Think animals like this should be...


Active Member
LAST EDITED ON May-07-07 AT 05:03PM (MST)[p]be Shot?,2933,270543,00.html

CHICKASHA, Okla. ? Police arrested a man accused of attempting to sell two children, ages 1 and 5, over the Internet for sex.

Jason Todd Burns, 25, told investigators he had a conversation in an Internet chat room and promised to procure the children for a New York man for $5,000, said Grady County Assistant District Attorney Lesley March.

"His admission was that he did engage in a chat room conversation and that the conversation dealt with Burns arranging for and quoting a price for the other individual to have sex with a 1- and a 5-year-old girl," March said.
That's unreal, in a case like that the buyer and seller should be staked to an ant hill there's no hope for them. you'ld think anyone that creepy would stick out in public, some of those predetor shows will show you that's not the case though.
My favorite show is "To Catch a Predator" with Chris Hansen. I could easily take these losers out and put a bullet in their head. Sorry for that but they don't do society any good. Anybody that hurts a kid should be put out of our misery.
They should take animals like that, put them in a prison cell and let the inmates violently rape and slowly beat him to death.

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

Absolutely speechless..........

?We abuse land because we regard it as a commodity belonging to us. When we see land as a community to which we belong, we may begin to use it with love and respect.? Aldo Leopold
Death Penalty..

May sound harsh but this child porn and child molesting is so freaking out of hand. Something has to be done.

You hurt a child, try to sell a child, molest a child... Death Penalty.. Get these sick monsters out of this world.

I'm tired of looking on our county website to see if any sexual predators have moved into or near our neighborhood. We live in a nice neighborhood and there is a predator less than a 1/2 mile away. In Idaho, there is a website that lists all sexual predators and will list their address as well. I'm sure it's everywhere, but I was stunned how many of these monsters live here in ID.

Put em to death...
>May sound harsh but this child
>porn and child molesting is
>so freaking out of hand.
>Something has to be done.
"Out of hand" is a BAD choice of words, but you know what I mean. It's on the TV, in the newspapaers, it's everywhere. Something must be done!
"Vengance is mine say the LORD!"

Well, on the off chance there ain't a LORD, mayhap the SOB should be put to a slow, painful death.

God, Buddha, Joe Smith, Zeus, Allah, Ahura Mazda, M?rza Husayn ?Al? or (enter diety of choice here), all have an annoying habit of letting good folks suffer whilst allowing vermin like this to live.

I am with Zigga, I could save us tax payers some money with a an animal like this..... No problem.
I wonder how much money will be spent to defend, evaluate, and incarcerate this bastard. A .22 is much more effecient.
I won't state what I think should be done to
this individual.

I will state, however, that in my job, I set on a committee
that reviews the files of all sex offenders before they go
to the Texas Parole Board for review.

And I'd say we average looking at around 40 to 70 of these
files per month. So, I assure you, I've read (and used to
personally interview) many of these peoples records.

And I can tell you with no hesitation, that TRUE child molesters
will never stop until the blood stops flowing through their

For that very reason, I think you can figure out what I think
should be done with them.

LAST EDITED ON May-08-07 AT 08:57PM (MST)[p]Strip him naked, strap him to a hay bale, and turn the mule loose. Then see how he likes it. I see no place in this world for poeple like these.
Don't worry dude, I think molesters should be given the death penalty. However, I think the guys in white coats that are mutilating and murdering innocent unborn babies are doing much worse than any molester.
Speaking of white coats leonard , where can they find you? let's get you some help before you do anything rash.
Totally disagree. There is NOTHING worse than a person who molests innocent children. Abortion has no relevance in this discussion.
I don't like getting into the abortion debate but I find it disgusting that someone expressing there dislike of doctors that kill the absolute innocent are called crazy and dangerous.

LAST EDITED ON May-08-07 AT 09:57PM (MST)[p]We're not really "discussing" anything here. We're all making statements condoning violence against sexual perverts. Allow me to use your exact statement, with the substitution of one single word.

"There is NOTHING worse than a person who MUTILATES innocent children".

