Trail cams


Very Active Member
Alright guys. What is the best camera out there. Also has any one one tried the camera that sends pictures to your cell phone.
Here ya go, these are by far the best!
Can't tell you which is best. I use both covert and bushnell and like both. The coverts seem to be more sensitive and get more false images but both have good pics. A friend that hunted with me last year brought a camera that sent pics to his phone (can't remember the brand), pics were a little grainy and if it doesn't keep a continuous phone tower signal ( which his didn't) it will eat batteries like crazy searching for one.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-02-17 AT 01:18PM (MST)[p]I've had 8-10 Moultries over the last several years. They've been pretty good. I stick to the closeouts and sales, and don't believe I've spent more than $125 because most of them are on public land.

I've read many online reviews for many different brands and they all sound about the same. Don't expect museum quality portraits, which is what a lot of people expect.

I'll add a link to a previous post.
The best trail cam are the ones for free! Just go find em in the hills!

I'm kidding!
I don't use em. Seeing them in the field doesn't bother me and I don't mess with them.

A friend uses browning. Not sure about model. It seems to work great for him.

If your gunna get some and put them on public ground, I probably wouldn't get any too expensive cuz people do steal/mess with them.

And put em places where nobody wants to go. You'll have less problems!

"Wildlife and its habitat cannot speak. So
we must and we will."
Theadore Roosevelt
The best trail cam is the one that's not on public land. Few things are more irritating than a damn camera in the woods.
I own lots of different Trail Cameras. Bushnell, Browning, Stealth Cam, Covert, Cuddeback. My Browning cameras take the best picture.

Do not buy a Covert. Their customer service sucks.

Had an out of box failure and they told me to go pack sand.
Camofire has some good deals on some refurbished cams, I bought a few but haven't set them up yet, hopefully this week
for some reason people loose those things all the time, can't figure it out. the mountains are littered with them. Isn't there a law against littering??
I switched to browning cams last season. They seem to be pretty good even though their trigger speed isn't the fastest.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-04-17 AT 11:27AM (MST)[p]I've had just about every brand of camera I won't buy another cuddeback stealth can or spypoint all three lasted less than a year, the best luck that I have had is with and smaller company they are exodus outdoor gear I am on my third season with absolutely zero problems with the camera and there is a five year warranty on the camera
>My goodness! Appears we've hit
>someone's hot button!!

Ya, some people need to get a life.

Get ready for change because it's going to happen!

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