"True Hunter"


Long Time Member
What is a "True Hunter"? Some folks brought this up on another thread. What is your definition of a true hunter?

I need some insight on this.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-21-14 AT 12:43PM (MST)[p]IMO...It comes from within. It's that desire from within to climb mountains, cross desserts, wade rivers in search of game. A true hunter works only to pass the time until the next hunt... It something you cannot teach! It's is a part of the hunters DNA!
You have to hunt your game wearing only clothes you hand made, from animal hides you killed.(while naked of course). Then, you can either use your bare hands or weapons you made from rocks and sticks and such. There can be no other person with you on any hunt. If you received even a smidgen of advise from someone else you might as well not try to pass it off as fair chase. If any of these rules are broken you are just another laz, no good slob, SOB, Wana be hunter. That's a fact. But I don't make the rules just follow them. So any pictures you may have seen of me breaking these rules was clearly photoshopped.
I remember watching on youtube Jared Allen of the Minnesota Vikings spearing an elk on a ranch.
Even though it was baited in on a ranch it was awesome
I will play. IMO a true hunter hunts without any guarantee of kill, or for that matter even seeing game. A true hunter appreciates the experience of bein out in nature. A true hunter worries about leaving something for the true hunter in the next generation. A true hunter believes in tradition, honor, sportsmanship. A true hunter doesn't care about points, books, scores, inches, or even lbs, he/she is happy about the oppourtunity that pulling a trigger, or release is about. A true hunter enjoys the hunt, not always the kill.

Yeah I insulted some dudes, but I have hunted with rocks, sticks, pitchforks, arrows, bullets, slugs, shotguns, and a camera. I have worn shorts and a t shirt all the way to gaiters and coats. I have hunted on foot, atv, truck. None of the above made me more or less of a hunter, or better or worse, what made me a hunter was being there.

Am I a true hunter(of course), no, there are days I forget to enjoy the chase, there are days I shoot a duck just to shoot something, there are days I complain about weather just like everyone else. In general I think most of us fall somewhere in this category, but my fear is more and more its becoming less about the joy of the hunt, and more about what we are hunting and what it is with.

Pretty good question, you should post it again in Sept., help remind me to slow down and smell the roses.

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
LAST EDITED ON Feb-21-14 AT 02:28PM (MST)[p]Perfectly said wolfhunter. The thrill of knowing what's on the other side of the ridge, and success or lack there of meaning nothing to the overall experience.
A "true hunter"?
Well let's see;
He hunts HIS way.
He should be involved In Conservation since there will be others who follow.
A true hunter looks to the past since the old timers are the ones who we now rely upon for the game we pursue.
He's not so prideful that a helping hand from others is regarded as weak behavior.
He can complain about the food, weather, game or anything else and he's still a hunter because he really loves every minute.
He enjoys much more than just the kill.
He enjoys, most of all, the people with whom he spends time hunting.
He relishes the brotherhood of fellow hunters.
I think that was very well said Zeke, nice job there!

It's important to remember that not everyone grew up and learned to hunt under the same circumstances that you may have. Also for thought, some guys i know don't even hunt deer or elk but they are true hunters, masters at what they do hunt, none the less.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
A true hunter will not shoot at anything over 299 yards because that is unethical and the animal has a disadvantage.
>I will play. IMO a
>true hunter hunts without any
>guarantee of kill, or for
>that matter even seeing game.
> A true hunter appreciates
>the experience of bein out
>in nature. A true
>hunter worries about leaving something
>for the true hunter in
>the next generation. A true
>hunter believes in tradition, honor,
>sportsmanship. A true hunter
>doesn't care about points, books,
>scores, inches, or even lbs,
>he/she is happy about the
>oppourtunity that pulling a trigger,
>or release is about.
>A true hunter enjoys the
>hunt, not always the kill.
>Yeah I insulted some dudes, but
>I have hunted with rocks,
>sticks, pitchforks, arrows, bullets, slugs,
>shotguns, and a camera.
>I have worn shorts and
>a t shirt all the
>way to gaiters and coats.
> I have hunted on
>foot, atv, truck. None
>of the above made me
>more or less of a
>hunter, or better or worse,
>what made me a hunter
>was being there.
>Am I a true hunter(of course),
>no, there are days I
>forget to enjoy the chase,
>there are days I shoot
>a duck just to shoot
>something, there are days I
>complain about weather just like
>everyone else. In general I
>think most of us fall
>somewhere in this category, but
>my fear is more and
>more its becoming less about
>the joy of the hunt,
>and more about what we
>are hunting and what it
>is with.
>Pretty good question, you should post
>it again in Sept., help
>remind me to slow down
>and smell the roses.
>"The only thing that stops a
>bad guy with a gun
>is a good guy with
>a gun"
I agree with every thing you said except the part about points books scores inches. Those are almost the only things Im interested in nowadays.I do want a quality experience even if I dont kill. And believe me I hunt my ash off.I am a "True Hunter"
There?s a wholelotta answer in that little question. I understand why you are asking the question, given the prior post you are referring to, but I doubt you will get the answer you're looking for in this one. Why? Because the answer isn't simply black and white, nor is it totally empirical, but also includes the philosophical: and by that very nature there will be a wide range of thoughts by many of the folks here.

