The River Of Tears!!!


Founder Since 1999
I got this email (BELOW) forwarded to me.

In all seriousness, I'll have to read the entire thread this dude is complaining about. I saw that someone didn't like the fact that they auctioned off a high fence hunt, and did read people going back and forth about it, but then I had to get work done.
Anyway, "Joey" obviously doesn't like the fact that other people get to voice their opinion, so he's going to run the site out of business......ain't that just the pits.

Just so all know, I do the best that I can to not only allow people to voice their thoughts and opinions, but also police what should or should not be on this website. As always folks, please let me know if you see something that should be removed from the site. I may not remove everything, but always need the help because it is impossible for me to read every post posted in the forums.

Sorry Joey! And I apologize to anyone who is hurt by what is said in these forums sometimes. There are lots of opinions out there.

Since Joey is on a quest to "shut down", maybe I can learn something from his sadness, just in case the site survives a bit longer.
SO, what can be done to improve folks????? Let's hear some ideas!!!

Joey's Shut Down Email:
For all those that attend the monstermuleys site, I would suggest not going back. This is the most ridicules site, such immaturity and nonsense, anyone that I have emailed this to that advertises on this site, I guarantee I will not support. There are some great people who worked their asses off to help mule deer and they just got bashed and it is heartbreaking to see it. We all know what we accomplished and this will not effect my efforts one bit, but I say never again will I see myself open this site. I have now written every advertisement that is promoting the site to be sure they will not receive my business. I could go on and on, but I won't, I hope everyone can do the same and hope that this site can just be shut down, it isn't about hunting and the outdoors, not talk hunting or giving tips, its bitching and moaning. What kind of message is given to the things we enjoy. Thanks..
I have sent this to the people that I know and you may forward it to anyone you wish, I will not stoop to the level of commenting on the site.
Joey Faigl
Muley Fanatic Chapter
of the Mule Deer Foundation
Rock Springs, Wyoming

Brian Latturner
I got this email (BELOW) forwarded to me.

In all seriousness, I'll have to read the entire thread this dude is complaining about. I saw that someone didn't like the fact that they auctioned off a high fence hunt, and did read people going back and forth about it, but then I had to get work done.
Anyway, "Joey" obviously doesn't like the fact that other people get to voice their opinion, so he's going to run the site out of business......ain't that just the pits.

Just so all know, I do the best that I can to not only allow people to voice their thoughts and opinions, but also police what should or should not be on this website. As always folks, please let me know if you see something that should be removed from the site. I may not remove everything, but always need the help because it is impossible for me to read every post posted in the forums.

Sorry Joey! And I apologize to anyone who is hurt by what is said in these forums sometimes. There are lots of opinions out there.

Since Joey is on a quest to "shut down", maybe I can learn something from his sadness, just in case the site survives a bit longer.
SO, what can be done to improve folks????? Let's hear some ideas!!!

Joey's Shut Down Email:
For all those that attend the monstermuleys site, I would suggest not going back. This is the most ridicules site, such immaturity and nonsense, anyone that I have emailed this to that advertises on this site, I guarantee I will not support. There are some great people who worked their asses off to help mule deer and they just got bashed and it is heartbreaking to see it. We all know what we accomplished and this will not effect my efforts one bit, but I say never again will I see myself open this site. I have now written every advertisement that is promoting the site to be sure they will not receive my business. I could go on and on, but I won't, I hope everyone can do the same and hope that this site can just be shut down, it isn't about hunting and the outdoors, not talk hunting or giving tips, its bitching and moaning. What kind of message is given to the things we enjoy. Thanks..
I have sent this to the people that I know and you may forward it to anyone you wish, I will not stoop to the level of commenting on the site.
Joey Faigl
Muley Fanatic Chapter
of the Mule Deer Foundation
Rock Springs, Wyoming

Brian Latturner
Well i guess we'll have to just boycott rock springs then....thats it no more fireworks beer and crackwhores for me. that should shut most of his town down. there mdf chapter will be broke in a week ,,, well if we can keep hounddawg from breakin the boycott the'll be outta business anyway i should know how he loves that place LOL
Well i guess we'll have to just boycott rock springs then....thats it no more fireworks beer and crackwhores for me. that should shut most of his town down. there mdf chapter will be broke in a week ,,, well if we can keep hounddawg from breakin the boycott the'll be outta business anyway i should know how he loves that place LOL
It is pretty disapointing if that someone has an opinion in opposition of a "conservation group" that you get bashed and that you don't see the big picture. Open minds and an attempt to see all hunters veiws in a united front will be the only thing that saves hunting as we know it today. I on the other hand will spend the next several days e-mailing all of the sponsors on this site and thank them for their support so people are able to voice their opinions, whatever they are.

