unit 45 deer


After several years I finally drew the 45 buck tag. You hear the unit has dropped in quality over the years but big bucks are still available. What should my expectations be and what is the best time to hunt? Never shot a 4 point so that's my goal. Also if someone could pm a good starting point or areas to look I would appreciate it. Thanks

Be able and willing to walk a lot. Hunt every day of the season that you can. Do some pre season scouting on the north end of the unit. The quality has dropped but there is still some good deer here. Good luck!
If your goal is to just shoot a 4 point it should be a good 1 hour hunt for you, and a waste of a great tag. I have been on the unit twice with a couple guys with tags and I probably saw on average 15 4 points a day. most were 140-160 bucks. I'd definitely take every day I could off during the hunt and hold out for a 180+ buck until the last day I had to hunt.

PM me if you still need a good place to start looking, others on here probably have better spots but I can share info that I have.
Just a question and not to be a smart A like a lot of guys on here.
If you put in several years for one of the best tags and your happy with any 4 pt why not pick a easier unit like 54 or 55 where you can draw a lot easier and still get a 4pt.
It doesnt matter to me I've never put in for 45 in my life.
Do you live there or is it easy access? Never been in 45 before just heard good things and know how hard it is to draw, good luck hope you get a buck of your dreams
Weather will move the deer in there. If it gets rainy the area is very hard to access....mud.

I hunted it one year took a 193 typical. It snowed the week before when we scouted it, bucks everywhere....got warm the next week and when the hunt started we saw very few bucks. Then it started raining for the next week and a half, no access.

Get in there when you can. Find a high spot and glass a lot. Get in shape, it looks flat but that is some tough walking out in all that rock.

Be picky, if you look at a lot of bucks you will find a beauty.
It will be the easiest, and best hunt you will ever have. Have good boots though, the rocks are a #####. Don't pickup hunt that unit, lots of small hidden canyons. You will have a great time. If you get weather, you will have an amazing time.
>If your goal is to just
>shoot a 4 point it
>should be a good 1
>hour hunt for you, and
>a waste of a great
>tag. I have been
>on the unit twice with
>a couple guys with tags
>and I probably saw on
>average 15 4 points a
>day. most were 140-160
>bucks. I'd definitely take
>every day I could off
>during the hunt and hold
>out for a 180+ buck
>until the last day I
>had to hunt.
>PM me if you still need
>a good place to start
>looking, others on here probably
>have better spots but I
>can share info that I

pm sent
Horn growth this year is awesome here. Its a good year to have a tag for any of the 45 hunts. There should be some big deer taken this year!
Went out scouting yesterday and found some deer. Hiked 6 miles and saw 7 does and 2 bucks. Hope i can find a 4 point by the opener.

Did you draw the archery tag or the muzzy? Either way the tag has tons of potential and im sure you can turn up a good buck. 4poibts are going to become second nature to you so be picky! This could be the year you kill the biggest buck of your life. Good luck
LAST EDITED ON Jul-07-13 AT 10:55PM (MST)[p]Please don't blast the first 4 point you see. I am all for one shooting what they are happy with, but I almost guarantee you will be unhappy with yourself in 5, 10 or 15 years down the road when you realize what kind of tag you had. There is a reasonable chance that you will never have a tag of this kind again.

Set your sights a little bit higher. Don't be afraid to post up scouting pics showing your putting the work in, and then asking for help from some on here that are experienced in that unit.
I drew the rifle tag 10/15 - 10/31. I went out again yesterday and found a few small bucks and some does. I was over by Dempsey creek and hiked 7 1/2 miles according to my Gps. I will continue to hike and learn the area. If anyone has any pointers for me i would appreciate it.

I have never hunted the unit but I just glanced over the F&G map of it. 45 is not a high elevation unit.

Let your glass do the hiking. I hope your not just sprinting around and beating the brush. Find the highest part of the unit that's not on private property and glass there this time of year. I would be surprised if you turned up a monster as the big bucks are in the high country right now. I saw several yearlings and young bucks at 9500 feet 2 weeks ago not far from unit 45.

Later in the Fall when we get weather and the deer migrate from the north down into your unit, the 4 points should be a dime a dozen.
There are a lot more resident deer in there than you think. The big migration may never come so find some big boys now. They are there.
Yeah I just looked at his season dates. That'd be some serious ground to cover for the monsters to be down in there by Oct 15-30th.

