

Very Active Member
Cant stand em....Usually I keep my travel trailer out at the ranch, but when I'm leaving or coming home from a trip I'll keep it at my house in town for a few days. I just noticed that some ahole tweeker from the next hood over has been trying to pry my door open.....I think my dogs barking probably keeps em from getting too serious, but I need some good ideas how to either catch or stop this jackazz.....

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Wait for him on the other side of door with buckshot..


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
Rig it up like an electric fence and wet it down in front of the door,be sure to set up trail camera to see results.


You don't have to be the best,just good
as the best,forget the rest.
I like jp7mag's idea. Of course, you'll end up forgetting it and trying to open the door yourself! Be sure to put up a camera to get photos, no matter who tries to open it.

On the other hand, a 1911 will take care of most tweeker problems!
A pepper spray bomb with purple dye. Then you can follow the snot bubbles to his house and introduce yourself.

Then again, grounding the trailer while you are gone will work pretty good, too!
I like to stab, it's more personal and lets them know you don't mind whats being done. You have to keep your cool and not get to carried away though, one to the hands to make them drop them and then one to the lower belly. Just my way, clears out dopers quik
Hardway, i caught a some tweak freak that was leaning over my front seat searching under and thru the coats and stuff while my wife was getting ready for bed in the trucks cabover camper.

You should have seen the look on his face when he heard me as i bull rushed him!! I hit that guy so square and so hard, he actually flew at least 6-7' thru the air before landing out cold. Then, i really worked him over!! :) His little tweaker buddies came to his aid but wanted no part of me though i offered. They drug him away! LMAO!!

I don't like thieves or guys that make up lies concerning me!! As i get older, i say i'd almost rather not catch a guy as i do fear what i may do to him... don't believe i'd much care for living in jail as compared to where i am. Something to think about...

Motion lights stopped the problems I was having. The trail cam is a good idea too.

You could always leave it unlocked, tie a shotgun just inside the door with a string around the door knob and the trigger so when they open it you don't have to worry about them anymore.... On 2nd thought you better stick with the motion lights or trail cams, then you don't get in trouble.


Bucket of oil, crap, grease and/or whatever you can think of on a trip string before he gets to the door. A game camera would be really good entertainment when he starts hitting the strings. I like the grounding the door too. I wonder if a leg noose is legal? It would be really cool to have one hanging upside down in the a.m. I love checking traps:)

Good suggestions - all of you. Oh hey - here is an even better idea than electrocuting them, dousing them with grease, or even stabbing them. Let's get the government to round them all up and put them in big concentration camps, starve them half to death then march them into these big empty rooms that fill up with poisonous gas and watch through double paned windows as they choke in agony until they convulse uncontrollably and die of suffocation due to lack of oxygen.

Yeah, that's what we should do.

Or you know what, why not even wait for the government to get involved with it, just do it ourselves. Yeah - that's better than calling the police and reporting a crime and trying to rehabilitate someone who has ruined their life by bad choices. Just get rid of them them. That's exactly what we should do.
Great ideas Homer. I like the gas chamber one. I don't think I'd get the gov't involved because a bucket of crap would cost about $100K instead of $4 bucks at Taco Bell. The stabing one is good, but I'd like to see some sort of castration involved. Finger nail removal is good too. Keep up the good ideas Homer.

Oh, a meth user. I thought you were talking about Moosie the nipple tweeker!

I'm with Homer. Leave him a glass of milk and a plate of cookies.


Pray for Obama. Psalm 109:8
stealing is wrong but until you know someone personally (my brother for 11yrs) that has been addicted to this crap, or been in the same situation...its hard to explain.

again I'm totally against what it will cause them to do to get it.