It is pretty disapointing if that someone has an opinion in opposition of a "conservation group" that you get bashed and that you don't see the big picture. Open minds and an attempt to see all hunters veiws in a united front will be the only thing that saves hunting as we know it today. I on the other hand will spend the next several days e-mailing all of the sponsors on this site and thank them for their support so people are able to voice their opinions, whatever they are.

I think if someone is trying to get another hunting/outdoors site shut down then they've got too much time on their hands. Joey mentioned "whining and moaning" I believe. Is he suggesting that this is the only hunting/outdoors site that has individuals visit it that whine and moan? Thats absurd. I can't understand what he saw on this site that would make him so upset. It reminds me of a saying I've heard a few times, "If you don't like whats on TV, change the channel".

We don't stop in Rock Springs anymore anyway. It's too windy and there's always a ton of road construction going on. We stop in Evansville now.

I started the thread in question. All I wanted to know was WHY they felt they had to auction off a Canned hunt.

I didn't think it would blow up the way it did. I just made two comments and I am done with the thread now. Go ahead and take it down if its hurting Joey so badly.

Joey will keep viewing the website so his email just makes him a hypercrite. Oh well.

Take the thread down if its that bad.
Well.....I admit to contributing fuel to the fire in the original post.

I stand by my comment that, in the big picture, any hunter is better than any anti.....and I can't understand all this division in our ranks.

That being said, had I known what a snivveling, whiney azzed, hypocrit, this guy was going to be, I would have kept my big mouth shut.

I hope he realizes how much REAL damage he will ultimately end up doing to his cause.

He has no business being director of anything.
Only a few weeks ago the Rock Springs MDF chapter posted their banquet info. in several forums on this website.

A few weeks ago this website was obviously at the top of the list of places to promote their Rock Springs MDF banquet with posts in several forums, yet today "Joey" says he won't do business with any outfit advertising on this site....????
He helps run the Rock Springs MDF chapter that was promoting the banquet on this site!!!!

Good site a month ago, horrible site with nothing to offer anyone today?
All because a few people who have their own opinion concerning high fenced hunts and whether they should be auctioned at banquets.

Again, sorry Joey that you are sad, but trying to put me out of business because a bunch of people don't think MDF should be selling high fenced hunts is just silly.
If you feel OK with your decision to auction the hunt, then why would you even care what anyone says. It's just their opinion.

PS - I read that thread and I left feeling no different about MDF than I did before. Everyone has their opinions.

Brian Latturner
Only a few weeks ago the Rock Springs MDF chapter posted their banquet info. in several forums on this website.

A few weeks ago this website was obviously at the top of the list of places to promote their Rock Springs MDF banquet with posts in several forums, yet today "Joey" says he won't do business with any outfit advertising on this site....????
He helps run the Rock Springs MDF chapter that was promoting the banquet on this site!!!!

Good site a month ago, horrible site with nothing to offer anyone today?
All because a few people who have their own opinion concerning high fenced hunts and whether they should be auctioned at banquets.

Again, sorry Joey that you are sad, but trying to put me out of business because a bunch of people don't think MDF should be selling high fenced hunts is just silly.
If you feel OK with your decision to auction the hunt, then why would you even care what anyone says. It's just their opinion.

PS - I read that thread and I left feeling no different about MDF than I did before. Everyone has their opinions.

Brian Latturner
dangit....I just got back on here and now it's gonna get shut down....?

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

wybhtn, That's down right funny sh1t!!! Stil laughing. Oh, by the way, can you really use spellchecker while on MM?? I don't have an icon.

Gonna be boring talking to myself on here.
JB.....contribute something from your "stash" and get tossed, thereby establishing a record of banishment, never to be eclipsed, when this site is shut down. (Like that's gonna happen.)

