U.S. Troops?


Very Active Member
Sounds like U.S. troops might be headed to Turkey. I wonder if the Bush haters will cry foul when it's Obama putting US troops in harms way. We will also be giving Turkey more patriot missles, free of charge, well at least for Turkey. I'm sure the US taxpayers will pick up the bill. I know, I know it's that war monger Bush who is to blame. Go ahead spinners, spin away.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-05-12 AT 05:31PM (MST)[p]We've been sending free weapons to Israel since 1948 is there a reason we can't send some anywhere else?

If Syria actually attempts to use WMD's I know of nobody who would object to US forces halting them. do you understand Syria has WMD's ? real ones, those are different than the fake ones in Iraq.

Apples and Tuesday, but it's your story work it if you must. no doubt Obama's much better war and terrorist takedown record has you a little butt hurt so knock him down some if you can maybe he won't win another reelection.

Stay thirsty my friends
You never heard me say anything about the US giving Isreal weapons. As you stated apples and Tuesday lol. If it was me, I wouldn't send any of our weapons to another country, especially at US taxpayers money. You know of nobody? Well am I nobody, because I object. You mean nobody like you and your puppet Eldorado.

Do I believe Syria has WmD's, well of course they do retard. You are like broken record, and are becoming very boring. Repeat,repeat, and repeat. Butt hurt? For what there smarty? The US killing terrorist? You are a complete fool. And you can stop trying to put words in my mouth, or your belief I somehow hate what Obama has done with terrorism. You sure like talking about peoples butt's, maybe you should pull yours out of Obama's. Somehow, you make everything into an argument instead of a discussion. Ignorance is bliss.

Hey smarty look into that crystal ball and tell me who I voted for.
Here's an article things are escalating over there and it doesn't look promising, but hopefully cooler heads will prevail. Sarin is a binary agent that has to be mixed together to be lethal. It can be delivered by artillery shells, missiles, bombs and more primitive means and it is very lethal. We have 2 carrier strike groups in the region the Eisenhower and the Stennis and some ground troops. The Eisenhower was on its way back.

Hopefully this show of force will cause them to stand down. This has been reported on all the major networks so it's not BS. It was reported on NBC, CNN, CBS, ABC.

****************************************************************Syria Chemical Weapons Readied For Use: Sarin Loaded Into Aerial Bombs Despite International Warnings

Posted: 12/05/2012 8:39 pm EST Updated: 12/05/2012 8:47 pm EST

Syria's military has loaded chemical weapons into aerial bombs and is waiting authorization for their use from President Bashar al-Assad, NBC News and Fox News report.

From NBC News:

The military has loaded the precursor chemicals for sarin, a deadly nerve gas, into aerial bombs that could be dropped onto the Syrian people from dozens of fighter-bombers, the officials said. As recently as Tuesday, officials had said there was as yet no evidence that the process of mixing the "precursor" chemicals had begun. But Wednesday, they said their worst fears had been confirmed: The nerve agents were locked and loaded inside the bombs. [?]
U.S. officials stressed that as of now, the sarin bombs hadn't been loaded onto planes and that Assad hadn't issued a final order to use them. But if he does, one of the officials said, "there's little the outside world can do to stop it."

Sarin gas was most famously used by Saddam Hussein against the Kurdish town Halabja in 1988, which left thousands dead. The nerve agent was also used in a terrorist attack that kill 13 people in Tokyo's subway system in 1995.

Fears that the Assad regime might authorize the use of chemical agents against Syrian rebel forces have grown more acute recently, as the 20-month-old civil war inched closer to the capital city of Damascus. U.S. Secretary Of State Hillary Clinton said on Wednesday that such an attack was possible, warning that "those responsible would be held to account."
It's the real deal in this case , but we don't know if they'd actually do it. the fear of radical forces getting it are as great as Assad using it. it could show up anywhere in the world.

At this point we have no choice but to make every effort to scare him into backing away from the thought of it even being an option. all bets are off as to how serious our threats are if he does. probably more of a war crimes trial issue than a war.

