Uncle's reloading supplies


Looking for advice and someone from Northern Utah to help me figure out what I have. I'm trying to find reasonable values so I can help sell some of my late Uncle's reloading supplies. Proceeds will go to my Mother and his Nieces and Nephews.
Not in a big hurry I'm just trying to help out and respect his wishes. I don't know much about the history of his treasures but someone should be using this stuff. Thanks in advance.




Much of that powder is old and is a PITA to ship, sell it locally if you can. I would group the bullets up and see where you can get the best prices, sites like longrangehunting are good for selling reloading supplies.

Facebook marketplace may be the simplest method. I would estimate 2-3k worth of stuff there just because it's older.
Thanks! He has more including brass, dies, presses, etc.
I'm not ready for the Cat to start the bidding. I just want someone knowledgeable to give me their thoughts on condition as well as values. I wouldn't want to sell anything that wouldn't be safe to use.
That’s quite a collection, there is some great powder like H- 1000, H - 4350. I’m sure there are some great Bullets. I wouldn’t be surprised if he has 20,000 primers. I would try to sell it in one lump sum rather than split it up. I would get an experienced reloadeder and you could weed through it.
What part of northern Utah, just general will work… Like Logan area or like Ogden area?
Send me a PM if that’s better or easier, I or one of my friends maybe able to help you out….
First, Sorry to hear about your Uncle.

I would take a running average and sell everything as a group. Thats a lot of stuff to try and sell and unless you are retired and looking for a hobby to sell individual stuff.

Good luck with the sale! Someone should be very happy with all of that.
honestly if i were you,id bring it to an auction house if your really not interested or know a lot about it. they'd get all sold in lots.

if i were closer i'd love to come rifle through it and make offers on stuff id want to buy, actually sounds like a great time for me but how many times do you want to do that before it's all gone.
That’s a killer table at a gun show…..some of that old crap gets snatched up by collectors now days.

Tikka, when you get done looking it over, let us know if that’s the tallest stack of pistola snakeshot I’ve ever seen.
ksl.com and utahgunexchange.com would both be good places to sell on.

You will get more overall by selling piece by piece but that will take time and be a pain. If you sold everything together to one buyer it would be much quicker but you would probably be giving up 25%+ value

Good luck to you
Supply chains are getting better, but you could have really got top dollar a couple years ago. I’d be wary of buying or selling old powder at low prices, unless you are sure the buyer is knowledgeable and responsible. There are easy ways of disposing powder.
I know the value of what is sitting in my reloading room and I can tell you that you have a small fortune set on the shelves in your pictures. The issue that you will have is that most reloaders have very specific recipes for what they load and normally don’t buy items outside of those recipes. Also like what has been mentioned already some of the older stuff will likely be more difficult to sell. There are powders and primers on those shelves that will be very easy to sell. A good idea would be to get on KSL Classifieds and go into the reloading section and you’ll be able to get an idea on what some of those powders are worth in today’s value. Like others have mentioned two years ago was kind of the High Point for powder and primer prices. If it was me in your situation, I would separate all the unopened new powder and the new primers and sell them separately at full value. After that I would sell all the rest of the old stuff, dies, and bullets in a lots for much cheaper. If you choose to sell it all separately plan on it taking years to sell that much stuff and to find people that would need those specific items. There is a guy on KSL in the reloading section of the classifieds from Springville Utah his name is Joe he may be interested in buying all of your stuff in a lot as he is a reseller of reloading supplies. I hope this information is helpful.
Thanks alot guys.Some great advice given. He had alot of alot of things. My brother and I plan to take our time and work through everything. I will try to post a few things over the next few months to see if anyone is interested.
Here's a wrench my brother found and claimed for himself. Anybody ever seen one?



Yes I have a Wizard, I believe it’s for taking the model A or model T rear hub assembly apart.
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