Unit 19 Sheep Success


Active Member
I was fortunate to connect on a 175 pt. Bighorn late on opening day in Unit 19. My son from NYC was there when I made a nifty one-shot kill on the running ram. We had been chasing a 180+ pt. ram most of the day, but he gave us the slip by crossing onto private land. I decided to take what the Ram Gods had given me, and hiked my tired old body off the mountain.

We hunted with Elk Mountain Outfitters and they did a great job putting me on the ram. This likely is my final sheep hunt. It has been a grand adventure.

That is a beautiful ram. The kind that we all dream of, congrats. Great overlay on those horns, and an awesome cape. Mike does a great job for his hunters. Were you in the max. point pool? He does have some private land issues, but he calls it his ram factory and waits for them to come across. You made a good choice on your ram and outfitter.
I entered the 2016 draw with 20 NR Sheep Points, one less than the maximum of 21. I had been going Stone Sheep hunting in 1995 and could not afford the time or money for two sheep hunts, and so did not apply in Wyoming that year, not knowing that they would be implementing a preference point system. So I have always been one point behind the maximum class.

The two NR sheep permits in Unit 19 this year went to two of seven applicants with 20 points. I am glad I drew when I did. I exercise regularly and keep my weight down, but the march of time has somewhat sapped my stamina. As Jack O'Connor once said, it is best not to 'Stay too long at the Party' while climbing the sheep mountains.
Good for you HT

With all the stats you share with us over the many years----You certainly deserved that dandy Ram!


LAST EDITED ON Sep-04-16 AT 07:13AM (MST)[p]If I could pick out the sheep of my future, he'd look just like that one! Congrats!
Do not give up on sheep hunting just yet, you may not have any points but there are always raffle tags. Don't be discouraged by the stalk taking longer due to age, it's not a race. You did your homework, applied and waited your turn, and took a great ram. The old dog showing the younger ones how it is done. Congrats. again and thanks for sharing your experience.
Well done sheep hunter!
You did it up right, HT, and you should be proud of your accomplishments and your fine trophy!
LAST EDITED ON Sep-06-16 AT 02:22PM (MST)[p]>Good for you HT
>With all the stats you share
>with us over the many
>years----You certainly deserved that dandy

I totally agree, Robb and even though HT and I have now drawn and successfully hunted the majestic Wyoming mountain sheep, I hope that HT will continue to share his insight and statistical knowledge with us. It's something I really enjoy and look forward to.

LAST EDITED ON Sep-06-16 AT 02:06PM (MST)[p]Beautiful ram. Congratulations
Always enjoyed your yearly point information and insight.

Congrats, great ram. I have been on three hunts in 19 with friends. Many big rams in that area.
Congrats Mr. HT!
Few Wyoming rams ever grow bigger than yours. He is a brute and to have your son with you is a bonus that can't be beat!
My Wyoming ram came on my son's 18th birthday and he was at my side and filmed whole adventure. Those are memories that never fade!

Well done

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