The Revolution Is Winning


Long Time Member
Here's a good article that reflects on our past that has got us where we are today. Pay attention to how the radical's of the 60's have worked to transform our nation to where it is today. Pay attention to how they've wound up heading some of the biggest foundations in this nations history to promote their left leaning agendas. Notice how the checkered pasts of many of the players today were pardoned away to get them into power within our institutions of higher learning so they could indoctrinate our youth to support what's going on today. Pay attention to how the Obama's and Clinton's figured into their ascension into the activist movements we see today.... Still think the democrats of today aren't corrupt? This article should clear that up for you to see how tangled the webs of deception were to transform our nation to the rioting mess we see on our streets breaking our laws and tearing our nation apart using the forces of evil to bring our nation down. They didn't partner with the pillars of society tp perpetrate their evil on this country..........they went after the radical criminal element and the scourge of humanity to teach your kids why America must fall. The worst part to the whole damn mess is they used your income to radicalize your kids to pay for them to do this to our country........

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Hard times create strong men.
Strong men create good times.
Good times create weak men.
Weak men create hard times.

Seems the toughest generation prior to the 60's worked relentlessly to provide a better life for so many only to create a society of spoiled whiny brats so they would not have to live the sufferage those who sacrificed for them had. So many forget so soon. Perhaps a reset is necessary. Seems every 100 yrs or so is about right.
Until the spoiled whiney brats realize they're "kites" and will be cut loose and be at the very bottom of the barrel of the society they think they are helping to build.

The reason the revolutuon is winning? People are afraid to stand up for fear of losing that job because they are a paycheck away from bankruptcy. And it's not because they're scraping by, it's because of soccer mom's Lincoln Navigator, the 35' toy hauler 5th wheel, and the 4 seater SUV.

The radical left's agenda relies on the above paragraphs sense of the rule of law and the status quo of "well, I guess we gotta do it".

What happens when it's finally realized that losing everything is on the line?
And here’s your savior...

This just proves that Kasich is a career politician, doing anything to stay relevant and in a position. He is not standing for his principals. If he were standing up for his principals, he wouldn't be supporting the democratic party. Kasich was pro life, Dems plank in their platform is abortion on demand. So, to me, Kasich is not a principaled person, so he'll fit in great with Biden.
Kasich will never be a Democrat candidate for President as long as the radical left, and Pelosi, Schummer are in charge. The voters will have to get rid of them before the DNC will ever put a moderate up for election. Even worse for the candidate, he must be anti gun before they will support him in the primary.
You are right nemont but alot less from Trump than anyone from the other side.
You can not obviously hate Trump for his small socialistic moves and think by supporting Biden things will be better
I am not willing to light the bonfire because we already have a small cooking fire.

Where did I say anything about supporting Biden. Biden is a terrible candidate who lined his families pockets while pretending he didn't. Now he has the onset of dementia and is running for president. That is a frightening prospect.

None of that should let Trump off the hook for what he has presided over. I not talking CV-19 either, I don't think he has blame for a virus spreading around the world.

Have you paid any attention what Trump's record on debt is? Care to debate socialism based on Trump's borrowing and spending record?

As for Kasich, I never claimed he was a savior like the Trump fans claim. I said I found he the least destestable of the people I could vote for. If he does this then he should leave the party and declare himself a democrat. I don't support him in this. I have been told over and over by Trump supporters that they don't agree with everything he does or how he acts, I would say you should apply the same standard to others but that has never been a Trump supports way of thinking.

Kasich was a union buster in the past. The left will never embrace him as they are dominated by public employee unions.
I am diffintly not an always Trumper. I see many problems with him. There was a couple guys that ran against him that I liked better but they did not win the primary so now it is Trump that we must follow.
Although I still believe a couple of them other Republican candidate's could have did a better job running the country, but I strongly believe none of the other Republican candidate's could of held up to the continued relentless attacks from the left wing media and the socialists congress. Any of the other candidate's would of climed under a rock and hide aka- George W Bush.
We got Trump now so that is my support.
Trump will cost us some debt and I am not happy with that, but some debt for the cost of holding off the extremists left wing agenda i can handle.
Where did I say anything about supporting Biden. Biden is a terrible candidate who lined his families pockets while pretending he didn't. ......
When did any of us call Trump our 'savior'? He's by far the best we have, and it's why we had our historic economy to begin with. If anyone can bring us back from this nightmare, it is he.
When did any of us call Trump our 'savior'? He's by far the best we have, and it's why we had our historic economy to begin with. If anyone can bring us back from this nightmare, it is he.
go read this forum. Lots of claims that the only reason we still have oxygen to breath, ground to walk on and a single firearm to own is because of Trump.