With such gnarly odds to draw 45, I don't understand why they don't even get to hunt the rut. Maybe there are enough resident bucks in there to not need to hunt November, beats me. Lots of private property for them to hole up in?
look low until there is snow. All the resident bucks eat green grass down in the private bottoms. Find them when they leave to go back to bed. Later if there is snow, well you will be happy.
My 68 year old father also drew this tag. I have been scouting a few times and turned up alot of bucks so far. I will gladly take you and kill a 4 point on opening day if that will make you happy. If anyone has some info on a good spot to get my dad what could be his last trophy buck please pm me. Thanks
>Yeah I just looked at his
>season dates. That'd be some
>serious ground to cover for
>the monsters to be down
>in there by Oct 15-30th.
>With such gnarly odds to draw
>45, I don't understand why
>they don't even get to
>hunt the rut. Maybe there
>are enough resident bucks in
>there to not need to
>hunt November, beats me. Lots
>of private property for them
>to hole up in?

Because fish and game feared that they were killing off all of the older big bucks from the surrounding unit's in November.

If I had this tag I would be scouting my ass off every weekend. BUT, I wouldn't get my heart set on any particular buck because there are 40 tag holders who will have first crack at it before Oct 15th. Also if you find a buck in the north part of the unit there is a good chance they'll move by the 15th. Especially if we get an early storm. If you find a desert ghost in the middle of nowhere you might have him to yourself; but in the popular spots, remember the 40 other people looking too.

If you are just looking for a nice 4 point, hunt the last week of the season and you'll have no trouble. You should have plenty to choose from. Good luck and have fun.
I grew up in that unit and it will be a great hunt. There are resident deer in the unit and they can be found now. However, if I had the two weeks to hunt, I would try to locate a shooter now and wait until the last week of the season before I chased him much (just check on him from time to time because people will move them around a bit). The deer migration happens in that unit (even at low elevation) much earlier than most people think and in most years regardless of weather. The weather just forces the bruisers down there before the last week of the season. Good luck and I hope you will post some photo's of the buck you take. Let me know if you aren't seeing much and maybe we can meet up and find one or two for you to look at. That's the only way I ever get to hunt the unit, by helping others.
I also drew a tag for this unit. I have never hunted it, just heard about it. I am very flexible during the season and plan on hunting most of the 15 days. I am looking for my once in a life time buck. If anyone wants to help point me in the direction where to look I would appreciate it. I'll cover all the expenses I just need some local help. Let me know if you want to look for a big one!
I have been putting in on the unit 45 hunt for 11 years an finally drew on a group hunt with my dad. I am very eager to hunt this area, however, I leave near Idaho falls and won't be able to make a ton of scouting trips due to time and my archery elk hunt. If you are willing to show someone a few good areas I would truly appreciate it. I would even be willing to compensate you for your expenses(gas, time) if you would be interested or know of someone who might be please feel free to contact me. Thank you
I drew this tag for archery elk. I am up there every weekend. If you see a gray tundra flag me down and say hello. I will gladly exchange info with you on any mulies I see. Would appreciate you reciprocating with elk info.
be careful helping people you don't know and taking any compensation for it!! fish and game cops can be sneaky! seems like a lot of fishy offers on this thread
How did your hunt go? Do you mind sharing a picture with us? I hope you got that four point you were looking for, but I bet you did better than that.
>be careful helping people you don't
>know and taking any compensation
>for it!! fish and
>game cops can be sneaky!
> seems like a lot
>of fishy offers on this

Perhaps you can help me understand the legalities? Is there a difference in paying for a buddy's gas and paying for someone's gas whom is willing to take time out I their day to help you familiarize yourself with a new hunting unit? I wasn't offering to pay him to take me hunting or set up a camp site, simply stating that if someone is willing to be kind enough to show me around I would feel a moral obligation to at least pay for his gas, and his lunch.
I just realized how old this thread was! I guess I can't help out a guy from a 2013 hunt, lol.

Sorry if i came off as a jerk there! I've just heard of a number if situations where f&g officers have acted like normal guys with a good tag asking for help. They get a guy to help them shoot a buck and then offer to compensate them for their time. IF the guy who helped them get a buck takes the money, boom, busted big time! As far as helping with a little food and gas i would like to believe that is perfectly fine, but i've heard they could consider that compensation for guiding and nail you for illegal guiding. anyways, I don't know all the facts but these are things i've heard and seen happen. i know you didn't mean anything by your offer so i apologize if i came off as attacking you personally. take care!
So my son my wife and I have all drawn unit 45 buck tags I am looking for any information as far as where I can find out private property on this hunt
Hopefully you don't end up in the same area as the original poster, he couldn't find any decent bucks and he never came back apparently....
Well I hope that's not the case. I'm thinking we will have some nice pics to share. We are trying to fill three tags. First two we see are going down then the third will be used looking for a toad.

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