Trump selects Zinke for DOI


Long Time Member
well the Donald's done it now selected a former Seal and an avid hunter and fisherman to head up the DOI. What say you Nemont could it be that he made a good choice? I don't recall Ryan being a land sale advocate but Nemont you're closer to him than we are. What do you think?
Zinke has been a friend to hunters and fisherman. He is a stand up guy from my interactions with him. He came out here to his opponents sort of home turf on the nearby Indian Reservation to hold one of their debates.


I am surprised he would accept given that Tester is up for reelection in 2018 and Zinke just won in a landslide. If he accepts it would be win for public land users IMO.

GEE!!! I do not believe it, Nemont has something good to say about Trump's selection for the Interior. Somebody check and see if the sky is falling outside.

It seems that Zinke has accepted the position. Let us hope he continues to respect the use and safe keeping of public lands for all Americans.

President-elect Donald Trump intends to pick Montana Republican Rep. Ryan Zinke as secretary of the Interior, multiple sources confirmed Tuesday evening to Fox News.

Zinke is a first-term House member and a former Navy SEAL commander.

Neither the Trump transition team nor Zinke has made a public statement. But Zinke reportedly has accepted the offer.

He was purportedly in the running with Washington Rep. Kathy McMorris Rogers, who met at least twice with Trump, a fellow Republican, in recent days.

McMorris Rogers has made no official statement either. But she posted a message late Tuesday on her Facebook page that suggested she will remain on Capitol Hill as part of House Speaker Paul Ryan?s leadership team.

?It was an honor to be invited to spend time with the President-elect, and I'm energized more than ever to continue leading in Congress as we think big, reimagine this government, and put people back at the center of it,? McMorris Rogers wrote.

Zinke was an early Trump supporter and serves on the House?s Natural Resources Committee. He met Monday with Trump in New York.
Nemont why don't you also post all the negative bullcrap opinions you have generated on this forum concerning Trump. It far out weighs any thing positive. My memory is just fine, maybe yours is lacking. The one thing you do not lack is a over inflated ego to the point of being narcissistic.

LAST EDITED ON Dec-14-16 AT 07:28AM (MST)[p]So you are just a liar then, I see.

Trumps wasn't elected king and criticism of his dumb moves is completely justified. If anyone should understand that game it is all the fakers, like you. What ever you are willing to let your guy get away with the other political tribe will use against you when they get power.

Hold Trump accountable for his stupid remarks, dumb policy statements and his lack understanding that his actions, even as president elect, can have real life consequences.

Hope your retirement fund didn't hold too much stock in Lockheed martin after his F35 tweet. Funny that he wants to end the program the day after Israel took their first delivery. Wonder if Bibi got on the phone and ask WTF are you doing?

Nemont, for gods sakes. Trump putting Lockheed on warning they're selling us overpriced aircraft is exactly what we need. You ##### about spending and when he calls out some of the big offenders you cry foul. Get your head out of your azz. The fact he's calling out the big boys sends a message. Your stock portfolio is safe. It's posturing and if you think the Pentagon hasn't been taken advantage of and mismanaged you're only kidding yourself, it's been going on for decades.

Funny how a savy business man with generals as advisor's makes a statement and you think he's wrong. Yet you want him to reduce the deficit...... he just saved us billions given the amount of companies the Pentagon and government deals with on a daily basis. Wake up. Lest not we forget about that little Pentagon study that showed us just that, but got buried.

You need to get your bruised azz out of the way. Ostrich economics in Washington is coming to an end. You should be rejoicing he's doing exactly what you want..... he just doesn't care about your "miss manners" approach and last we looked he damn sure doesn't need your permission since you you wasted your vote.....LOL
>Nemont, for gods sakes. Trump putting
>Lockheed on warning they're selling
>us overpriced aircraft is exactly
>what we need. You #####
>about spending and when he
>calls out some of the
>big offenders you cry foul.
>Get your head out of
>your azz. The fact
>he's calling out the big
>boys sends a message. Your
>stock portfolio is safe. It's
>posturing and if you think
>the Pentagon hasn't been taken
>advantage of and mismanaged you're
>only kidding yourself, it's been
>going on for decades.
>Funny how a savy business man
>with generals as advisor's makes
>a statement and you think
>he's wrong. Yet you want
>him to reduce the deficit......
>he just saved us billions
>given the amount of companies
>the Pentagon and government deals
>with on a daily basis.
>Wake up. Lest not we
>forget about that little Pentagon
>study that showed us just
>that, but got buried.
>You need to get your bruised
>azz out of the way.
>Ostrich economics in Washington is
>coming to an end. You
>should be rejoicing he's doing
>exactly what you want..... he
>just doesn't care about your
>"miss manners" approach and last
>we looked he damn sure
>doesn't need your permission since
>you you wasted your vote.....LOL

