TRAMMER The violator


Long Time Member
Attention MM Members: Please read these links regarding trammer aka Brad Turner, especially the first one for conviction by an Alaska jury in 1995 for wanton waste of four caribou!!! I guess this explains why trammer doesn't care for the G&F Departments and law in general too much! It doesn't look like his peers in Utah care much for the way he does business either, seeing as how the other two links show he was called into their office for hearings on various outfitter/guide indiscretions in Alaska (1995), Nevada (2002), Utah (2005), and Wyoming (2008)! Now we know the real truth and he's one big liar with game law violations all over the place. Ten years loss of hunting priviledges in Alaska and five year probationary status in Utah are amongst the penalties that he received. It's amazing what you can dig up on the internet if you have a little time and information to do searches with. His telling how great he is actually gave himself away with a little googling here and there. It looks like ole trammer has some splainin to do, LOL! I guess this proves the old adage that you can run, but you can't hide!!! Oh, the power of the internet!

Note: I C/Pd this from his thread so that it wouldn't get buried without being seen by members. I also put it in the Utah and Wyoming forums as a dipstick like this needs to be outed!
I am curious to see if Trammer resurfaces to respond to Topgun's post or simply disappears.

I guess I can see why Trammer was sympathetic to others accused of similar violations. "Birds of a feather flock together."


Browning A-Bolt 300 Win Mag
Winchester Apex .50 Cal
Mathews Drenalin LD
Classic Topgun! After reading his posts and then reading what you had posted cracks me up! What a moron he is!

Spit that out Son! That ain't no Almond Joy!!!!
Good Job Topgun!

I recalled hearing about these violations from a couple of my sheep hunting buddies, who used to guide for Brad Turner of "Escalante Outfitters" here in Utah a couple years ago....They didn't have much good to say about him...
Thunderclapper---Being an Investigator for the State of Michigan for over 30 years made me suspicious when he kept yapping away about lousy law enforcement on the B. Joe Coy thread not too long ago in the Wyoming Forum. Being retired now and it being a little slow this time of year before the hunting seasons get going I had the time. When trammer opened his yapper yesterday bragging about all his hunting/guiding adventures I just started doing searches. First I came up with that Utah article regarding the wanton waste of 4 caribou in Alaska. Then in another search his name came up under that Utah Outfitter, so I just looked a little bit at that figuring they both needed to be licensed by Utah. By looking into that I found the two meeting minutes where he appeared before the board and now he is presently in the third of a five year probationary period because of violations in four different states since 1995. If I had figured he was just an average Joe, I wouldn't have even wasted time, but when he spouted off yesterday it gave me a few clues to start looking into him.
kevin, i heard the same talk about Brad, and can confirm that the people i spoke to had little to say about him that was positive...

How to start an argument online:
1. Express an opinion
2. Wait
Haha Topgun you just went up 10 notches in my book! Good for you for calling him on his bs! Hope you draw another 6 weeks worth of tags! Lol

I just call em as I see em!
Topgun, I find your post repugnant and childish. It is a direct violation of the forum rules. I find it sad that your life is defined by the failures of others. This thread is a black eye to the stature of the hunting community and portrays us all as children fighting amongst each other in our clicks.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-24-12 AT 08:18AM (MST)[p]Whatever tristate. Topgun just called out a punk with his own agenda that I think certainly does not define who hunters are at all. Anybody with that many violations might just want to keep their mouth shut or be prepared for the light to get shined on their heads. Great job TOPGUN. Tristate your buddy trammer is a blackeye to hunting!!!!!!
Tristate (2 posts)
Jul-24-12, 07:49 AM (MST)
12. "RE: TRAMMER The violator"
Topgun, I find your post repugnant and childish. It is a direct violation of the forum rules. I find it sad that your life is defined by the failures of others. This thread is a black eye to the stature of the hunting community and portrays us all as children fighting amongst each other in our clicks.

***That is about the biggest bunch of baloney I've read on here in some time. At least since a day ago when I read what trammer wrote and that I responded to with facts, LOL! No website rules were violated in outing this scumbag and if your position is as you stated, I don't believe you'll fit in here very well with all of us law abiding, passionate hunters! Might you be a relative or close friend of this guy?

What does your name represent? The number of states you have violations in? Or are YOU the "TRAMMER" in disguise?

