations in
>the atmosphere increase, temps increase".
> You will never
>accept anything as proof that
>man impacts the climate through
>the release of carbon and
>other green house gases and
>there is simply no way
>to debate somebody who believes
>god alone controls the whole
>Keep on believing as you wish.
>Government is like a baby. An
>alimentary canal with a big
>appetite at one end and
>no responsibility at the other.

I will accept that "man produces pollution" that is harmful to man....

Proving it is harmful to the "planet" when the "planet" is the one responsible for producing the oil, the gas, the tough.

That would require us to assume the planet was "made for us". Perhaps the healthiest planet is one full of gasses harmful to humans?! Why do we assume this planet is supposed to include us? Isn't that just some silly religious or Christian notion?


Perhaps a "healthy" earth is one without ooochie coochies and the rest of us.....

OOOOchie thinks that just because the thermometer was invented in 1709 that the earth now must remain the same temperature as it was in 1709.....wait.....I mean 1898....wait....I mean 1978 when we had thermometers all over the globe has to remain the same as that....even though it changed on the dinosaurs and all previous human ancestors...LOL

Amazing this same BOZO oochie wants to then tell me how "scientific" he is. WHAT A PILE OF BS...almost as deep as the pile Dr Ford (not a real doctor...not even a practicing psychologist) is standing in this morning with her sworn statement from her ex boyfriend DESTROYING HER!....absolutely destroyed her...and the dems this morning!

Oh this chit is awesome

"The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." - Plato
Conflating politics and science is pretty stupid. One has zero do with the other.

So if the earth wasn't made for man then the entire basis of the Bible is debunked.

King James Bible Genesis 1:26
And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

What I do know is that there is a provable connection between CO2 concentrations and rising temps. It doesn't matter when a thermometer was invented. CO2 concentration have risen rapidly in the last 200 years, in correlation to the industrial revolution. So sane people would infer that perhaps the dumping of CO2 has a consequence that MIGHT not be good for future people.

I know nothing will be done because humans simply cannot be proactive in worrying about future problems that will face the next generation. Most simply do not care.


Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other.
So Nemont, you think I won't accept proof? Well maybe if the proof wasn't a load of crap it would be more acceptable. Think for a second... When Al Gore made all of his outlandish doomsday claims that failed to come true, why weren't scientists calling BS on his wild prophecies? Why were scientists just 40+ years ago predicting an ice age? Is it because our technology (created by man) so much better now that it completely reversed the theory from ice age to scorched earth?

Why did scientists fudge the data (provable by the way) to get the results they wanted?

Here is a good read in Popular Science that actually admits that scientists are still learning how planetary movement affects our climate.

Here is another one that says a mini ice age is coming. The cause is the known solar minimum and the solar maximum CYCLES of the sun about every 11 years. The key word there is CYCLES as we seem to accept as fact that the sun cycles between minimum and maximum, which I have no problem with. So, scientists will accept very short 11 year solar cycles but poo poo any notion that other cycles will also affect earth's climate.

You probably believe the much talked about 97% of scientists consensus but do you only know what CNN reported or have you looked into it yourself?

Did you know that the late co-founder of The Weather Channel was a denier? He quite obviously stated that we can't even predict what the weather will be like in 2 weeks and we're supposed to believe that the earth will warm 8 degrees F by 2100?

So my point is that while there is a theory that man is causing the earth to warm up, there is also equally a theory that it's BS and cyclical and not even accurate. Maybe if just one time someone like Al Gore or any of these alarmists predicted something that actually came true it would make me a little more convinced but I'm not falling for the chicken little crap.

As for my grand kids, I fully desire for them to live in a better world but is strapping them with regulations and taxing their wealth for carbon offsets only enslaves them? Ever notice that those who scream loudest about climate change seem to have a much higher carbon footprint than the general masses? Oh wait, they can afford to "offset" their carbon footprint with money. I see, climate change can be fixed with money right?

And when articles like this...


