
Long Time Member

Back Me Off to 1,700 Yards,650 is a Little Close & I'm Not Comfortable with it!

A GUT SHOT at 1,700 Yards will Still Make Some Good BRAGGIN Rights so I Can Say I At Least Hit Him!

Trump has a small hand complex he has to compensate for. what he lacks in substance he makes up for in bullchit.

Lil' Kim is laughing his azz off.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
China to put sanctions on North Korea, looks like the orange man is smarter than all you NEGATEERS !!!!
Trump got China to so something about N. Korea that Obama was never able to do because China knew Obama did not have a backbone and was all talk.

North Korea learned this week Chinese banks will no longer do business with the Hermit Kingdom, in the strongest sign yet pressure from the Trump administration to choke off funding to the rogue nation is working.

Chinese banks received a document Monday stating they should halt financial services and loans to new and existing North Korean customers as a result of strict U.N. sanctions passed earlier this month, a source told Reuters on Thursday.

?Our bank is fulfilling our international obligations and implementing United Nations sanctions against North Korea. As such, we refuse to handle any individual loans connected to North Korea,? the document reportedly said.


The move comes after repeated calls from the Trump administration for China to help cut the flow of money to Kim Jong Un's dictatorship in an effort to cripple the regime?s missile and nuclear programs. China and Russia agreed to the recent UN sanctions against North Korea, which included a ban on natural gas liquids and condensates. But Trump has explicitly called out China on Twitter, writing he's ?very disappointed? in the country and accusing them of ?doing NOTHING for us with North Korea.?

China, North Korea's closest ally, has urged a diplomatic solution to solve the current crisis. ?War Stories? host Lt. Col. Oliver North told Fox News on Monday, however, he believes China will only truly try to tame its volatile neighbor if it believes Trump could take military action.
It looks like N. Korea and Lil Kim has pissed Trump off and he means business.

the Treasury Department new authority to go after people and entities that do business with the rogue regime

President Trump signed an executive order Thursday targeting North Korea?s trading partners, calling it a ?powerful? new tool aimed at isolating and de-nuclearizing the regime.

The president announced the order as he met with South Korean President Moon Jae-in and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on the sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly.

He said the order would help target individuals and companies doing business with Pyongyang. Specifically, he said it enhances the Treasury Department's authority to target those conducting significant trade with the regime, including by sanctioning foreign banks.

?It is unacceptable that others financially support this criminal rogue regime,? Trump said.

He added, ?Foreign banks will face a clear choice. Do business with the United States, or facilitate trade with the lawless regime in North Korea.?

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin echoed the president as he issued a warning to foreign banks at a news conference Thursday.

?Foreign financial institutions are now on notice that going forward they can choose to do business with the United States or with North Korea, but not both,? he said.

Mnuchin said the executive order authorizes the Treasury Department to suspend U.S. account access to foreign banks that knowingly facilitate ?significant transactions tied to trade with North Korea.?

?For too long, North Korea has evaded sanctions and used the international financial system to facilitate funding for its weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missile programs,? Mnuchin said. ?No bank in any country should be used to facilitate Kim Jong Un?s destructive behavior.?

According to a fact sheet provided by the White House, the executive order issues a 180-day ban on vessels and aircraft that have visited North Korea from visiting the United States.