Founder has stated in the past that unless you have evidence against someone on poaching, don't post accusations against them. I think TOPGUN has stayed within FOUNDERS rules. Good day.....TROLL.
How old are you? Only a child worries about whether he will "fit in" when he weighs the chance of standing up for what's right. just because some dude has violations on his record doesn't mean he is not a hunter and should have no voice. I have known plenty of hunters most here will never add up to that have a record with a wildlife agency somewhere. By the way as far as I know I have never met this trammel guy and doubt I evr will. And if you want to know my criminal record, I have never been charged with a wildlife offense. My motives are strictly here to address the issue of men acting like boys. I hope mr trammer has learned his lesson and flys right. I hope topgun finds a more constructive way to fill his time.
Topgun is a stand up guy himself. Here's a couple PM's I've recieved from him:

Hey dude! If you can't post anything better about that ##### than what you did, maybe you should stop at your 17 posts! The f**ker shot at an animal running straight away at over 800 yards when he could only cut hair on it's a** while it was standing broadside. If you condone any of that s**t, you need to take up knitting with the rest of those bass turds!!!

Message Titled FU
Didn't want to take too much of your valuable time!

Guess he was mad I didn't respond.

Attention ethics police: I have been sent here to
destroy you!!
LAST EDITED ON Jul-24-12 AT 09:34AM (MST)[p]These last two posts want to make me puke! Yea, I'm opinionated and when people do or condone stupid stuff relating to my passion I'll dang sure speak out. This guy trammer is no hunter in the true sense of the word with a ton of wildlife violations in at least four different states and those were just the ones where he got caught and prosecuted! As far as those PMs, as I recall they were in response to his and they were sprinkled with a few choice words that were in response to another scumbag sympathiizer that 95% of the members called out for terrible videos being posted! You dang betcha I sent them and if anyone else thinks shooting at an elk running straight away at 800 yards when they couldn't hit it standing at a closer distance is a good thing and representative of how most of us hunt, I'll send them the same friggin message too! People that do stuff to hurt and possibly eventually eliminate our sport are a detriment to us all and I make no apologies for being passionate and outspoken on what I love! Here's a post this dipstick wrote chastizing everyone on a thread about ridiculous long shots and this one was condoning a head shot on a bull elk at 685 yards and he wonders why I sent him that PM:

tylerdurden (24 posts)
Mar-15-12, 04:56 PM (MST)
49. "RE: 685 yd head shot"
Ethics police, assisting anti's since their birth.
....and away they go!
Na, I wasn't attacking everyone. Just those that only post negativity or only start arguments.

You know, the guys that go on the defense after a comment like that.

Attention ethics police: I have been sent here to
destroy you!!
LAST EDITED ON Jul-24-12 AT 10:09AM (MST)[p]Say what, LOL? A number of the few posts you've made have been smartazz, derogatory ones putting me or others down that are speaking out about things that we feel are detrimental to hunting. Sorry you feel they are negative when they are actually positive statements expressing attitudes to keep true hunting alive and well, rather than taking pot shots at 685 yards at an elks head or at a bull running straight away at over 800 yards after being missed standing broadside! Your last sentence sums it up when you call someone out and then post that when they respond! Incidentally, I also think your tagline sucks and possibly tells what you really are!!! Geez, maybe that will start another argument!
"Yea, I'm opinionated and when people do or condone stupid stuff relating to my passion I'll dang sure speak out."

You and every other 13 year old girl that needs there emotions checked and their mouth clamped shut.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-24-12 AT 10:39AM (MST)[p]Sounds like you are opinionated too and the few posts you've made on this thread since you joined MM would seem to be more in line with violators like trammer than the rest of the folks on MM! Nobody is forcing you to read the thread or individual posts, so maybe you should just move on if you don't agree with what is being said. By the way, it sure sounds like you have a fetish for litle girls, LOL!!!
I have searched the Wyoming forum, B. Joe Coy? Can't find anything and do not understand what this is......
Topgun you are so smart. In your 30 years of law enforcement you have gained so much knowledge about many things especially hunting and ethics. Maybe a little bit of "your alwayes right" as well. If someone doesn't agree with you, you seem to turn things around and discredit their comments. You do make an interesting read, but predictable.
"Sounds like you are opinionated too and the few posts you've made on this thread since you joined MM would seem to be more in line with violators like trammer than the rest of the folks on MM! Nobody is forcing you to read the thread or individual posts, so maybe you should just move on if you don't agree with what is being said. By the way, it sure sounds like you have a fetish for litle girls, LOL!!!"

Actually I have never said I agree with a single thing Trammer says or does. I just don't like your childish behavior. I also care very little how many folks are on my side in these matters. I didn't respond to your post for friendship. These are things men do. Maybe when you grow up you might start making decisions like this also instead of worrying if the local click are going to pat you on the back.
"I'm a passionate hunter and not a PETA or HSUS member!"