Hope that guy isn't betting the farm,,,,or his sheep,,, that his quest will be successful.
lmao, that will happen.

and ya elkslayer, you can use spell check, i downloaded a version that i just have to right click the mouse and its there, or your google function can be used also. that said, if you ever read my posts, you know i never use it, i just dont care!
Some funny stuff in this thread, and I appreciated getting a good laugh, but on a more serious note, Brian, I really enjoy your site, and would hate to see it end. I will also try and find some time to email your sponsors with my appreciation for their support.

A couple of things I have noticed:

1. There are certainly a wide variety of opinions expressed on here, and most posters do a good job of supporting their ideas. In my experience, 90% of the hunters today spend no/little time contributing to the future of hunting in the West. I will take the guys I disagree with over that group every day of the week.

2. Threads do occasionally get out of hand. It appears you do a good job of monitoring that, but stuff does slip through. As hard as it is to believe, I have even been the brunt of it a time or two. No biggie for me, can't hold a candle to the abuse my so called friends dish out.

3. I would have to say that those involved with some of the conservation groups are ultra-sensitive about being criticized. I always assume everyone who participates on this forum has the best interests of wildlife and our hunting heritage at heart, and try to always make my comments logical and respectful. That is not always reciprocated.

4. I am not one of those who goes along with the philosophy that all hunters should support all forms and types of hunting. There are things going on today that, in my view, are every bit as dangerous to our hunting heritage as the well orchestrated and funded anti-hunting groups, and we need to be vigilant in maintaining the highest standards of good behavior and ethics within our ranks. Questions about high fence hunts, long range shooting, high priced auction tags, etc. are serious issues that deserve serious conversation and discussion, without anyone's motives or commitment to wildlife being questioned.

Brian, keep up the good work, keep sending me emails about stuff to buy, I miss your Colorado hunting guide info. I promise to try a little harder to be a positive member of the site.

Would it do any good to write the mdf stating that we are all worried about a certain idiot in their association who doesnt believe in opinions other than his own and this may become a huge detriment to the MDF and future of hunting as a whole ?

How about a "Whats Broken In Us" thread.

You could be Dr. Phil and we could talk about our hurt feelings and why we are sad. I think Joey could have used this tool.

At some point and time Joey took a wrong turn or perhaps made some bad choices. Without someone to talk about his feelings we are seeing the end result. He just needed a friend. Maybe a shoulder to cry on.

Joey is broken and it may be to late for him but there may be other MMers that can be saved from becoming the next Joey.

I think it is good to talk about these issues.

On a more serious note Brian do I win anything for this advice???
I would love to see a poll of Joey chapter members and see who all think the way he does. I think Joey has a bigger ego then brains and some-one told him he was important and he now believe it. LOL
I feel bad for that MDF chapter because with leadership like his it's in trouble, how long before it his idea's and way or it not going pass. Forget the other idea's members may have, it will be my way or the Highway. That chapter should look into see what is wrong in there own house and quick.

Now if you are looking to sign up"NEW" members they should put it to a vote how many new members will it take to get rid of him as there leader, I'm willing to signup.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Founder, I think one thing that seperates this site from many others is your tolerance of everyones opinion. If you only tolerate people who agree with you, then this place WILL die.

Any internet site needs some supervision, but in a lot of cases the members here spot the really bad guys and send them packing.

Shut this place down? MM has a life of its own and is way too strong for any one person (except you) to shut down.


P.S For now, the high fence turtle auction tag is OFF the table.
Brian,please dont let Joey shut you down.Please give into his pipe dream and make this a one opinion only site,LOL.Joey you sound like a person with a severe case of SMALL MAN SYNDROME.Man what a dipchit.Founder,I Appreciate this site.I have received and have gained alot of valuable information from the guys and gals on here.Keep up the good work.(ROD)
This just sums up some of my thoughts the last few weeks with some of the posts about conservation groups etc.

This is a FORUM we share thoughts opinions ideas. It is comical how it is ok to discuss best units, whether we like typicals or non typicals, what brand of gear, caliber of gun and everyone can enjoy an expression of differnt viewpoints and ideas civally. As soon as anyone mentions a conservation group it is like you are attacking someones religion or mother.

I agree 90% of hunters just sit back and do nothing but what better way to possibly inspire change. We need to question our conservation groups keep them on there toes and let them know what is important to us. If I don't like the way MDF is doing something dang right I am going to let them know about it, and probably let others know about it to inspire change. We are not sheep, it is ok to question the status quo. It is not eating our own it is staying on top of our own and making sure they have our best interest at heart.

