Unit 22 3rd season- 2016


Long Time Member
I am planning on drawing this tag next year. I could've drawn it this year but the season was a week earlier than in 2016 so I waited. I will be going in blind and want to start my research now. Google earth only offers so much info and from my New Mexico deer hunt this year, doesn't give that accurate a picture of the terrain/cover. I was wondering if anyone has pics of the area or pointers for hunting that area in CO. PM me if you'd like. I'd really like to make this hunt a good one and am hoping to find a buck in the 170'ish range if possible. Anyone hunt it this year? Was there a good fawn crop? Did you find many mature bucks or were there just a lot of 2-3 year old bucks? ANY info would be great and very much appreciated. Thanks in advance. If you'd like to send pics, you can email them to [email protected]. Thanks so much.


Cancer doesn't discriminate...don't take your good health for granted because it can be gone in a heartbeat. Please go back and read the last line. This time really understand what it says.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-03-15 AT 09:09AM (MST)[p]Lots and Lots of oil operation going on. Lots of OTC elk hunters. We will be losing a huge chunk of this unit as the shell oil lease sold to a private owner who won't allow public hunting.
See the NW shell oil lease topic a few down in this forum
I too was looking into 22 for a late hunt, but the shell lease kind of scared me off, based on some of the comments from the local experts here saying a lot of the best hunting grounds would no longer be available. I am curious if the experts here still think 22 will be a viable hunt going forward?
Anyone assuming they will draw Colorado, based on last years draw odds, could be sadly mistaken. The Colorado season dates will have everyone trying to cash in this year and I suspect it will take several more points in every unit to draw this year.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-03-15 AT 07:54PM (MST)[p]>I too was looking into 22
>for a late hunt, but
>the shell lease kind of
>scared me off, based on
>some of the comments from
>the local experts here saying
>a lot of the best
>hunting grounds would no longer
>be available. I am curious
>if the experts here still
>think 22 will be a
>viable hunt going forward?

With the Shell lease gone, hunting in 22 will change dramatically. Signs are posted and trespassing fines will begin January 1, 2016. Things are changing and not for the benefit of us hunters.

"Courage is being scared to death but
saddling up anyway."
I am betting it will take 9/10 points for the 3rd season. I find it hard to believe that the loss of what i am told is about 10,000 acres will dramatically change the hunt. I know it is prime country....feel free to put me in my place ;)
>I am betting it will take
>9/10 points for the 3rd
>season. I find it hard
>to believe that the loss
>of what i am told
>is about 10,000 acres will
>dramatically change the hunt. I
>know it is prime country....feel
>free to put me in
>my place ;)

It is more like 22,000 acres of total lost land. 19,000 in the lease and direct access to around 3,000 public acres that I am certain will be cut off as the owner owns the road. Having hunted this unit since I was 15 the real issue will be pressure in the unit. I can easily say that the 20,000 acres lost supported some of the highest game densities on public lands in the unit and as a result some of the highest hunter densities. In a typical day I would estimate at least 200 deer and elk hunters were present on that property, when the migration was right and the animals were stacked into that area there could easily be twice as many.

The other big issue that will come from this property depending on the outfitter is how hard will it be hunted. It is prime country and a place where animals can stay year round. If it becomes a sanctuary then the hunting in the surrounding pubic could get extremely difficult (for example the elk hunts around Craig and the RFW programs).

Sorry but loosing 20,000 acres of prime hunting grounds will have an effect. It will also have a rippled effect across the unit where hunters are displaced and now looking for new grounds as their old honey holes are inaccessible.

It is not all doom and gloom, but it is just another obstacle that will change my families hunting for ever. At least for the time being there is almost no new oil and gas activity.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-04-15 AT 02:09PM (MST)[p]Any links to a map of this huge loss? Is it the Cathedral Bluffs/upper Corral Gulch area that shows as Shell Oil Leas SWA on the big game atlas? Thanks in advance.
>AT 02:09?PM (MST)

>Any links to a map of
>this huge loss? Is it
>the Cathedral Bluffs/upper Corral Gulch
>area that shows as Shell
>Oil Leas SWA on the
>big game atlas? Thanks in

Yes it is all that purple are on the atlas. Not the color of the state owned land etc. But the purple grey that is labelled Cathederal bluffs lease, along the 21/22 boarder about mid way north and south in unit.
>Thanks. That is over 25 square
>miles! Heard it may join
>RFW in the future?

I am not sure on the RFW. Rumor has been spread that this might be the case. If it does go RFW then the unit will get really messed up. I will keep everyone posted on the RFW issue as it will be one I will fight.

RFW is designed to encourage landowners to tolerate large herds and in return they get special hunting privileges etc. Since this ground is not farm and hay fields I do not see why they would need anymore incentive other than the exclusive hunting they already have.... I have not put it all together but it looks as if the Four Feathers Ranch is going to a really rich guys playground as a result I hope that the state does not approve the RFW as the property was bought and is going to be used as a hunting ranch first and cattle second.

I will keep all posted. RFW is a joke and hurts hunting wa more than it helps.
As a local, who's grown up in around the unit. The loss of the shell property has completely killed things for my will to hunt in unit 22. I have better options now days in other units. Killed my first buck in 22 on the shell property and it will always hold a special place in my heart.

What is the update on the sell of the Shell Oil lease? Did that go through and it is a done deal that portion is off-limits now for hunting?
Dang! Glad I logged in today and read this thread.

The only time I have ever been on a Colorado hunt was in Unit 22 3rd season with my son 4 years ago (2012). Due to a family emergency we were only able to go the last couple of days. We had never been there and had only looked at maps. We arrived in the middle of the night and had 1 day to sorta figure things out. The only thing we figured out is that there were more oil tankers than hunter vehicles. My son took a very small 4 point on the last day, but it was a memorable hunt nonetheless.

I have 11 NR points and my uncle and another son each have 10 NR points. Looks like we will need to figure something else out now. What decent 3rd season hunt will 10 NR points get us? Does Colorado round down to then next whole point number?

So, will the 3rd season of 2017 be Nov 4th - Nov 12th?

Sorry for possibly taking this thread in a different direction.

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