Anybody can borrow and spend $7 Trillion in 3 years and make the economy look like it is roaring. It ain't magic.
Trump will cost us some debt and I am not happy with that, but some debt for the cost of holding off the extremists left wing agenda i can handle.

Some debt?
He is going to borrow as much in 4 years as Obama did in 8. That used to make former conservatives stand and yell that we have a debt crisis coming, yet nary a whimper when their guy does it.

So what happens if Trump loses and with him goes the Senate majority? It isn't an unthinkable out come, far from a sure thing but prudent people need to plan. What is your plan? Start a civil war? Protest? Accept the will of the voters? Demand a redo? I wonder what all the big talkers will do if their beloved Trump gets beat by a 77 year old dementia addled, career politician, white guy with enough warts to be a toad? Weird times are ahead.

One thing this virus should've taught us is most things we get worked up about are petty.

Maybe it's time to simplify life a little? The liberalcrat platform does not facilitate simplification one bit.
Nemont what you say is true Trump and the senate being held by the Republicans is not a sure thing and I do belive if they bolth lose what will become of this country will be unrecognizable.
This country is primed for a political wildfire that will destroy the 3 Govermental system that makes this country the best country that has ever been on earth and yes Nemont I will support a Civil War or a Revolutionary War if need be. I will not stand by and let Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Ileam Omar, Gavin Newsom, De Blasio or any of the other extremists destroy what we have had for the last 240 plus years.
And if anyone thinks for a minute that China and Russia is not salivating right now to take us out you are an idiot.
China has already maid some big chess moves with Iran, they are positioning to take control of the Middle East and all there oil, and they are accomplishing that while we worry about the Wuhan virus and the politically correct riots.
go read this forum. Lots of claims that the only reason we still have oxygen to breath, ground to walk on and a single firearm to own is because of Trump.

Anybody can borrow and spend $7 Trillion in 3 years and make the economy look like it is roaring. It ain't magic.
No, read it yourself.
None of us are happy about the debt, it needs to be dealt with, but with covid Trump had zero choice other than to stand up there like Ron Paul, refuse the stimulus, and watch the Presidency, House and Senate evaporate due to his "heartlessness"....
If the dems get all three we are done. Amnesty/illegals voting will change the voting structure of this country forever. We are MARXIST henceforth.
If and when you find someone who can lead this country right now, other than TRUMP let us know. Until then you offer nothing.
No, read it yourself.
None of us are happy about the debt, it needs to be dealt with, but with covid Trump had zero choice other than to stand up there like Ron Paul, refuse the stimulus, and watch the Presidency, House and Senate evaporate due to his "heartlessness"....
If the dems get all three we are done. Amnesty/illegals voting will change the voting structure of this country forever. We are MARXIST henceforth.
If and when you find someone who can lead this country right now, other than TRUMP let us know. Until then you offer nothing.
No, we don’t get to pretend that Covid is when the debt started under Trump. He was blowing it up in a strong economy long before that. He has yet to make his first “fiscally conservative” decision.
More income equals the ability to sustain more debt. Compare the numbers and see. I hate debt and think we should have paid it down instead but your argument is lame about Obama vs Trump debt ratio. Trumps USA income to debt ratio out plays anything close to Obama's. Debt blows either way but get off your high horse when comparing the 2 presidential economies. Look deep into this societal purge and you'll soon find the USA earnings is a huge part of why the present state of anti Trump federal affairs is what it is with all the BLM, Antifa, and covid BS. Trump scared a bunch of the elite by making America great again earning cash making global deals on behalf of you and I and what we see today is the retaliation.
No, read it yourself.
None of us are happy about the debt, it needs to be dealt with, but with covid Trump had zero choice other than to stand up there like Ron Paul, refuse the stimulus, and watch the Presidency, House and Senate evaporate due to his "heartlessness"....
If the dems get all three we are done. Amnesty/illegals voting will change the voting structure of this country forever. We are MARXIST henceforth.
If and when you find someone who can lead this country right now, other than TRUMP let us know. Until then you offer nothing.

