Trump is not fit to serve


Long Time Member
“Biden's cognitive issues have been evident for some time but just watch the same media who for four years have been declaring Donald Trump mentally and physically unfit for office have a collective meltdown when Biden's mental faculties are questioned,” she said.

Man, I almost feel bad for Biden after watching that.
Wonder if the DNC will allow a debate with Trump? They don't have many choices I guess.
They're going to quarantine sleepy Joe and put him in a hyperbaric chamber and keep him as far away from the public as possible. Not because of the Wuhan-virus.... because his brain is toast.
Well they won’t let joe debate over 7 min. Because he can’t keep it straight. Trump needs to debate him 7-8 times during the campaign and it’s for sure a done deal.
I’ve watched Biden stumble over his words & babble nonsense, but seeing it like that is downright disturbing.
I had read in another thread where someone made the comment that “The DNC has had 4 years to select a front runner to face Trump and this is the best they could come up with?”
That’s downright scary to be completely honest.
Trump will make a complete fool of Biden in a debate even if they prep him with the questions to be asked in the debate like they did for crooked Hillary.
Does everyone remember when the possibility of Oprah running in 2020 was a thing? The dems should have stuck with her. ???
Trump could answer "no comment" to every question at the debate, and he'd still win. Let Joe dig his own grave.
Can you imagine the complete melt-down if the election is impacted and/or - God forbid - a candidate gets sick? Trump declares martial law and extends his presidency. Peoples heads will explode!

This is like an episode from that dumb "homeland" show.
It's all about who they make him pick for his VP (who will replace him as President shortly after the election, if he wins).

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