It also allows for sanctions of those involved in the construction, energy, financial services, fishing, information technology, manufacturing, medical, mining, textiles, or transportation industries in North Korea.
>It looks like N. Korea and
>Lil Kim has pissed Trump
>off and he means business.
>the Treasury Department new authority to
>go after people and entities
>that do business with the
>rogue regime
>President Trump signed an executive order
>Thursday targeting North Korea?s trading
>partners, calling it a ?powerful?
>new tool aimed at isolating
>and de-nuclearizing the regime.
>The president announced the order as
>he met with South Korean
>President Moon Jae-in and Japanese
>Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on
>the sidelines of the U.N.
>General Assembly.
>He said the order would help
>target individuals and companies doing
>business with Pyongyang. Specifically, he
>said it enhances the Treasury
>Department's authority to target those
>conducting significant trade with the
>regime, including by sanctioning foreign
>?It is unacceptable that others financially
>support this criminal rogue regime,?
>Trump said.
>He added, ?Foreign banks will face
>a clear choice. Do business
>with the United States, or
>facilitate trade with the lawless
>regime in North Korea.?
>Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin echoed the
>president as he issued a
>warning to foreign banks at
>a news conference Thursday.
>?Foreign financial institutions are now on
>notice that going forward they
>can choose to do business
>with the United States or
>with North Korea, but not
>both,? he said.
>Mnuchin said the executive order authorizes
>the Treasury Department to suspend
>U.S. account access to foreign
>banks that knowingly facilitate ?significant
>transactions tied to trade with
>North Korea.?
>?For too long, North Korea has
>evaded sanctions and used the
>international financial system to facilitate
>funding for its weapons of
>mass destruction and ballistic missile
>programs,? Mnuchin said. ?No bank
>in any country should be
>used to facilitate Kim Jong
>Un?s destructive behavior.?
>According to a fact sheet provided
>by the White House, the
>executive order issues a 180-day
>ban on vessels and aircraft
>that have visited North Korea
>from visiting the United States.
>It also allows for sanctions of
>those involved in the construction,
>energy, financial services, fishing, information
>technology, manufacturing, medical, mining, textiles,
>or transportation industries in North
Good deal! F#ck that sawed off POS !
LAST EDITED ON Sep-21-17 AT 03:52PM (MST)[p]Russia just said step back lap dog. Trump will not defy Putin . China has said if the orange man makes the first move they will support NK. is an elective war really an option? phuk no. so get real you goobers.

I'm glad to see you agree with Obama's plan to have China take care of this. much better plan now that we have a white man no doubt. but I'd like some proof the orange one made it happen, if it happens. please share .

Stay Thirsty My Friends
You Trumpteers are too much. One of you should tell China that Trump made them do this because they don't seem to think it has anything much to do with Trump.

You should read the something besides FoxNews.

Why don't you get off your desk bound butt and prove that it was not Trump that got China to finally take some action. Obama was never able to influence China to do it and the only change we had since Obama was a new President that took action against Syria with a bunch of Cruise missiles that Russia did not like.

Just maybe China took a good look at that action and decided not to test Trump on what action he may take.

>Why don't you get off your
>desk bound butt and prove
>that it was not Trump
>that got China to finally
>take some action. Obama was
>never able to influence China
>to do it and the
>only change we had since
>Obama was a new President
>that took action against Syria
>with a bunch of Cruise
>missiles that Russia did not
>Just maybe China took a good
>look at that action and
>decided not to test Trump
>on what action he may
It doesn't work that way. hollow threats and name calling are not examples of certain motivation.

You either prove Trump did it or find where China said he forced them to do it. but before you work on that all night you might want to see if they do it.

Will you say Trump has improved the situation with NK ? are we closer or farther from conflict since Trump took over ? do tell

Stay Thirsty My Friends
What are you? Nemont's parrot. Even though we are dealing with a certified nut case in Lil Kim, I think things will improve in time. Kim is nuts, but he wants to stay in power over anything else.

LAST EDITED ON Sep-21-17 AT 10:29PM (MST)[p]So do I . lil' Km doesn't want to die and Trump is a just a blow hard puzzy.

But they can sure have fun on the playground calling each other names. dotard? that's a new one I like it. much more imaginative than rocket man.

I'll use it in a sentence. " Trump and RELH are dotards " .

Stay Thirsty My Friends
That is still six rungs up on the ladder then a idiot drunk half-breed. Have a good night and sleep tight in your stupor.

LAST EDITED ON Sep-22-17 AT 09:18AM (MST)[p]Unfortunately there are no pro-active military strike options available without China and Russia entering the theater. When we strike it will have to be in retaliation which is the nod by China and Russia that they will stand down.

No matter what there will be a tremendous amount of death. It is difficult to fathom the deaths of millions of people.

If we did counterstrike there would be no invasion as we would hold the DMZ line. China & Russia have no desire for a western friendly unified Korea on their border so invasion is off the table.

China would occupy non hot-spots to rebuild an independent China friendly government and Russia would assist humanitarian and rebuilding efforts.

The savvy political move would have/could be to remove the US from conversation, de-escalate, remove most of our fleet, suspend the war games, and allow China & Russia to deal with Lil Kim.

