Time to shut Kali off


Do you ever run into a problem and think any deeper than banning or boycotting some variable in the problem?

One thing these officials need to think about is one industry is a service industry and therefore calculated and premeditated actions which the state has decided are illegal are being executed during the service. The other industry is a manufacturer and therefore all criminal premeditation and negligent actions occur at the hands of a third party separate of the manufacturer and off the property of the manufacturer after the product is sold legally.

They can talk all they want but they are making a hellavu stretch.

Do you ever run into a problem and think any deeper than banning or boycotting some variable in the problem?

One thing these officials need to think about is one industry is a service industry and therefore calculated and premeditated actions which the state has decided are illegal are being executed during the service. The other industry is a manufacturer and therefore all criminal premeditation and negligent actions occur at the hands of a third party separate of the manufacturer and off the property of the manufacturer after the product is sold legally.

They can talk all they want but they are making a hellavu stretch.
The problem is, Tristate, you seem to be using logic in your thinking. California doesnt... and all too often, the SCOTUS doesn't either.

Do you ever run into a problem and think any deeper than banning or boycotting some variable in the problem?

One thing these officials need to think about is one industry is a service industry and therefore calculated and premeditated actions which the state has decided are illegal are being executed during the service. The other industry is a manufacturer and therefore all criminal premeditation and negligent actions occur at the hands of a third party separate of the manufacturer and off the property of the manufacturer after the product is sold legally.

They can talk all they want but they are making a hellavu stretch.

Yada, yada, yada.

Want to shut up the Gov, and his morons.

Stop selling guns in Kali.

Cops, National guard, period.

Let the Gov, have what he "wants", gun free Kali.

Expose him for the Hippocrate he and the legislature are.

There is zero reason to sell firearms or ammo to a government that grandstands.

This continual "hoping" SCOTUS takes care of it, is silly.

For years we've heard " defund the police", now, Kali gets to have the policies they vote for. And according to polls, they don't like it much.

Laws no longer protect the manufacturer. The Remington settlement proved it.

As we speak, "clever" leftists are pushing for debanking firearms manufacturers, and pushing to have their insurers shut down.

So, let them have what they want
Yep! real smart idea! Just have the gun makers shut CA. off and not sell any more guns there, even to law enforcement.
Have a swig of whiskey and rethink that decision.
As they say, CA. leads the way, what happens in CA. will happen in many other states if the voters, idiots, keep electing liberal Democrats.
The governor of California is upset with Texas because Texas is trying to save children's lives? Maybe I missed something.

The Texas law is stupid, regardless of how you feel about Abortion.

The governor of California, is just stupid.

Not moral equivalents
Yep! real smart idea! Just have the gun makers shut CA. off and not sell any more guns there, even to law enforcement.
Have a swig of whiskey and rethink that decision.
As they say, CA. leads the way, what happens in CA. will happen in many other states if the voters, idiots, keep electing liberal Democrats.

"Rules for Radicals"

Make them live by their own rules.

Sucks, I agree. But, until they pay the price for their stupidity, the stupidity will continue.

As buisnesses run, because of stupidity.
As LA, San Fran, become homeless encampments

As crime now escalates.

People deserve the government they elect, good and hard.

So yeah, I'm not willing, to see gun companies bankrupted out of existence because of Kali.

So let them enjoy the fruits of their labor.

Unfortunately for the normal folks there, it's time to leave.
"Rules for Radicals"

Make them live by their own rules.

Sucks, I agree. But, until they pay the price for their stupidity, the stupidity will continue.

As buisnesses run, because of stupidity.
As LA, San Fran, become homeless encampments

As crime now escalates.

People deserve the government they elect, good and hard.

So yeah, I'm not willing, to see gun companies bankrupted out of existence because of Kali.

So let them enjoy the fruits of their labor.

Unfortunately for the normal folks there, it's time to leave.
Hoss, if you think this mindset is only in California, you're blind. The Remington settlement opened the flood doors for other manufacturers to get sued.
Dumb *ss Newsom is trying to make a point about a Texas law that isn't relevant to California.
But, if guns can't be sold in Kali anymore, I'm sure the bordering states will be happy to sell me one.
The governor of California is upset with Texas because Texas is trying to save children's lives? Maybe I missed something.
Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh made the prediction in oral arguments that if the Texas law is deemed legal that the precedent will be applied elsewhere, such as in gun control.