...are put forth as research and study, then I too fear for my grand kids as they will be ruled by far greater idiots than we have today.
>Conflating politics and science is pretty
>stupid. One has zero
>do with the other.

So if it is "pretty STUPID" then you agree Al Gore, OOOOchie Cooochie, Bill Clinton, Obama and his Mama, are....."pretty stupid" since conflating politics and science is their favorite party.

>So if the earth wasn't made
>for man then the entire
>basis of the Bible is
>debunked. pee on yourself on this one below.....

>King James Bible Genesis 1:26
>And God said, Let us make
>man in our image, after
>our likeness: and let them
>have dominion over the fish
>of the sea, and over
>the fowl of the air,
>and over the cattle, and
>over all the earth, and
>over every creeping thing that
>creepeth upon the earth.

So man has it :) See your dum bass comment above....look I am not arguing about religion....just pointing out how much oooooochie cooooochie hates religion....but assssumes this place is created for

>What I do know is that
>there is a provable connection
>between CO2 concentrations and rising
>temps. It doesn't matter
>when a thermometer was invented.

And we lost you.....I knew this would be over your head. Look, if it doesnt matter when it was invented then what is the perfect temp for the earth? And perfect for whom :) ? For flies....flies want it warmer....for tics?.....for polar bears? exactly....species will move and thrive or die based on temps.....who says it needs to stay the same? You? The smarty scientist? Al Gore? Obama n his mama? LOL Who decides perfect homeostasis? And why demand homeostasis when you scientifically prove the opposite, chaos, is the constant? LOL

> CO2 concentration have
>risen rapidly in the last
>200 years, in correlation to
>the industrial revolution. So
>sane people would infer that
>perhaps the dumping of CO2
>has a consequence that MIGHT
>not be good for future

It has a consequence. Sure, but "sane people" predicted Hillary would sin by a landslide....then "sane people" just got fired from the FBI.....those same "sane people" borrowed 23 TRILLION DOLLARS and told me everything is fine....and those same "sane people" said New York would be under water by 2017 LOLOLOL....thanks for that Al Gore! Oh, and the internet...thanks for that too LOL. NeMont, take your "sane people" to the loony bin with your crazy bunns please.

>I know nothing will be done
>because humans simply cannot be
>proactive in worrying about future
>problems that will face the
>next generation. Most simply
>do not care.
LOLOLOL, now I know I am talking to some Negative Nancy with sweaty hairy balls dripping on mamas floor.....geeeeez bud...what about MLK, Washington, Paul Revere....

You know who has done an awesome job at "protecting the environment".....UTAH! A RED STATE....hows that water in TRUE BLUE FLINT MICHIGAN DOING FOR YA!

Go cry to the Blue team....then come back and tell me Tesla's....charged from coal burning plants.....(LOL)....are the clean future!

You assume your footstep means something to someone. You should know by now we are are nobody...quit thinking you are so important to this planet that can wipe you out in 1 second with an earthquake, tidal wave, sunami, hurricane, etc.....

You are nothing to this planet. It is doing what it has done for billions of years....regardless of how many squares you use of toilet

Get over yourself

That was good....very great reply...rebuttal...ooochie and nemont are attached at the hip on this one.

Let them tell you how it is Detroit knew better than Red states how to do it....and told us all how to run a sits in ruin and poverty.....these guys know better....

But when in office for some reason they ruin it all...LOL...wierd?

"The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." - Plato
LAST EDITED ON Oct-04-18 AT 04:27PM (MST)[p]yet enslaving them with massive debt and stealing their labor is just a cost of doing business? Weird.

Here the best quote from all the articles you linked:
-"But what we really need to call out is the use of false propaganda and demagogy to derail factual debate and careful consideration of all facets of the most complex scientific and policy issue of our time."-

Both sides have false propaganda and I am willing to bet that anyone who believes Trump is the greatest ever is willing to debate facts on any level.