Stay thirsty my friends
You b!tch and moan that we're subsidizing the military world. Then you yee haw about sending them to Turkey and applaud Obama for it. When someone calls you on it you play the Israel card. Dude, you're the biggest two-faced, intellectually corrupt, hypocrite on this forum. Pathetic.

"Obama's much better war and terrorist takedown record..." You're once again pathetic.

FYI, Iraq certainly did have WMD's. How do we know this? Because they used them in the Iran/ Iraq war back in the 80"s. Remember the toxic gas weapons. Nerve and mustard gas used against the enemy and the Kurds. Common knowledge you enlightened jackazz!
WMD's don't have to make a big mushroom cloud, but then I would think someone with your high level of intellect would have figured that out by now.

Who knows, maybe some of those ended up in Syria.

Stay thirsty my friends, keep drinking 440's daddy's koolaid!!!
Maybe you two could split that bottle of Midol.

I don't know why I respond to morons who make such stupid rants but since you amuse me so much why not .

We haven't gone to war in Syria, we wont. we may be part of a UN backed force to shut Assad down like we did in Lybia, remember that? figured not. We can't sit by and let anyone use WMD's on civilians, and at this point all we're out is some hot air.

Obama's record is far better than Bush's on both wars and terrorists taken out. do the math yourself quarterwit, Kadaffi gone without one lost american and Bin Laden and most of his top monkeys toast. Bush got Saddam, that's about it. but he did have those WMD's to use on us......oh wait no he didn't. well 4500 dead americans for one dictator who kept Iran from having a buddy in Iraq was worth it.....wait, is a Shiite run buddy nation better than an enemy in saddam next to Iran?????? oh well... Bush rules!

Yes Saddam had WMD's goober, he used them and destroyed the rest. Germany had the Bismark at one time but they don't now. if Saddam hasd WMD's at the time we attacked them Cheney would have displayed them on the Whitehouse lawn. get it? I didn't think so.

I damn sure don't agree with everything Obama has done , but so far his performance in the wars and on terrorism are more than satisfactory. unless you're a republican, your 2008 loser candidate says Obama should have attacked Lybia and Syria long ago. so you ****** say Obama is too quick to jump in and McCain says he's too slow. whatever, you can't win.

Stay thirsty my friends
LAST EDITED ON Dec-05-12 AT 08:12PM (MST)[p]I do believe something needs to be done, however, I don't like the thought of giving US weapons away. Those same weapons could be used against us in the future. I hear that US troops will be over seeing the weapons, which does make me feel a little better. It sounds like Assad might be trying to seek asylum in several different countrys now, so maybe things won't turn for the worse as far as the US is concerned.

We are getting spread pretty thin and before long we will be having problems with Syrian rebels like we now have in Libya. It's strange when in the past certain people on here talk about getting our troops home, and how our troops shouldn't be fighting other countrys battles,but I guess when it's a cause they believe,totally different story.
You stand on one leg, your left, when you added up that war tally?

Not sayin' Obama is too quick to jump in. My point is Obama is headed straight down the same agenda road that Bush was headed, yet you demonize Bush for it and praise Obama for the same thing. That makes you a two-faced left wing hypocrite. Of course this isn't new to us, everyone knows you're intellectually dishonest.

Whatever the Bush administration needed to justify a war they will either find or fabricate. The Obama administration will do the same thing, and have. The next administration will continue this fine record. Our government is a lie factory.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-05-12 AT 09:00PM (MST)[p]Iran has buzzed the Eisenhower to flex it's muscle and to tell the world they're tough. I can't believe they're pushing the envelope when there's that much firepower in the region and it only makes Israel more nervous. These idiots are playing with fire.

That gas in Syria was more than likely loaded into missiles or artillery shells for portability but hopefully Assad uses his head. Trouble is in that part of the world he knows he's a dead man walking if captured and may just do it for revenge. If he fires a sarin missile at Israel things are going to get ugly quick.