+1 !!!!!
LAST EDITED ON Dec-14-16 AT 09:18AM (MST)[p]Boskee,

Where did I say he was wrong. I said it was funny given that our sacred ally, Israel took delivery of their first F35 the day before he stated he was cutting the program. You don't find that funny?

Suppose Bibi does? He will be back in front of Congress getting another $15 billion for his defense and telling us our only vital interest in the world is Israel's security.

So now the fakers who hang on Bibi's every word don't give a $h!t that we dumped a fighter on Israel to the tune of Billions in loans we guarantee and military grants and Trump will cancel the program. Stranding Billions more in development costs, plant restructuring, parts already in the pipeline.

The Pentagon has about $6 Trillion in unaccounted for material and funds and Trump has sworn in increase military spending. So tell me again how he is a fiscal hawk?

Just like Obama didn't ask my permission to screw up the things he did, neither will Trump so that is neither a loss or gain. Trump certain doesn't consult any of the fakers about what they want either so it's all good on their score.

To steer this back to original thread, I am glad Trump has picked someone why is not a threat to dismantle our public lands system
Nemont take a breath, things are going to work out. He's aware of what's been going on and they'll take steps to get it fixed. What's funny is that you forget I made my living off selling hundreds of millions of dollars of weapons to the Pentagon. I know exactly how it works and believe me he's taking the right approach on it.

The one thing you seem to forget about our government is when you get it if you don't spend it it goes away. They get their funds allocated and they find reasons to spend it how else could you explain the Pentagon having almost as many employees as enlisted personnel. Couple that with what's been going on in government and you see how things have become so bloated.

Given those employees are union employees it explains why they contribute so heavily to democrats. You don't run your business that way because it's not efficient. The left demonized Romney and Trump for being good businessmen.

So what if they spend money to fix things they're taking parts off aircraft now to keep others in service. Let's see we have one plane broken that we strip for parts........ how's that for maintaining our readiness. The same issues confront our troops but yet we left hundreds of billions of dollars of equipment in the sand box, that we wound up donating to ISIS? Yes compared to that type of thinking Trump is a fiscal hawk.

You seem to really be butt hurt about Trump , must be the old office irritation syndrome. So are you on the same menstruation cycle with all the other ladies yet......because you're sure cranky enough and we both know ##### grabbing wasn't proper protocol in the house come election time. I get it. So when does the old Nemont come back..... I miss that guy not the guy that's jumping the shark before he even takes the oath, like a woman scorned.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-14-16 AT 11:39AM (MST)[p]I am not butt hurt at all. I think it is funny and quite entertaining to watch.

Just look at what you all are happy with now, Pretending tweeter in chief can affect the F35 program costs at all. It is a 15 year program where the tooth paste is out of the tube. If he cuts back on the numbers it just increases the cost per model. If he ends the program he strands hundreds of billion of dollars on a loser. With your experience in working the Pentagon, is a program with this much money, this far along and with staunch Republican and Democrat support in congress really in jeopardy or is that some friend of the Tweeter in chief just shorted Lockheed stock?

Pretend all you want that he is going to fix it after Jan 20th. I will stop posting up about his dumb moves to appease the fakers until then.

Zinke was a good pick as was Tom Price IMO

Nemont the issue is the blank check for systems development on the aircraft. They don't deliver a tested proven plane anymore because the technology world is evolving so fast. What worked yesterday is obsolete tomorrow sort of deal. 15 years is 3 lifetimes in technology. Look at what happens with computers. We used to be light years ahead as the first desert storm clearly proved. We're still ahead in many regards but the field has been leveled a bit. This plane has had some major issues and it's insanely expensive and has had issues flying in the rain so it's still being refined. Yes we have them in service but that's SOP.

