under performing mathews


Active Member
My monster 7.0 is shooting about 20 fps slower than it should, and I have no idea why. I was at 29" with 400 grains at 63 pounds and I was shooting 303 fps. I shortened my draw to 28" bumped the poundage to 70, and I'm shooting 290 fps. I think I should be around 315 or so with that set up. Not sure what it could be, but I'd love to hear any advice or things to check. Thanks guys.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-07-10 AT 01:46PM (MST)[p]I would suggest that you have somebody that knows how to tune your bow look at it. cam timing is essential to speed with a lot of these bows today. Having improperly adjusted or wrong cables and strings can account for some serious loss in speed. You may have a cam that has an issue or isn't performing properly. Also remember that not all bows shoot to spec on speed. I suspect that a good tuneup should enhance your performance a bit.
I would suggest you at least call G at UAC. He can difinitely point you in the right direction. Hes helped me get my monster to 328 fps With a 411 grain arrow...

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