So the only way for Trump to be president is for him to run up the debt because otherwise he woud be "heartless"? That is an interesting conservative talking point.

If that is true then tell me the difference between his response to Covid and any other President would have been?

You offer nothing as well because there is a better than even money chance that Trump has lost enough votes in swing states to elect the clown the democrats are running. Also if you believe Ted Cruz, even Texas is in play. As goes Texas, so goes the Republican party and most likely the Senate. Ole Mitch will have to play from the minority then and that isn't usually a winning hand for long term. Imagine if the Dems take the Senate and change the rules to end the right of the minority to have a voice by making the Senate a simple majority rule instead of having to go through cloture.

There are real implications for making excuses for all of Trumps actions and tweets and comments etc. If you have no standards then everything you let Trump get away with is going to be used against you by the next guy.

Nemont i think you have made your case against Trump about his spending.
Now give us details on the. "actions we all let him get away with"
What actions have been so bad.

I would like to know why you keep referring to "things are going to be used against you" and other quotes similar from other threads but same topic.
You post like this will not effect you.
Do you live in fairy land where it is all peaches and cream!
I think winning the popular vote makes a way stronger Nemont's vote DOES hurt Trump.....but being in Montana, he is certainly right in saying his vote will not affect the winning or losing of the electoral college.
Nemont i think you have made your case against Trump about his spending.
Now give us details on the. "actions we all let him get away with"
What actions have been so bad.

I would like to know why you keep referring to "things are going to be used against you" and other quotes similar from other threads but same topic.
You post like this will not effect you.
Do you live in fairy land where it is all peaches and cream!

Nope it all affects me and mine. I have to live with whatever the idiots in DC decide. Including blowing up the debt to buy votes instead of holding onto a single conservative priority.

If you don't believe the next guy has not been watching Trump's act and seeing how he does then you aren't paying attention.

But if you believe the only thing standing between us and socialism or marxism, or what ever ism you want to worry about, is Donald Trump then we have already lost.

If Biden and the Dems win, it will be voters like Nemont that helped pave the way for their win.

Voters like me? Not sure what is meant by that but I am secure in my voting record and I would put it up next to anyone's on here as for how conservative my voting has been.

I just don't worship at Trump's feet like most on here do.

Nemont you did not address
"the actions we all let him get away with".

Are you Talking about collusion with Russia; FBI lied nothing there.

Ukraine; Tried by the Dems nothing there.

What other actions we let Trump get away with?

I am disappointed inTrumps actions towards his staff, firing and talking bad about them after they are gone. But most all that have left realeses a book about there days in the office with Trump the books are good water cooler talk but they do not have anything of means.

Actions that Biden has not answered for.
Involved with FBI on framing Trump not answered.

Using and forcing Ukraine officials to get his son a cushy high paying job not answered.

Getting hundreds of billions approved from USA giving it to Ukraine officials on the agreement they would give billions back to himself and other top Democrats not answered.

Using his Vice President power to force China into giving himself and other top Democrats favors not answered.

Answering to sexual assault on at least one lady not answered.

None of these are conspiracy theories. Why does he not have to answer?

I know you say you are not a Biden supporter. But if you do not support Trump then Biden is what you will get and even worse you will get whoever he is forced to pick as his Vice President or should we just say future President.
Yes the Dems will totally spend less taxpayer money if given power and we should transfer all power over to them immediately. They definitely know how to keep a tight budget and we should all vote Dem this fall. Do it for the good of the country... for your children. What's a $100 trillion for the Green New Deal.... pfffft it's nothing, they will save the world, save us all, save the planet from global warming. Please for the children!