Here is the thing. I don't believe Al Gore because he isn't a scientist who has to work on what is provable. I don't believe CNN because they are media, not science. If the science is all wrong then great, we lost nothing.

I said we won't enslave our grand children and we also won't give them a choice as to whether it was a great idea to burn all recoverable carbon or leave some in the ground. They will be left with what ever is left.

So like I said, I know nothing will be done, I know that there is nothing skeptics will agree to as proof of anything and we will burn as much carbon as it takes to prove that man can impact climate.

I really don't care much what you think of me, or religion or Al Gore or CNN.


Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-04-18 AT 04:33PM (MST)[p]So, we agree then

a. The Climate has been changing.
b. Man produces "pollution" but it naturally occurs on earth.
c. "Scientists" in favor of climate change have been proven to deceive and lie about actual data
d. climate changers predicted the end of the earth last year....I had a roast beef at Arbys today...everything is still great :)
x. many of the worst "polluted states" are blue....ahhhh :)

Thanks for clearing that up!

"The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." - Plato
You left out that Trump is douche.

I don't agree with almost anything else you posted but we do agree on that.


Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other.
>You left out that Trump is
>I don't agree with almost anything
>else you posted but we
>do agree on that.
> lets see

a. The Climate has been changing. (so you dont believe the climate has changed before man came..... :)

b. Man produces "pollution" but it naturally occurs on earth. (CO2...and all other "pollution" is alien or from venus or something...not from earth....:)

c. "Scientists" in favor of climate change have been proven to deceive and lie about actual data...(you have never heard of CLIMATEGATE where "the" guys in charge were hacked and their emails were spilled out for all to see that they have been lying....:)

d. climate changers predicted the end of the earth last year....I had a roast beef at Arbys today...everything is still great...(so I was dreaming....Al Gore was right...we are now all dead :)

x. many of the worst "polluted states" are blue....ahhhh (you dont agree that detroit, miami, new york, pensylvania are heavily is Nebraska that we must worry about :)

YOU DUMCHIZ WIGGLE BUNN....sweaty nutsack of a 75 year old man you are.... :)

How about next you produce hairy nutsack
Good God man can you stop with the TDS for just one second and talk about the actual subject?

I've never said that the debt is fine, in fact just the opposite. I just don't bring it up in every thread like you do. FFS we can be talking about ******** terrorism and all you ever parrot is that Trump sucks and the debt, debt, debt. We know dude the ******** debt is out of control.

What's crazy though is that you're whining about it all the time but you want to strap taxation and regulation on the backs of your grand kids too. I guess eventually when all the doomsday shyt doesn't happen they'll just say, "Well Grandpa Nemont wanted to make sure that the planet was inhabitable for us so even though we're freezing our asses off we should be grateful that our tax dollars went to other countries to stop the earth from burning."

Oh and BTW I don't give two shyts what you think about me either. At least I'm not a proven fake patriot and wrong all the time.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-05-18 AT 08:56AM (MST)[p]Ah the fake patriot? Wrong all the time? Then why bother ever responding to a single thing I post? Just move along and hold hands with your fellow Trump supporters.

What would you Trump lovers accept as fact? You won't accept none biased science, you won't accept proven data that has zero political bias.

You need to read the parts where I have said I don't believe there is anything we can do about climate change. Can your lying @ss show me what regulations I have supported?

You whine about regulations on the next generation but are nearly silent on what stealing their money will do to them. Their tax burden and reduced standard of living you will pass on to them will make regulations immaterial.

So since this is a hunting forum, would you support using the same kind of approach and ignore the science to manage the manage the big game we hunt as we do when it comes to burning carbon? ie ignore man's impact, deny mankind has any impact and just state that big game numbers vary naturally?

If not, why not?


Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other.
LOL my lying ass? Now you've become Christine Blasey Ford throwing out bat shyt crazy accusations. At least I proved that you're a liar, do you need two front doors at your house too?