Many of the tech packages for that aircraft are still being developed for future runs, that can be retro fitted into early models. The aircraft contract is safe but he has generals that know exactly what stages of development are still open on that plane and he's firing a shot across the bow. Tech development is very expensive and costs a ton so that's most likely his intent. The same type of deal on the Air Force One planes that they have the 179 million development cost contract on. Those planes will have some of the most sophisticated technology on earth and many items are still being developed ( they're ideas and conceptual) and he may cut it back a bit. Who knows.

You and I both know they're going to screw up and there's no free lunch but at least let us go on a date before telling us we're pregnant. LOL You and I know you're going to have plenty of material to work with. I hope he can get us on track to get things moving in the right direction but I agree with you it seems he's got himself stretched pretty thin. One things for sure you don't get that rich from not being able to accomplish things but I'm not sure he's aware of the magnitude of the problem he just signed on to fix.
PIPER I think the majority of us on here agree with you that we're happy he's selected a guy that not a advocate for selling our public lands!
I think Zinke would be a decent choice. Biggest concern I have is if he takes it who will replace him? It's a statewide seat correct? So anybody with the juice could replace him even if they are big transfer of public lands supporters. It also leaves Testor without a good challenger in two years.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-15-16 AT 10:55AM (MST)[p].....hopefully the governor will appoint Nemont to finish Zinke's term then smash Testor in 2018....
>AT 10:55?AM (MST)

>.....hopefully the governor will appoint Nemont
>to finish Zinke's term then
>smash Testor in 2018....

The Gov is a democrat, he isn't going to appoint me, I gave money to his recent opponent and my best friend is the local Republican county party chairman. Bullock wouldn't appoint me dog catcher.

I would be super terrific at it though and make things Terrific for everyone just by being in DC. It would be great and you would just have to wait and see all my terrific ideas I have to make things tremendous for you.

>>LAST EDITED ON Dec-15-16
>>AT 10:55?AM (MST)

>>.....hopefully the governor will appoint Nemont
>>to finish Zinke's term then
>>smash Testor in 2018....
>The Gov is a democrat, he
>isn't going to appoint me,
>I gave money to his
>recent opponent and my best
>friend is the local Republican
>county party chairman. Bullock
>wouldn't appoint me dog catcher.
>I would be super terrific at
>it though and make things
>Terrific for everyone just by
>being in DC. It
>would be great and you
>would just have to wait
>and see all my terrific
>ideas I have to make
>things tremendous for you.
Like doubling Social Security,that would be tremendous.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-15-16 AT 11:45AM (MST)[p]That would be stupid and would be giving tax dollars to people who don't need them. I would cut social security for the wealthy for sure with a means test. If you are holding onto a wad of cash and assets, then no free money from Uncle Sugar, you should pull your own weight.

That would be super terrific and a Tremendously good deal for future generations.

Guaranteed no phone call. First off Gov. Bullock can't appoint anyone because the U.S. Constitution doesn't allow an appoint for a Member of the House, only Senators can be appointed. So we have to have a special election.

Section 2
1: The House of Representatives shall be composed of Members chosen every second Year by the People of the several States, and the Electors in each State shall have the Qualifications requisite for Electors of the most numerous Branch of the State Legislature.

2: No Person shall be a Representative who shall not have attained to the Age of twenty five Years, and been seven Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State in which he shall be chosen.

3: Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons.2 The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct. The Number of Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty Thousand, but each State shall have at Least one Representative; and until such enumeration shall be made, the State of New Hampshire shall be entitled to chuse three, Massachusetts eight, Rhode-Island and Providence Plantations one, Connecticut five, New-York six, New Jersey four, Pennsylvania eight, Delaware one, Maryland six, Virginia ten, North Carolina five, South Carolina five, and Georgia three.

4: When vacancies happen in the Representation from any State, the Executive Authority thereof shall issue Writs of Election to fill such Vacancies.
>AT 11:45?AM (MST)

>That would be stupid and would
>be giving tax dollars to
>people who don't need them.
> I would cut social
>security for the wealthy for
>sure with a means test.
> If you are holding
>onto a wad of cash
>and assets, then no free
>money from Uncle Sugar, you
>should pull your own weight.
>That would be super terrific and
>a Tremendously good deal for
>future generations.
The Mayors of all Sanctuary cities would be in favor of that ,they would take my social security and party with it.
> got nervous and had to
>check if it was

Not the least bit nervous, just doing my daily part to educate fakers on what the Constitution actually says. Bullock will never call on me to do anything for him.


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