That equation takes S. Korea off the table and hopefully shifts the offshore ire of Lil Kim to saber rattle with his neighbors to the North and East. Lil Kim's whole deal is Uncle Sam is the great Satan. Involve China & Russia and Lil Kim's narrative now pits him against the world's 3 super powers.

Let Lil Kim test fire a missile over Vladivostock or the Spratly Islands, change the narrative.
Kim has every right to defend his nation, and when people like Trump say they will destroy his nation it substantiates his need for weapons.

The US protects some regime's illegal nuclear weapons and threatens genocide for others. it's easy to see why China and Russia can't back us up since we have different rules for the players depending on our whims.

I will predict Trump and the other mad man will continue this until the adults step in . Kim has no desire for a war he cannot possibly survive, and like Trump said kim a smart cookie he knows there is a line he can't cross. he will push it to that line with China's behind the scenes help.

Then for backing off and doing the right thing Russia and China will resume open trade whether we like it or not. everyone goes back to what they were doing .

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Trumps doing exactly what reagan did playing hardball with them and I say it's going to make things better. So what if china and russia don't like it. I remember the revolutionary war that built this nation we were really outnumbered then the US. will not crumble unless everyone just released their nukes at once and then everyone will perish. But I don't think NK vs USA is gonna escalate to that.
How have things improved in the last 6 months?

When Reagan talked he talked like a sane adult with a plan. when he made threats people listened. Trump is a dipchit people laugh at. " yuge " difference . Obama and Trump have far more in common than Reagan and Trump.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
>How have things improved in the
>last 6 months?
> When Reagan talked he talked
>like a sane adult with
>a plan. when
>he made threats people listened.
> Trump is a dipchit
>people laugh at. "
>yuge " difference .
> Obama and Trump
>have far more in common
>than Reagan and Trump.
>Stay Thirsty My Friends
Its getting your attention, so its working.
>Reagan? Different time, different world, different
We still have the capability but improved, Kim will never get that Hydrogen missile off the launch pad.
When we invaded Iraq,I remember all the hype about how his Republican Guard was going to roll over our American force,not a chance,have some back bone and faith.
What part of this being a nuclear-only war is it that you do not understand 264? There is no invasion, this will not be a conventional war, no troops, no jets, no tanks.
>What part of this being a
>nuclear-only war is it that
>you do not understand 264?
>There is no invasion, this
>will not be a conventional
>war, no troops, no jets,
>no tanks.

Oh I forgot you work for the Pentagon,LMAOF !

What does North Korea have that is worth risking a single American's life over? Be specific on why we would invade them for any reason including a nuke strike anywhere in the world.

We should bet on this one but I know you are not to be trusted to pay except in Monopoly Money.

To effectively invade a well armed and trained country of 25 million would require an enormous force.

We have a reactionary agreement with China and Russia. If Lil Kim actually strikes a western target they will stand down and allow us to counter strike. but no unified Korea, hence no invasion. The only way to minimize the total destruction of Seoul from conventional artillery would be one massive simultaneous attack.

Given N. Korea's mobile launchers and mountainous terrain it is doubtful we could stop all launches from occurring.

Trump's belittling words at the U.N. for a POTUS first address were alarming. Each word more flammable than the next Trump has reduced this to name calling. We are now perceived as the taunting Goliath feeding the N. Korea propaganda machine.
>What does North Korea have that
>is worth risking a single
>American's life over?
>Be specific on why we
>would invade them for any
>reason including a nuke strike
>anywhere in the world.
>We should bet on this one
>but I know you are
>not to be trusted to
>pay except in Monopoly Money.
Your ignorant.
>To effectively invade a well armed
>and trained country of 25
>million would require an enormous
>We have a reactionary agreement with
>China and Russia. If Lil
>Kim actually strikes a western
>target they will stand down
>and allow us to counter
>strike. but no unified Korea,
>hence no invasion. The only
>way to minimize the total
>destruction of Seoul from conventional
>artillery would be one massive
>simultaneous attack.
>Given N. Korea's mobile launchers and
>mountainous terrain it is doubtful
>we could stop all launches
>from occurring.
>Trump's belittling words at the U.N.
>for a POTUS first address
>were alarming. Each word more
>flammable than the next Trump
>has reduced this to name
>calling. We are now perceived
>as the taunting Goliath feeding
>the N. Korea propaganda machine.
You don't know jack #####
>>What does North Korea have that
>>is worth risking a single
>>American's life over?
>>Be specific on why we
>>would invade them for any
>>reason including a nuke strike
>>anywhere in the world.
>>We should bet on this one
>>but I know you are
>>not to be trusted to
>>pay except in Monopoly Money.
> Your


It is "you're ignorant" not "your ignorant".