I've already told you what I would accept but you don't read well I guess. Like I said, set the TDS aside for a moment and try to stay on topic. Get back to me when all the polar bears are dead like they should have been by now and we'll talk. I don't really care what scientists believe will happen because they have been plenty wrong before.

I'm all for green energy and queers driving their Prius but I'm not for having to buy carbon offsets because that is simply another tax.
>Ah the fake patriot? Wrong
>all the time? Then
>why bother ever responding to
>a single thing I post?

Agreed, we now realize we are wasting our time.....but we just cant help ourselves

> Just move along and
>hold hands with your fellow
>Trump supporters.

We are :)

>What would you Trump lovers accept
>as fact?

Ummmmm Actual Facts....yeah....we thought about it and we decided we would accept actual facts as actual facts. :)

You won't
>accept none biased science, you
>won't accept proven data that
>has zero political bias.

Says the guy that wants to bend knee for Climate Change Gods who produced LIES known as CLIMATE GATE :) Are those the facts you want us to believe? Or maybe the Al Gore or other crazy guys that predicted the end of the earth by now....maybe those guys are the ones you want us to believe....and lets say we do believe your "facts".....then we agree the CLIMATE CHANGES...that STILL DOESNT INCRIMINATE THE F150! Innocent until proven guilty right?

>You need to read the parts
>where I have said I
>don't believe there is anything
>we can do about climate


Can your lying
>@ss show me what regulations
>I have supported?

Well....what is your stance then!?

>You whine about regulations on the
>next generation but are nearly
>silent on what stealing their
>money will do to them.

I HATE.....WE ALL HATE THE NATIONAL DEBT!!!! OKAY!!!??? AGREED....but that doesnt mean the climate is changing? must love that Trump got us out of the crazy expensive Paris Climate BS! Money saved that we can use to pay debt right!? Espescially since we "CANT DO ANYTHING ABOUT CLIMATE CHANGE" (which means we didnt cause it lol). You must just be droooooling over Trump and the fact he got us out of an agreement that helped China, Hurt the USA, and cost us LOVE TRUMP!!!!

> Their tax burden and
> reduced standard of living
>you will pass on to
>them will make regulations immaterial.

Okay....try to stay on course here....the end of earth predictions are getting old after each year you predict the end of the earth and it doesnt come...

>So since this is a hunting
>forum, would you support using
>the same kind of approach
>and ignore the science to
>manage the manage the big
>game we hunt as we
>do when it comes to
>burning carbon?

Wait? Did you actually produce solid climate data and facts? Did I miss all the articles with unbiased sources you listed?

ie ignore
>man's impact, deny mankind has
> any impact and just
>state that big game numbers
>vary naturally?

You would first have to prove that the F150 is related to the change in the climate.....even though it has been changing for billions of years without the f150. If you said deer numbers fluctuated from 1 to 10 before the f150....but now want us to believe deer numbers fluctuate from 1 to 10 because of the f150 we might ask for evidence. And then wonder why you are trying to attach my f150 to a process that has been happening for 6.35689756565899692 billion years....LOL

It is just too easy.....too easy with you....come on ya ol ball slappa...try again.

You truly are as dumb as Manny. I never said there was a correlation between climate change and deer you idiot. I said are you willing to use the same idea about big game management as you are willing to use to gamble your children's and grand children's future: ignore any science on game populations, state man has no impact on game populations and state that game populations vary over time so it doesn't matter what the science says.

Even the most strident climate change denier admits the earth is warming. They say it is because climate always changes. Yes, that is correct.

ice cores, which trap Co2 Levels in the atmosphere show this:


Temps follow the same graph and accelerate at the same slope as CO2 levels


Is that just by chance? Or is there a correlation?

Is it complicated, yep. So was figuring out how to harness the power of the atom but we didn't stop trying. I don't believe there is scientific consensus that it is all man caused, there is more study that has to be done. I also don't deny that man may be the cause because of how much green house gases are produced by us.

