unit 70?


Very Active Member
This was the first time I hunted this unit, but I think it maybe in the hurt for a few years. I seen 400-500 does and no bucks. Not even a small yearling buck. I ended up shooting a descent buck but I doubt I would be putting in for this hunt for a few years. The future big bucks are not even there.
My question is this unit always have high doe populations with few bucks, or did this unit take a toll last year like =southeastern utah with no fawn survival from last year?
This unit was on fire several years ago, both in quality and quantity, but has been in a steady decline. I used to see 200-300 deer a day, with some nice shooters, especially in the basin. Even the private land seems to be suffering as well. The Elk though are doing well.
I was so unpleased after 3 days I left and came back to Phoenix. And I was planning to stay the whole Hunt. Saw 2 small bucks at 200 yards 3rd morn. could of shot . really bad. Yes private is suffering too, From what I heard up there. Only saw 2 dead Elk in trucks and they were raghorns. 3 Days of glassing never saw an Elk, glad I didn't get suckered into a tag.. First time there and will never go back. Been to Montana 3 times ,no problem solo. Been to Wyoming twice. No problem . Been to New Mexico bout 10 times ,no problem. Colorado has Problems they need to address.....BULL!

The one buck I seen. Hope the unit ends up getting better in a few years. I would like to hunt it again.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-10-19 AT 06:02PM (MST)[p]That is a great buck....

only a Californian would put a Colorado carcass tag on the horns....lol

Looks like something I'd do.....and I like the string....

Thanks, cantkillathing! You too!! Sounds like we both kind of had a similar hunt, after I shot that opening morning we didn't see another mature buck all hunt. But I don't think we were seeing near the numbers that you were seeing.
The group I know just got back from their hunt in 70 and 71/711 and did pretty well with the Elk, 6 bulls and 4 cows , all in 70. Deer numbers were definitely down, with only 2 of 8 tags filled.
The units are hurting for deer.
I just got back from Unit 70 today. My third time hunting it and each time it just keeps getting worst. Only saw a few bucks in eight days of hunting. Out of five guys that have all hunted the third season once before we ended us with one medium four point and once last second small buck. We all could have shot forky's but to burn 4 points and drive from Oregon we were looking for a little better.

Here is another question about this unit. I hunted it the first time around 2006 and it was awesome. Three of us took bucks between 160 and 180 and I saw 25 bucks the first day. Someone told us it was a four point unit up to that year. Can anyone confirm if this is true? That could be part of the decline issue.
I have seen this unit fall apart in the last 10 years. We own some land and a home in the unit and not only are the total deer numbers down but the quality is horrible. I have never seen giants in the unit but right now we don't even have mature bucks. Very few deer over 3.5 years old. Tag numbers keep going up and HF and EO keep listing it as a unit to kill 170 class deer/it is not. I know people want to hunt for mature bucks but this is the wrong unit for that. State wide there is a point creep but if you look at this unit it is in a points decline and there is a rest for it. A unit 70 tag is a meet tag at best.
Yes, where we usually camp was taken as well as our back up place so we ended up by the power lines. My cousin has the big red truck I think it's a dodge. I drive a maroon ford F250 super duty diesel. We had two big wall tents there.
Sad to hear about the decline there. About 2012, I met a guy in a diner in MT who said he had property in 70. He showed me pictures of 3 bucks that came off of it in the prior two seasons. I couldn't believe the size of those 3 bucks. Always wanted to give that unit a try... This seems to be happening everywhere.
Calls, my son and I were in a Dodge Ram. Dark gray. Saw you guys everyday. Had to leave Saturday, so took a respectable (if there is such a thing) forked horn. Saw him Tuesday hanging around that pond about 1/2 mile north of your tents. He was still there Friday morning. Bad mistake for him.

Did you need a special permit to camp there? PC
Yep I think I remember seeing your rig around and I was wondering who left the gut pile at the pond:) Glad you got your buck! To be honest camping sites were in short supply so we just picked a spot and set up camp and figured the worst that could happen was the gas company came along and asked us to move. If we draw the same year in the future we'll have to meet up!

Sounds like a plan to me! I've thought about buying a landowner tag so I don't have to wait another 3 to 4 years but with what I've been seeing and hearing I don't know if I can part with the money for this unit. Probably have to wait the 3 to 4 years to go back.

Sorry for the slow response and question. You said it only takes two points now? Is that for residents or because of increase in tags. For NR this year four points was 100% and three points was decent odds if I remember right. Just curious why the two points.
It has been tough the last several years so less people putting in. My son and I had three points. I have three friends that drew with two. They were the ones in the dark Tundra. They hauled a quad back, and took turns hunting out of that. Mexican dudes. Great guys. PC

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