Truckjacking incident in NM GMU 52


Active Member
Excuse me for posting this a week late. I have not been around my computer.

Last week(7/5/07) in the evening, a guy that was scouting for deer in NM GMU 52 near the Cruces Basin Wilderness on FR 87 was truckjacked at gunpoint. The guy scouting was driving down FR 87 when he encountered an individual(male)walking on the road. He pulled over and asked the individual if he needed any help. Immediately the guy walking pulled out a handgun and told the driver to get out of his truck. The driver yielded his truck and truckjacker sped off toward San Antonio Mt. The owner was stranded and decided to walk toward San Antonio Mt. where he was picked up by a cattle rancher the next morning (7/6/07) and taken to the Forest Service Ranger Station. Forest Service law enforcement were notified, along with the NM State Police. The NM State Police were or/are working on the case. It is not known whether the truck was recovered or the truckjacker has been arrested. Will update if I hear anything.

Anybody hear about this? Post outcome...

Scary stuff. I know hardly anyone picks up hitchhikers anymore. But someone walking in the woods. Everyone will stop to offer some help. Might have to re-think about being a good samaritan in the woods anymore?
I had two young guys flag me down on a old back road in AZ last year out in the middle of nowhere.
It was just before dark and I stopped but was pretty darn cautious for awhile. It turned out they had tranny trouble and really did need help.
Today you just don't know.
A few years ago there were two young girls hitch hikeing along the interstate, a trucker pulled over to give them a ride and there were two guys hideing in the bushes along the highway and they shot the truck driver and took his money.
They shut the road down for most the night trying to figure out what happened.
Firm beliver in conceal carry!
Yeah thats pretty scary as I usaully have my little girl with me too. Thanks for the update and keep us posted.
By the way , did you and the govt trapper/hunter ever find out or find them animals we spoke about?
I was in Mexico for a while and there were car and semi jackings where a naked woman would be in the road to to flag people down for help; when someone would stop dudes in the brush would jump out with guns.

Scary world when being a good samaritan can get you killed.

might carry my sidearm when we go for a ride tomorrow to do some fishin at laguita or Los Pinos river..THANK YOU!

weird to have guy walk alone very far on FR87..must be something up with him! hope to find him!! and kick his A$$

VINI, FISHING DERBY FOR THE LITTLE ONES THIS WEEKEND UP AT HOPEWELL...Just got off the phone with crazyelk and he said they stocked it big time yesterday and the camp ground is in great shape...
Not sure about times, crazyelk was headed back hope to get the family and camper and head back up. I think he is helping with the whole derby. Call the office 758-8678 and ask Shirly, maybe she has more info...
called shirly and she is so nice..

derby start at 8 am and done by noon...perfect time for us to get back home for 1 yr anniverary mass for grandpa..

we ll go tonight and camp out...=)

thanks for the cooooool!!!

I'm guessin around here especially on remote dirt roads, above 50% of the trucks that come by are packin heat, doesn't seem like a well thought out place to pull that one.
I could think of several people around these part that would rather have a shoot-out to see who gets to drive the truck.
B_F_E, your speaking the truth right there, I also know more people that would have a pretty hard time just giving a truck up out in the hills.
Wow! Thats just a little scary. I have been up there driving around the last couple of weekends. I talked to a rancher on Sunday morning that mentioned seeing a guy walking down the road alone. He said he almost stopped, but didn't. I told the rancher I would ask the guy, if I saw him, if he needed any help. Damn glad I didn't see anyone. Guess I'm packing from here on out! Thanks for the info!
When I go up to 52 I carry extra mags! There are some real loosers that go up there and get messed up, shoot guns all night etc.! When I got my truck stuck this year some gang banger F*$#@ were road hunting and would not give me a ride. Be careful! I have heard more stories similar from up there!

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