You are stuck with the F150 idea is all that matters. 200 years ago there were about a billion people on earth, today there are 7.6 Billion and all are burning and using carbon in some way, either by cutting down rain forests, burning more charcoal, coal, gasoline, diesel, etc. 99% of the world uses carbon and doesn't own an F150

The idea that man's pollution only affects man is laughable as well.

Having said all that I know for a fact that you will never accept anything that shows man's activities has any impact on anything.

What is funny is a Californian lecturing anybody when their state is set to impose huge costs on their residents to get "100%" "green" energy. Maybe Californians should attempt to fix their own state first before they ##### the rest of the country.


Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other.
LOL I don't know what you are smoking but I would cut back if I were you. First, California is ran by libtards whom I certainly don't agree with or vote for so not sure what your point is on that. But what's funny is that stupid liberal mindsets are what brings about these batshit crazy 100% renewable energy laws to combat climate change which it seems that you tend to agree with. These are exactly the types of regulations that I'm talking about which will affect your grand kids all in the name of saving the planet.

Second, the mere thought of comparing climate change to game herds is ridiculous. They are not the same. Of course man has an impact on animals why would you even compare the two? Do you think when the Germans exterminated 6 million Jews it didn't have an impact on Jew population? Well the same goes for animals dingbat. If I go kill 6 million deer don't you think that will have an impact?

What you don't understand is that science isn't even used to manage big game. Politics plays a much bigger role here in Cali than anything. Why would the state issue 8000 tags for a zone that has 3% success rate when that same zone 40 years ago was 30%? Why would that same state ban lion hunting completely and also the use of dogs for bears when there was no science saying that either species was headed for extinction?

There was no science involved, it was the tree hugger lobbyists who really want to ban all hunting regardless that got libtard politicians to sign off on it. Was the reintroduction of wolves based on science or politics and what happened when wolf populations began to climb rapidly?
>You truly are as dumb as

Cool, still smarter than your sweaty nuts. And more financially well off...and a better hunter...and ... are so much better ... ooooooo....ahhhh.... all hail nemont. You do personal attacks like a wanna be liberal LOL

>I never said
>there was a correlation between
>climate change and deer you

You are the idiot....I used a took it literally. Now who is the idiot? I understood your metaphor. Search for the sarcasm.....keep trying....look again....third times the charm grandpa!

>I said are
>you willing to use the
>same idea about big game
>management as you are willing
>to use to gamble your
>children's and grand children's future:
> ignore any science on
>game populations, state man has
>no impact on game populations
>and state that game populations
>vary over time so it
>doesn't matter what the science

Look....I will spell it out for ya Negative Nancy....the deer pop goes up and down for billions of years....f150 gets blame deer pop ups and downs on F150.

Thats essentially what you are saying about climate change....climate cool and warms and kills mammals for billions of years....f150 is all mammals deaths and warm or cool temps are blamed on the f150....forget the FACT that warming and cooling has happened billions of times before the F150

>Even the most strident climate change
>denier admits the earth is


>They say
>it is because climate always
>changes. Yes, that is
>ice cores, which trap Co2 Levels
>in the atmosphere show this:

>Temps follow the same graph and
>accelerate at the same slope
>as CO2 levels

>Is that just by chance?
>Or is there a correlation?

Is this the first time that has ever happened in the history of EARTH!? LOL

The sky is blue...and the f150 did it. NO CORRELATION!

>Is it complicated, yep. So
>was figuring out how to
>harness the power of the
>atom but we didn't stop
>trying. I don't believe
>there is scientific consensus that
>it is all man caused,


>there is more study that
>has to be done.

WHY! You have dinosaur bones in Utah....they were froze out! Burned out! Without an F150 in sight...history shows...look at the canyons carved by glaciers across the USA and the volcanic ash that lays across the american mid west!!!! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOUR LOGIC!!!! THE EVIDENCE IS HERE.... IT WARMS ... IT COOLS...IT HAS DONE THIS BEFORE!!! HOLY CHIT BATMAN!!! THE WEATHER CHANGES!!! WHAT!!!! BOOOOOOOOM...."we need to study this to see if we caused it!" LOL

> I also don't deny
>that man may be the
>cause because of how much
>green house gases are produced
>by us.