Do you know how the electoral college actually works? If I don't vote for Trump that is a vote for Biden? That would be true if the President was decided by the popular vote, it is 100% untrue in our system. But hey if you believe that the only choice you have to accept Trump and vote for him then do it.

I might end up holding my nose and voting for him, I will never vote for Biden but it isn't a voter like me who Trump has to worry about. Swing voters in states like Ohio, Florida, Wisconsin, Virginia, Minnesota, Michigan are the ones that need to stay on Trump's side. Me I don't matter much in the big scheme of things, Montana has a grand total of 3 electoral votes. Texas is a problem for team Trump if Ted Cruz is right. Michigan is a problem, Minnesota is problem, not sure Florida.

We can agree Biden and whomever he picks will suck, it will be 4 more years of Obama.

I think Biden will be O'bama on a quadruple dose of HGH & Dianabol if Biden gets in. I think everyone knows he won't be pulling the strings and has zero spine or mind to stand up to whoever he picks as a VP - and those leftists who are clamoring to serve in his administration. We all know the guy should be eating Gerber strained peas, Ensure & lime jello at Del Boca Vista in FLA not sitting in the oval office. If we're placing blame I'd place a whole heck of a lot of it on those testicle absent Republicans of the last 20-30 years who ceded power to the Dems by handing them the teachers unions, labor unions, culture, shipped our jobs & factories to China & elsewhere in the name of cheap labor & less taxes. Trump's a dick but he sure as hell didn't start us on this road

Do you know how the electoral college actually works? If I don't vote for Trump that is a vote for Biden? That would be true if the President was decided by the popular vote, it is 100% untrue in our system. But hey if you believe that the only choice you have to accept Trump and vote for him then do it.

I might end up holding my nose and voting for him, I will never vote for Biden but it isn't a voter like me who Trump has to worry about. Swing voters in states like Ohio, Florida, Wisconsin, Virginia, Minnesota, Michigan are the ones that need to stay on Trump's side. Me I don't matter much in the big scheme of things, Montana has a grand total of 3 electoral votes. Texas is a problem for team Trump if Ted Cruz is right. Michigan is a problem, Minnesota is problem, not sure Florida.

We can agree Biden and whomever he picks will suck, it will be 4 more years of Obama.


Electoral votes from a state are awarded by popular vote. So a vote against Trump is a vote he did not get to help win the number of electoral votes in that state. In essence, with only two people running in a state not voting for somebody and "just sitting out" is the same thing as voting for the other guy that wins because you did nothing to stop that from happening.
Electoral votes from a state are awarded by popular vote. So a vote against Trump is a vote he did not get to help win the number of electoral votes in that state. In essence, with only two people running in a state not voting for somebody and "just sitting out" is the same thing as voting for the other guy that wins because you did nothing to stop that from happening.

I don't "just sit out" I vote my conscience like a free man is supposed, I am not married to just two choice forced on me by the two main parties. If you think your only choice is to rubber stamp what either party puts on ballot then you aren't very free, IMO.

Curious to know how much of the $6 Trillion is in response to our present state of forced national chaos?

about $3 Trillion with Trillions more in QE and another $1 to $2 Trillion more a new "package" making it's way through congress right now.

March 1, 2020 Debt = $23.44 Trillion
July 19, 2020 Debt = $26.53 Trillion

Go look at who has bought all the new debt issued, it is like a drug dealer being their own best customer.

I hear a lot of back and forth about the federal debt on this thread.

I have been hearing that this debt was right on the verge of sinking the country for 30 years.

Yet this debt continues to grow under both parties rule.

Everything continues to chug along, and the US dollar continues to be the gold standard through out the world.

Like a lot of things now days I do not know what to believe.

Who knows, maybe the anarchism that NeMont supports might be the last straw that
causes the whole world system to lose faith in the mighty US dollar.
Cats, you sucking up catnip or just good ole meth?

show me where I supported anarchism?

So you don't believe the bill will come due for our debt?

NeMont, note the first word in your cut and paste is “Opinion “

That opinion, my opinion, and believe it or not, your opinion. None of them are worth the 60 cents mentioned.