My thoughts on the subject tend to lean to the philosophical side, bolstered with current and historically relevant ideals. I won't bore you with a long post but I will wish you luck on finding the answer you're looking for. Simply put, IMHO, a true hunter is one who seeks to achieve a balance between the hunter and the hunted; one who seeks engaging with wild nature at its very core, whereby it is embodied in the prey. You can add a lot of fluff to those words and you will have what some on here have already said?.

Great responses, guys!! Although some of you may feel I was directing this thread at certain individuals( I suppose that's true to an extent), I mainly wanted to induce some thought on the part of those individuals. Everyone has their own way of hunting. Doesn't make it right or wrong. The fact that I can't hunt as hard as I once did does not in any way make me less of a "true hunter". My legs simply won't take me as far as my mind wants them to anymore. I like easier hunts now.

But I think about hunting literally every single day of my life. I think that might qualify me as a "true hunter". Maybe it doesn't. Stillhunterman and elkantlers gave great responses, and really tell it like it is. Great response from Hossblur as well. Zeke wins, though. Very well said, Zeke.

I kinda thought I might provoke a fight when I started this thread. But I really wanted to provoke some thought. Being a "true hunter" isn't about how hard the hunt is. It's a state of mind. My opinion; for what it's worth.

Thanks for the responses and keeping it civil. Anyone else?
Consumes the meat from the kill.

Wonder if all these so called "TV Hunters" eat all the critters they kill.

If you are to take a life you should eat the animal. IMO this is a true hunter.

Other than that it just seems to be in certain individuals blood. It certainly isn't for everyone and thank goodness for that.
So assuming there are "true hunters" then there must also be "false hunters" (?).

[font color="blue"]I don't make the soup, I just stir it.[/font]
There is no "true" answer cause every hunters situation, beliefs, desires, abilities are different.


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"

Let me guess, you drive a 1 ton with oak trees for smoke stacks, 12" lift kit and 40" tires to pull a single place lawn mower trailer?
A true hunter enters the woods alone. One set of eyes and ears. "Pack" hunting with a guide, friends or family is hunting but you are just one of a pack that is corralling and shooting. You can hunt with a posse but you are not a true hunter. You are part of a social event. A party guest.
>Consumes the meat from the kill.
>Wonder if all these so called
>"TV Hunters" eat all the
>critters they kill.
>If you are to take a
>life you should eat the
>animal. IMO this is
>a true hunter.
>Other than that it just seems
>to be in certain individuals
>blood. It certainly isn't
>for everyone and thank goodness
>for that.

What about vermin control? Prairie dogs, for example. Eat those, too?
A "True Hunter" follows the laws of the state that he is in and tries his best to make a clean ethical kill on the animal he is hunting.
Vermin control is killing. I wouldn't put that in the same class as big game hunting, just like hitting a wasps nest with some raid. Not really hunting as much as killing.

As another mentioned the answer will vary from person to person.

I just happen to think it is incredibly important the people realize (from a historical perspective) why they are hunting. Historically we hunted to live and consume the meat. I think it is important hunters do this. I have a problem with people who are just out to kill something. I certainly like squeezing the trigger as much as the next guy but for me and my family at least it is still about putting meat in the freezer.

To each their own, but lets fact it, a lot of guys are just out for the kill that's it. The kill, some photos to post on every possibly message board, then brag to their friends, maybe post the hunt on youtube, and that's it. The person never touches the animal, never even considers eating it. We all know there are so called hunters out there like this.

Those that hunt high fence or guaranteed kill type hunts should say they are killing, not hunting. The animal ought to be harvested via fair chase to be considered hunting.

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