LAST EDITED ON Apr-28-10 AT 06:50PM (MST)[p]>Homer-
>"he who appeals to the law
>against his fellow man is
>either a coward or a
>fool, he who cannot take
>care of himself without that
>law is both"

Oh well then, let's all heed the clarion call of vigilantism! Look - I am not saying you shouldn't protect yourself. I am just saying that what some have suggested is either illegal, murderously dangerous or both, not to mention unethical. Do we really want to advocate that? Look at what muleyman said. Meth addiction is such a problem in this country that I guarantee you 99% of everyone here has been affected by this either personally or through a family member. How would you feel if you were muleyman and people on here were advocating murder of your loved one becuase of the things he or she has to do to feed their addiction. It is sure easy to sit back and say "Hang 'em high!" when you don't know them. Think about the meth addicts in your life? Yeah sure they are probably pieces of scum but do you really want them maimed or dead? Didn't think so.

Besides I think most of the idiots posting these things on this thread are just covering up for their own shortcomings anyway. Maybe they aren't addicted to meth, but I bet quite a few are porn addicts, alcoholics, or worse. Do we want to hook a shotgun up to their web browser so that when they surf porn it blows their head off? Or when they open up their liquor cabinet they get electrocuted??

Get real. And you can all say all you want about this and about me but deep down you know I am right and that like always, I am standing on the moral high ground here.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-28-10 AT 06:58PM (MST)[p]

huh?? are you a meth head? if they are stealing from me, i'm shooting. i dont care if it's your dad homerj, he shouldn't steal from me, common sence really
Yeah well Grand Wizard Killerbee you are shooting for things a lot less serious than just stealing too so - consider the source.
More like he is clowning on himself - he has common sence you see.

He may be a bucktoothbackwoodsgrandwizardracistidiotwhocan'tspellhisownmamma'sname but by golly he has the common sence to shoot someone.

?Men in general judge more by the sense of sight than by the sense of touch, because everyone can see, but only a few can test by feeling. Everyone sees what you seem to be, few know what you really are, and those few do not dare take a stand against the general opinion.? Niccolo Machiavelli
>More like he is clowning on
>himself - he has common
>sence you see.
>He may be a bucktoothbackwoodsgrandwizardracistidiotwhocan'tspellhisownmamma'sname but
>by golly he has the
>common sence to shoot someone.
>?Men in general judge more
>by the sense of sight
>than by the sense of
>touch, because everyone can see,
>but only a few can
>test by feeling. Everyone sees
>what you seem to be,
>few know what you really
>are, and those few do
>not dare take a stand
>against the general opinion.? Niccolo

What the hell was that?

do you even know what you just wrote?
why are you so protective over meth heads? is there a history? was your mom one? are you an illigitamitebornkidfromsomeguybangingyourmomintradeformeth??
Thats it.......I'm just gonna shoot em. Thanks for helping me make up my mind HomoJ.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Got a question? What does porn got to do with this ? you refering to gay porn or straight?

And for the record I love porn!! :)


Seriously Homo J you need to chill out a bit here. I think most posts are a little extreme more as a joke, but I will say this when somebody breaks the law by trespassing and breaking and entering they lose their rights! At that point you don't know if they are armed and a threat to you or your family. If that's the case I don't want to give them the benefit of the doubt regardless of the bad decisions they make. And someone looking at porn in their own home....come on, really? Is that the best you got? Now if they break into my home to look at porn that's a different story.
Not everybody deserves a 2nd chance. Like said above once they cross the line, and get caught on my property trying to steal stuff. LEAD IS FLYING!


HomerJ , Dude, it's only the internet . Lighten up.

From experience I will tell you the story about my 50 year old Brother. He has been a Drug Addict for 30 years. He started with Cocaine then Meth and now on to Heroine . He has spent more than 15 years in Prison . Now I love my Brother and don't wish any harm to him but if He were to be killed while commiting a crime I would have no bad feelings to the poor Person that was put in that horrible situation. How about you start advocating for personal responsibility and the consequences that go along with bad choices.

My new Signature line.

Homer j is a Tweeker.
How about you start advocating for
personal responsibility and the consequences
that go along with bad choices.

+1 tag... Bad choices does not mean that you are above
taking personal responsibility for your actions and
the consequences that go along with those bad choices.

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