Trophy Taker rest problem



I just got a new TT rest and it seems that its not falling away fast enough. There are 2 rub marks on the fleece which appears to be where the fletch is contacting. Im just wondering what I can do to fix this problem. Thanks

Wilderness Athlete Performance Nutrition
"Because the most important piece of equipment you own... is you!"
Take a look at your draw cycle and see where the rest is coming up. It should come up in the last 2" or so of your draw. If its coming up sooner then you need to lengthen the cord. Remember though, it needs to stay up for a short distance in order to stablize the arrow. Hope that helps.
Is it a Shakey Hunter? If so, join the club. The prongs are just too wide to clear on a lot of setups. Especially with Blazers. Is it falling down all the way? So that it is flat? It needs to. You want to also make sure your timing is spot on. There is not much leeway with that rest. You want the launcher to come up all the way within about the last 1.5-2" of draw. because the most important piece of equipment you own is YOU! Turning clothing into gear.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-18-08 AT 03:52PM (MST)[p]Ditto, join the club. I have been back in the shop a bunch, just cannot seem to get the fletchings to clear. If you tune it right, as pointed out above, and shoot ##### feather down, it seems to clear fairly well.

The ##### you see above is a perfectly innocent word that sounds like "caulk."

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