Unit 33 Late Coues


Active Member
I just got a call from AZGFD that I am next in line for the late December Coues tag in unit 33. Initially when I applied I had hoped to have some time to scout before the season, but now that the hunt is only a week away I won't get time to run down.

Is it worth picking up this tag? I had 8 pts going into the draw, it usually take around 9-10 to be guaranteed. I will be brand new to hunting the area, and brand new to hunting Coues Deer. I would have roughly the 20th-30th to hunt. I'm not looking for a giant, just a fun hunt.

Any insight any of you have would be greatly appreciated.
Good Lord, yes! If you get the tag please send me a PM and I'll happily point you in the right directions. I just spent a week down there on the late Nov youth hunt and I feel the Dec 33 tag is the best Coues tag in the state (unit and season), though G&F does give out way too many tags if you look at all the seasons combined. I have quite a bit of experience in the unit and would love to help you out if you get the tag. Not many guys get a second crack at a tag this good. Best of luck!
I'v been fortunate to have that same hunt 3 times. My advice to you is to take it and don't look back. I'm not sure if I would consider it a trophy hunt anymore because G&F issues waaaaaay too many tags for that unit but it is a really fun hunt. Not uncommon to see 50 deer a day and 5-12 being bucks. Make sure you have good glass, tripod and lightweight chair. I would make the comparison between 33 late hunt and 12aw early hunt. I've done both multiple times and they are very similar experiences with one being mule deer and one being WT.

Get a lion tag. Only time I ever glassed them up was on this hunt.

Good luck and have fun!
I personally wouldn't use 8 points on that tag. 33 has more tags than any unit in the state. Quality is way down from what it has been in the past. It's a fun hunt, just expect to see very few older deer.
Good Lord, yes! If you get the tag please send me a PM and I'll happily point you in the right directions. I just spent a week down there on the late Nov youth hunt and I feel the Dec 33 tag is the best Coues tag in the state (unit and season), though G&F does give out way too many tags if you look at all the seasons combined. I have quite a bit of experience in the unit and would love to help you out if you get the tag. Not many guys get a second crack at a tag this good. Best of luck!
Hey there. Im trying to find a respectable mature buck. Staying in Oracle. Been hunting south and eastish. Day 6 of 11. Please shoot me some advice. Not seeing many bucks. Hiking in pretty much daily. Thanks. Scott PM me
Hunted hard, and saw 50-100 does a day, but never did get an opportunity. I only got a glimpse of a good buck, but he was a long way away, and over the top of a giant mountain before I could think of making a stalk. Other than that I saw mostly yearling bucks. Fun hunt in cool country though.

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