You do lean left though, which is anarchy.

I will have to charge 75 cents for that one.

I will be waiting for your $ 2 come back.
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Of course it is opinion. I suspect it is an informed opinion and at least dwells within what former conservatives used to believe and practice in regards to fiscal policy.

I bet my voting record says you are wrong about me leaning left but it's your story so make it as big as you want.

I don't "just sit out" I vote my conscience like a free man is supposed, I am not married to just two choice forced on me by the two main parties. If you think your only choice is to rubber stamp what either party puts on ballot then you aren't very free, IMO.


Not meaning you as in you personally. Unfortunately we as Americans have allowed our Constitution to become powerless against a leviathon of a governemnt. They all need to go and be replaced with new blood.

But who's ready to inform the cheap re-treads their time is up and we don't need or want them anymore?

Prisoner's dilemma...
NeMont, note the first word in your cut and paste is “Opinion “

That opinion, my opinion, and believe it or not, your opinion. None of them are worth the 60 cents mentioned.

You do lean left though, which is anarchy.

I will have to charge 75 cents for that one.

I will be waiting for your $ 2 come back.

That’s funny! Nemontis an ACTUAL
NeMont, note the first word in your cut and paste is “Opinion “

You do lean left though, which is anarchy.

I will have to charge 75 cents for that
Funny, by disagreeing with Trump, an actual conservative gets labeled as left leaning. It is a clear representation of the difference between having an ideology one believes in, and having a favorite team.
Kentucky Republican Rep. Thomas Massie told Just the News in June that he thinks the national debt will hit $40 trillion by the end of the coronavirus pandemic. Some experts have predicted that the debt held by the public will soon exceed the nation's entire GDP

I would not put it past Trump to submit a bill to the Chinese for payment to offset the economy cost to the U.S. for them importing the Covid-19 to the U.S. When the Chinese Gov. refuse to pay the bill, Trump may cancel any debts owed to them and may even seize assets they have in this country.
China will not be able to stop trading with us as their economy will collapse as we are one of the biggest importers from them. We will see a spike in prices for some items, but in the end we may get our companies back into the U.S.
What he does may not be exactly this, but I think he will figure something to get revenge on them for concealing the Covid-19 effects from us and other countries. Biden would be like Obama and not have the balls to punish China.
I would not put it past Trump to submit a bill to the Chinese for payment to offset the economy cost to the U.S. for them importing the Covid-19 to the U.S. When the Chinese Gov. refuse to pay the bill, Trump may cancel any debts owed to them and may even seize assets they have in this country.
China will not be able to stop trading with us as their economy will collapse as we are one of the biggest importers from them. We will see a spike in prices for some items, but in the end we may get our companies back into the U.S.
What he does may not be exactly this, but I think he will figure something to get revenge on them for concealing the Covid-19 effects from us and other countries. Biden would be like Obama and not have the balls to punish China.
lol....and the chinks will just roll over???
No nation in the history of the world has taken on this kind of debt and our brilliant leaders are about to spend a bunch more that we don't have.
Just think. Our government gave us $1200 to mellow the US American many. That hardly comes close to the trillions in new debt. How much have the Uber weatherly been given? And we cashed the check including you going 'just-as-well WTF". Who's the shleople?
No the Chinese will not roll over. They will try to fight it as they always do, but I think Trump will outsmart them and come out on top. Trump has got more concessions out of the Chinese Gov. in the last couple years then the last three presidents before him.
Trump does not like someone getting one over him and he will take steps to show who is the real winner and that is the type of president we need in today's world. No more bending over kissing tail like Obama did and getting run over by other country leaders.


Previous Trump administration measures against Chinese officials, students and researchers have included travel bans, registration requirements and other steps intended to reduce the country's footprint in the United States. The administration also has announced its outright rejection of virtually all Chinese maritime claims in the South China Sea.

These actions have come as Trump has sought to blame China for the coronavirus outbreak in the U.S., where cases have soared. Trump himself said more closures could be coming if China didn't change its behavior. "It's always possible," he told reporters at the White House.
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