Israel may just decide unilaterally, to end the madness and take out that Iranian facility now to end the drama. They didn't have any issues with taking out Iraq's in 81 and the world didn't condemn them. Now that the world knows whose been behind so many issues the midget may find out just how powerful the Jews can be. Israel can launch from the air, ground and the sea with their subs and overwhelm Iran's defenses. I'm afraid the brotherhood & the midget is going to get a big timeout and big brother is there with all the big toys just to make sure the message gets received. Well Obama did say at one point that Iran would be dealt with by December and it looks like he's done playing games, not by choice by necessity. Looks like one way or the other that enrichment facility is coming off the chessboard.
You all do realize that Turkey is an Ally of the U.S. and we have mutual defense pact with them because we are both part of NATO. Turkey is the single most successful Muslim democracy, it is our only ally with any influence inside of Syria and Turkey is housing thousands of Syrian refugees.

U.S. troops have been in Turkey for years, I spent 3 months there loading pallets of rations and water for operation provide comfort for the Kurds.

We have to help Turkey deal with a failed state on their border where there are radicals taking up arms that make Al Qaeda look like choir boys. Sometimes reality sucks.

LAST EDITED ON Dec-05-12 AT 09:39PM (MST)[p]Syria and Iran are two different situations. the least of Assads problems right now is Israel he's trying to stay in power. there won't be a war with Syria, there isn't anyone to fight just a few desparate holdouts trying to save their azz. if we chose we could end this just as we did in Lybia. what will take his place? that's the scary question.

It's doubtful Iran will be handled with in the next year, but anything is possible. Iran is in a position to deal Isreal a much greater blow than they were last time they crossed paths, and there will be trouble from the Egypt side as well as arabs take position to strike from there since we don't own them any longer. we'll feel it as well all the experts say . yes Israel would prevail with our help, but there may not be much left of it with China and Russia's help in Iran. if you though Iraq was fun you'd love Iran.

War in Iran may be inevitable and the world is ready if time runs out, but I'll bet right now it doesn't come to that.

Stay thirsty my friends
LAST EDITED ON Dec-06-12 AT 00:30AM (MST)[p]Dude you need again to bone up on your facts. You give Obama credit for two, Bin Laden and Kaddaffi and only give Bush credit for one on his watch. That would be Sadaam.

Under Bush's watch they also took out the leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq. Intelligence reports credit him with killing far more people then Bin Laden did. Bush placed him on the most wanted list after numerous bombings and a beheading. American and British intelligence followed his moslem cleric to a house where he was hiding. The American General in charge had a bomb dropped on the house. He was still alive when ground troops arrive and died seeing American troops as his last sight on earth.

That Al Qaeda leader also was given credit for being the terriost that beheaded the American hostage and the video was sent to the press by Al Qaeda. When he did that, Bush gave the kill or capture order for him as a priorty target.

Also the information that led to following the cleric to the Al Qaeda leader was information gained at Gitmo where all you liberals belly ached about the water boarding under Bush, but give Obama a free pass.

Dude, Israel could take out Iran in one fell swoop and destroy their military without even setting one boot in Iran. Israel has enough nukes to take care of Iran and a few other arab countries. They got caught buying nuke triggers about 15-20 years ago and I heard reports that they had purchased around 25 triggers before it was found out about their buying program. 25 trigger means 25 nuke bombs and that was years ago. If you do not think they will use them if their back is put to the wall, then you are one dumb Indian.
Turkey is an alley to the united states, and why do you think that is? Their power and security in the region only comes from being backed by the US. Their leaders might approve of the US, but lots of their people don't. In 1991 when the US launched attacks into Irag from Turkey's military installations the people rioted, and even attacked United States facilities. This went on for several years. Can't Turkey defend its own border? After all they have billions of dollars in US weaponry. If Obama talked about sending troops to the Israeli border some on here would freak out, but like I said before, if it's their agenda it's totally ok. NATO and the UN had its place years ago, but now it's nothing but a joke.
Hey 440, you b!tch about the US funding Israel but you support the US funding Turkey. A nice example of the double standard from the resident two-faced hypocrite muslim sympathizer!

Good job 440!
Triggerdork if Turkey were using our weapons for an occupation do you think we'd be sending them? you're too dumb to converse with.

