Union Jacks


Long Time Member
Union jacks get used to whats happening in Wisconsin because it is comming to a city near you. I applaud the people of Wisconsin for not Kowtowing to union thugs. Its about time and I think this is a huge turning point in our country for getting our fiscal house in order.

"I'll admit it, that's hella funny! Good to see you around 202, I wish you would return on a regular basis there's a lot of bruised low lying fruit on here lately. You should be on here on a regular basis especially since it was your political carpet bombing at the campfire that inspired this forum!"
Thank you Forthewall
If you're so sure this vote was about nothing but unions why is Obama leading Romney by 7 points in cheeseland? Obama is anti union now?

Stay thirsty my friends
I wouldn't trust any poll from Wisconsin since the exit polls had Walker and Barret tied or Barret winning. They had 70% for Obama? I think Wisconsin is definitely in play for Romney. Union membership dropped by 50% since the state gave people a choice. Public sector unions are the problem with our economy.
You still haven't provided those numbers on why public unions have ruined our economy.

If you want something funny, Obama holds a 20 point lead over Romney in the state he was governor of. maybe those who know him best know something.

The wingnuts will try to turn this into a vote about unions but the facts like usual don't back it up. Obama will win the state that's supposed to be the sign he's going to lose the nation. really.


Stay thirsty my friends
You need to read another thread where I posted that California was $500 BILLION in the hole on public pensions. You think every citizen owing $36000 to pay for government workers to retire early is a good thing? I will bet you that public employee pensions are the biggest fiscal issue that every state is facing today. I think Romney could win WI if he spends some time and money there. Even democrats voted for Walker so they like what they see.
California is it's own deal, consider them a mexican territory.

I agree the entitlements are very steep, but we've done that to kick the can down the road and pay them less today. typical american plan. you can't hold that against them now because you're a little tight on cash.

Chime in here RELH, you're one of the CA parasites Glen speaks of.

Stay thirsty my friends
Dude if you think public entitlements is just a CA. thing, then your head is again buried up to your A-Hole. You better take a very good look at the same problem in your own state of Oregon. Since you let the libs there have a say so, the spending is following CA.

I have already stated in another post that public employee spending is getting out of hand and needs to be curtailed to a more reasonable level. It's that or the whole program will go belly up. These unions for public employees have used their voting power to influence, or outright bribe politicians in granting their ever wish and went way overboard.

Oh yea, it's better to be a parasite then a Adam Henry like you!!!!!
Sure oregon has programs for public employees what state doesn't. I know quite a few state employees, none are rich. lazy yes, but not rich .

If you mexicans got yourself where you are by paying people like yourself too much don't put that turd in our pocket.

Do you have to back up to the counter to get your check each month? probably not, isn't direct deposit a wonderful thing for a hypocrite?

Stay thirsty my friends
Dude I am sitting here just laughing my butt off at you and the fact you are one of the biggest hypocrites on this forum. I just love the way you come on and spout your liberal side in support of the auto workers union and public employees union, especially teachers. But, we all know you will never support or back the United Farm Workers Union.

Reason is it will cost you money out of your pocketbook if you had to pay "Juan" and "Jose" union scale wages to plow your fields. One reason you support illegal aliens working for you. Kind of hard for them to try and go "Union" on you since they know you would just call immigration and have them deported.

As for those Mexicans you talk about in a condesending way, I have met many of them that I would think they are a far better "Americans" then you are, even if you claim to be one of the "Original Americans".

I believe RELH when he says illegal Mexicans are great Americans, probably happily sings a tune to that effect when he goes to the bank and cashes that government check every month.

No wonder California is such a mess.
If I paid the mexicans union scale I'd have to pass that cost onto you and it would cut into your Geritol and crack budget, not cool right?

I wish I could have some of them deported, who do I call?

I never said I like unions, I said I support the right to unionize. as far as farm worker unions go you mexicans keep it amoung yourselves down there .

Stay thirsty my friends
I can settle this one. Make right to work a federal law and see how many workers in the public sector choose to pay union dues. If it is like WI they will lose 50% off the top. Let every public employee make the decision to quit and see if those jobs are not filled in a NY minute.
Piper, you still dumber then a fencepost and failed reading comprehension. I said "Mexicans" not "illegal Mexicans". For your information there is a high precentage of Mexicans in this country that are citizens.

I was right about Dude not supporting any farm worker union as he said to keep it here in this state. Just proves he is a forked tongue speaking hypocrite when it comes to his own wallet.


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