Case in point Don Peay did not like the way things where done in Utah wildlife so he did something about it. By talking about it on here someone may learn something and be inspired to change the way things are being done now if they feel there is a better way than tag auctions, hunting expo etc. that is ok. There are always new and great ideas and ways to inspire people to get involved. I believe the discussions lately have been great and hope they will keep coming, there are obviously those posts that bash people personally and that is not needed but throwing out questions and talking about ideas is what this is all about

Sorry for the long rant, but thanks again Brian for the great sight and place to allow us all the learn and share ideas on EVERYTHING. I think I will go buy something from one of your sponsors and let them know I bought it because of your great site.
Joey, please tell us you are not serious about your feelings about the MM website! This is why we live in America! To feel free to voice our opinions and suggestions when and how we want. Yes some times people go a bit overboard and get carried away in their own misery, but it is up to our own selves to determine if it is going to bother us or not! Founder has done a fabulous job in providing a informative,useful form of information for us that use and view it as such! Lets try not to view it as a negative, bashing opportunity. Lets look at it on the BRIGHT side and use the info it provides and HUNT!
I'm headed to Costco right now to fix the problem, I will get a years worth of tissue so Joey can feel better! That is what the site is for isn't it?
Dr. Death's statement was to the point and rather eloquent....GO SUCK A FART, Joey!! If Joey had a site....Dr. Death would have had a D13er pulled on him!!

People need to quit being so thin skinned! This site take a little self confidence to come on here and post. Not everything you say is going to get a good response. This is what this site is all about and that is to bring up NEW or DIFFERENT ideas on many subjects. If you get your feelings hurt....then JUST LEAVE!!! You do not have to come back, you do not have to post, you do not have to read....just LEAVE and NEVER come back. To try and get this site taken down is just CRAZY!! It is called FREE SPEECH!!!! There are A LOT of people that enjoy coming to this place to get new ideas and some just like to come on here and ARGUE!! and do anything that they can to start a fight!! That is fine also, if that is what they want to do!! You can not come here and try to get things moderated to the point that this site is not what it was meant to be!!!

What a baby!!!

Brian.....keep up the good work...I for one will keep coming here, posting my thoughts, starting fights, looking at horn porn....and just discussing the things that I love!!! Thanks for having this site for me to WASTE so much time on instead of working!!! Thanks!!!
I too commented in the original thread and in case Joey didn't notice, it was in favor of the MDF and their actions at the Banquet. Every organization has it's workers and has it's thinkers(believe me i know, shovel fits my hands real good)maybe Joey got to where he is by being a worker. :)

I like this MM response best, "Would it do any good to write the mdf stating that we are all worried about a certain idiot in their association who doesn't believe in opinions other than his own and this may become a huge detriment to the MDF and future of hunting as a whole ? response best"

I know i've contributed a fair amount of moneys to the MDF thru the years. With the flipped economy and having just sent $652. to Wy last night for a chance at non-resident Muley and Antelope tags, maybe, that's a good place to cut back??

LAST EDITED ON Mar-12-09 AT 09:42AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Mar-12-09 AT 09:39?AM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Mar-12-09 AT 09:36?AM (MST)

Founder,I didn't see the tread that got Joey all fired up,but I would not know as much as I do about big game hunting in the west,if it wasn't for your site.

I learned of your site through an employee of the Carson National Forest Service in NM.(thanks Fransico)and I am hooked.

If I have a question concerning anything hunting related,I can come here and someone is always willing to lend a hand, Thanks to All, and Thanks to You for a great site that we CAN voice our opinons,ideas,concerns,etc. Has Joey heard of FREE SPEECH? That's what has made our country so great.I'm not trying to bash Joey or anyone else for that matter but, if I were you I would contact a Lawyer and see what he's opinon is on this matter, because I think that this might be considered slander.Or at least send him a email asking him to refrain from further comments like this.Sorry that your having to go thru this.

As far as your question of things to make this site better, at the moment I can't think of anything,but thanks for giving us a voice.

Good Luck.