RELH get serious, Israel cannot just push the button on their illegal nukes unless they want Russia and China to make them glow with the world's blessing. nuclear war is not a tactical option. if there is a war it will be conventional.

You sound just like trigger, just because the jews are the chosen ones in your opinion doesn't give them a free pass with the rest of the world.

Stay thirsty my friends

It really doesn't matter if NATO has outlived it's mission. The facts are that we are still signatory to that agreement and we are bound by a treaty that says we will aid Turkey if it is attack or if a threat to it's national security exists.

We need Turkey in the region and if the Turkish people protest well that is just the way it is. The Turkish government is our ally, period and we are going to support them regardless of who sits in the White House or has control of congress.


NATO foreign ministers agreed this week to a request by Turkey for Patriot missiles to be deployed along its border to bolster its air defenses against potential Syrian threats.

Errant Syrian artillery shells struck the Turkish border town of Akcakale and killed five Turkish civilians in October.
Early Thursday, the German Cabinet agreed to send Patriot missiles and up to 400 soldiers to Turkey to deter the Syrian civil war from spilling into the country.

In addition to Germany, the United States and Netherlands, both of which have Patriot capabilities, have signaled they would be willing to contribute missiles.
"Any deployment will be defensive only. It will in no way support a no-fly zone or any offensive operation," the NATO statement said.

Germany's parliament will vote on the deployment between December 12 and 14, the foreign ministry said.

"The transfer of German Patriot air defense systems, in close cooperation with the Netherlands and the United States, underscores Germany's reliability as an alliance member," it said in a prepared statement.

NATO's decision was made as the fears surfaced that the Assad regime might be preparing to use chemical weapons.

"The Syrian stockpiles of chemical weapons are a matter of great concern," NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said.
"We know that Syria possesses missiles. We know they have chemical weapons and, of course, they also have to be included in our calculations," he said. "And this is also the reason why it is a matter of urgency to ensure effective defense and protection of our ally Turkey."
Nemont you are correct and I didn't overlook them
just focused on the larger issues. Turkey has already set up NATO patriot missiles defenses and should be able to handle it's border. I'm sure they'll play a role on what goes on over there since we'll use the US air base Incirlik which makes operations easier and supportable. In any case they'll probably assist with ground forces & support as necessary. We'll help them because they're a good ally and we want to maintain that relationship.

This can either be real easy or real messy I hope Assad just leaves to make things easy and we don't have much involvement. If that happens and the chemicals aren't mixed they can be easily destroyed. But there may be other sites that have to be eliminated. If mixed things get a lot more complex. They won't mess around with any party coming for those weapons. Where Assad flees could play a part in how all this gets handled and what hardware gets left.

Then we get to see how Iran wants to play it, Hopefully they'll recognize it's over and offer up the facility to preserve peace. If not, things are going to get dicey. They aren't going to stop interfering in Gaza and are still assisting Hamas after the recent attacks. That's not going to fly and everybody knows it's still going on so it's just a matter of reducing their capability immediate and long term. The blustery midget has managed to get himself in a pickle and I think he's going to find out talks cheap and there aren't going to be too many toys left for him to play with if he makes the wrong move. If he makes that move he'll get hit from so many angles he won't have a choice but to yield.

He's going to have to submit and if not they aren't going to play games with him. It will end to send a powerful message to terrorists and the muslim world that peace is the better option. You can fight amongst yourselves but you're done terrorizing the world. It sure looks easy on here but the reality is much more difficult. Hopefully common sense prevails, diplomacy works and all our people don't have to go in harms way to do their jobs and come home safe.
+1 Nemont I replied above and god willing this thing will get sorted out in a peaceful way for us, our allies and the region.
440 this mess has gone on long enough and it will be dealt with and Israel doesn't need nukes to do it, We're in the neighbor hood and I think the show of force will make shorty realize he's done. Iran has people in Gaza planning things right now for future attacks. It wasn't planned to happen now, but it has been planned for months and the big toys are in the region to handle the issue. It makes sense to take care of business before they have a better chance to prepare from a military standpoint.

