Unit 2B Weather Report


Active Member
Looking To Head Down around Aug. 10th to Scout and Looking for Someone Local for a Weather Report Before Driving 15hrs and Not Be able To Travel the Roads. I Know Its Early to Say Now but, Figured waiting till the Day Before Will Be To Late.

Thanks for Anyone's Help
I just drove though area around Navajo reservoir and dirt roads where in good shape but between now and when you get there things could change......from my experience it can be hard to get around when dirt roads are really wet.....good luck !
Dont go in there with out chains PERIOD... Trust me on this been hunting this unit along time i know it inside out and you wont get far with out them even with a big nice truck and mudders you will get stuck.
>Go to http://www.tirechainsupply.com/truck-chains.html
>You can pick based on size
>of tires....they are reasonable and
>if you get bigger tires
>later you can buy the
>components to expand them.
>Make sure to tension well
>so they don't do damage
>to your vehicle. 2B can
>be treacherous....it gets bad when
>it rains for multiple days
>in a row. Check
>this site for info on
>recent rain.

Awesome. Thank you Sir
This is my tire clean....the other picture is the first day of the hunt. I run mudders and needed chains to get around that day. Its not always this bad but you need to be prepared. Fun hunt good luck.


My 11yr old Son Drew Youth Mule Deer Rifle Hunt. First Tag My family has Ever Drawn in the Past 20yrs of try for NM. Defiantly New Country For Me so I Appreciate All The Help Guys
I have the same tires on my chevy and i thought they would handle the 2 b mud better then they did (i know better) ! they got so caked i could not even get my dam chains on after i needed them (another i know better) this was back in may just cruising around what a nightmare.

Old mx pelase be prepared i tell you from exp even the tow trucks wont go in to get your ass . and the oil guys dont like to be bothered much on their routes ...... take chains , shovels and a highlift and that will be a start not gona say you will be set but its a start.. Another word dont even attempt to take a trailor in there if it has rained or is going to rain in the recent days of your hunt . this unit you have to plan around that stuff because if you go in and its dry if it rains before you come out you wont get out they are that bad
My Plan is to Take a Small Trailer (6x8) and Set up Camp in Area We can Hunt out of if Needed. I don't Think I can Go with out a Trailer so I will Defiantly Have to Figure out Something on this Scouting Trip
LAST EDITED ON Jul-27-17 AT 07:41PM (MST)[p]That's because it's a Ford. Getting stuck was the least of your worrries! Lol just messing with you.
We have hauled a trailer in there when it was dry and had weather during the hunt. what you will have to do is haul it out early in the morning when the roads are still frozen. All the gas guys chain up as soon as they leave the black top. Very nasty mud !
I've Defiantly Taken Note of that Option But, Being the Hunt is in October I Would Assume There's a Good Chance that we would not see the Temp's needed to Pull That off.
But, Defiantly Noted. Thanks
I was there last year on the 3rd rifle hunt.It rained the day before , heavy, and almost all of opening day.I hunted out from the Simms , and did see plenty of deer but the mud even made it hard to just walk, it caked on the bottom of my boots and every so often had to clean em.My lower back was sore after that first day.The second day, we chained up and drove about 3 miles off the hwy , parked and found deer, killed my buck around 9, and about 12 on the way out it was a muddy mess like Ive never seen! When we got back to the camp ground people were pulling out and a few stopped to talk/look at my deer and said the mudd wasn't worth the problems and were leaving....Weak hearted maybe, but some people who were not prepared for the mud....Chains, , shovels,a jack if ya have or can borrow and Id even say take in a few 3ft planks of wood and throw em in the back of ur truck as they dont take up any room yet can help get a tire going...
These were from this past weekend , a guy I know was out looking around and shared these....The rain there is serious and all them little canyons turn into muddy rivers!
If the clouds break and sun comes out it drys to where you can drive within a day or so...as long as its not a constant rain every few hours , that mud has no bottom....
Lets see some pictures of the bucks taken out of this unit.. I haven't hunted the 2s in a few years

I see humanity now as one vast plant, needing for its
highest fulfillment only love, the natural blessings of the
great outdoors, and intelligent crossing and selection.
Luther Burbank
>If the clouds break and sun
>comes out it drys to
>where you can drive within
>a day or so...as long
>as its not a constant
>rain every few hours ,
>that mud has no bottom....

Good to Know. Still a good Bit of time before My Planed trip but, Still a lot of rain in the forecast Too. Defiantly hate to Wish against Rain These Days so just going to hope it all Works Out.

Thanks again for the Update
I have the late rifle hunt in November in 2B. I've never been there. These horror stories about the mud are definitely making me raise an eyebrow. I'll go prepared. I had hoped to take a trailer, but we'll see. Thanks for the insight, fellers. Best of luck!
Have the late rifle hunt this year. Buddy plans to take his toy hauler in.Been there in the rain, had to chain up all 4 wheels and stop regularly to dig mud out of the wheel wells. The other party in our group found the truck overheating on the way out. Their trailer wheel wells filled up with mud and the wheels stopped rolling. The truck was dragging the trailer. We ended up removing the mud with shovels and our hands. And stopping regularly to remove more mud. Serious shat indeed.
Don't let the horror stories discourage you. Go prepared and enjoy the hunt. Chains are a must on all four, when in doubt put them on. Stay on the main roads and you'll be ok, even with a trailer. If the weather is real bad, park the trailer at the camp ground at the lake. AS for the youth tag, park at the locked gates and walk in before light, should be able to find a deer, plenty there year around. Don't buy into all the migration hype. Maybe one day NM will grace me with a tag again I sure love that unit. Good luck.
Try your chains on at home to work out any of the bugs and make sure they fit properly. Make sure you have clearance on the front rocker arms and all brake lines/vacuum lines..etc.

I also carry a small tarp to get down on when putting on the chains. Nothing worse than kneeling or laying in the mud then jumping into your truck.

Take a roll of tie wire and pliers. It's easy to loose the rubber tensioners and tie wire can also be used to tie up any loose areas or in case a link breaks somewhere.

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