Joe E Sikora
Boycott their crackwhores ????
That'll take some considerable self-disipline Beardog :)
Course they still got plenty lot-lizards & Tweeker-hookers.
I would say Joey's attitude is a dangerous one. Some folks don't see it his way so he's going to shut down the site? Come on. Debate is healthy. Furthermore, what is with this widespread belief that we can't disagree??? I hear this "together stand, divided we fall" BS EVERYTIME someone brings up a concern. I do not have to accept high fence hunts. I don't have to accept ATVs on every ridge. I don't have to accept 1000 yard shots. I don't have to accept LE tags being sold to the highest bidder! Big deal. The next guy prob won't agree with me and it's just fine. That's life. Gather your toys and go play somewhere else Joey.
message board = bitching and complaining um duh did someone pee in this guys wheaties? this is a fine site,,,, take your lil red wagon and go play somewhere else ,,, pbthhhhh
A few thoughts:

1 - this site aint going nowheres unless founder decides to shut er down, and even then he likely could sell it.

2 - free speech goes two ways. The dude "Joey" has just as much a free speech right as you and I.

3 - I'm guessing that "Joey" is gettin a real good dose of OMG you send one email out and it can end up ANYWHERE. Dude will never live that down. Sad, but true.

4 - sorry Founder, I gotta take one shot at MM, anyone who thinks this site is FREE speech, aint been around here long.

LAST EDITED ON Mar-12-09 AT 10:56AM (MST)[p]It's a little astonishing to me that this "JOLLY JOEY" fellow, has big enough nads to call out the founder of this site for people's opinions, yet does not even realize what he may have just done to hurt his own organization!!!!!

This is kinda like me calling out microsoft because my computer runs to good!!!!

All of us on here are just a bunch of hunting fools, so if "JOLLY JOEY" doesn't need our donations/opinions we won't give them to him/MDF!!!!

Oh ya and by the way JOEY this ain't a "MY DAD CAN BEAT UP YOUR DAD THING". GROW UP mister co-chairman!!!!!!!!!!
Founder you have done a great job with this site.I for one has learned alot from this about hunting and outfitters. So don't let someone like joey ruin it for everybody else. Ww are all family here so lets not break it up.
A few more thoughts after reading the original thread, which is now read only:

1 - WYBHTN - what does that mean - why be huntin, or why be hatin? You are a dork. And you sound like you have more a beotch with the MDF chapter in question than just a canned hunt. Someone in that organization do you wrong? You are pretty pathetic in my opinion.

2 - I can almost, not certainly, but almost, guarantee that the reaction from the Chapter is likely because the MDF is pissed that a canned hunt was auctioned. The MDF (I am a member) supports the restoration of habit for FREE RANGING mule deer. Does it send the wrong message to sell a canned hunt - heck yes. I don't care about hunters unite, selling a canned hunt is BS and the people that did it know damn well it was wrong, thats why they have reacted so fervently. There are lots of things that are "legal" that you could auction off if donated, but give me a break. Use common sense. They let being #1 get in the way of common sense. Chit happens, live and learn. Get over it.
I also threw a little gas on the fire in that original thread and it is too bad some people have to take things personal on sites like this.
It is free speech and it does us all a great deal of good to hear everbodys difference in opinion (even if you dont always agree Joey) gets us all thinking and ultimately helps our sport.
MM is a great site and silencing our "disagreements" is stupidity at its finest and I am sure the anti's would get a chuckle out of us imploding ourselves.
Hang in there Brian!
I made a decision a couple of years ago to support the California deer foundation instead of the MDF. With times being tight I had to scrutinize my discretionary spending. I had been following the thread and didn't have a problem with the auctioning of the hunt to raise money. I do however have a big problem with the way Joey handled the criticism. As a representative of a large organization that does a great deal of fantastic work he should have responded with his personal opinions as an individual. It was a big mistake for him to try and use his position with the MDF to promote a personal vendetta. I would hope someone above him in the organization would step in and correct this reckless behavior. I would also hope that the people that frequent this site would realize that although Joey used his MDF title that this is not necessarily the opinion of the foundation and not let the reckless behavior of one individual taint your view of all the positive things the MDF has done.
It's against my better judgement to post on this thread,but......In Joey's defense,he let his emotions get to him on this.This guy works tirelessly in his position as co-chair.I'm talking all year long,heart and soul.We are a pretty passionate group here,and when the bad-mouthing started on the other thread,we got a little put-out about it.Joey probably took it a little too far.Sometimes in anger we do things we later regret.The guy puts forth more effort than anyone I've ever known into something he really believes in,and you can't fault him for that.Okay,you guys can start in on me now.
Deep down I am sure that Joey is a good guy who puts alot of time and effort into supporting wildlife. Unfortunately, he fell victim to the very same attitude that that infects many of the higher ups in these wildlife conservation groups. I acknowledge that these groups do may good things and I appreciate their efforts, but the individuals involved are generally thin-skinned and they are extremely defensive if anybody has the audacity to question the direction of their organization. I have raised legitimate issues in the past but I always try to be professional, factual and respectful. I do think that some of the questions and comments in the original thread may have approached or even crossed the line of respect/fact, but this is a free country. We all have the right to say and do what we want--even Joey. However, we are not free to choose the consequences for our actions. Joey's knee jerk reaction may likely have a greater negative impact for MDF than all of the positive things that he has done over the years. That is unfortunate.