Your childish behavior does more to keep prospective hunters out of the sport and not voicing their opinions than HSUS and PETA can. You are their whipping boy and don't even know it.
Go take a hike with your childish behavior BS! When you come on a site and your first posts are calling it childish behavior and are immediately castigating me for starting this thread outing a liar and an habitual game law violator and then continue on like you are, it should be very obvious to everyone to see where you stand and what your agenda is! If a few more people in this country had the balls to speak up for what they believe in like I'm not scared to do, we might get out of the deep hole this country has put itself into right now! Anyway, I have to laugh because it's absolutely amazing that I made it though 64 years of my life before even coming on this site to be, as you say, "worrying if the local click are going to pat me on the back", LOL!
"Go take a hike with childish behavior BS" Sounds like the same ole Topgun.
Topgun......... I thought I'd share some words of wisdom passed on to me a while back when trying to deal with jokers like those you have here.

"You can't argue with an idiot. They only drag you down to their level and beat you with experience."

LAST EDITED ON Jul-24-12 AT 01:38PM (MST)[p]You're absloutely right Terry and I always seem to fall into the trap with the chosen few! Lesson learned here I hope!!! Thanks for your post! PS: I hope his taxidermy skills are better than his Forum repoire!
"Go take a hike with your childish behavior BS! When you come on a site and your first posts are calling it childish behavior and are immediately castigating me for starting this thread outing a liar and an habitual game law violator and then continue on like you are, it should be very obvious to everyone to see where you stand and what your agenda is! If a few more people in this country had the balls to speak up for what they believe in like I'm not scared to do, we might get out of the deep hole this country has put itself into right now! Anyway, I have to laugh because it's absolutely amazing that I made it though 64 years of my life before even coming on this site to be, as you say, "worrying if the local click are going to pat me on the back", LOL!"

64 years and thirty with a gubmint job and all you have learned to do is scream at people on the internet after pulling skeletons out of their closets. Its amazing what some people are proud of.
"You're absloutely right Terry and I always seem to fall into the trap with the chosen few! Lesson learned here I hope!!! Thanks for your post!"

Now that is funny. THIS WAS YOUR THREAD! How could it be my trap? Is your memory really that short or are you so dependent on the ignorant masses to supply you with affirmation that you BS them?
Mr. Tristate/Trammer.

I dare you to become a contributor to the sight by sharing some of your legal hunting stories with the rest of the MM members by starting your own constuctive thread. Please educate Mr. TOPGUN and the rest of us on what a real thread should have in it. Otherwise, I dub you the TROLL KING and ask that you go back under the bridge with the rest of the trolls!
Like many of you I do not always agree with TOPGUN and his screen name alone is hard to take, but on this issue and with Trammer he has done us all a favor and hopefully sent that DB packing. If you have not read Trammer's post about him being the best hunter in the world blah blah go back and find it. Funny how guys like him never have stories with photos to back their greatness up - prove me wrong Trammer.
Iowan---There is a little history about my username and I'll let everyone in on it after reading your comment. I go by the username of Topgun 30-06 on every other website I'm on. I tried to register under that name on this website, but for some reason it would not allow me to use the numbers, so I ended up just as Topgun. The reason I chose that name is because my Uncle Tom retired from the Air Force as a crew leader maintaining the B52 Bombers in the SAC and he now owns Topgun Aviation out at the airport in Stockton, CA. I have always felt that the 30-06 is the best all around caliber. Combine the two and you have my username. There you have it and it's not because I picked that name trying to be a bigshot or anything like that!
So are you saying that TRAMMER isn't a poacher.
Give us your side of this step by step.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Trammer is a criminal and a fraud and anyone going to bat for him is cut from the same mold. I love how the arrogant pos comes on declaring himself world class hunter, sportsman, humanitarian,philanthropist, ect., only to have Topgun out his shenanigins. It speaks volumes that trammer himself has not shown to take inventory of his misdeeds and instead sends in his henchmen and/or reincarnated persona to do his bidding.
Man, I certainly despise wildlife criminals, but I ain't exactly fond of dogpilers either (and YES, I AM aware that the two are entirely unrelated in general context)...

I do think that anyone with ANY sense of perception would have picked up on trammer's shady appearance without this rather caustic interwebz witch trial...yet another example of our dear ol TOPGUNN taking things to the obnoxious extreme

I would recommend a nice and relaxing sabbatical, perhaps come back with a renewed, more level headed perspective...the Monster Muleys 'patrol and chastise" is wearing rather thin man

Good day all,

I have no idea whether trammer is a poacher. Sure looks like he has had a few run in with the law from what topgun says. Maybe he has cleaned up his act now or maybe he hasn't responded here because he is drawing a bead on a bighorn he ain't got a tag for. Trammer's lily whiteness wasn't the purpose of this post. The purpose was for someone to say it is childish for a grown man to sit in his home and waste a day digging the skeletons out of another man's closet so he can spew it onto the Internet. What level of gentleman feels better about himself because another man failed a societal standard at some point? And this is what mule deer hunting is about?
I know the post count thing gets mention from time to time. Lots of great members here have low counts. BUT, EVERY TIME idiots like trammer and his supporters crop up, they are new members. (Or new usernames for previous idiots) Glad you called them out TOPGUN. We kinda self regulate around here. mtmuley
Come on guys. This is not about TOPGUN. He's just an observant by stander.