OH GARSH....what gasses come from volcanos? How much smoke was released this year from california wildfires alone?!!!! SO MUCH MORE THAN CARS!!!! LOL

> You are stuck with the
>F150 idea is all that
>matters. 200 years ago
>there were about a billion
>people on earth, today there
>are 7.6 Billion and all
>are burning and using
>carbon in some way, either
>by cutting down rain forests,
>burning more charcoal, coal, gasoline,
>diesel, etc. 99% of
>the world uses carbon and
>doesn't own an F150

COME ON GRAMPS!!!! F150 represents carbon use! IT IS A PLUG SO I DONT HAVE TO USE YOUR "carbon burning" represents all industrial is is a METAPHOR....holy chit you are slow

>The idea that man's pollution only
>affects man is laughable as


>Having said all that I know
>for a fact that you
>will never accept anything that
>shows man's activities has any
>impact on anything.

Hmmmmmmmmm......I just said the Dems ruined the water in Flint! LOL You are wrong again....why ramble so much?

>What is funny is a Californian
>lecturing anybody when their state
>is set to impose huge
>costs on their residents to
>get "100%" "green" energy.

Run like the dems you love to agree least a red in an ocean of blue...he is like the sliver in your arse you cant get rid of :)

> Maybe Californians should attempt
>to fix their own state
>first before they ##### the
>rest of the country.

Wait? I thought you love those climate changer tree huggers?!? You are a "californian" at heart my friend...
I guess a guy can argue that additional CO2 causes warming, but just because it shows that in a test tube doesn't mean that it's that way on a planet. There might be something they are over looking or don't even know about yet.

And since plants convert CO2 to oxygen (remember, plant a tree to save the planet), wouldn't it make sense to cut down all the dying ancient trees and plant new, young, healthy, rapidly growing trees to replace them? We're going to need the wood in the future too. Save a few groves to take photos if you want. They store carbon.

California burns about a million acres a year in forest fires and releases all that CO2 but they sure are proud that they run their laptop on solar power.
>>You truly are as dumb as
>Cool, still smarter than your sweaty
>nuts. And more financially
>well off...and a better hunter...and
>... are so much
>better ... ooooooo....ahhhh.... all hail
>nemont. You do personal
>attacks like a wanna be
>liberal LOL

Good for you, that and $5 will get you a cup of coffee in any Starbucks. Jimmy crack corn.

So for want a be Nazi like you, go look at this thread and see who was the first one to do a personal attack and then look in the mirror. The Queer looking back at you started it on this thread. Go look.

>>I never said
>>there was a correlation between
>>climate change and deer you
>You are the idiot....I used a
> took it literally.
>Now who is the idiot?
> I understood your metaphor.
> Search for the sarcasm.....keep
>trying....look again....third times the charm

Grandpa? You are clueless per usual.

>>I said are
>>you willing to use the
>>same idea about big game
>>management as you are willing
>>to use to gamble your
>>children's and grand children's future:
>> ignore any science on
>>game populations, state man has
>>no impact on game populations
>>and state that game populations
>>vary over time so it
>>doesn't matter what the science
>Look....I will spell it out for
>ya Negative Nancy....the deer pop
>goes up and down for
>billions of years....f150 gets
>blame deer pop ups and
>downs on F150.