I appreciate and Founder's efforts to provide a public forum where we can discuss important issues. We may not always agree but I hope that we will at least be tolerant and respectful. This advice is particularly applicable to the conservation groups and its members.


Browning A-Bolt 300 Win Mag
Winchester Apex .50 Cal
Mathews Drenalin LD
LAST EDITED ON Mar-12-09 AT 12:43PM (MST)[p]"Sometime in anger we do things we regret" ???????

Your buddy could do serious damage to MY livelyhood!!! Heck, I have no problem with Joey being pissed, but to try and end my livelyhood and destroy something ( that I believe is still a pretty good place to hangout when a guy has downtime, is crazy.

He could have sent me an email or PM to vent his frustration like others have, he could have thrown a fit to you other guys on the committee, but to email all my sponsors and tell them things that are not true is way too far.

That thread is too minor of an issue in my opinion to try and end someones livelyhood over. It would be like me trying to get a fast food worker fired because they dint't put cheese on my burger. In the end, they probably didn't me a favor!!

Just crazy if you ask me.

BUT, since this is a topic now, I emailed the MDF CEO to get their opinion on High Fence Hunts and whether we can expect to see them being auctioned at more banquets going forward. I will post his comments when I get them.

Brian Latturner
His defensive response concerning what their chapter has done was a reason why I would never put one dime at his discretion. Then he claims they educate women and put up some signs. Their habitat assement is great, but the guy is a poor communicater at best and complete idiot at worst. I always shy away from anyone who claims to do everything and those who question them are said to do nothing. I am heading to our MDF chapter's banquet next month and will drop some coin there, so this isn't an anti-MDF post. If they have a high-fenced, CWD producing hunt to sell I will voice my displeasure and walk out.

I doubt Founder has anything to worry about.
As a moderator on this site, I kept an eye on the thread in question. I, personally, didn't see anything that really stepped out of bounds, so I didn't feel the need to step into a phone booth and put on my BADGEBOY suit.

It is my opinion that if you follow the discussions on this site regarding high fenced hunts, you should have known you would see a $hitstorm by auctioning off such a hunt. To me, that just means they either didn't care or they were ignorant of the opinions of the vast majority of sportsmen.

Funny thing is, just last week I was on the MDF website and thinking of joining. Of course, for me as a Canuck, there is no advantage since there are no Canadian Chapters that I can see. The only benefit would be a glossy mag and the knowledge that my money would be going to help mule deer somewhere else on the planet. As I weighed my options, the thread in question popped up on MM and I was very disappointed to see that this particular MDF chapter felt the need to include a highfence hunt in their auction. I personally don't support other orgs that promote highfence hunting, SCI comes to mind as being the most famous, so why would I support the MDF now that they are promoting high fenced hunts? With my income tax return burning a hole in my pocket, if they MDF wants my support, I'd like to see a good over all responce from the org regarding highfenced hunts that will appease my worries, or else my money will be spent somewhere else.
cant wait to hear what the MDF CEO has to say....

on a side note to sageadvice, sorry to see your name is also may have to consider changing it.
"on a side note to sageadvice, sorry to see your name is also may have to consider changing it."

Thanks 4Blade!! Appreciate the thought! I believe this topic and that Joey will be a distant memory long before i'm done dishing out B. S. and the occasional nugget i do in these pages :) Hope so anyway!!