His quote was that it, “will easily become the model for suppression of other constitutional rights, with Second Amendment rights being the most likely targets.”

We have separate branches of government and writing a law, such as Texas did, where the legislative branch attempts to exclude the judicial branch goes against the very foundational structure of our Constitution. This isn't really an abortion issue, it's much bigger than that.
Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh made the prediction in oral arguments that if the Texas law is deemed legal that the precedent will be applied elsewhere, such as in gun control.

His quote was that it, “will easily become the model for suppression of other constitutional rights, with Second Amendment rights being the most likely targets.”

We have separate branches of government and writing a law, such as Texas did, where the legislative branch attempts to exclude the judicial branch goes against the very foundational structure of our Constitution. This isn't really an abortion issue, it's much bigger than that.

An abortion isn't a "constitutional right". This is where people screw up. According to a Supreme Court ruling no one's actual constitutional rights are violated by providing or obtaining an abortion. There is no ammendment to the US Constitution guaranteeing you access to an abortion.

However, you have a constitutional right guaranteed by the second ammendment to arm yourself.
The Texas law is stupid, regardless of how you feel about Abortion.
If it's stupid, and not saying it isn't, a judge can throw it out or a jury can rule against the plaintiff. If you have a right to sue doesn't mean you have a right to win.
If it's stupid, and not saying it isn't, a judge can throw it out or a jury can rule against the plaintiff. If you have a right to sue doesn't mean you have a right to win.

Gun control advocates don't care if they win or lose, the punishment IS THE PROCESS. A manufacturer can afford the cost of fighting a barrage of frivolous lawsuits.
Hoss, if you think this mindset is only in California, you're blind. The Remington settlement opened the flood doors for other manufacturers to get sued.
Dumb *ss Newsom is trying to make a point about a Texas law that isn't relevant to California.
But, if guns can't be sold in Kali anymore, I'm sure the bordering states will be happy to sell me one.

I don't.

But let the state burn for awhile, see who else is stupid enough to follow.

Took about 3 months for the "defund the police" movement to do a 180.

Let them have what they want. Not a cop in the country rolling into the hood, with a billy club.

It's past time the rest of the country care if Kali literally burns to the ground.

We can see how much Newsome enjoys his unarmed security detail.

Yeah. He wants to play chicken, play chicken.
If it's stupid, and not saying it isn't, a judge can throw it out or a jury can rule against the plaintiff. If you have a right to sue doesn't mean you have a right to win.
Tell that to the gun store owner who is stuck defending a hundred lawsuits with the statutory language where he can't receive legal fees, regardless of whether he prevails.
Tell that to the gun store owner who is stuck defending a hundred lawsuits with the statutory language where he can't receive legal fees, regardless of whether he prevails.
There wouldn't be many lawsuits in California because there wouldn't be any legal gun sales, for sure. Plenty of black-market sales though just like now. With the Sandy Hook lawsuit there may not be any legal gun sales in the US soon if that trend continues.
A lot of old timers have many guns that are not on any record anywhere. Bought long ago before record keeping or when private sales were legal.
California is great. Their policies and quality of life are unmatched. Everyone that left needs to move back there. And for all that’s holy, keep them there!
I've said it before and will again....it's not Kali infecting your state. It's liberal thinking and policy. It's being taught to your kids, it's being legislated into your local and state government.

Do your kids have friends? Ask each one I they hunt or shoot guns. Be sure to ask where their family came from.

You're better than this hossy. It's coming for ALL OF US and you know it. You can't vote your way out of it.

Funny screw all the good folks of Kali because of the things they have zero control over....but by gawd don't let em come to my state.......fools.
I've said it before and will again....it's not Kali infecting your state. It's liberal thinking and policy. It's being taught to your kids, it's being legislated into your local and state government.

Do your kids have friends? Ask each one I they hunt or shoot guns. Be sure to ask where their family came from.

You're better than this hossy. It's coming for ALL OF US and you know it. You can't vote your way out of it.

Funny screw all the good folks of Kali because of the things they have zero control over....but by gawd don't let em come to my state.......fools.

I'm not better than this

We heard for years about those "evil, racist cops".

Then we let the geniuses defund them. That failed miserably.

Same with CRT.

At some point, you just let them go, and go down in flames.