Really? Then find data that says deer population go straight up, like both the temps and CO2 concentrations do

>Thats essentially what you are saying
>about climate change....climate cool and
>warms and kills mammals for
>billions of years....f150 is
>all mammals deaths and warm
>or cool temps are blamed
>on the f150....forget the FACT
>that warming and cooling has
>happened billions of times before
>the F150
>>Even the most strident climate change
>>denier admits the earth is
>I am not a DENIER!
> You think the
>F150 did it!!!! LOLOLOL
>>They say
>>it is because climate always
>>changes. Yes, that is
>>ice cores, which trap Co2 Levels
>>in the atmosphere show this:

>>Temps follow the same graph and
>>accelerate at the same slope
>>as CO2 levels

>>Is that just by chance?
>>Or is there a correlation?
>Is this the first time that
>has ever happened in the
>history of EARTH!? LOL
>The sky is blue...and the f150
>>Is it complicated, yep. So
>>was figuring out how to
>>harness the power of the
>>atom but we didn't stop
>>trying. I don't believe
>>there is scientific consensus that
>>it is all man caused,
>>there is more study that
>>has to be done.
>WHY! You have dinosaur bones
>in Utah....they were froze out!
> Burned out!
>Without an F150 in sight...history
>shows...look at the canyons carved
>by glaciers across the USA
>and the volcanic ash that
>lays across the american mid
>west!!!! WHAT THE HELL
>BOOOOOOOOM...."we need to study this
>to see if we caused
>it!" LOL
>> I also don't deny
>>that man may be the
>>cause because of how much
>>green house gases are produced
>>by us.
>OH GARSH....what gasses come from volcanos?
> How much smoke
>was released this year from
>california wildfires alone?!!!!
>> You are stuck with the
>>F150 idea is all that
>>matters. 200 years ago
>>there were about a billion
>>people on earth, today there
>>are 7.6 Billion and all
>>are burning and using
>>carbon in some way, either
>>by cutting down rain forests,
>>burning more charcoal, coal, gasoline,
>>diesel, etc. 99% of
>>the world uses carbon and
>>doesn't own an F150
>COME ON GRAMPS!!!! F150 represents carbon
>use! IT IS A
>TO USE YOUR "carbon burning"
> represents all industrial
>is is a METAPHOR....holy
>chit you are slow
>>The idea that man's pollution only
>>affects man is laughable as
>>Having said all that I know
>>for a fact that you
>>will never accept anything that
>>shows man's activities has any
>>impact on anything.
>Hmmmmmmmmm......I just said the Dems ruined
>the water in Flint!
> LOL You are
>wrong again....why ramble so much?
>>What is funny is a Californian
>>lecturing anybody when their state
>>is set to impose huge
>>costs on their residents to
>>get "100%" "green" energy.
>Run like the dems you love
>to agree least
>a red in an ocean
>of blue...he is like the
>sliver in your arse you
>cant get rid of :)
>> Maybe Californians should attempt
>>to fix their own state
>>first before they ##### the
>>rest of the country.
>Wait? I thought you love
>those climate changer tree huggers?!?
> You are a "californian"
>at heart my friend...

See you are simply a liar. Period. Find a place where I said I loved Climate Change Tree Huggers? I love my kids and will love my grand kids if I ever have any. Unlike you.


Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other.
Yes exactly EEL. That is what I'm talking about. Libtards only want one solution to their climate change fiasco. They want my 14 mile per gallon Chevy banned and want me to be forced to drive a Prius or else pay a hefty fine to offset my carbon footprint. As we've learned from science (lol) trees love CO2 and healthy forests would help reduce CO2 if that's what needs to happen. But libtards don't want us to thin the old growth timber and want everything to remain natural which furiously feeds the wildfires every year spewing CO2 into the atmosphere.

If you do a google search on how wildfires impact climate change however, you will pretty much get a bunch of articles that say climate change is increasing wildfires, but that's not reality. Why aren't these scientists saying wait a minute... we are not managing our forests properly which is fueling wildfires thereby increasing CO2 levels? Because logging and thinning the forests doesn't line up with the agenda. Pretty much all we are ever told is that cars and coal are going to destroy the planet. Oh, and cow farts too!!

