Too much technology? Poll

Would you vote to give up scopes?

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With technology constantly expanding and producing new gadjets to help kill wildlife I have to sit and wonder where does it end? If we keep pushing on the resource, and getting more and more efficient the only things that can happen is the resource deteriorates or the availability has to get more restricted.
Who wants fewer tags? No one that I know.
I wonder how many people would voluntaryily give up a big piece of technology in exchange for the belief that resources such as mule deer herds would flourish and more tags could be offered? We would be far less successful at actually killing deer, but I believe we would get out more often to hunt with family and friends and be able to hunt herds with a much more balanced age structure.
When Everybody Accepts the Facts that there are MANY REASONS WHY!

Rather than Blaming one reason & one reason only!

It'd Take Many Changes & some time to Improve the Deer Herd!

These Little Tinker Toy Changes they Make & put them on a 4 to 5 Year Plan of let's try it & see what happens is a F'N Joke!

It'll take more than taking every bodies Scopes!

But Put it on the HELL-RIGHT List!
I have been working with brail on my tools for years. I just feel the screw into place. I can't really see it I just feel for it. Can I do the same thing with a rifle? Just feel the bullet LMOA into place and hope for the best... if I could just figure out how to mount my bino's on top of my rifle I'll give up my scope...

here's another for Old Bastards Hunt "OBH hunts"
I had to change to a compoud bow 15 years ago because my shoulders wouldnt allow enough shooting with my recurve to be comfortable with accuracy. Now I dont think i could do well with iron sights im blind in my left eye, can see light and dark, i use optics for spotting, and scope for shooting anything farther than pistol range (30 yds). Im with Bess, when do us old bastages with curved hat brims get a hunt....
i dont think there should be a ban on scopes maybe a size restriction. max magnification kind of thing. but no matter the restrictions there will always be some people that push the limits to the max. its going to take more than a scope restriction to help the herds.
I like the idea of FOG (f'n old guy) hunts. But pretty much every +20 point premium hunt already is. :rolleyes:
I have been working with brail on my tools for years. I just feel the screw into place. I can't really see it I just feel for it. Can I do the same thing with a rifle? Just feel the bullet LMOA into place and hope for the best... if I could just figure out how to mount my bino's on top of my rifle I'll give up my scope...

here's another for Old Bastards Hunt "OBH hunts"
Get some glasses
Scopes? With all the gadgets and do-dads hunters use, some "necessary" some less so, scopes is the first thing on your mind to give up? One of the few tools that actually facilitates cleaner kills? Let's start a little further down the list.

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