Trammer came on here of his own free will and asked the question......

"When do you own you deer?"

From a legal standpoint can anyone tell me at what point a hunter actually owns his deer? The state clearly owns the animal when it is in the field. The hunter clearly owns it at a later point and is free to sell his trophy for example.

Additionally,does a taken animals legal status divide? Does the state retain legal ownership of parts of the animal? Like the meat?

Obviously, from his past practices Trammer believes that after you shoot an animal and tag it, it is his animal to do with as he wishes. He thinks he can sell it, or even leave it to rot if he wants. He thinks it's none of the State's business.

We don't need guys like that around here, and especially not out hunting with us. We certainly shouldn't rag on TOPGUN for exposing the guy.

One thing I was taught years ago is that if you don't have anything good to say about someone, then your better off not saying anything at all. Why stir up trouble? At the end of the day, what good does it really do?

Just saying.

And that should be the end of that.

Anybody that posts after this post is a dickweed. And Chubby is still chubby.


[font color=red size=redsize=18"face"]SHOW THEM TO ME![/font]
If You Love Your Country,SHOW THEM TO ME!

I've got Wild Honey Tree's and Crazy Little Weeds growin around my Shack!
These Dusty Roads ain't streets of gold but I'm happy right where I'm at!
All these Perty little Western Belles are a Country Boys Dream!
They ain't got Wings or MM Halo's but they sure look good to me!
LAST EDITED ON Jul-24-12 AT 07:51PM (MST)[p]7thgenmt stated: "In your 30 years as a LEO did you learn anything about defamation of character and its legal ramifications?"

Here we go again with another newbie poster defending a scumbag! My first suggestion would be for you to crawl back in your hole and not ask such a stupid question out on this Forum! First off, this guy trammer doesn't have any character to defame with multiple game law violations that he's been convicted of in four different states in case you haven't read all the facts! Secondly, after 30 years in my profession I certainly know what can and can't be posted regarding an individual. There was nothing posted other than facts that are readily available for anyone to see if they know how to find them and the person being discussed was tried and convicted on multiple charges in four different states. There is no defamation of character involved when it's not conjecture, but rather facts that were presented that are all true and on his record. End of story!

EDIT: I just did a quick search and see 4 other posts of yours on a Montana thread today giving a nice guy a big hassle and making statements that were completely false there too. You may be best to get out of Dodge while the getting is good before you make a bigger azz of yourself than you already have today, LOL!
I was wondering how long it would take TRAMMER to show back up. Ya see 7thgenmt is in fact TRAMMER. Guess he doesn't realize that there is an IP address trail every time you post.

IP and host information for user Trammer

IP address of this message
Other IP information for user Trammer

IP and host information for user 7thgenmt

IP address of this message
Other IP information for user 7thgenmt

Better use a different computer with a your next username TRAMMER
Good job EMD! I have used that method occasionally to see if a guy is going by more than one username, but didn't even bother when I did that search to see what other posts he had made and found the others in that Montana thread where he was being a jerk.
I wouldn't put a lot of faith in the IP diagnosis:

Other IP information for user TOPGUN
>STTM, you are the first dickweed.
>And I am the second.

Thanks SMUT!

I hadn't been called a name all day until You Loused it up!:D

[font color=red size=redsize=18"face"]SHOW THEM TO ME![/font]
If You Love Your Country,SHOW THEM TO ME!

I've got Wild Honey Tree's and Crazy Little Weeds growin around my Shack!
These Dusty Roads ain't streets of gold but I'm happy right where I'm at!
All these Perty little Western Belles are a Country Boys Dream!
They ain't got Wings or MM Halo's but they sure look good to me!
I don't feel too sympathetic toward Trammer. He jumps on these threads spouting off on issues that he has no business commenting on given his prior history. If I was in his shoes, I would probably stay out of those conversations.

I don't think that Topgun did anything wrong. He merely pointed out what was already in the public record. Trammer should have recognized his prior baggage before he picked a fight on those very same issues.

Lesson learned.


Browning A-Bolt 300 Win Mag
Winchester Apex .50 Cal
Mathews Drenalin LD
that could have been one of the most outlandish things i've ever read, between the wyo thread and this one......

makes me think of serial killers in training...... ;-)

guys who do and say stuff cause it sounds 'right' to them.......and only them......


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