Most molested children can go on and live some sort of life, but aborted children have everything brutally taken away from them including their first breath.

Maybe parents should be allowed to put their molested children to death so they don't have to go through all of the suffering, hassle, and expense of therapy. Let's compare apples to apples.
Dude, you're the one who wants to stake them to an ant hill. That sounds a little rash to me. I'm thinking more in line with something humane like lethal injection. I don't believe in torture.
>AT 09:57?PM (MST)

>We're not really "discussing" anything here.
> We're all making statements
>condoning violence against sexual perverts.
> Allow me to use
>your exact statement, with the
>substitution of one single word.
>"There is NOTHING worse than a
>person who MUTILATES innocent children".
>Most molested children can go on
>and live some sort of
>life, but aborted children have
>everything brutally taken away from
>them including their first breath.
>Maybe parents should be allowed to
>put their molested children to
>death so they don't have
>to go through all of
>the suffering, hassle, and expense
>of therapy. Let's compare
>apples to apples.

Gonna have to agree with leonard on the abortion issue.
Ant hill is to good for that scum Dude. I say like I always do it should be Death by Ball Bat with no blows allowed to the head and victim or victims or parents of said victims have first right of refusal to operate the Ball Bat.
>"Vengance is mine say the LORD!"
>Well, on the off chance there
>ain't a LORD, mayhap the
>SOB should be put to
>a slow, painful death.
>God, Buddha, Joe Smith, Zeus, Allah,
>Ahura Mazda, M?rza Husayn ?Al?
>or (enter diety of choice
>here), all have an annoying
>habit of letting good folks
>suffer whilst allowing vermin like
>this to live.

Jim - "Joe" Smith is not a diety. But yes, we all have agency and some people make poor choices with that agency and that causes other people to suffer. Lets just hope that his person in question was caught before he actually did do any damage to these kids and let the law take its course.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
D13er the abortion debate is just that a debate. for now it's legal and I agree with it but it's a free country and those who oppose it have the right to express their opinion . what's crazy and dangerous is someone like leonard who thinks killing abortion doctors is ok as stated in previous threads, and puts them in the same class as the predators discribed in this post. I doubt he'll ever act on it but some nut jobs have, even the idea of it shouldn't be condoned by any sane person.

I'm not trying to go off on the abortion issue we've beat that to death, but murdering doctors does at least warrant a few wise cracks about a person's rationality I think.
Dude, why don't you try and defend your own rationality. Would it be O.K. to stake the abortion doctors out on an ant hill and let the ants take care of it? You seem to have some very violent and sick thoughts in your head too. Maybe you should get some help before you act on your thoughts.

I've got to tell you, if forced to choose between the two I would much rather be sexually molested, than chopped up into pieces and flushed down a sink. Wouldn't you?

Some of you guys called me crazy for my thoughts that babies lives are saved every time an abortion doctor dies, but here you are saying the exact same thing about child molesters. Why can't we be on the same side and agree that ALL evil should be stopped?

Dude, the more you unquestioningly agree with the dark side, the more I think of you as evil. Maybe you're just temporarily blinded and some day you'll come around, but I doubt it. Not as long as you keep believing some of the stuff you say on here.
No it's not ok to murder abortion doctors, but it is ok to execute child molesters, in my dark side opinion. maybe I'm evil I don't know that one's never been laid on me before, but you my freind are disturbed. I must return to my castle and spend the rest of the day in my casket now.
UT Roy,

I hate this discussion as bad as you do.
(Well, the original one anyway), but always feel
I have to chime in. My personal correspondece with you
following the last time this subject was brought up,
hit me in the gut hard. And I know exactly where you're
coming from. I HATE talking about this. Hell, I HATE that
there is such a thing to talk about.

But.....there is, And Big Time.

Watch you kid's folks. That's all I can say without telling
you spooky things. Watch'em Real close.

Because Folk's......They're out there. And I mean,

I wouldn't bring this up, but I love most of you guys and
would never, ever want to hear about anything happening to
one of you or especially your kids.


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