The only way some folks learn flames are hot, is to let them get burned.

Yes. It sucks.

But so does the rest of us putting up with the bullshit that originates from that hellhole.
Hoss I was born and raised in CA. Until 1972 it was a great state to live in and jobs were plentiful. In 1972 we finally ended up with enough liberals and free loaders that they elected enough Democrats that the Democrat party became a majority in our state government. Democrats are now a super majority in our state government and the GOP is fighting a losing battle on what bills get passed.
I hate to tell you this, but many other states are going the same way that CA. went. That includes some states that were super conservative. Heck the capital of Texas is run by liberals and sooner or later they will get a liberal governor to complete the takeover of that state.
You need to quit worrying about CA. and worry about your own state because it is coming. What do we have for a government on the national level today. Yep! a die hard bent wrist left wing liberal in the white House and controlling Congress.
Did you allow that to happen and we in CA. should blame you for us having to put up with that bullshit.
I'm not better than this

We heard for years about those "evil, racist cops".

Then we let the geniuses defund them. That failed miserably.

Same with CRT.

At some point, you just let them go, and go down in flames.

The only way some folks learn flames are hot, is to let them get burned.

Yes. It sucks.

But so does the rest of us putting up with the bullshit that originates from that hellhole.
Do some homework Hoss. The defund the police movement didn't start in California. L.A. followed along, and they are paying for it now.
California is a sh*$ show for sure. A beautiful place to live, but the politics are absurd. I don't like most of the places in Cali anymore, and I'll get out a soon as I can.
But I will never hope that any state implodes, and the people go with it.
I've been dying to get out for awhile now...but if you believe the BS slung by all the other states that CA transplants are ruining, all the libs will be gone soon a Kali will be the place to be.
California is fine. It’s actually great. In fact, all the elite progressives in SLC that hate Utah should move to the Californian paradise. People should be flocking there it’s so good.

Nothing to see here….
Another fool who can't look at a map to see most of the idiocy in CA is within 4 or 5 cities just like most of the idiocy in Utah is within SLC....speaking of which do you live in SLC Vanilla?
You mad bro?

No reason to jump on here acting like tristate and calling names. Unless you are like tristate, and in that case, be you…I guess.
Not at all. Just making a point, you and others imply all Californians deserve what the idiots in 4 or 5 cities vote in, simply because we are from Kali thus must be cut from the same cloth.

You're obviously not an idiot simply based on geographic location but to imply others are certainly doesn't make you look very intelligent.

I have rarely disagreed with most of your comments and opinions on this site and even more rarely agreed with those of Tristate. I guess both in one thread would make sense.

I'm pretty tough to rile in the real world. Someone would have to work a lot harder than anyone in this thread to do it on the interwebs....haha
huntindad4, I’m not implying anything about individuals in California. There are lots of good people in California, even those that I disagree with politically. But the state of California is an absolute mess, and there is a reason even you are wanting to leave ASAP.

Utah has some real dirt bags here, but the state of Utah is very well run and a great place to live overall. (Although candidly I see changes in this already…) The respective current state of affairs in our states is neither an indictment nor a celebration of each individual living within the borders thereof.

That said…everyone go to California. As stated above, all the idiots left and came to Utah so everyone go there! Nobody wants to come to Utah…I pinky promise.
California did give us one of the best POTUS in history. It has been downhill since then. The others should be embarrassed of themselves. If you have the opportunity visit the Regan library. It is worth the trip.
California and it's politics get a (n)(n) from me...absolutely pathetic
I think 90% of people in the country to the right of AOC and the squad would agree.

I think the thing some don't get is the state of CAs politics has moved to where it is one grain of sand at a time and progressive thinking will not allow for someone to admit that the policy that sounded so good on the ballot just doesn't make much practical sense 5 years down the road, so we can't throw it out as that would be going back to conservative policy and that is the thing they fear the most.

The recent (last 15 years) policy changes for crime and punishment are the perfect example of this. It is starting to blow up in their face but we will see how they face it.

The progressive movement is the problem and one can only hope the real negative consequences play out and blow up in Kali before the rest of the country slides in lockstep with their policies. Which I think is where hoss was going with this thread, but I don't think giving on Kali gunowners is the answer. There are about 4.5ish million of us in this state and I don't think the country can spare any in the fight to keep our guns.

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