The guy is full of himself. He has a little power and wants to throw his weight around.

Fortunately two can play at that game.

Forward the thread in question to the sponsors he claimed he contacted and let them decide.

Now I know who keeps the Crackwhores in business int Rock Springs (and I thought it was the truckers and oilworkers).
Hey fellas,

This website is about " VOICING YOUR OPINIONS". I, for one, am glad we have it. We all have a different opinion. I think it's great to hear the complaining and moaning. Maybe it helps us understand the others and maybe it helps us fix the problems we see.


You have a site to be proud of. It has taken a lot of work and money to put this kind of website together. DON'T CHANGE A DAMN THING.

I am not one to be caught behind a high fenced operation, I'm a free range kind-a-guy. But, I am not going to be the one to shut it down.

If selling a 'canned' hunt puts money in the MDF account, then so be it. Helping out the deer herd is more than worth it. Hell, I'd even take money from a liberal

You gotta love America.

Happy hunting
Joey has got to be a politician in todays world.

If you don't want to hear the opposing view of something, then just do everything you can to shut them down.

Welcome to the United States of the Offended.
I just read this entire thread and all I can say is;

Thanks to Joey!

You brought us together.
You strengthened our resolve.
You put what is important in front of us.
You made this site even better.
You achieved the EXACT opposite of what you wanted.

There isn't a sponsor in the world that would listen to you instead of the thousands of people who enjoy this site. I wish this was a brilliant scheme by Founder to up the hits on the site, 'cause you couldn't have asked for better publicity.

I try to hit this site several times a day.....Its a great sanity keeper.
When guys like Joey leave I say goodbye and good ridance. Dont let the door hit your a$$ on the way out!

This is a place to listen too and give opinions.















THERE'S ONLY ONE bobcat!!!
I'm sorry for not presenting the Topic correctly. I guess I should of approached it in another manner.

Thank you to Founder and BcBoy for keeping it open though. And I can't wait for Founder to post up MDF's response to High Fence hunts being auctioned off.

I believe that Joeys stance did more to hurt the MDF than anything he could possibly do to MM'

That is all I have to say on the matter. It's time to move on.

Joey if you want a hug I'll give you one next time I see you around town.
OK, time to lock the thread. I was just very bothered that this dude (Joey) would go to such an effort to hurt me and my family over a few opinions that weren't the same as his.

I really wish Joey would realize that regardless whether exists or not, that people will still have opinions and that there are many websites to voice their opinions on, and he will have a hard time shutting them all down. I guess I feel a little cheated, because I got all the blame and I didn't even get to take a jab! Dang it! LOL

Be sure to read MDF's response to my email asking them about High Fence Hunts

Brian Latturner
Not sure how this got brought up after 11 years, but one thing we know for sure......

Joey wasn’t successful MM is still here!
Joey has got to be a politician in todays world.

If you don't want to hear the opposing view of something, then just do everything you can to shut them down.

Welcome to the United States of the Offended.

Still true 11yrs later.
I only read your 1st post for 30 seconds and Joey sounds like he has been hanging out with $.f.w. for way to long!
Joey needs to just take his marbles and go home. If he does not want to play that is fine. The rest of us do and we like it here!
Joey needs to know the difference between 'effect' and 'affect' before trying to use either one in a coherent sentence...
Joey's quest to shut down MM didn't work out all that well did it.
It seems like Founder has more advertisers than ever before.
Funny how some guys think they're pretty hot stuff making a bunch of shallow threats.
Reminds me of a couple forum members I met up on the mountain a few years ago.
I have been on this site for longer than prolly 90% of the community. Back when i was a petulant little know it all dumb kid to now i’ve always consistently checked this site / forums. It has changed, but so has everything in the world with technology and cell phones. One thing that stays true every year, regardless of what is going on, i can count on this site, come hunting season to have phenomenal reads, great stories, awesome pictures and video. It’s been that way since it started and it wont change. I love it. Go cry somewhere else Joey good riddance.
Joey has been hanging out at Dotties too much lately. Those girls have his mind working in the wrong direction.
Free speech, thick skin, and a witty comeback is needed to be on this site.
What I hate is when people think that their opinion is the only one who is right. I think the president thing went to his head all of sudden he's important? If you don't like it then don't read it but don't try to impose your sh--t on everyone else.

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