I think diplomacy will carry the day but there's going to be a cost involved and Iran isn't going to tell the world they're going to kill anyone they want going forward. This could all be over in less than a week and put an end to this BS for good if shorty thinks he's going to rule the day. The worlds tired of this crap and the terrorists need to understand it's over and I think their ability to buy weapons going forward is going to get much more difficult which will eventually defang the beast. JMO but you can only hold the world hostage for so long and I think most countries have had enough.
I didn't say we were going to war but you're being naive thinking that Israel is just going to sit back and let Iran orchestrate their demise. The world knows that Iran smuggled in the military planners & weapons and thought they found the weakness in Israeli missile defenses by the recent Hamas attacks. So I think that's information not lost on Israel. So would you give them more time to kill your people since you know they're planning it? Knowing that you can eliminate the threat now? I see your point but I'm not sure the Israeli's will.

It's going to take a lot of restraint on many parts & assurances but hopefully a diplomatic solution can be found. Hopefully the show of force will defuse the bomb. Maybe Putin will bring him to his senses and things will be fine. He has a lot to pressure him with to defuse things. Russia, China and the US won't go at each other since we all benefit from what's in the region. All parties know what's going on and will most likely work together to get it resolved and if the worst happens the resources will still be there. Putin may be able to get things done to garner some favorability on the world stage and rebuild Russia's reputation. He'd relish that role.

Putin also condemned Obama for the fact that he failed to secure the Benghazi consulate and implied that he couldn't manage things on the world stage. So he's been playing politics for a while now.

If you think controlling the credit card is going to factor into this it may, but Israel's not on the hook to them we are. Somehow I think survival trumps plastic in any game ever played. Hopefully the midget will figure out his aspirations to be a nuclear power may not be in his best interests and will do what's necessary to comply.
There isn't anymore support in Israel for war with Iran than there is here, at this point. I'm not sure why you think they're ready to go for it, they're ready for us to go for it that's all. we're not ready, AIPAC is the stongest lobby in the US but this will be done on our time line.

When and if Iran needs attacked it will happen and there will be a resolution for it. if Dagan isn't worried today there isn't any reason for you to be.

Stay thirsty my friends
LAST EDITED ON Dec-06-12 AT 01:30PM (MST)[p]Here let me spell this out for you. Israel doesn't give a flying ##### about world opinion or probably any other entity thinks when it comes to their safety. Dagan and Netanyahoo have a difference of opinion on things but if things escalate they won't wait. They have the means to take care of Iran without blinking an eye in very short order. Mr. Obama's politics are more transparent than his administration in that regard which also makes them wary of him, which clearly doesn't help.

They simply don't need us or our permission to handle this with or without nukes and you need to consider that. Sure they want our backing but if they're feeling that they're not going to get it or it's not strong enough it's game off. I'm sure your line of thinking will most likely be the course of action but until you've been shot at having dinner for decades in your own home one tends to discount the situation.

It isn't going to take too much to set things off over there right now and things need to cool down and believe me if you think Israel will put our permission in front of their own safety, if or when they think it's time to act, you have no idea of how they think or their resolve.

I think you're probably right, but make no mistake about this, they won't ask permission, beg for forgiveness, care about politics, or care about the worlds opinion, if they feel the need to attack it's going to happen just as sure as the suns coming up tomorrow. The only guys that need worry if it comes to that, live in Iran.
>AT 05:31?PM (MST)

>We've been sending free weapons to
>Israel since 1948 is there
>a reason we can't send
>some anywhere else?
>If Syria actually attempts to use
>WMD's I know of nobody
>who would object to US
>forces halting them. do you
>understand Syria has WMD's ?
>real ones, those are different
>than the fake ones in
>Apples and Tuesday, but it's your
>story work it if you
>must. no doubt Obama's much
>better war and terrorist takedown
>record has you a little
>butt hurt so knock him
>down some if you can
>maybe he won't win another
>Stay thirsty my friends

Looks like you're wrong again dude Sadam did have & used chem. Weapons on his own people he just knew how to hide ?em well?.


Manny, I said he had WMD's, but he didn't when we attacked him and that's why we attacked him. keep up.

