Time to change Idaho draw system...


Active Member
To favor me first and everyone else can fall into line. Thought for sure I would draw this year just because how cool and good looking I am, but I guess thats not the case so the system must change.
OK calm down!! Now its gone from a realistic standpoint to something way out there!! I didn't know there were any demo hunters. Hunting requires hardwork towards a goal.
Of course there are Dem hunters....just ask the Idaho locals, anyone with CA plates is a Dem, commie bass turd! And EVERY transplant is OBVIOUSLY a pinko commie too....
Of course there are Dem hunters....just ask the Idaho locals, anyone with CA plates is a Dem, commie bass turd! And EVERY transplant is OBVIOUSLY a pinko commie too....
Okay just saying that I thought the demo hunters were extinct along with the unicorns 60yrs ago. Amazing that we are discovering extinct species everyday.
Wow, very funny post!! How about if you work for a federal agency? It is public land you all want to hunt on so maybe fed gov workers first, then state then private sector. All private land owners give up hunting rights to provide opportunity hunts on public land. Private property become sanctuaries!!

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