Here's a short quote that best sums up the "science"

" Scientists' best estimates, however, are based on an assumption. "

When scientists' ASSumptions start lining up with what is actually happening, I might start believing them. Until then, let the sheep like Nemont and Ochotard pay the taxes to other less fortunate countries. Think about this as well. China is probably the world's leading carbon emitter and they pretty much have given the finger to the world. If the earth was really destined to be 8 degrees F warmer within 80 years causing widespread uninhabitable places, wouldn't the rest of the world recognize it as an impending catastrophic event and force China to capitulate? No? So we're going to let China destroy the earth? It's not happening because it's not as dire as they want you to believe.
The sheep, that is rich but hey it's your story tell it as big as you want.

Anyway it would appear that you Californians are once again going to get exactly what you deserve, the libtard solution and I finally get it, you all deserve everything the libtards do to you.


Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other.
>The sheep, that is rich but
>hey it's your story tell
>it as big as you
>Anyway it would appear that you
>Californians are once again going
>to get exactly what you
>deserve, the libtard solution and
>I finally get it,
>you all deserve everything the
>libtards do to you.
>Government is like a baby. An
>alimentary canal with a big
>appetite at one end and
>no responsibility at the other.

You dont have to say you hug trees or like have said enough for us to get the idea.

Look, Vortex makes about 10,000,000 scopes per year.....they always have....then we invent the plasma all scopes made by Vortex are caused by a plasma blaster.

I like fritos, and always have. Then someone invents a hydrogen fuel cell car.... now all fritos I like and eat in the future are caused by hydrogen fuel cell cars.

I poop. Always have....some guy invents all my poops are caused by facebook. (FB is pretty crappy actually)

Anyway Negative Nancy, you are too slow for me on this one.....peace out pops

"The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." - Plato
You guys quit pickin on Kasich, he's the only ?real? conservative here that knows our govt pisses away more money than it takes in.

In other news, that big shiny ball in the sky has a big effect on our weather
Apparently Nemont also doesn't understand how politics work. Let's see if I can clear it up for him. I vote Republican, I am outnumbered in this state by libtards, I lose, libtards win. It's not rocket science but it is probably a little too much for kindergarten so I do understand the confusion.

I have news for you Nemont, that libtard mentality is heading east and with the TDS you exhibit, you'll soon be the poster boy for it. Have fun running politicians out of restaurants and no matter what your Prius will always be gay!!
Climate change scientists are a prime example of drawing a conclusion and then running out and gathering all the data that supports that conclusion only. And peer reviewed data means students who were educated by the same Communist leaning professors all agree.
>Good God man can you stop
>with the TDS for just
>one second and talk about
>the actual subject?
>I've never said that the debt
>is fine, in fact just
>the opposite. I just
>don't bring it up in
>every thread like you do.
> FFS we can be
>talking about ******** terrorism and
>all you ever parrot is
>that Trump sucks and the
>debt, debt, debt. We
>know dude the ******** debt
>is out of control.
>What's crazy though is that you're
>whining about it all the
>time but you want to
>strap taxation and regulation on
>the backs of your grand
>kids too. I guess
>eventually when all the doomsday
>shyt doesn't happen they'll just
>say, "Well Grandpa Nemont wanted
>to make sure that the
>planet was inhabitable for us
>so even though we're freezing
>our asses off we should
>be grateful that our tax
>dollars went to other countries
>to stop the earth from
>Oh and BTW I don't give
>two shyts what you think
>about me either. At
>least I'm not a proven
>fake patriot and wrong all
>the time.

+1. I respect N and listen to his input.....but he is only one opinion and I discard it regularly . He is slanted hard left . Not sure if I walked in his shoes I'd like being jointed at the hip with Dude / Ocho/ 6 pack .....pretty poor friends IMO .
A. You California "conservatives" voluntarily live in a state dominated by libtards. Why should anyone care that you choose to do that?

B. You all need some new material.

Anyway enjoy the day. It is the opening day for pheasant and walking behind two shorthairs for a couple of hours will remind me I don't voluntarily live in California.

What happened to that petition for you guys to leave the U.S.? Can anyone send money to that cause?


Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other.

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