Thousand Lake


I know there has been much said about the Thousand Lake debacle that is about to take place with 400 tags on a unit that cannot support 40. However, in addition to the complete mess that the DWR made with this unit, i am finding that deer numbers on this already suppressed unit are way down compared to 2 years ago. I spend a lot of time on this unit and i am seeing a drastic reduction on overall deer numbers as compared to years past. I am not just talking about bucks but there are very few does and fawns as well, It seems as if the perfect storm is about to unfold. 400 hunters descending on a unit that is already severely depressed. I can see a lot of very upset hunters crowded into a pretty small unit with almost no deer. The DWR is going to get a big, black eye on this one and they deserve it.
I have seen, many, many other people scouting this unit all summer long. Do you agree with this assessment or am i missing something? Those of you who have tags-please add your comments about overall deer numbers and the circus that is about to unveil on Thousand Lake Mountain.
You are 100% correct. This is one more ridiculous move the DWR has made. I have spent alot of time on the unit as well, very few does and fawns. Also I have never seen so many coyote as there are on this unit. There are going to be alot of dissapointed hunters here for alot of reasons. If you think its going to be a cake walk think again. Im sure ther will be a few that do their homework or luck into a nice buck but the reality of it all, is very few deer here. This is the kind of unit where you really need to be specific where you go. And for all of you that have done your scouting, be prepared for 100s if not thousands of cattle being released on this unit from Baker ranch just prior to the hunt. So all that scouting you did will be for not. I challemge any wildlife biologist, DWR person or fish cop to justify what is going to happen here.Really!! someone needs to explain to the public the rationale behind this train wreck. Help the deer heard?? cut tags by 500 but raise tags by 400 on this unit?? Increasing the deer heard in Utah?? This is a joke and we all know it!!
I hunted this unit back in 2007 with my bow, harvested a very respectable 24" 3x3 and had an absolute blast during the time I spent down's an awesome area that for the lack of a better word is just flat out "fun". HOWEVER, the very moment I found out that the DWR was opening it up to the general head started shaking and I became pretty upset & annoyed. As the two previous posts above already indicate and mention, that unit is relatively small in comparison with the majority of others and based on the amount of allotted tags combined with the number of "deer"...not just bucks but deer, the DWR is committing genocide on this unit period.
I warned you guys- to not go by the buck to doe #s the dwr put out.!! There where alot of dedicated hunters on here worried about the lifetimers having first pick.
I could not believe how many thought this was THE TAG.
Well like i said back in december good luck and post up the pictures of all them thousand lake bucks- and dont forget to take your fishing rods.!! round lake may be the most action you get!!! GOOD LUCK
You humbled me Dr.D!

Certainly one of those 'Point Taken' kinda deals....after the fact!


It is all spilt milk now-----done deal....kiss T.L. unit good bye.

I spent some time on the unit last year with someone that drew the archery tag. Everything that all of you said is accurate. I can't believe they gave away this many tags for the unit! I think the DWR would have a hard time finding 400 deer (bucks and does) on the unit...

It should be an easy tag to draw next year. I can't wait to see how many people jump off the band wagon after the hunts are over.
Iam thinken all of the hunters over there should push all of the rest of the deer on to the fish lake unit . ;-)
How many will turn those tags back in before their hunt.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
I know you can turn back an LE tag-----

I have never heard of anyone turning back a Gen buck tag though?

Thats true. All of the other areas are sold out with the new system. So I guess they would let you turn it in for a northern tag ?
LAST EDITED ON Aug-11-12 AT 04:18PM (MST)[p]Come on BIGJOHN, are you kidding WHY would they turn the tag back in.???
I know you remember the post's on here back before the draw.
(It was the dedicated hunters) telling us lifetimers how they got first choice- yada yada. Well they got their tag, now go get one of those big thousand lake buck's.
And post up how things worked out.

I almost forgot there should be around 390 flavors of tag soup.!!
let us know which one is the best lol.
I have this rifle tag and plan on rib eyed flavored tag soup while fishing. maybe get to see some funny stuff at the 2012 thousand lakes parade
I'll bet anything that at least 10 bucks over 180" are harvested, but a ton of younger bucks too. I think the DWR really dropped the ball on this. It was such a fun LE unit
LAST EDITED ON Aug-17-12 AT 06:01PM (MST)[p]The parade does start in the morning....haha in Loa. It's the fair in loa today and tomorrow. So when you guys don't see any deer you can go get a funnel cake . ;-)
That would be a stupid bet.!!!
10 bucks over 180",plus tons of small bucks???
I guess we will see,lol
>I thought option 2 was supposed
>to eliminate this sort of

Its called sacrifice one area a year so you can keep the tag revenues up.
I was on the unit last friday. I saw more bucks than does but most all the bucks were young. Most were 2 and 3 points with one small 4 spotted. Granted I was just from the road but I did a ton of long distance glassing too and didn't see much. This was the best one that I saw, a 3 by 3 with a cheater on his right g2. Needs a couple more years but because he was loving the road so much he is probably dead now. I'm kinda glad that I resisted the urge to jump in on getting one of these tags.
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