unit 73 74 antelope


Very Active Member
Ok heres my dilema.My nephew who is a youth and I both have 3 points.My other nephew also a youth and my wife have 2 points.
Going into the draw we would all go in with 2.5 points enough for all of us to draw 73.Lots of tags given in 73 and I have to coach my nephews and wife during the hunt.Dont know if we would be able to fill 4 buck tags.

Unit 74 has less tags but no chance of drawing with 2.5 points
So that would mean my nephew and I would hunt for 2 bucks while my other nephew and wife would hunt for does.Next year they would hunt for bucks.

Gonna try heading up there first week of October.And hunt for a few days

All input appreciated on past expierinces in these units.
Willing to trade info here in NM.PMs welcomed
73 & 74 bucks are comparable, same types of habitat and probably the same genetics. As the crow flies, the areas aren't that far apart. We deer hunted 34 a couple years ago during the last week of the season. When we were hunting the lower half of the area, there were a lot of goats out there and we never saw another hunter. In fact the only hunters we saw were in the north half of the area and I think most of them were either chasing deer or elk. So I guess it just depends whether yer all wanting to hunt together or split up as you noted.
I think if you have 3 to 4 days to spend in 73, and everyone could shoot out to 200 yards+ it can be done. I work and travel in and around that area a fair amount, and there are a lot of goats around there.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-22-13 AT 11:44PM (MST)[p]If you're willing to make it an annual thing, I would have 1 buck hunter at about $280 and the rest with 2+ doe tags at about $40 each. I would stretch the shot distance out to 350+ yards though.
We filled 3 buck tags in 73 two years ago in 1 1/2 days. we saw over 100 bucks the 1st day. You will have no problem getting them filled. we went the 1st weekend in Oct. and saw 2 trucks all weekend and 1 was a rancher. we killed 3 of the 6 biggest that we saw. If you want to shoot a 12-13 inch buck you will be done wiht all 4 as fast as you can bone out 4 and get them in the cooler
"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Thanks for the info.Both my nephews are good shots and have killed big game before.They are working on thier stalking skills, reading the wind ect,.Sounds like a fun hunt with lots of action.
This will be our first trip to Wyoming if we draw.
You can do two regular tags and 2 special tags for 74. Hunted there in 2011 the last 3 days of September and had the place to ourselves. The unit 90 deer hunt opens on Oct. 1st which will bring some hunters in.
Good advice Norcal. This is what I would do as well, go to 74. If you are willing to spend the extra money and go special on 2, you should get 4 nice respectable bucks and you will have a blast.
+1 on 74. Less tags, less hunters, bigger goats, better hunt. Sell something, pop for the special, and hunt 74. Good luck.

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