You really think Israel doesn't care about the world opinion? they don't care as much because they know our lips are firmly planted on their butt but they damn sure care. they're a nation disliked by 90% of the world living on a rock with 1 billion people around them who want them dead. if the world turns their back on them they're gone simple as that, if they don't starve first the arabs will cut their throat. israel is the most depenent nation on earth, if they're not why the hell are they our largest welfare case?

Europe is already talking halting trade agreements over the illegal settlements. but jews don't care about money do they?

Stay thirsty my friends
"if Turkey were using our weapons for an occupation do you think we'd be sending them? you're too dumb to converse with."

What??? That response makes no sense in the context of this discussion I guess when you've lost the ability to argue your point, then ramble a little and claim the other guy is too dumb to have a discussion with! BRAVO!!!
If you're in a fight for your life the last thing you're going to do is check for backup lights or your popularity rating! They've been disliked by the world for ever so you think that's a revelation to them. You're losing your sense of objectivity and no matter how hard you try they're still the best armed nation in the region. You aren't going to get around that no matter how hard you try. Aid no aid it doesn't matter it's immaterial at this point.

Then figure this into the equation the Palestinians have never been in control in Gaza yet they've been the puppets of terrorist organizations from the start. Currently Hamas and a few others before that. Every member of the security council and our major allies & Nato are all aware of the facts in Gaza. Our allies all decide what to do when the time comes but we both know what that will be. If called upon they'll step up just like we do, today in Turkey and tomorrow as needed to support the alliance.

Then you keep referencing Dagan and I have to wonder what may really be going on. One of the best ways to take advantage of your enemy is to make him overconfident and let him think you're an easy mark or have no idea of what he's doing. He gave his best to his country and most likely still supports them like any patriot. Do the words "By way of deception, thou shalt do war" appear to have any meaning to you, well they do to him......think about it things aren't always as they appear.

I still hope it works out your way, but then that's not up to us is it. Hamas and Iran may have different plans and I can assure you Israel's not going to be a lamb, or sacrifice their people for some thugs that want to kill them just for hate.

Your post makes a pretty graphic case as to why they'll choose to fight. Isolation, starvation, cut throats, death, extermination, boycotts, Jews, money, hatred seems like the only thing missing is the Heil Hitler, and you still wonder why we'll help? You made a good case.
The U.S. is getting ready and it's not so much about Syria's WMD as it is about Jabhat al-Nusra and their allies. Once they have served their purpose and the Assad government is no more, the U.S. will quickly step in and hammer these cockroaches.

The Muslim Brotherhood is not al-Qaeda. Jabhat al-Nusra is al-Qaeda. Syria is not Egypt.

So what's your point?

It's no secret that Islamic fundamentalists are recruited and utilized to implement U.S. foreign policy ( look at Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and now Syria). Once objectives are met, U.S. policy is to then turn on these groups.

Boskee, as long as you characterize all muslims as terrorists don't preach to me for using jew stereotypes. you're more biased than I am you just won't admit it, I say force both sides to negotiate it takes two to tango . you don't go for that because the jews are exempt of world law for some lame azz reason you can't justify.

Stay thirsty my friends
I didn't characterize all muslims as terrorists I referred to the terrorists that wanted to kill jews. There are terrorist organizations comprised of people from many country's in that region. I fully understand the differences and didn't infer all people are terrorists.

It was you that cast the wide net on the extreme level of hatred for them

" they're a nation disliked by 90% of the world living on a rock with 1 billion people around them who want them dead. if the world turns their back on them they're gone simple as that, if they don't starve first the arabs will cut their throat."

Seems like you think a lot more people hate them than I do very clearly. So based on your own figures, how could you possibly get them to the bargaining table with all that pent up hatred sitting across from them?

Peace will never be reached so long as Israel continues to derail efforts to initiate peace talks through divisive acts like building more settlements or dictate with whom it is willing to negotiate with. They are deliberate and part of Israeli policy to impede the peace process.

I would think that shooting rockets into civilian areas would be more divisive in impeding any peace process or negotiations. Good thing you or Dude is not running our state dept. Oops! Obama is bad enough, but with you two, we would not have allies at all, just a bunch of countries trying to stab us in the back while holding out the other hand for money.

