TripleK is now down a K!!


Well - it's official - K1 has flown the coop! Jenn now has a son on a mission!! He is headed to the Idaho Nampa Mission for two years! So all you Nampa and Eastern Washington folks take care of him!! Jenn will appreciate it!

It has been an emotional couple of days:


Since I am frequently asked about my religion on this site and others, I have created a profile that explains my beliefs. If you are interested in finding out more about my faith, please visit the link below:
Good Luck Karter!

JENNY will probably make it to Idaho before He gets there!:D

And Late Night Visits will be Common!:D

And We already know She can Handle the Bishop!:D:D:D

TripleK, Over the years I have enjoyed watching your kids grow. Between MM and social media I can always count on you to provide hope through your children that there are still good families and good future adults out there in the world. Good luck Karter
Idaho? Really???? Never mind. I'm sure he'll be fine TripleK. Or should I say DoubleK?

Just teasing of course.
Her food bill just took a huge drop, she can now afford a new truck payment. LOL Good luck to Big K up North.
"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
LAST EDITED ON Jul-08-16 AT 08:45PM (MST)[p]Too true Gator!!

Actually all LDS Missionaries pay for their own mission, but at a standardized rate - $400 per month. My son is getting ready to go himself and my wife was asking me how we were going to afford it and I pointed out that by paying the $400 we will be saving at least $200 per month in food costs alone, add in car insurance and other expenses and it is going to be cheap!

Ohh - and it it Eastern Oregon, not Washington. Sorry. I was dead tired when I posted that last night!


Since I am frequently asked about my religion on this site and others, I have created a profile that explains my beliefs. If you are interested in finding out more about my faith, please visit the link below:
Roy, my wife wants to know. If she pays $400 a month, would they take me for a couple years?

Please say yes.
Eastern Oregon huh! He should pay Mr. 440 a visit and try to convert him.

Good luck to you K1.

At least Have Karter Stop by Dudes Place & take His CROWN away from Him!

Have Him Look for any Assault Weapons as Well!

440 Preaches He Doesn't Have any so if KARTER Finds Any He can Claim them!

The Missionaries are about to Pay your Ass a Visit Dude!

>It has been an emotional couple
>of days:

Yes it has, ugly shameful crying at times...LOL...but I'm happy to share him. I already miss him helping out around here, but K2 is taking up the slack.

Speaking of K2- he & K3 have found K1's throwing knives so they're doing their best to lose all of those. They've already shot all K1's ammo- .22s and paintballs- it was like a free-for-all on K1's stuff as soon as he left, man. LOL Little turds.

Raising boys is not for the weak! Bess- you know me all too well. I've already got my trip to Idaho planned and I'm looking into buying an RV so I can just follow him wherever he's transferred to on the mish. ;-) LOL

440?? We can totally send Karter over to chat with him! Tiny little Elder Rook would love to pay him a visit!
>Tell Karter to watch out for
>domestic terrorists like Lavoy. It's
>dangerous over there. :D

Malheur where that all went down is in his mission boundaries!
>Her food bill just took a
>huge drop, she can now
>afford a new truck payment.
>LOL Good luck
>to Big K up North.
Exactly! LOL
Hope to see him in La Grande. I will have to tell him about all his 22 ammo. Maybe I can go on splits with him and make a run over the hill to visit 440.

>Hope to see him in La
>Grande. I will have
>to tell him about all
>his 22 ammo. Maybe
>I can go on splits
>with him and make a
>run over the hill to
>visit 440.

He could make it there sometime in the next 2! He won't be as mad about the .22 ammo as he will be about the 10 year old taking over his dog. Maybe don't tell him about the dog...

Splits to 440's? That would be epic!
>I have a friend going to
>that same area. Is it
>the Boise mission?

No- it's not the Boise mission. Idaho Nampa. Right next to the Boise mission though.

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