"You're" is a contraction of "you are". Should have learned that in 2nd grade or as you call it, the longest 5 years of your life.

>>>What does North Korea have that
>>>is worth risking a single
>>>American's life over?
>>>Be specific on why we
>>>would invade them for any
>>>reason including a nuke strike
>>>anywhere in the world.
>>>We should bet on this one
>>>but I know you are
>>>not to be trusted to
>>>pay except in Monopoly Money.
>> Your
>It is "you're ignorant" not
>"your ignorant".
>"You're" is a contraction of "you
>are". Should have learned
>that in 2nd grade or
>as you call
>it, the longest 5 years
>of your life.
Bomb's away !!!!!
>What part of this being a
>nuclear-only war is it that
>you do not understand 264?
>There is no invasion, this
>will not be a conventional
>war, no troops, no jets,
>no tanks.

No Jets?

Back Me Off to 1,700 Yards,650 is a Little Close & I'm Not Comfortable with it!

A GUT SHOT at 1,700 Yards will Still Make Some Good BRAGGIN Rights so I Can Say I At Least Hit Him!

This may resolve itself. dear leader ( our dear leader ) last night turned his interest to the real enemy, republicans, CNN and the NFL .

This country has turned into a joke .

Stay Thirsty My Friends
>This may resolve itself. dear
>leader ( our dear leader
>) last night
> turned his interest to
>the real enemy, republicans,
>CNN and the NFL
> This country has turned
>into a joke .
>Stay Thirsty My Friends
Just remember the last 8 years .
"This country has turned into a joke ."

I know. It's un-American for a President, especially a right leaning one, to give his personal opinion. You snowflakes are going to be miserable for the next 3 years. Bummer.

If his opinion wasn't one of a 3rd grade racist you may have a point.

His latest fight with the NFL is doing the job though. how much attention has it drawn from his many failures and the Russia investigation? a lot.

And it gave his chumps a big woody. WINNING!!!!

Stay Thirsty My Friends
>If his opinion wasn't one of
>a 3rd grade racist you
>may have a point.
>His latest fight with the NFL
>is doing the job though.
> how much attention has
>it drawn from his
> many failures and the
>Russia investigation? a lot.
> And it gave his chumps
>a big woody. WINNING!!!!
>Stay Thirsty My Friends
have another swig
>>If his opinion wasn't one of
>>a 3rd grade racist you
>>may have a point.
>>His latest fight with the NFL
>>is doing the job though.
>> how much attention has
>>it drawn from his
>> many failures and the
>>Russia investigation? a lot.
>> And it gave his chumps
>>a big woody. WINNING!!!!
>>Stay Thirsty My Friends
> have another swig

I put the word viag_ _ but I guess it's too nasty,a bunch of f#cken snow flakes
That's for old farts like you and Trump.

A lame response like that proves you know I'm right though. the ntion is more concerned about what their phuking NFL teams are saying about the retard president's words than what the retard president is doing .

That's the kind of ignorance that put a retard in the whitehouse.

This nation has become a joke.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
> That's for old farts like
>you and Trump.
> A lame response like that
>proves you know I'm right
>though. the ntion is
>more concerned about what their
>phuking NFL teams are saying
>about the retard president's words
>than what the retard president
>is doing .
>That's the kind of ignorance
>that put a retard in
>the whitehouse.
> This nation has become a
>Stay Thirsty My Friends

"ntion" don't have another swig.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-27-17 AT 10:38AM (MST)[p]No, I'm like a christian that way. let those people starve they're of no use to me .

So, has Trump improved the situation with NK and Venezuela since he took office or made it worse? clown tricks and 3rd grade banter don't seem to be getting it do they? who would have guessed.

Stay Thirsty My Friends

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