Israel was a gift fropm England and the world, from the start England and the world said the jews would have to share. you're never going to get it so lets move on.

Do you think the Germans just woke up one day and said yep, lets get rid of the jews? do some research you'll find it didn't take a lot of selling to get the Germans to go for the idea. jews are not and never were a popular people anywhere but in post AIPAC USA.

Now I can go for helping them out but they have to reciprocate, that means stop running our government and forcing us into losing votes with the rest of the world we have to live with. it is not up to you or I to decide if peace is possible, only an honest effort which is being eliminated by the illegal settlements will determine that.

If you people are so damn good at knowing what will work and what won't you wouldn't be losing bets on presidential elections would you? why you think the middle east is your field of expertise I have no idea, you're following what AIPAC and the bible tell you to think I guess.

Stay thirsty my friends
You tried yet can't seem to grasp it and most likely never will it will never align with your sense of logic, values, or beliefs.

But I'll bet it's in that little book the departing president gives to the incoming one, because the guy in there right now, had to change his view point on things.

You research it long enough you'll gain some perspective but It won't matter with the way you think. We saved them is one factor in the equation but just a small part. Some things are bigger than acts alone. You'll have to lose your prejudice in order to be able to understand it. That doesn't make you bad or wrong it is what it is, and proves you're from a different generation.
440, No that's how you want to twist what I stated to fit your argument. You don't seem to be able to comprehend what's written so you change it to your own twisted meaning. Let's face it 440 you're about the biggest bigot on here. It's you using all those colorful adjectives to describe all those folks over there. Note the smelly arab comment above, Jews love money reference, claiming that Jews need to stop running this country, and a few other colorful examples of your very unbiased viewpoint.

See I went after terrorists when they prey on the innocent. They attack people in all different walks of life for no reason other than hatred. Their victims aren't military targets, targets of opportunity or of strategic importance. They're people shopping, going to work, eating a meal, meeting a friend, enjoying a walk. a child on the way to school, or an older person just enjoying the day. Have you ever looked into the frozen stare of a child or adult whose life was ended for no sensible reason on earth but hatred.

One of man kinds biggest failings is the inability to eradicate these senseless acts of violence. An act designed to do nothing but strike fear and terror into it's victims minds and hearts they carry with them for years to come.

The issues over there surrounding the peace process have been negotiated by people that are much better educated and informed than us and they never seem to be able to get things resolved. The violence & hate always seems to creep back in and things go south. The world, former presidents, and God himself aren't going to negotiate a lasting peace when one of the party's involved has no intention of it working.

If you think the UN is going to have better luck forcing things on them from country's that hate them (your words) you're delusional. 90% of the world hates them (your words) so why would they do things in a fair an equitable manner. Then you post up a forum poll where the guys are holding signs " telling them their days are numbered" and "Israel must be destroyed" are in the picture which supports your viewpoint.

How can one little country so small be hated by so many, How many acts of aggression could they have done to wrong so many? How many folks have they killed to warrant that much hatred? How many acts could so few have done to so many?

Yet they have lost millions of lives, forfeited the majority of their wealth from warfare and yet the fires of their hatred only amount to a small candle light. They've had the means to even the score and totally eliminate their enemies in the region for decades, and yet, for the most part all they seek is peace. Maybe that helps explain one of the many reasons why we've had an alliance with them, a perspective lost on you and the guys in your post.
You're just a more PC biggot than I am, that's the difference. as long as you can call those who argue with your decision as to who's the superior race is anti-semite biggots you don't have to defend your choice.

If what you say is true then it's inevitable the jews will lose Israel. not only can we not afford to go it alone at protecting them forever but no nation in history has survived apartheid. I don't think you're too dumb to recognize this but you seem to be in denial. the jews survival depends more on peace than the arabs does this is an absolute fact based upon simple math.

You didn't comment on their unpopularity in the world directly, might it be their actions earn them disapproval or does the world just have to be 90% anti-semite?

Stay thirsty my friends

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